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Posts posted by templeofninpo

  1. Unless you're using tes4edit through MO. Then it puts the backup in an 'overwrite' folder and I had been making a habit of just deleting those. A learning process... It was good. Inspired me to get NV ready for making a mod.


    The only 'darn' part is I was looking forward to having it done by saturday and now it will still be a couple weeks-ish.


    And that said, I made the 'moving lights' but the colored torches (with flame removed) were visible... Can a torch be used without a mesh?

  2. So... I'm making a mod that uses Unique Landscapes Imperial Isle and I started working on using a farmer from that mod to incorporate into my own mod (just north of town and west of the prison). I save. Upon reloading CS (and CSE) will not load my mod.


    I internet search and see that there are issues with using assets from parent .esps (oh the modder learning curve) and that I may be able to fix it by using TES4Edit. I removed all reference to the farmer from my mod and obviously pushed a button that I shouldn't have because now, even though the CS works I've inadvertently stopped all generic greetings.


    Is this fixable? Oh, and of course my only backup is two weeks old. Maybe its for the best. the mod I learn how to make quests on kaputs so the next one I make will be more refined. We'll see.


    It feels a bit urgent only because I am wary of putting any more work into it until I know it can be recovered.


    I'm experimenting with TES4Edit now.




  3. Does every modder find out you're not supposed to alter NPCs from .esps the hard way? I added script involving a farmer from Unique Landscapes Imperial Isle and suddenly the CS (and CSE) stopped loading my esp. I fixed it through tes4edit but flailed and now all of the farmer's generic greetings are gone. It seems the only fix is just to make him a quest and give him my own... anyhoo, cheers on the assistane.
  4. really appreciate this. Surprised it took so long for me to find it.... sort of the 'external' modding process--- data mining. Anyhoo, cheers...

    And I want to make pink fireballs, but the magic effects only have spare 'summon' slots so only cast on self...

    And if you haven't played in a while, Cinematic HUD really makes dialog look sharp.

  5. Ok, making a color oriented mod, but the CS will only let me have flame colored fireball FX.


    Who would know how to script/add a clone firedamage effect but pink? There are extra summoning slots but they do not give options besides cast on self when editing spells.


    Is there non-fire-colored torch flames in Lost Spires?


    How do I edit the 1st-person texture (and conventional texture) for torch fire. I've changed the light color (the torch is actually a 'light' object) but can find no textures to replace for the fire itself.


    Also, any ideas on moving lights? I tried an invisible NPC but their 'soul' still show up.


    Again, also, have you tried Cinematic HUD yet?

  6. What do I have to learn to be able to make this building into an object that can be manipulated in the NVGeck?


    Do you have any ideas how I could construct a facsimile?

    This is the legislative building in Victoria, BC. Mine will be post-apocolyptically dilapidated.

    My experience with NifSkope is that I ran it once and looked dumbfounded at the screen for a few moments.


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