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Everything posted by Fkemman11

  1. Fallout2am and I have decided to bring BodySlide64 to FNV for one of the Type 3 or 6 bodies. I made a half-assed conversion of Type 3 some time ago, but since then it has become apparent that it would be better to convert one of the many bodies already rigged and textured for the game with much greater care and precision for improved body, clothing and armor shape results. Now, it would be better to hear what everyone's fave body is with a few stipulations; One) The author must be reachable for asking permissions to use their body/textures. Two) It would be better for us if the body already had vanilla and dlc compatibility by conversion, but not absolutely necessary. Now, if you don't know what BodySlide is or does, then let me explain. It is a program that lets you shape the games female (or male) body however you like through the use of sliders. In addition to the vanilla conversions that we want to make, you can do your own conversions in BS's Outfit Studio- an amazing program all the way around for shaping models and additional functions. The body we decide to use is what all our conversions will be based on. So choose carefully. I would list several bodies to choose from, but I don't know what most people use or like anymore. I use a custom BnB body myself with custom textures. So, what is your favorite body for FNV? Or FO3 for that matter because they are interchangeable and some of us play TTW (I do)?
  2. I'm wondering if there is a way to attach more to the PA to turn it into something more like a Mechanized Assault Vehicle with multiple weapons like a rocket launcher, mini-gun, gatling laser or flamer- exactly like the different types of weapons you can attach to robots in the Automatron dlc. In fact, would there be a way to use the robot model to build mobile weapon platforms that you can pilot? Has something like this been made already because I have noticed in a couple of mods that raiders use a type of vehicle the same as I describe? Only I think that they were just inserted in the vehicle and cannot get in or out of it. So I want to see if something like this can be done to improve the PA "experience" to make everyone feel more like a complete bad-ass when wearing...oops, I mean driving it. I'm just trying to see if anyone has worked on something like this or is interested in discussing how it might be done. Yes, it's a mod idea. No I'm not sure how it can be done (or I wouldn't have asked). No, I'm not asking a mod author to make it. If anything, I am trying to figure out how I can get a rocket launcher over the right shoulder of your PA and how to line up and aim while firing the weapon and correct for aiming it and stuff. You know, baby steps first. EDIT; You know what, never mind. After thinking about this some more, I realize I am a very long way from pulling it off. I know enough to know I don't know nearly enough for something like this. :sad:
  3. If I had to guess, I would say it is a conflict with Sofia Follower mod since she is placed there in Whiterun Stables. Might check Immersive Sounds Compendium as well. That might be your conflict right there. Do you use Loot, TESVEdit or Wryebash? Your load order looks a little off to me and X-edit and Wryebash help patch your mods to work together better. All pretty much essential with a mod list around a hundred or so and beyond.
  4. Heyyy DjinnKiller, what's up?!! It's weird then. What I did is removed my modded textures from the game and then downloaded the vanilla along with the latest update and viola!! My game ran better and I don't have a freakin' clue as to why. I downloaded and installed those modded textures for the purpose of helping my game run a little better in the first place, but I didn't like the way they looked and pulled them out to reinstall vanilla. IDK?? I'm not changing anything now because I need every performance boost I can get without sacrificing too much of the quality. I should know by now that Beth doesn't optimize performance or fix bugs for a game this old. :geek:
  5. Right click on the record in the esp and then the drop menu should let u delete the record. But, good that you did what you needed and it worked. Thanks for the link! That is some useful info there. :)
  6. Am I going crazy or did Beth actually fix some performance issues with the last update? I seem to have gotten about a 5-10% increase in frame rate everywhere in the game with the same mods installed that I've had for weeks now. It's really noticeable in interiors where I struggled with the lighting and fog mesh. But the same lighting and fog meshes run smoother now after I (accidentally) installed the latest update. Has anyone else seen a difference in their game like me? Where could I find out exactly what each update is doing?
  7. You made a copy as override for some things in another or new esp, correct? Just click on those overrides and delete them or just delete the whole esp if you don't have anything else in it that you need. You make the deletions in the esp itself to the left- not in the records themselves. For instance, I copied a weapon as an override into my merged patch. Now I don't need that override so I will look for weapon in my merged patch and then delete the whole record. Does that make any more sense?
  8. You made edits to an existing mod in another esp.? Then you uninstalled the mod you made edits to and your game won't work right? I'm saying to reinstall the mod you made edits to and then delete those edits lock, stock and barrel. Then uninstall the mod again and return to a save from before that mods installation in your game.
  9. You have to remove your overrides before you uninstall the mod. So to fix this, reinstall the mod you made edits to and then remove the edits and save. Also, I hope you have a save to fall back on from before installing those mods. As a rule, I never try to install and test more than maybe two mods at a time.
  10. They need to come up with another good game or two before they can start worrying about the bit of money they make from mods. Not a lot of profit to be made if no one likes the game or wants to mod it- which was sort of the case with FO4. Many authors would not touch it due to a number of things, but the main reason I read over and over was that they just didn't like it. Maybe StarField will be the game that rights the ship and puts Beth back in everyone's good graces. I mean they have been working on it for a decade now. Anyone notice how Todd's eyes sort of light up when he starts talking about it? He seems excited about it anyway.
  11. I always stuck up for anyone being bullied my whole life. I hate bullies. I'd rather get into a fight than let them have their way because they will only get worse when they think you are scared of them. But it is hard sometimes because I am not a violent person.
  12. Don't let it get you down. I may have plenty of complaints about FO4, but I keep coming back and playing it again. So I must like something about it. The models were good I think as well as some of the animations- I adore my character right now because she is the best I have ever made in any game with the help of some mods. Enemies sort of have roles in that one or two Raiders will chunk a grenade and rush you while two more will find cover and fire on you with maybe a sorta sniper in the back somewhere making encounters challenging. Areas in the game are interesting to explore even for the 10th time. Trying to navigate the maze of rubble downtown is fun and full of enemies. Building things anywhere (mod) is fun even if it's just to have a place to sit down for awhile and enjoy a view. Hearing some of the convos between npcs is still fun if you haven't heard it a bunch of times. There is still enough to keep me playing it seems. :)
  13. I am always puzzled how you even know they're being attacked. The 'Mamma Murphy Network' (what used to be called the 'Psychic Friends Network'). What gets me is, all those settlements that were already established and had people suddenly can't survive without my help. What did they do the last 210 years? According to Bethesda's masterful story writing, they were all waiting for you!! Follower distance is freaking annoying as hell! Companions constantly bumping into my character drives me nuts! And Beth didn't give the pc the ability to move them out of the way by sort of pushing them out of the way when you need past them. Another thing that gets me is the terrible companion combat A.I. My people literally have no reaction to enemy presence unless they or I are being attacked. I've watched SM skirmishers run right up on my companions and whack them a couple of times before they even start to react. This never happened in Skyrim or FO3 for that matter. In those games your followers seemed to recognize enemies from a greater distance and reacted, although the combat AI in those games was probably a little more simplistic. But it worked. Not sure how they did it in FO4. Situational awareness could be better as well. If you take cover behind an unexploded vehicle, guess what, they will hit the car and blow you up, fool!! And don't look for cover first and then fire a few shots in their direction. Start firing that badass modified gun I gave you immediately and take them out!! Oh and for the love of Christ stop blocking my shot!!! Okay, rant over. :smile:
  14. I didn't like the opening of it either, but the part that really got me was those people I couldn't give a crap about moving into my neighborhood and acting like it was theirs!! I bypassed all that jazz this time and the whole MM quest-line because I hate the whole settlement thing- or rather being notified all the time that one stupid settlement halfway across the map is under attack just when I was getting into something else interesting. Nope, settlers are going to have to fend for themselves because I am telling them all "NO" to their begging for my help and I'm not creating any settlements with settlers unless I just have to. I want to play my game my way, not Bethesda's. :D
  15. There is a lot to be said for being boring. I had friends that were 'exciting', but, after a few visits by officer UNfriendly, that got old quick. Now, I enjoy my boring life. :smile: I am perfectly content to stay home, play my games, play with mods, or other things of that nature. One of the reasons I live where I do. (out in the sticks) Folks don't just 'show up', without calling first. :D The exciting friends are usually the ones that you can't rely on for anything. My neighbor is a prime example in that he knows many, many people and is going places all the time. But, he is always having trouble with his life that he brings on himself by doing stupid, irresponsible things and then turning to his "friends" for help.....and he doesn't appreciate it when someone does help him. In short, he is a user- just like my brother was. So yeah, I prefer a quiet, comfortable life as well. I've experienced enough miserable situations with people to like boring just fine. ;)
  16. Haven't had a friend to hang out with in so many years that I forgot what it's like. Not that I don't try to befriend anyone, it's just that they seem to always be wary of making new friends or something. I don't really care most of the time because I have always been able to enjoy myself alone doin' my thing. But once in awhile it does bother me that no one wants to be my buddy and just hang out. Guess I'm kinda boring or something. ;)
  17. Thanks, that helps. I guess I get carried away with the whole idea. Just need to get something working and then build from there. Happy Holidays Dubious!! :)
  18. That's actually the very thing I was working on- fire and how it works in the game. That author seems to have just added a knock- down effect to fire based weapons which is not what I had in mind. I want to make you, your followers, and npcs have a chance to panic when hit with fire of any kind and maybe just frenzy tougher enemies. I was also working on a way to make fire burn your clothing and armor- thus damaging it and then show the damage by alternating nifs/textures. Just having trouble figuring out how to make it all work. Burnable objects comes to mind as well. :D
  19. So I'm trying to add the "panic" effect or the "terrifying presence" effect to a weapon and get it to work. But I can't figure out how to do it because they work a different way/ are not normal enchantments. Panic is a scipt/animation that runs when you place a grenade in an npc's inventory and terrifying presence is a player perk I think. Are they spell effects and if so how do I use them on a weapon like enchantments? I've been looking for a way in the GECK for hours and I'm not seeing how I can do it.
  20. Did you report the problem on the mod page to see if someone could help there? What mod manager are u using? It sounds like it might not have installed correctly or u have conflicts.
  21. Check FNIS and see how many animations are being reported. Over a certain amount it will cause instability and ctds. I had this problem for awhile and finally figured out a way around it. The ctd after the Jarl talks to Iraleth used to happen to me as well. If I remember how I fixed it, I'll let you know. Do you use LOOT, TESVEdit, or Wryebash? You should if you don't. When you can't get a quick fix or information on a particular problem, the best thing to do is start a new game with all mods turned off. Then slowly turn them on in groups of 4 or 5 and test until you find the mod that's giving you problems. Don't automatically assume that there is something wrong with the mod though- it is usually a conflict that you need to patch if you can.
  22. I'll just wait for The Frontier release and hope it can be merged with TTW. I'll play NC some other time since I freakin love my TTW. Guess I'm just a fan of max compatibility for the ultimate game-play experience. :happy:
  23. depends on the mod author's resistance and how strongly that the people complain, really. I doubt a single unknown person/troll (or any newly registered users) who complain about it will cause the mod author comply to the wishes of some unknown troll... eh person. If sufficient amount of people who complains and staff or moderation team involved into it, the mod author probably will have to remove it whether the mod author like it or not. As far as my understanding of how things work around here, once moderators have reviewed a mod and given it the green light- then it is good to go as far as they're concerned. I've never heard of any mod being reviewed later on by a moderator a second time unless they're checking an update or something. I would hope that anything an artist might do with their mod that is considered "legal" or falls within the rules here would be supported by Nexus staff and not be subject to any hidden "good tastes" clause or something where it would be a judgement based purely on personal opinion- whether it be one person's opinion or a thousand's. People should come here with the understanding that they are allowed to download and use whatever is being offered FOR FREE!!! This means that you have no recourse whatsoever about what a mod author does with their mod. You can have an opinion, sure..... and that opinion might be shared by others here. But, it -in no way, shape or form- means that you can force a mod author to make changes to their mod that is otherwise perfectly within the rules. I might add that should anything resembling the scenario that you outlined occur- half of the mods on this site would (probably) be hidden and/or deleted eventually as a result. Edit; Well, it appears that I'm wrong and that this site does indeed reserve the right to demand changes to a mod or remove it if the contents of said mod are found to be blatantly, intentionally provocative, etc. I would ask that a moderator or staff clarify this further for anyone concerned.
  24. Yeah, that's pretty much my opinion as well. If something about a mod offends you, then don't use it. But, don't try to ruin everyone else's fun. :smile: Well said and If someone had a legitimate argument about why I shouldn't use something, then I would listen as well. Doesn't mean I would agree. But this just feels to me like they are taking things way too seriously or just trying to see if authors will cave if they apply some group pressure. Some have. Probably it's nothing that I should be that concerned with. But I will be watching for more.
  25. My mother is one quarter Sioux Indian. I showed her a pic of the Indian headdress in game and she liked it. Does her opinion matter? Exactly what makes one culture's developments or inventions more "sacred" than another's? I find that very idea offensive. BTW, ALL cultures have been "marginalized" at one point in time or another.
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