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Everything posted by ff7legend

  1. My only gripe with mods like this is authors of .dll plugins not making their .dll files version-independent. Nexus user NasGorTelorCeplok has already done this with the fantastic Alternate Conversation Camera mod for SSE. If mods like iEquip, QuickLoot, .NET Script Framework, & the like would follow suit, it would make things so much easier for BOTH the mod author/the end user in the long run. No more having to update a .dll after each Bethesda update. The SKSE Team has provided detailed instructions on how to implement a memory scanner that makes any .dll version-independent over there on skse.silverlock.org... Please consider making iEquip & other mods like it version-independent at some point in the future. As it stands now, I'm still waiting for an update to meh321's .NET Script Framework since that mod is a GODSEND when it comes to fixing random CTDs in-game..
  2. Also, your load order is a MESS. You need to load mods that do similar things together. Quest mods with quest mods. Weapon mods with weapon mods. Spell mods with spell mods. Player homes with player homes, etc... ff7legend
  3. First thing I would check is whether your game version & the version of USSEP (Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch) match. Arthmoor & co code USSEP to force the end user to have the most up to date version of Skyrim SE. Running mismatched game version/USSEP version together will cause CTD in/around certain cells. Had that happen on a few occasions but was lucky I kept a previous version of USSEP so I could continue to play. The only reason I'm still running 1.5.62 runtime is due to the fact that .NET Script Framework by meh321 isn't updated for the newest runtime (1.5.80). ff7legend
  4. The issue lies with the author of the Miraak Follower mod not forwarding the proper quest aliases so Frea can be recruited as a follower after Miraak is defeated. That author really needs to fix that...
  5. I've said this before & I'll say it again - LOCK STEAM DOWN IN OFFLINE MODE. This is the only sure way to keep Bethesda's greedy paws off your game. Steam removed the "Never keep this game up to date" option several years ago via a Steam Client update. I'm still on Skyrim SE runtime 1.5.62 since .NET Script Framework has yet to be updated for the newer Skyrim SE runtimes. Until .NET Script Framework is updated to the new runtime, I'll be sticking with Skyrim SE runtime 1.5.62 & Steam will remain in Offline Mode. Even after a system reboot due to a video driver update/Windows updates, Steam always gives me the option to remain in Offline Mode as long as I select "Start in Offline Mode" after a system reboot. Seriously, start setting one's Steam in Offline Mode & be done with it. Doing so will prevent those pesky Bethesda stealth updates from breaking your game.
  6. First off, that load order is a MESS. You need to organize it to where mods that do similar things are loaded together. Quest mods with quest mods, environment mods with environment mods, followers with followers, body/face/hair mods with body/face/hair mods, etc. Hope that helps.
  7. First off, do you have any mods that alter the Solstheim map/interior maps? If so, this is where I would start looking in terms of potential mod conflicts. Second, your load order is a MESS. LOOT, while useful, is not perfect so some manual tweaking of one's load order is required. Try putting mods that do similar things together in your load order. For example, quest mods should be loaded with quest mods, follower mods should be loaded with follower mods, New Lands with New Lands, etc. Properly sorting your load order will go a long ways toward stabilizing your game. Hope this helps.
  8. Can't log in with NMM either. I've already filed a report over on the Nexus Mod Manager Github page. Hope they fix this ASAP.
  9. In response to post #68786826. #68791821, #68839296, #68874961 are all replies on the same post. The .esp must always be resaved in the SSE CK SlyWolfe. SSE Edit has no such feature. Those who use SSE Edit to manually set the Form version to 44 have no idea what they're doing & will end up breaking folks' save games due to duplicate Form IDs. The only sure way to make a plugin Form 44 (Skyrim SE) format is to load it into the SSE CK, then save it. .esm plugins require Wrye Bash since these must be copied to a .esp, then saved into the SSE CK, followed up by re-copying the newly saved .esp to a new .esm (Old .esm must be deleted after being copied to a .esp). Meshes must be run through SSE NIF Optimizer while .hkx (animations) must be run through a special tool available on LoversLab. Reverse porting of Skyrim SE meshes to LE format is now possible using the newest version of SSE NIF Optimizer. However, no tool exists to backport SSE plugins as of yet.
  10. Iomaungandr Rising SE port now available folks: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24513 Be sure to thank Dan Taylor aka dt1000 for allowing me to port his dungeon mod for Skyrim LE over to Skyrim SE for everyone to enjoy. A very nice guy & a pleasure to speak with both here & via Nexus PM with regard to granting me permission to port his work over to Skyrim SE. ff7legend
  11. In response to post #68786826. #68791821 is also a reply to the same post. Yours truly knows how to port mods from Oldrim to SSE format the correct way. Check my profile. You will find that I have extensive know-how when it comes to SSE ports. PM incoming...
  12. Any plans to port your Iomaungandr Rising mod over to Skyrim SE? If not, I could provide my services & port it/publish it on Skyrim SE Nexus with your permission Dan Taylor.
  13. Here's proof that Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil has gone Skyrim SE-exclusive direct from BS - Bruma's very own Wiki page folks: https://beyondskyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Beyond_Skyrim:_Bruma?fbclid=IwAR0IQfBeeEnFU6Stgm6Hy-JgoPBQEzZtbqjYoQq8GEolPZuNy6xHSfRkuWY Further proof: https://i.imgur.com/PEl0Oy5.png Oldrim's 32 bit engine simply cannot handle exceptionally large worldspaces/maps like Cyrodiil. The full release of BS: Cyrodiil/other Beyond Skyrim mod projects won't come to X-Box One due to Micro$oft's 5 GB space cap for mods. PS4 users are entirely SOL when it comes to any Beyond Skyrim content due to Sony's outright ban on any external assets in mods for their platform.
  14. @HadtoRegister: I don't run into these issues since I keep my Steam locked down in Offline Mode. I'm still running 1.5.62 & will continue to do so until SKSE64/the SKSE64 mods I use are updated for the new runtime (1.5.73). As Mebantiza stated, Bethesda needs to find a less disruptive way of deploying their CC updates. Not everyone cares for, let alone uses, CC in any way/shape/form. No need to be rude. Everyone has their own tastes in content & everyone has the right to their opinion regarding CC, which is controversial to say the least. I have my way of dealing with this issue (Steam locked down in Offline Mode) while others deal with it differently. It's called freedom of CHOICE. Lighten up HadtoRegister. Besides, more often than not, more than just the .exe gets updated. In most cases, Bethesda applies updates to the .esms/the BSAs/BA2s in addition to updating the .exe. Good luck launching the game if one has the old .exe with the new .esms/BSAs/BA2s. It simply won't happen & likely CTD on launch. I don't play online games so Offline Mode it is for me.
  15. Offline Mode is much faster/easier than downloading/installing a mod that backs up all files. Also saves disk space.
  16. True. I'll give you that. Wasn't being rude or knocking your post either.
  17. It's not "excessive" xXxPYR0ST0RMxXx. It's a heck of a lot easier/less time-consuming to lock Steam down in Offline Mode vs compressing one's entire Skyrim SE folder into an archive/backing up the .exe. Besides, it's highly likely more than just the .exe got updated. In most cases, the .esms/BSAs also get updates, meaning if one only has the previous .exe & not the old .esms/BSAs, good luck launching your game. It simply will not happen. Setting Steam to Offline Mode is the fastest surest way to keep Bethesda's paws off your games period. Not trying to be rude but I go for the simplest route to ensure Bethesda keeps their "stealth updates" from ruining my games. Offline Mode is the simplest way to accomplish this.
  18. This is why you guys need to lock Steam down in Offline Mode. Offline Mode keeps those pesky "stealth updates" at bay/off your machine & allow you to play your games until F4SE/any F4SE-reliant mods are updated.
  19. Draguaral, in all likelihood, more than just the .exe got an update. In most cases, the .esms/BSAs (Skyrim SE)/BA2s (Fallout 4) get updates as well.
  20. OFFLINE MODE is one's best friend in these instances folks. It's the only sure way to keep Bethesda's "stealth updates" off your game until SKSE64/F4SE are properly updated. Even then, any/all SKSE64/F4SE-reliant mods will also need to be updated to reflect the new game runtime/SKSE64/F4SE runtimes. The latter can take weeks, especially if one uses multiple SKSE64/F4SE-reliant mods.
  21. Start locking Steam down in OFFLINE MODE folks. Keeping Steam in Offline Mode is the only sure way to keep Bethesda's "stealth updates" off your games. While SKSE64 may get an update in 24-48 hours, many other mods that depend upon SKSE64 will likely take much longer. I've seen it take upwards of 2-3 weeks before all SKSE64-reliant .dll mods get updated to the newest runtime.
  22. Darkend is beyond AWESOME. A true classic & a mainstay in my load order.
  23. In response to post #67632451. #67632701, #67633716, #67637026, #67643171 are all replies on the same post. I sure hope so. I cannot & will not migrate to Vortex due to the sheer size/scope of my modded Skyrim SE installation.
  24. In response to post #67632451. #67632701, #67633716 are all replies on the same post. Yours truly is sticking with NMM for the simple fact that any attempt to migrate a 1,000+ Active Mods installation from NMM to Vortex is sure to FAIL on an EPIC SCALE. I'm not about to play literal Russian roulette with my modded Skyrim SE installation. Hopefully NMM will be updated to support the new API at some point since I cannot migrate my entire modded install from NMM to Vortex.
  25. CTD on start-up is an indicator of one or more MISSING/OUT OF ORDER MASTER(S) folks. Solution - Fire up Wrye Bash & look for any checkboxes that are in bold red color with a red checkmark. Highlight it & Wrye Bash will tell you which master is missing/out of order. If a master is missing, install & activate the missing master file/plugin. If the masters are out of order, fire up SSE Edit & load the plugin with the out of order masters into it. Once fully loaded, right-click the plugin with the out of order masters, then select Sort Masters. Close SSE Edit, making sure the Backup Plugins checkbox is checked in case something goes wrong. Hope this helps. ff7legend
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