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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. Is that the actual load order? It doesn't seem to have been properly sorted via LOOT, and there's no bashed patch.
  2. I don't understand the question of a way to load the mod into Skyrim. Just download it and install: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24543
  3. The quest is for the newer version of Morrowloot. This one: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66105?tab=files That Morrowloot has an esp file named MLU.esp, so your version is different and I wouldn't know how that one works. In this version, you need to finish a quest, then be able to only craft a daedric item at a specific forge at a certain time of day.
  4. Glad to know someone likes the general idea. And I think the post dawn-guard quest-line certainly adds something to it, even more so if the player sides with Harkon. After all, if the vampires won why would there numbers start dwindling? It gives an ominous setup for those interested in the role play/story of it. But there should also be a quick option, if like me, one has played the dawnguard DLC to death and just wants the power. That part shouldn't be too hard. It should be possible to add a patch that just adds a world event where you either encounter a battle between reapers and vampires (should even be easier to just have it come across a battle aftermath with bodies of both reapers and vampires in the wilderness somewhere) and you get to loot a note with instructions from Harkon to investigate a certain place where they believe the reapers are coming from. Basically it becomes a dungeon mod with an additional feature of extra surface encounters. Me I just like more quests. LOL.
  5. ^What he said. The thing that's actually wrong here actually is you shouldn't be even able to build Daedric Weapons with Morrowloot installed, so something is conflicting with it. So seeing the Daedric weapons in your crafting menu is the error. You shouldn't be able to.
  6. Good idea on using the reaper strain. For the quest, you can trigger it similar to Dawnguard Epilogue which is triggered after you finish Dawnguard. A few days/weeks later you get a message from either Harkon or Dawnguard saying they learned of attacks by a new strain of vampires. The events may be that they're attacking the vampires, or they've started attacking humans because the vampire numbers are dwindling due to increased power of the Dawnguard faction after the quest. Then you get a quest to find out where they're coming from and all that, then end with a boss battle against a vampire alchemist who experimented on vampires either after he and Harkon got into a fight and he left Volkahir.
  7. Try looking into this. It doesn't seem like the videos show the sheathed idle stance. Oriental Swordsmanship Animations: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70108/
  8. So if I were to go through NMM's Mod Folders and delete the mods that I don't want, that may fix it? Depends on how the file was setup. If it overwrote something than NMM cannot reenable. Uninstall the mod first and see.
  9. Yessssss, exactly! I want to have both characters accessible at any time. I would really love to know how to do this if you can fill me in. Many thanks! You can do it using Vortex, MO, or MO2. Theoretically you can do it with NMM, but that feature of NMM was clunky and it sometimes crashed on me. I have since migrated to Vortex. I just know it's possible with MO and MO2, but I don't have extensive experience with either. Basically just make a profile, then mod it. Choose in the settings to keep separate savegames and game settings for each profile, this is great so you don't load stuff by mistake. Let's say you did the male character first. When you've done it, simply create a new profile then enable it then mod it. Depending on what profile you have enabled, that's the mod loadout that's going to be active when you open up Skyrim.They say it's okay if you open Skyrim via SKSE outside of Vortex, but I tend not to do that and go from inside Vortex. One caveat though is depending on the mod loadout, you would install multiple instances of the same mod, but just set it as a different version, so basically it will take up 3x the size of the mod download (archive, version1, version 2). This occurs most often in the case of patches. For example if in your male playthrough you have ELFX with the Hardcore option, but for the female you want to use the ELFX Enhancer version. That means you'll install ELFX twice. This can be done simply in Vortex. Just hit "reinstall", then the mod manager will ask you if you want to install a second instance or replace the previous installation. What I did to streamline the process was basically made a "base" profile. Essentially your "ideal vanilla", a mod profile which contains all the mods set up in the way you want to happen across all your play throughs. Like maybe you set it up as the survivor type. You want all playthroughs to have Frostfall and Campfire. Then I just clone that base profile, rename it, then put on the additional mods I want. Also, to make things easier, Vortex has a "migrate from NMM" button for you. You can start from Gopher's videos on how to use Vortex. One thing I would mention is installation is "slower" than NMM. After you install a mod, it still has to deploy your load out. You can just install continuously. Install, wait for deploy, then install. You can set it in the settings to turn off autodeploy though. And just manually deploy at the end of your installation. PS: I forgot to mention, when I say mod the profile, I mean toggle the mods enabled and disabled. Enable the ones you want, disable the ones you don't. DO NOT UNINSTALL.
  10. Are we actually talking about Oblivion? Because this is the Skyrim section. Or did you mean Skyrim and just mistyped?
  11. Do you want different mod loadouts for both characters? I mean I currently I have 3 characters with varying mod loadouts done via Vortex. You want to achieve something like that?
  12. NMM won't get that feature because NMM is dead. Development has stopped. Team has moved on to Vortex now. Also, bad idea. That's basically installing mods willy-nilly. You have no idea if the required mod breaks something in your current mod build because you wanted a mod that relied on it and it was just automatically downloaded without you reading the stuff.
  13. Depends on what you intend your game to be, but it's not always the mods that run up the plugin counts. Most of the time it's patches.
  14. How are you installing? Manually or using a mod manager?
  15. That's why you pair it with something else. For example, I think it pairs nicely with Deadly Combat Lite, since that is essentially the streamlined version of Deadly Combat and it still contains the scripted AI improvements by Deadly Combat. In fact, the Deadly Combat author recommends pairing Deadly Combat Lite with Wildcat.
  16. I believe you can edit those things in the Wildcat MCM menu.
  17. I have used True Bound Armors and haven't experienced your problem. Not sure why that will trigger it though.
  18. Nah it's fine. But the only difference really that now you have to pay more because the 3 DLC isn't bundled anymore. Your guide may help those who would pinch pennies for the game. Also the links to the DLC are available on STEP site too.
  19. Adding new enemies have been done lots of times. It's not really a question if it can be done. It's only a question of whether anyone will take the time to make hollows textures. Then make a new spell that's not in the levelled lists usable only by that creature and call it Cero.
  20. As I've been rebuilding a modlist for a new playthrough this past few days, I realize that whatever else they do, what would probably make me most happy is raising the plugin limit from 255 to something considerably higher, like 500+.
  21. Suzumushi - Probably can't be done simply because of how status effects are made in the game engine. Blindness doesn't really turn NPC's blind, and AFAIK there's no status effect for hearing you so they still detect you. Wabisuke - stacking speed debuff on every hit I guess, culminating in paralysis. Probably difficult though. I've remember only seeing stacking combat effects in massive combat overhauls. Tenken - get a giant, texture some armor over it, turn it into a summon. Of course it doesn't follow your movements though. Kyouka Suigetsu - Keep it simple. Trigger the spell, cast 100 blindness on everyone around you (doesn't really blind anyone, just turns their enemy detected parameter back to zero) then also activate uninterrupted invisibility, basically killing/attacking doesn't break invisibility (there's actually already a mod that does this in Nexus).
  22. Depends if you want to actually make it work like it does in Bleach. You can achieve this by using them as Greater or Lesser Powers. For first stage Zenbonzakura Bankai, controlling it's movements would seem difficult if not impossible to do with the engine (it's simply not built that way). One way to do it is create a variant spell of the Blizzard Master Spell. Retexture it to use a pink color, then change the swirling ice particles to pink sakura. The third stage is essentially a one hit superpower sword that can only be used for one time. You can set it to using the Power would create a sword shader effect, making your sword glow white, then have an effect where you get angel wings and a halo on your back (kind of looks like the mod More Draconic Dragon Aspect). Make the effect be deal 400% damage on next hit, usable for one day. The second stage is the most difficult to do I think, but based on the master level skill you get from the mod Path of the Anti-Mage, it's possible. You can essentially recreate that skill but change the effects. That skill essentially creates a domed area around you where mages can't cast spells and gives you buffs. In the same vein, the second stage could be creating a bound area around you where trying to leave would deal damage (texture the dome to look like a dome of pink swords), and within the dome you get buffs. Note I don't have the time to actually make the mod. LOL. And I don't have access to a rig right now where I would even consider mod making something like this on. Some guys can look into these suggestions to making this mod though.
  23. I just had to share this. Found a link on reddit as I was looking around for Oldrim mods to put on my older laptop since I won't have access to a desktop for a while. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22777/?
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