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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. The spells are doable. You just have to find someone who is willing to do that. Or just get a mod that adds more master spells. Apocalypse for example adds several magic spells to all ranks and schools. It has 10 new master destruction spells. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16225 There are already mods for changing the master spell casting animation or making it shorter. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18893/ I don't think making master spells one hand is possible due to how the master spell mechanics is laid out in the game.
  2. Replace the Populated series with the Genesis series from the same guys. AFAIK it's more resource friendly. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87446 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87043
  3. Read the instructions on that mod page. That mod needs other mods for it to work. The wings require the mod Animated Dragon Wings, which in turn requires FNIS. If you also choose the flying option, you need to install either the Flying Mod Beta or the Real Flying Mod, which also needs a patch. That mod won't work without those other mods, and will crash because of missing masters.
  4. This is SE right? I missed if you said it specifically, but I do see skse_64 in there. Try running the performance monitor thingy program for Skyrim from Nexus and see your results.
  5. You got a lot of texture and visuals stuff. What's your rig?
  6. I think the question here we should be asking you is what is the resolution of the screen you're playing with. I mean it's pointless if you have a 2k monitor since using 4K textures would just have the system unpacking the texture to 4K, then going, oh s#*! the screen is only 2k, let's dumb it down to that. Basically just a waste of processing power and space since 4K is what, 4x larger than 2K? If your screen isn't 2K, the improvement could be nonexistent, or even negative because the system shat on it while recompressing.
  7. First off, get as a courtesy, even for personal use, I'd advice, to inform the author. That's just me, but I think it'd be well appreciated. Also, it's nice to start a correspondence in case during the course of your modding you might need to ask for some resources. Second, look through this instructions (it's a guide to make from scratch): http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 In my view, it looks you'll need to create an entirely new pauldron mesh, so the above instruction probably would work.
  8. Shouldn't be NMM be pointing to a specific folder? So unless you for some reason installed your GPU drivers to your NMM folder, the NMM shouldn't even see them right?
  9. I achieved a stable build of 300+ mods on Oldrim on a mediocre laptop before including heavy mods like Frostfall, SkyRe, Sands of Time, etc. It was a lot of work and trial and error on what mods to use, but it's achievable. That bit was what convinced me to put off getting SE now when I decided to come back after a few years. I found the mod build I want in Oldrim due to the sheer number of mods. I'd think I'd rather just not deal with having to go through the whole experimentation process again with SE. With TES6 on the horizon, seems like investing in SE for me now is less of a draw.
  10. It's not the load order why people are asking to see your mods. It's WHAT mods you have. The load order can be entirely fine, but if you have mods with conflicting scripts firing at the same time you can crash.
  11. Thanks. i'll look into those. I looked into ImmersiveAFT and it seems Follower Mod is newer with more compatibility: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78935
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81976/
  13. Thanks. I'll look into that. What about the other mods? You have recommendations? As I'm building along it seems I have to find replacements for them. For example, OBIS hasn't been updated for the patches needed for updated versions of things like CCOR and IA so I'm removing that.
  14. Is this the SoT Mod? Yeah, if not configured properly it could get wacky. I was walking beside Heljarchen one time and it spawned like hundreds of bandits around me as far as I can see, and College of Winterhold was under constant attack by draugr. Anyway, depends on what you want from the mod. The same authors has lighter less wacky mods named Genesis and the Populated series. These are more stable AFAIK since they focus on one thing each mod.
  15. Okay, so I just decided modded Skyrim would be the best thing to go to instead of an MMO if I just want to kill time since I actually never bothered to finish all quests and there are a ton of quest mode anyway. I'm looking at making the game quite difficult, but still lore friendly, and quite immersive. I a pretty mediocre laptop (can run the game well on high, but we know mods to make it more demanding so I'm playing it at medium). I used to have mods centered around SkyRe then added new items and quests. However, SkyRe has been abandoned, and PerMa hasn't been updated in 2 years. Plus they're just cumbersome with the patchers. I was looking for a perk overhaul that I could combine with the following mods that I'm carrying over from my previous game and updated to their latest versions. If you have more recent alternative suggestions, that's fine too. Note that I am using Oldrim. If you would suggest getting SSE, I don't think my current rig will be able to do that + mods. It's just a laptop with 4th gen i5 and an Nvidia 720m 2GB. I'm thinking maybe Ordinator? So to the list of mods I have used before and plan on using again, plus what I'm considering adding: Breezehome Elianora Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim Caranthir Tower (well I used the old one, but this time I'll load the Reborn one) Heljarchen Farm Helarchen Hall Reform AC Proudspire Manor Blue's Honeyside Morskom Estate Carpenter Chests for Hearthfire Raven Nest Vindrel Hall TNF Convenient Horse Herding Convenient Horses Deadly Dragons Dogs of Skyrim Dwarven Luggage True Wolves of Skyrim Useful Dogs Feminine Females Lightfoot Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed Dance of Death Aesir Intrigue Tyr Deadly Trio DreamBurrows Assassin and Huntsman Dwemer Goggles and Scouter Immersive Armor Mages love Dragon Priest Masks Audio Overhaul 2 Immersive Sounds No Sneak Attack Sound Roosters at Dawn ETaC Expanded Winterhold Ruins ImpeREAL Falkreath Oblivion Gates in Cities Smelters for Riften/Solitude Solitude Docks District. Trees in Cities Cloaks of Skyrim CCF Face Masks of Skyrim Fur-Lined Skaal Clothing Set JewelCraft Skyrim Peasant Fashion Winter is Coming Deadly Combat Lite Combat Evolved Genesis Horsemen Mounted Combat Proper Aiming SoT Sleeping Module Better Stealth AI INIGO Seductress Serana Sofia Hjakhtraevarr Tomb Molag Bal's Inferno Lost Wonders of Mzark Secret of Dragonhead Temple of Blackrock Enhanced Distant Terrain Eternal Darkness Interior and Dungeon Fog Remover Killing Traps Lanterns of Skyrim Moon Glow No Snow Under the Roof Skyrim Performance Plus Supreme Storms Traps Make Noise Specialized Followers FollowerMod or AFT Physics Impact Damage Fix ESO Skyshards Drinking Fountains of Skyrim Achieve ThatAlternate StartAlternative Crafting SystemArs MetallicaAI limit increaserHigher Bounties for CrimesImproved Dragon ShoutsIncreased Bounties and Guild RewardsMorrowlootPredator VisionProject UltimatumiNeedReduced Gold Rewards for QurstsSoT Horse Riding HazardsStarting Spell ChoiceThieves Guild RequirementsTrade and BarterWerewolf MasteryDB for good guysESF CompanionsImmersive College of WinterholdShadowmarksEEONatural EyesSuperior Lorefriendly HairBook Covers SkyrimBOYDCamps Refugees of SkyrimFrostfallCoints of TamrielELFXFires HurtFCOGIldergreen regrownGDOHold Border BannersImmersive Dark DungeonsImmersive NPC in the darkImmersive Soul GemsImmersive Spells and LightImperial MailLore Based Loading ScreensMoon Phase Affects Brightness at NightNo Psychic Lock KnowledgeRealistic Room RentalPoint the WayPumping IronReal ShelterRealistic NightsRun For Your LivesSubliminal TrapsPaarthurnax DilemmaWatchtowers RebornWet and ColdBandolierBelt Fastened QuiversEK Ring LimiterEli's Coffee ModHelms and CircletsMage BackpackOblivion GatesHD ShrinesGrass on SteroidsLegible Road SignsAcquisitive Soul GemsCombat CasterApocalypseCandlelight ToggleDeadly Spell ImpactsFred the RisenResistance Restrictions RemovedTrue Bound Daedric ArmorsInns and TavernsScarcityStorefrontBlacksmith Storage ChestsHearthfire Multiple AdoptionsRS ChildrenRent My HouseEnhanced Blood TexturesUltimate Spinning ArrowsNotice BoardGems of SkyrimImmersive StablesProvincial CourierDelphine and Esbern wears Blade ArmorGenesis UnleashedInconsequential NPCInteresting NPCMultiple floor SanboxingNPCs Protected ReduxOBISPopulated DungeonsPopulated TownsPopulated FortsPopulated RoadsSkyrim NPC OverhaulBetter VampiresCrime OverhaulEpic Gameplay OverhaulInhabitants of SkyrimLock OverhaulMoonlight TalesCCORDisparityTiming is EverythingWAFRBlood on Ice ReduxConan Hyborian AgeCutting Room FloorDwemertechOblivion RealmsShadow of MeresisChoice is YoursSneak ToolsLiving Takes TimeThe Forgotten CityA Matter of TimePaper World MapAtlas Map markersBetter Dialogue ControlsExtended UIEven Better Quest ObjectivesBetter Dialogue ControlsBetter Message box controlsFace to Face ConversationsHotkeys PlusplusImaginatorImmersive HudLess Intrusive HudSIMSkyUISometimes Pickup booksTake NotesFootprintsPurityDB Armor and Weapons OverhaulImmersive WeaponsImmersive ArmorsDark Elven Thalmor Equipment Obviously the simpler ones gets merged and the others get bashed.
  16. Well it would help if you told us what exactly you already installed, instead of just saying you need help. Also, I would assume that the unmodded version would play just fine with no issues?
  17. You don't have any "other" mods, but you didn't even mention what mods you do have. Get iNeed.
  18. There are several SEPARATE mods that do those things you want. I don't know of a single mod that does that.
  19. It depends on HOW you want the game to be modded. Do you want more difficult battles? More realistic/immersive world? More missions/lands? You can't really have it all, and "best" depends on preference.
  20. 5. learn how to install mods manually, free yourself from technical slavery and emancipate your mind with knowledge. you didn't actually read the update notes did you? it only gave you 3 options 1.have nmm update and reinstall all your mods 2.update and reinstall your mods manually 3.do not use nmm anymore.(downgrade) oh ya and this is a general discussion thread where i wanted to post it to "discuss" this issue cause i was wondering if anyone else was pissed off at having to reinstall all their mods again. Just out of curiosity where did you think this post was supposed to go? I'm guessing you ALSO did not read the notes fully. The new NMM requires a new folder structure to allow it to do mod profiles for particular save games/characters, much like how Mod Organizer works. The old NMM installs the files directly to the Skyrim Data folder. The new one does not. Obviously, a reinstall is required.
  21. The last time this happened to me, I just uninstalled the last mods installed until the options appeared again, and reinstalled them one by one to see which one causes the problem.
  22. I suggest get Live Another Life mod, and just forget the Dragonborn bit and start somewhere else. Like a new arrival via ship at Solitude as an undercover Elf agent.
  23. Desktop or laptop? You can run high settings as long as you don't have mods. I used to run 300mods on medium on a laptop with 1st gen i5 2.4Ghz, 6GB RAM and AMD 5640 HD Mobility.
  24. The problem here is the lack of graphics memory. Your graphics chip will be using your RAM as well for memory, then the RAM needed to play the game as well. So you'd really have to pic and choose your mods here. Nothing with enhanced/HD textures and the like. Lowering resolution will also help in decreasing problems.
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