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Everything posted by dovapix

  1. So far all the one i have test work with the aimed & target system but i just realize i was not thinking about the nif file flags for these magic effect so i will investigate on this tomorrow and see if maybe a flag is responsible to make them work like this. At least we are getting closer to a solution. OK after reading the wiki i now understand how the constant casting type work it have to be done via enchantment instead of spell so it can be apply to an armor part, that make sense and i will try this tomorrow because now i am really tired.
  2. That very odd indeed and i did test with target location and we can target any object with it and the flickering still work perfectly well. I was just reading the magic effect wiki to have a better understanding of all the casting methods and i am not sure about what they mean by constant effect, they say it is working only on armor and abilities so i wonder how you can cast it on an armor piece aka our lantern? I never went in the Midden since i only played like 15 hr of the game so far(go ahead laugh at me), i will check what type of light is used on this magelight. I will also make a quick video and post it on Bethesda.net as an obvious bug but knowing Bethesda this will probably get ignored. Just went in the Midden and unfortunately the light flickering is not working at all. Another thing we can try is changing the light form and test every one that have flicker already working on the candlelight version of the spell.
  3. I can't believe my own eyes it's flickering finally and yesterday i just did a test with the candlelight spell but i never thought about testing the mage light spell since they are both using the same light, the only difference is that mage light delivery method is aimed instead of self! So the light flickering FX is working but only with the magelight aimed system meaning that it is useless for lantern, will have to see if other method like target actor could make it possible to cast the light on the lantern. I find it strange that it is working this way and not on the candlelight spell. Will get back testing various delivery method.
  4. This is cruelly missing and modders have to work like slaves to do simple thing. Please niftools stop the open source non sense and let us pay for developers to make it work! A modder seem to be working on one here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3009/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrimspecialedition%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D3009%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D5025580&pUp=1
  5. Hi Thumb, You probably talking about this mod : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16112/? Gandalf staff but it does not solve the arm issue either and it is easy to replace the original torch since the hold pose fit perfectly well. Still have no reply in my Havok thread but i will start to fiddle with it to see if i can locate the animation and the way to get removed by object.
  6. Hi thumb, I have good experience in nifskope but no one so far have tried to convert a weapon nif to an armor nif and i don't think it is possible at all. I think the only real solution for this one would be via Havok tools and removing behavior from torch duplicate so when the duplicate aka lantern is equip then the animation for holding the torch wont get triggered. I post a new thread on this and i am waiting for some eventual experience user of havok tool to give us some advice. Regarding the light you just have to move the attachLight node in Nifskope via translation x or y axis so the light is not in a closed mesh. By the way just by changing the Prn NiStringData to WeaponDagger instead of SHIELD equip the torch on the belt but we still have the problem with the animated torch arm pose.
  7. Did more test today and i have no success trying to copy the torch.nif nodes into a helmet.nif, the goal was to fool the game engine so i could put the torch on the hair body slots so when player equip duplicate helmet a torch would be lit on his head. The new nif simply crash the game at loading. Will try to see if i can fix it but i doubt since the torch.nif seem to be harcoded with the light in it.The attachLight node is not what linking the light to it, it's just a place holder to precisely align the light and if block is remove then the light is simply aligned center to the mesh.
  8. Hi everyone, I am looking for a way to removed an animation from a vanilla duplicate weapon(torch.nif) and replace it with the idle animation so equipping the torch would not raise the arm in the torch holding anim. Keep in mind that i still want the vanilla torch to work as intended in game. I search in the torch.nif to see if i could find a trigger node that fired up the animation but i found nothing. How difficult would that be in Havok since tutorials are close to non existent for this tool? If you have any suggestion how to do it with a different technique then please share your idea with us!
  9. Would it be possible to make a duplicate of the torch and go in Havoc content tools to assign idle behavior to new torch duplicate so the duplicate would not trigger the hold torch pose?
  10. You are welcome my friend and you also motivated me to push further ahead since when you have no replies you tend to forget about it and when you are 2 or more to try solving a technical problem then you get motivated and everyone contribute to solving it. I was searching if papyrus can handle light intensity scripting but so far i found nothing and the reference on light was empty so i guess Bethesda don't want anybody to play with light animation. It's getting late but tomorrow i will try the animation of the light node in Nifskope to see if the effect would be enough. Take care
  11. Ahah well said...anyway, thanks! Even your project seems huuuge and promising! wow. Thanks and good luck to you too! Thank and if lucky and i found enough spare time i would be happy to release it for Christmas! All the best to you and you are very talented.
  12. That what i was suspected since imagine having mods that put ton of light flickering spells + wielding a torch! The other modders probably drop it after investigating like we are doing. We could also fake the flickering by animating the candlelight node in rapid succession in Nifskope and that very easy to do and by removing the flash FX and flare the light would be invisible and the flickering would be realistic. It would be similar to adding a noise controller to a light in 3ds max. I still wonder why some light form(very few less than 10 i think)have a direct link to a 3d model just like torch01 is linked via edit to torch.nif. I tried linking a duplicated torch01 to an amulet nif but wearing the amulet generated no light at all. That the joy of modding since a breakthrough is maybe just ahead and we don't even know it yet! Found an interesting thread here talking about torch01 being hardcoded and with what seem to be a workaround : http://www.gamesas.com/game-getplayer-additem-torch01-causes-erratic-behavior-t258632.html Time to fiddle with the nif file to see if i can maybe simply copy the information from skin partitions just for a quick test.
  13. Did some test with candlelight spell and as i expected the flicker FX is not working either! The only think that show the illusion of flicker is because the light orb is moving but on a stationary light emitter like a lantern it would not be moving at all. That probably a limitation from the game engine toward console capabilities. So our last chance is trying to fool the engine to see the torch as an armor node but honestly i think it will not work. I will try just to eliminate the doubt i have about it. I wonder if RLO modify anything regarding the torch? I would do other test with the mod disable just to make sure.
  14. Hi thumb, Changing the animation positions would be doable in Nifskope but i also did some test with the candlelight spell included in the quicklight lantern mod and the light was not flickering either, maybe because of the mod internal modifications so i will have to test it with the original spell to see if flickering is working. In the case this solution would work i would just change the flame and color and remove the annoying flash effect that make you blind. I have 2 solutions to test from now on: #1 Taking a nif file that is compatible with body slots and replace all nodes with the torch nodes(If harcoded this will probably not work) #2 Create a duplicate of the torch.nif and load it in 3ds max and rig the torch model with one bone then skin it and export to get the skin partitions so i can assign it to another body slots via the CK or TES5EDIT. Since the torch.nif located in the meshes/weapons/torch/torch.nif is not accessible via the ck i am not sure this will work.
  15. After a lot of test i think that i can confirmed that the light flicker or pulse FX will never work with magic effect, it's have to be hard coded on the torch or else the magic effect form is not supporting light FX for performance considerations. Last hope to get it working is to make some nifskope voodoo and use a ring nif and replace every nodes with the torch nodes and see if i can fool the game engine this way. Technically if using the ring nif with the torch nif nodes in a body slot then equipping the lantern should trigger the torch light with working flickering fx. If this does not work than my last choice will be to just replace the torch with my lantern mesh and fit it to the hand holding torch position since this way flickering will work. For some it might sound like i am desperate to get a trivial FX to work but i will make a video with lantern with flickering FX and one without it and you will quickly see how immersion get broken without.
  16. Some more tests today and it seem that the flickering light FX is not working when the light is attach to an object via magic effect like most lantern mods are doing. To make it work it would have to be like the torch but the problem is we cannot access body slots for torch so i will try to use an armor item like a ring and replace the nodes with the torch nif nodes and see if i can make the magic happen.
  17. When slot 55 is used then of course this is not considered a torch any more by the game. Torches are left hand only (slot 34). And therefore the engine has no reason to send the "torchEquip" animation event that I have mentioned before. And therefore no animations will be played that hold that torch. Hi Fore, Thank i never thought about it first. But what still bugging me is why that damn flicker FX work on the torch but not when it get in another body slots? Wearable lanterns use the candlelight spell but since the torch was already having a light i wonder why he still use the magic effect, there must be a reason why?
  18. Hi Thumb, No problem mate modding is like that 10 defeats for one victory! But just like my new trees overhaul mod i thought it would never work and then one night i tried it again and it just work. Perseverance is the name of the game. The torch trick is used by all the lantern mods that don't put the lantern as wearable on the body slots and it is the easiest one to work with but the main problem is if you want to make it wearable at the belt via body slot then your arm will be in the torch holding position! I am studying Quicklight for Skyrim legendary edition and he don't use any body slots and you just have to hold the e key and the lantern appear lighted at your front belt then you just hold e longer again and it shut it down. I really like that solution but i have a hard time understanding the script since it was made for SKSE and i don't know what would need to be removed to make it work on SSE. I also study a lot wearable lantern by Chesko and he use slot 55 for the back lantern and the lantern seem to be automatically get lit when you equip it and what puzzle me is that he seem to have use the torch nif to make it but there is no arm stuck in the torch pose and you can even dual wield while equip. Also both mod don't have the flickering FX on them and that really anti climax to have a dancing flame having no flicker effect on surrounding. I was looking at this papyrus reference for GetEquippedItemType and maybe if someone with more experience in papyrus could help us since there seem to be a way to block the pose of the torch, here the link : https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetEquippedItemType_-_Actor This would be ideal since only the torch have a working flickering FX. Maybe a modders with scripts experience will come and lay a hand we never know.
  19. Hi Thumb, I don't remember the time setting in the light form but i will have a look later on tonight. Regarding the candle i was out of luck since it is not a light but only a glow effect. I don't think any other mesh except the torch have a light attach to it. So i am almost back to square 1 after i tried to use an enchantment on a piece of armor to make it cast light still have no luck, i think maybe it has something to do with a certain node in the nif file. What i thought was going to be simple turned out to be harder than i expected.
  20. Hi Thumb, For the moment i put it in slot 55 so i hope this will not conflict with other mods but i can change it if i see problem later on. Just got a new problem that occurred after a few more test the light flickering FX simply stop working and even re starting the game and re installing the mod did not fix it. So far i only had problem with the magic effect that include a light(candlelight) but if i use the torch it work flawlessly so maybe something is conflicting, at first i thought it could be the glass from the lantern since it's enclosing the light source but it's change nothing! I will try to put a candle with associated light and see if i can get it to work or else i think there is no other mesh that have a light in it but i could be wrong. Fore mention the possibility to avoid loading the arm holding torch pose but he probably was referring to do it via script and i want my mod to be without script. I got another full day to do test so let's hope i will fix these issues.
  21. Hi Fore, A big thank for the reply, and i have found a way to do it without resorting to a torch duplicate now i can equip the new lantern on the back of the player via body slot and i understand how to add light to object via magic effect and i have flickering light FX that work hurrayyyyyyyy! The only thing left to do will be giving choice of various light intensity like low,medium,high via spell book but i never did this before so i will have to Google it tomorrow. I will not include a fuel gauge since it would imply a script and i want most of my mod without them for simplicity and reliability.
  22. I was able to make it work finally but there is one bug with light FX flicker and pulse, if the magic effect use casting type : constant effects and delivery on self the light flicker fx will not work at all but if you use fire and forget and aimed then the light flicker fx work. That really weird and obviously a bug.
  23. Hi thumb, Thank for replying since it is becoming a rarity these days, i did some test earlier this morning and as i suspected the hand of the player was having the holding torch pose so this solution is not working since i don't think we can remove a player pose from a certain item. I will have to dig deeper and see how the armor slots work. I am not against scripts but i want all my mods to reflect simplicity if possible. I will also explore your idea.
  24. Not going to happen anytime soon since Boris seem fed up with SSE and many modders are also quitting the boat.
  25. Hi everyone, I spend almost 3 days looking for answer on the web and didn't get a single clue! I have no problem working with CK and Nifskope. So here it is and it is very simple and have been done a few time already, i want to make simple mod that would put a custom lantern i made on the player belt. The lantern would light up when the player equip it just like a torch. All the other lantern mods have something that's not working or too complex and lead the game to ctd in certain specific circumstances. My first idea is to duplicate the torch in weapons and replace by my lantern and adjust the fire FX then moving the lantern so it get close to the belt of player. But i think the player hand will still have the torch holding pose? Would probably need to make it available in shop. I don't need step by step just general pointers. So if anyone would be kind enough to get me started it would make me a happy bird!
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