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Everything posted by dovapix

  1. So finally at the end even when steam and Bethesda were taking respectively 45% and 30% leaving 25% to modders it was a far better deal for modders in the event they make a very successful mod that get a 200,000,00 sales figure! Now it is going to be something like here 500$ for 6 month of work! loool
  2. I was speaking of the current legal stuff not what legal stuff we will have to abide by with the Creation Club. I'm certain that with the Creation Club any work will be owned by Bethesda outright. OK that was exactly my thought so in a word not worth losing high quality models for peanuts!
  3. Bethesda does not "hold the rights" to our assets and clearly state so in the Bethesda.net ToS and the Creation Kit EULA. We give Bethesda a license to use our assets, but do not give up our ownership of said assets. What legal stuff we will have to sign in regards to the Creation Club, no one is likely sure yet. Well i hope you are right about this but as a developer myself normally if i pay some artists for custom assets then they cannot sold these assets for a number of years according to contract specific rules.
  4. Also beware that so far it seem like Bethesda will hold the rights to your custom models and assets so you wont be able to sell these assets elsewhere to gain a little extra.
  5. Sound like communism in a capitalism system since the only one who will make a lot of money here is Bethesda and not the modder!
  6. A lot of confusion will ensue with this news but so far it sound like modders will get screwed or paid peanuts for a lot of work!
  7. Hi Thumb, For this kind of feature i would go for a very simple model like a big box and i would make good normal maps that about how i would proceed for this. And if for old rim i would go parallax.
  8. Hi Thumb, Just keep in mind that some game engine have limit over how many face a single model can have and that some even prefer lot of small meshes to one large meshes. For Skyrim i don't know what kind of limitations there is but if you want to play safe always try to keep meshes to the lowest amount of faces without sacrificing the model integrity.
  9. Hi thumb, I combine them in 3ds max and you have the same features in Blender but i don't know what they are call. In nifskope you can only make them children of parents so they are going to stay separated but they are going to follow the parent node.
  10. Hi thumb, It's a combination of both but what make them pop up this way is mostly the 3d model, i got a tendonitis doing this mod since i place every single one of them on all roads section and bridges manually to perfectly adjust them to the ground.
  11. Here a video where you can see part of my 3d roads mod at the very beginning at 0:04 and my apologies for my accent since i have been living like a hermit for some time and i lost my English a bit but after making a few more videos i should be better at it!
  12. Hi thumb, Nothing is upload yet and some are almost completed but the biggest one Epic Whiterun is 50% done and still have a lot to do like the new armor and weapon that will fit the quest about an ancient race who made an ultimate armor and weapon to fight against an evil entity. All the rest are mostly done and will be release one by one since if i release everything at once i am not going to be able to support every threads. You can expect my 3d roads and new trees overhaul and of course my lantern mod as introductory mods. I will probably start some WIP threads to show the work done so far and the progress.
  13. Hi thumb, Thank and it came up better than i expected with the light and the transparency is something tricky to get right. I got a lot of mods started last year and it is including the following All my mods start with MOAS and that simply stand for "My Own Art Style" * Moas real 3D roads(complete new 3d model for all roads and bridges including new snow road meshes) * Moas trees overhaul (complete new trees models for pine and birch(re texture only with new bones armature for Birch) fully animated with swinging tree tops(finally) * Moas Epic mountains ( did a complete re-sculpt based on the mountain texture just to get good normal map from it and i also re-texture it to 4096 and made custom UV set) * Moas Epic winter overhaul (A complete winter overhaul from someone who live in a winter region, including new meshes and textures + dynamic snow shader enhancement) * Moas Epic Iron set ( new model for iron armor light&heavy, bye bye goofy helmet) * Moas potions overhaul (re-designed all potions my style) * Moas Epic iron weapons (All new iron weapons models) * Moas No horned helmets(re-designed all horned helmet to make them look good without horns) * Moas farms overhaul ( a complete overhaul to make farms look better) * Moas Epic Whiterun (complete new Whiterun re-designed, epic quest starting in new dungeon location under Whiterun, introducing a brand new race , new set of unique armor and weapons to get on a new island from the quest, epic boss battle and complete new Breezehome with open access(no load door). I am a big fan of TES since the beginning and when Skyrim came out i played for 15 hours and i was shock to see so many thing poorly done that i decide to make it look the way i want before i resumed playing and that what spark the beginning of MOAS. All my texture are true 4k build from scratch(i also include 2k and 1k versions), scaling up a texture in Photoshop is pretty stupid since you destroy the image with the re-sample algorithm. I am also planning to re-model all armors and weapons to my own taste + new custom designed dungeons. If you combine my mods you also have pretty close to a complete re-texture of landscape for Skyrim. All my mods are lore friendly so don't expect a Cpt America mod for Skyrim from me!
  14. Just a few pictures of the finish lantern, i am happy with the glass transparency and i add some soot behind the glass and it came out pretty good. Almost finish the mod but i am also finishing my new iron armor replacer since i hate with a passion the vanilla iron armor and goofy helmet! Medium shot : http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/pixelquaternion/lantern_medium%20shot_zps6o2f8gor.jpg Close up shot : http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/pixelquaternion/lantern_close%20up_zpsdtgj8xnz.jpg Away and lite shot : http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/pixelquaternion/lantern_away_zpsi0ewjolc.jpg
  15. Once ready i will send you a link so you can test it a bit before official release.
  16. I was getting to the menu but after a second thought i think that it is not needed at all because i was going to put choice for the player to pick between 3 lantern light intensity but it would be better to simply offer 3 type of oil flask representing the 3 light intensity options. This goes well along with the simplicity of the mod and there is nothing more i can see i could add in such a menu. I really like the way this mod turned out since it is offering everything a lantern mod required without any scripting. We are getting closer to release.
  17. Hi thumb, I will not use soul gem since i think this resource should stay on one purpose, i was thinking to make it as a scroll instead of a spell and make the scroll with various duration like : lesser lux =3 min great lux=8 min and extreme lux=20 min. Or maybe leave it as a spell with a 20 min duration, i am not sure yet.
  18. We will have to forget about the other solution since the first person still have the torch holding animation but the third person was working. At least we tried and kudos to Zartar the author of Behaviors organizer who generously offer to help for this mod.
  19. Hi Thumb, That was the goal and i document most of my threads this way so when someone stumble on one of my post he will have answers and good info for modding. I will have very good videos on using nifskope since i learn a lot on my own and my background as a 3D artist help me a lot understanding this tool that is unfortunately very poorly documented. What do you guy's think about the magic light version of the lantern, should we also put a magic item to refuel it?
  20. Yep finally found a way to make it work and i already thought about the hit effect art but for some reason i thought the pivot point of the FX was hard coded since it is embedded in the magic effect and to my surprise it was not. I use body slot 48 so i hope not many mods use this one. Will finish to texture the potions and make the menu via spell books and probably releasing in the weekend then if our friend can make the other solution work i will update it. I don't recall anyone using this technique for weapons FX so it give me new idea for a new mod! Will wait a bit since our friend working on the other solution is going to have a working version available soon and the reason is simple : His technique is letting us use the torch as lantern so this work for both lantern type belt and hand held meaning oil flask will work on both versions. With my solution i will have to make 2 different set of oil flask since one use the magic effect light and the other the regular torch.
  21. Problem solved without a single line of code as intended and i only use one body slot instead of 2, i simply use the hit effect art in the magic effect menu and add the NiStringExtraData node to link to the pelvis and i set both particle system to no for world space and everything work perfectly. So to operate our lantern we just equip it first and then we use an oil flask and voila lantern is on for 16 min! Time to open a beer i think! This solution work but if our friend can make the other solution work i would chose this over my since it will give us real flickering FX aka light intensity variations. At least if he cannot make it work we now have a pretty decent solution.
  22. Ah, I think I understand what you are trying to do better now. The script should indeed be attached to the magic effect associated with the potion. You are correct, potions are not equipped, their effects start and finish. Use OnEffectStart() to unequip the no oil lantern and equip the oil lantern. During OnEffectFinish() do the opposite; unequip the oil lantern & re-equip the no oil lantern. Thank a lot for your patience and i will give it a try tonight to see if i can make this work.
  23. It is definitely possible. Basically,you need to create a magic effect and add a script that equips your armor of choice (requires scripting). Next add a potion that uses those magic effect. Voila. For help on learning how to write the script, google equipping armor, Skyrim, script. It should be fairly straightforward. Don't forget to unequip when potion wears off, if that's your intention.  Hi candlepin, First thank for replying, it is a new lantern mod i am currently working on here the thread : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5604187-can-this-be-done-without-a-script/  I made a lantern as a piece of armor to be equip on the belt of player and i also have a flame node that is load with the lantern on equip, then i made a potion as oil lantern that trigger a light when use.  The problem was that when the lantern run out of oil(potion)the flame still on lantern so i was looking for a way to hide the flame node when potion effect(light)wear off and of course getting the flame back on when oil is used.  So would this scenario be suitable for your advice? I'm sure there are many ways if doing it, but I'd make 2 versions of the lantern; one with the flame node (oil) and one without (no oil). OnEquip, equip the oil version (if there is oil) or equip the no oil version (if there is no oil) . If the oil version is equipped, when the oil runs out (timer?) unequip the oil version and equip the no oil version. Hi candlepin, I have experience with fsm and node base visual programing for game engine like Unity and Unreal but i am a complete noob at writing an actual script, i do understand the basic functions but i will have to go via trial and errors. So should i put the script on potion dialog where we have an option for script? And would i use OnEquip for a potion since i think potion are not equip but activate or use? Doing an on and off lantern nif is easy, just need to figured how to make the script to make the potion trigger the on version when using it and to trigger off when the potion duration wear off. I look at some script doing similar stuff today but still not fully grasping the correct procedures. Also on the wiki if i understand correctly OnEquipped will not work if fire via script : This event wont always fire. If the item is being equipped normally through the Inventory it works as intended. If it equipped through the console or papyrus calls instead, the event will not fire.
  24. False alarm still not working so will have to do some more test. Getting closer to a complete solution!
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