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Everything posted by chanchan05

  1. So I just had a Win10 update yesterday and NMM decided to just keel over and die whenever I try to uninstall/install/disable a mod. It opens up fine, the game runs, but I am in the process of building for a new playthrough and basically whenever I try to do something with the mods the thing just chokes and dies and eats up 1.5GB of RAM and rising just to try to uninstall/delete a 30kb mod (during one of my tests). Since I was rebuilding the mod installation anyway, I just decided to nuke it. Uninstall Skyrim and everything, reinstall NMM from the latest version on GitHub from 13 days ago, but no go, still does that. Which lead me to conclude that it's Windows. I downloaded Vortex and did a little test there, using ETaC (200mb) and Achieve That (30kb) for installing and reinstalling, and it works fine. Note that I haven't used it and then ran the game yet. One thing I noticed though was that if I use the file drop feature on Vortex to transfer the archives I have already downloaded, mod categories and version numbers aren't read. They're just blanks. Is there any way to have those details copy over too? I tried using Import from NMM but apparently that only imports the existing installation. Would have probably worked if I installed Vortex before I nuked my install but meh, done is done. EDIT: NVM. I found the guess function thing on the side panel.
  2. This? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33502/ Although it might be more recent mods add this feature too. Also, you might want to install Morrowloot Ultimate and Scarcity. It makes things that are supposed to be rare actually rare. With those, you probably might not find Ebony until you meet the Ebony Warrior. At least that's the goal. EDIT: Found the newer one: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55677/?tab=description Adds tempered and enchanted items to enemies.
  3. The perk works. You're just not blocking the arrow. Crouch and block to reduce the archer's target size and hide more of your body behind the shield. Or actually move to intercept the arrow with your shield. Obviously if the archer is to your side, the shield is not facing it so it won't get blocked. Or use mods with bigger shields like Kite shields and stuff. A mod like Spellsword is also an option. You can enchant your shield to cast a ward spell whenever you block. The ward spell pretty much covers you.
  4. What is the location of your Skyrim installation? Use this guide to fix Skyrim installation: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again
  5. One way to do an easy test: Backup your saves, make a new character, ideally with Alternate Start. Use the I'm camping option. Then fast travel or go anywhere with a load screen. If it CTD's, it's a mod/load order problem. If it works fine, then it's your save not playing well with the new load order. Anyway, personally, I'd just tell you to not add any mods mid game. You should start with all mods you want for that playthrough installed from the start. Your save game could be trying to load data that has changed reference numbers because you added a mod in game. It referenced that detail and it didn't find it, and the game just said F it I'll go back to desktop. If this was a texture issue, the texture would just be missing, so maybe it isn't.
  6. Post your load order, or at least your graphical mods. You can also try to disable ENBoost to see if that really is the culprit. You can also install IMAGINATOR mod to control the lighting in game.
  7. Modders do need to update their house mods there are a number of things you need to add to allow it work (idles, references etc), including references to Hearthfires, so if you have any house mod that doesn't require Hearthfires as a master you know it will not be combatible. Is there any mod left that hasn't been updated? to support hearthfire? I'm pretty sure I haven't seen one since like 6 years ago, but then any that's not updated is probably buried somewhere in Nexus and not that easy to find.
  8. Maybe you want to post your load order then.
  9. That picture actually seems too bright to be ELFX, as if ELFX isn't working. Check this out: That's how ELFX is supposed to look like in Riften Jail and Inigo's cell.
  10. That means moving the beggars out of their faction into the possible followers faction, adding new lines, and possibly breaking quests since some of the beggars are tied to certain quests. Even the make follower spell can break quests.
  11. iAFT has make follower spell: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71689 Turn beggar to follower, bring him to your modded house with lots of beds, tell him that's his home now using MY Home is your Home. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045
  12. Well Ultra Instinct is actually from Dragonball Super (sequel series to Z). It's Goku's most powerful transformation.
  13. Try using NARC mod I guess. Maybe that works. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68125
  14. Okay, so I have a pretty huge mod loadout for my game. The issue is that outside of the cell door in Alternate Start, there's nothing but a blue void. I tried going close to it and somehow I fell through and ended up in an underground grotto place, then got transported back to the cell. But that's not actually the issue. I can still play fine. I just need to get out of the cell before setting up my mods, because if I set them up in the cell I end up getting the bed loop bug. Triggering sleep before any of the mods get set up allows Alternate Start to send me properly to where I plan on going, so there's no issue there. My main concern is that blue void outside the door. I don't know if it's some problem with the cell being somehow detached from where ever it is connected or if the textures are missing. Because I'd imagine if the textures were actually missing, I mean, why is the rest of the prison cell still there? What I am trying to ask help for is if anybody knows any location close to the ASLAL starting points that uses the same textures to the outside of the prison cell so I can maybe toggle TGM and go there right after starting to check if those textures are still there. Seems like an easier way to narrow down the possible sources of issue rather than going through uninstallation and reinstallation of the mods one by one. I mean, I wouldn't want to ignore it and then suddenly find myself in the middle of a dungeon crawl a hundred hours later finding an entire corridor missing just because I ignored the blue void outside of the ASLAL prison cell.
  15. Would be a lot of work if it's even possible. The thing is, all playable races access the same animation folder, which is why when you install an animation replacer mod, it replaces EVERYBODY's animations to use the same thing, not just yours. With the FNIS PCEA mod, they were able to achieve player only animation change, but that was done by turning the player into a custom non-vanilla race which was designed to point to a different animation folder. PCEA2 was able to achieve the separate folder for the player by ways I do not understand though. So you might have to look into that to see if it's achievable to do that by using a race flag instead of whatever flag they used to mark the PC to use a different animation. And we're just talking about different stances per race. I don't even know where to begin to do the changing the animation as you progress in skill. Even changing the animation in the middle of the game manually using the PCEA2 mod (and that's it's own feature) was intentionally limited to reduce possibility of frozen poses. What more with automated change of animations. The idea is great, but then you're of course limited by what the game can give you.
  16. Maybe I've been playing too much mods, but aren't those already added by the realism and diseases mods? Those types of mods add other types of status effects and just call them diseases. They also "improve" on already existing diseases. Or maybe I'm just missing something from what you are trying to ask.
  17. Retexture Dragon Aspect and turn it to ultra instinct? LOL. That will give you appearance, but Skyrim doesn't have much of a dodge mechanic compared to other games, (and automatic dodging is pretty much the central feature of ultra instinct as I understand it). I feel like a lot could be done, but I also feel like, aside from looks, this mod will always fall short of expectation. I could be wrong though. I've seen some incredible stuff done with mods. And it would certainly be better than the near useless ultra instinct of Xenoverse 2. Add become ethereal effect. BOOM. LOL. That feels so underwhelming. You might as well just use the become ethereal shout and pretend it's ultra instinct, lol. But you don't have the look. LOL. Basically a new shout that incorporates texture and ethereal. LOL. But hey, we're limited by mechanics of the game. There is no dodge facility here.
  18. Retexture Dragon Aspect and turn it to ultra instinct? LOL. That will give you appearance, but Skyrim doesn't have much of a dodge mechanic compared to other games, (and automatic dodging is pretty much the central feature of ultra instinct as I understand it). I feel like a lot could be done, but I also feel like, aside from looks, this mod will always fall short of expectation. I could be wrong though. I've seen some incredible stuff done with mods. And it would certainly be better than the near useless ultra instinct of Xenoverse 2. Add become ethereal effect. BOOM. LOL.
  19. This already exists: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29249 It's been around since 2013. No need for any modder to update their house mods. This makes all house mods compatible for adoption. And nearly all mods that have beds for children lists in the descriptions that you should download and install this to move your kids. there.
  20. Retexture Dragon Aspect and turn it to ultra instinct? LOL.
  21. I think your complaints are more because of limitations of console playing. I mean if just compare Oblivion and Skyrim controls. IIRC Oblivion uses more buttons than what's present on an XBox controller. Excuse me? Sorry, I don't understand what are you talking about - I'm playing on PC and using keyboard, so there are hardly any limits here. I don't want to be a... well, I don't know even what to call it, but I never played any of TES games on a console and never going to, so I hardly follow what happens outside of PC world. Doesn't matter if you play on a PC. The point is Skyrim was built to be playable on a console. Which means it is still restricted to what a console can do. Skyrim was built for the XBox 360 and just ported to a PC. Practically speaking, you're just playing a console game. Doesn't matter how many buttons the PC has, the base game is limited to console capabilties. Basically, playing Skyrim on PC is like putting an ounce of water in a 1L bottle. Sure it works, it's able to carry water. But it's not using full capacity. So that's what you meant. Sorry, I didn't understand you before. Hm. I must admit - it's kind of embarrassing but somehow I always thought they first make a game for a PC and then squish it all into a console version. I know, a mistake on my part. Sorry. I don't really think that making a more interesting game is related to buttons - seriously, it's a really lame excuse. I mean, you have all the buttons you need - just add some unique options to different objects, not to buttons. That's at least my own opinion, sorry. Honestly, I prefer it that way. PC gaming used to its quote-unquote "full potential" is expensive out the ass. The graphics card alone can easily be as expensive as a newly-released console. I honestly wish more developers would tone the graphics down just a notch so people with tighter pockets can have access to all the juicy stuff PC has to offer (e.g. user-created content that doesn't necessarily come straight from first-party servers, console commands, or the ability to back up your saves in a separate folder in the event of a crash or corruption) without having to pay for the equivalent of three consoles just for the hardware alone. At the very least, developers should offer reduced graphics settings that are actually compatible with lower end PCs. Not the current system of "low specs" which still require $150 graphics cards. And more importantly, the definition of a "lower-end PC" or a "mid-tier PC" should stay consistent for at least the lifespan of an average console. Upgrading my low-end PC to keep up with the times should only be about as expensive, on average, as buying a new console. For example, when a new console comes out, it usually runs about $300-450, but it lasts for an average of five years. This means that new hardware for consoles (not counting replacements for broken hardware) is about $60-$90 per year. Upgrading a gaming PC should be about that expensive, not the $150-$200 per year that it actually is. Then I could have more money to spend on buying ... ya know ... games and stuff! So I wish Bethesda's attitude about PC gaming was actually the norm. I agree with you about graphics - whenever I want to play a new game, I have to check if my good old PC will survive it. Heck, that's why I'll probably never play in the Witcher 3. I don't really understand what's with this all great graphics today. I mean, take Undertale - a great game without 3D. Working? Working. If someone asks me, game companies of today have been misled into thinking that if they'll make a beautiful game, it will be a hit. Eh, YMMV. I personally prefer Skyrim's base UI over SkyUI, which i find to be a cluttered mess that fails in every way to convey information in an efficient manner or be visually pleasing. Even with it's customization options, i've never gotten the damned thing to feel like anything but a chore. So, i personally don't think it's a good starting point for discussion. It's just another in a rather long line of terrible RPG interfaces, and the entire thing needs to be re-examined from the ground up. But, that's a general problem with TES (and most RPGs). They're built on a familiar framework, and that framework is basically garbage. Weight Behaviours, Armour Classes, Menu Management, Durability, Classes, Conversation, Stat Management... Hell, even basic controls are burdened by traditional thinking that doesn't take advantage of modern solutions. I'm afraid that traditions are going to stay. I played in one game that had everything kind of different and I thought I'm going to die - old good ways have its advantage, I think. I wouldn't say "no" to some genious changes in this category, but seriously, I doubt it will ever appear. I'm just using buttons as an example of limitations on a console compared to a PC. If you've ever played Dark Souls 1, whose PC controls was just horrendous, but plays well with a controller, you'll see why I thought of it as an example. Another thing to consider is the audience. In general, the current audience of console gaming seems to prefer simplified controls, and along with that came a simplified armory. Basically, Skyrim somehow tried to strike a balance between dumbed down but immersive still (it was more successful than Fallout 4 in this regard). If you would realize how much hidden content there is in the game that was removed for the sake of consoles, you'll be surprised. Just take a look at a playthrough using the mod Civil War Overhaul. As far as I know almost everything there was just unlocked from the hidden inaccessible game content that made the game much more fuller, with the author only going for bug fixes. It's a huge difference. Basically from what I read, Beth "wrote" a PC game, but "built" it for the console, leaving a lot on the cutting room floor but let it remain in the game files for modders on a PC to unlock when the release the console port to PC. However, the new consoles are quite powerful, and I hope that they'll be able to allow an ease on the restrictions in future TES games.
  22. Honestly, I prefer it that way. PC gaming used to its quote-unquote "full potential" is expensive out the ass. The graphics card alone can easily be as expensive as a newly-released console. I honestly wish more developers would tone the graphics down just a notch so people with tighter pockets can have access to all the juicy stuff PC has to offer (e.g. user-created content that doesn't necessarily come straight from first-party servers, console commands, or the ability to back up your saves in a separate folder in the event of a crash or corruption) without having to pay for the equivalent of three consoles just for the hardware alone. At the very least, developers should offer reduced graphics settings that are actually compatible with lower end PCs. Not the current system of "low specs" which still require $150 graphics cards. And more importantly, the definition of a "lower-end PC" or a "mid-tier PC" should stay consistent for at least the lifespan of an average console. Upgrading my low-end PC to keep up with the times should only be about as expensive, on average, as buying a new console. For example, when a new console comes out, it usually runs about $300-450, but it lasts for an average of five years. This means that new hardware for consoles (not counting replacements for broken hardware) is about $60-$90 per year. Upgrading a gaming PC should be about that expensive, not the $150-$200 per year that it actually is. Then I could have more money to spend on buying ... ya know ... games and stuff! So I wish Bethesda's attitude about PC gaming was actually the norm. Skyrim can run on a pretty low-end laptop really. At least nowadays. Also Skyrim only really feels half-baked IMO because at the time of making, the XBox 360 was quite outdated in terms of hardware. I used to have a laptop that can run Oldrim on medium + 400 mods including some graphical mods, but I can't even run base Fallout 4 on it. That's the extent of difference between Skyrim and Beth's more current games, which also speaks volumes about the difference in power between the old consoles at Oldrim release and the current ones, which are better able to keep up with PCs. However, Skyrim's limits comes from that it's a forked Gamebryo engine (Morrowind Engine) which was graphically tuned and even more streamlined for the current gamer. They were more concerned with making Skyrim mass marketable than keeping all of the game mechanics IMO. Oblivion's console version was quite clunky in terms of control. Skyrim was better tuned to have easier control to reflect the current mass market of the console gaming market. The need for SkyUI is quite a testament to why it's not well tuned to PC gaming.
  23. I think your complaints are more because of limitations of console playing. I mean if just compare Oblivion and Skyrim controls. IIRC Oblivion uses more buttons than what's present on an XBox controller. Excuse me? Sorry, I don't understand what are you talking about - I'm playing on PC and using keyboard, so there are hardly any limits here. I don't want to be a... well, I don't know even what to call it, but I never played any of TES games on a console and never going to, so I hardly follow what happens outside of PC world. Doesn't matter if you play on a PC. The point is Skyrim was built to be playable on a console. Which means it is still restricted to what a console can do. Skyrim was built for the XBox 360 and just ported to a PC. Practically speaking, you're just playing a console game. Doesn't matter how many buttons the PC has, the base game is limited to console capabilties. Basically, playing Skyrim on PC is like putting an ounce of water in a 1L bottle. Sure it works, it's able to carry water. But it's not using full capacity.
  24. I think your complaints are more because of limitations of console playing. I mean if just compare Oblivion and Skyrim controls. IIRC Oblivion uses more buttons than what's present on an XBox controller.
  25. I honestly couldn't care less what the setting of TES 6 is ... as long as it's big, expansive, and has plenty of quest content. EDIT. Whoops sorry. Wrong guy quoted.
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