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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. I too found master difficulty too easy. I ended up with Deadly Dragons + Dragon Combat Overhaul + SkyRe + Sands of Time + SkyTEST Predators on Adept difficulty. Way more difficult than vanilla Master.
  2. You can rename them in NMM, Just click the mod to highlight, then click again. Just don't do it too fast so it won't register as a double click.
  3. Basically that's it. You can move the in game camera independent of the character anyway. All you need is a base save (vanilla) which is backed up, add a mod, then record it, and have a recording of the same thing in vanilla. The comparison and transition effects are a simple matter using programs like Adobe Premier and After Effects.
  4. No. He means Mod Organizer. It's a similar program to Nexus Mod Manager, but handles mods differently, allowing you to use profiles with different mod builds for each profile. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/
  5. You can shoot yourself with an arrow to the knee. Kidding. But yeah, more quests is good.
  6. Even if an Ice Age is coming, Presence of the native wildlife of Skyrim was there before even the world started getting colder, and the fact that mammoths were there stipulates that it has been cold in Skyrim from the start. Sentient races discovering the first snow fall on the Throat is also not an indicator of elapsed time before snow first falling. Unlike earth, sentient races populated the world even before the lesser creatures. All the sentient races of the world of Tamriel were descended from the beings that created the world in the first place, thus sentient races actually predate the world. Plus the origin of the White Phial is not from "the first snow fall". According to legend, the Greybeards were on the Throat even before the Unmelting Snow came there. In fact legend says they're responsible for it's formation. Second, climate does not work in Tamriel the same way it does in the world because of magic. For example, if we follow actual climate patterns, Cyrodiil should be tropics. In fact, it was once a Tropical jungle. However, the change into a temperate climate is not due to the world getting colder, but by direct interference of a Divine (Talos), who transformed it with his power. In this case, even if an Ice Age is approaching, it would not be due to a climactic shift but rather interference of a power equal to that of a Divine.
  7. In real life, the sound is also much higher when you face it than when you turn your back to it. That's the design of our ears actually. Even if we often don't notice it that way.
  8. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1592053-how-to-ask-for-help/
  9. I don't think that would work unless you have the mods required to make her look that way, or install a mod with stand alone data files for the textures of the character. Those aren't vanilla assets, so you can't make them in character creation unless you have the required mods, and transferring the save won't work if the PC doesn't have those mods.
  10. Oh ok. I haven't seen the vanilla DB cowl in a couple of years to use with it. Lol. I run a DB armor replacer.
  11. I prefer that because of the conceal identity feature actually, not the looks.
  12. I just use a black one of these: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33391/?
  13. There is no such thing as "best" mods or ENB. It's all preference. For example, some people want skimpy armor and uber powered characters. So the best mods for them are those that give that. Me on the other hand are more of immersion and difficulty mods. ENB is preference as well, as in Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I don't use one. What kind of set of mods would you like anyway?
  14. So the only change has been a new video card? That's probably the culprit. Don't how to do registry edits to try fixing this without reinstalling though, If it were me I'd just wipe the Skyrim installation using the STEP revert to vanilla and reinstallation guide, then rebuild the mods.
  15. Even if it's a gaming laptop, it's still not as good as a gaming desktop. But even on gaming desktops, depending on build, ENB can hit you up to 30FPS.
  16. I had a similar problem last week. Fixed it by one by one removing the mods from the latest installed, until the game didn't crash on main menu. I redownloaded that mod and reinstalled it, and everything got fixed. Probably a corruption somewhere.
  17. Mod list and specs. Happened to me 3 years ago when my video card was breaking, but hopefully its not that.
  18. How about removing the mod that broke it in the first place an reverting to a save before the mod was installed?
  19. Run TESVEdit. Then just click ok on the preselected mods. It will throw up a cannot load error when it tries to load causing CTD.
  20. I use Touring carriages and I seem to remember freezing to death on the ride from Dawnstar to Winterhold.
  21. Screenshots usually have been taken with mods that not only alter skin textures, but also normal maps and other things to beautify the character.
  22. For darker nights, I use Realistic Nights. Way better than CoT in terms of darker nights. Then I couple it with Moon Phases Affect Brightness at Night. The screenshots on the link I gave were using ELFX. Since well, your concern was over brightness in certain areas, that mod/SweetFX preset fixes it. That's what I use myself, with my own little tweaks on contrast and brightness.
  23. ^Each to his own I suppose. In my case I prefer ELFX+PureWeathers over the RLO counterparts. Anyway, you can try adding SweetFX to the game and Imaginator to better control colors. You can use this with whatever combination you decide: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554/? It's adjustable in game so you can tweak it til you get it right.
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