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Everything posted by dovapix

  1. I am done with the lantern model and texture but all of the sudden the light doesn't show up upon equipping the lantern and it was working perfectly fine yesterday so i am currently investigating that problem.
  2. Just fiddle again with the lantern model and came up with a completely new model with 3 variations and for me i definitively have a kick on D since it is more elegant and slicker than the A&B, what your opinion? http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/pixelquaternion/lanterns2_zpsdpohv3qt.jpg
  3. Hi thumb, Thank and i will probably make both of them as an option to buy in the Riverwood trader!
  4. I did a new model since the first one was pretty bland and i made a variation so which one A or B do you guy's prefer? http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g69/pixelquaternion/lanterns_zpsatt20sbv.jpg
  5. Sorry if i sound harsh about the industry and my goal was not to brake anyone dream but just warned people that many of us end up like me disabled and no way to get compensation for it since you always heal from a tendonitis but having many over a few years can lead to disaster. I can still work but only at my own pace without pushing it like we do in crunch time or as freelance deadline dance of death! If i could go back in time i would chose to be a club Med entertainer always on the sunny beaches with beautiful ladies! OK back on modding topic, by looking at a few mods i now understand how they are made but thank for the link.
  6. Hi thumb, If you want my honest opinion never let yourself tempted in the video game development industry since many think it is a very cool job when in reality it is very far from fun believe me. Everything take forever to do, art, coding, FX, Mocap etc and wages are often atrocious under very bad conditions and long hours(Lot and i mean lot of unpaid overtime), you are often force to work on a very non ergonomic work station next close to another employee who fart like a mad man all day long.(not even joking here). We all fall for the freelancer life style because of the massive exploitation by big studios but after 2 or 3 contracts we understand quickly that the word Free in freelancer should be change to slavelancer, in freelance a week is compose of 8 days because you cut on your sleep hours to finish the contract before the deadline approach since on one of my last contract i was getting fined 250$ daily! (some studio will have way more heavy fine then this). A good 3d artist take 5 years to become very good at his art and be capable of doing anything in a reasonable time frame and a good coder the same thing since learning all the coding intricacy of modern coding language is very complicated and required dedication since the job is very very boring. Add to this the RSI problem that you will eventually get and sometime not capable of holding a mouse or a stylus for months and you get the big picture. There is some success story but they are a tiny minorities and mostly studio can have any 3d artist for peanuts as long as they can say look i did the stairs in Assassin Creed! You seem like a good guy so i just want you to be warned before jumping in the snake pit!
  7. As i suspected i am googling for 2 hours now and found nothing on making options menu with spell books so i will have to load mod in the ck to see how they did it. Maybe Skyrim special edition forum is not a very good place to ask questions since there is very little traffic lately!
  8. Hi Thumb, Thank but you are the only one who truly motivated me to push it further almost across the insanity realm(specially last night) ! But like i mention earlier modding is 10 defeats for one victory but when you like challenges then you are served! Bethesda have disabled it on purpose so the console mods don't suffer, that why a Constant Effect on Self is much more costly in term of performance than the Fire and Forget Aimed casting type. But they should at least indicate this on their wiki since i am certainly not the first trying to make this work and i lost considerable time doing so but at least this thread will probably help other modders to avoid doing the same. After i am done with a series of mods start a year ago i will make a new modders branch on my gaming channel specially for people who want to learn all the fancy stuff in Skyrim with a variety of tools that are often close guarded secrets! I am in the game development business since the past 15 years and 6 years as a 3D&2D teacher in various colleges, recently i was an environment freelancer and was forced to quit my job because of chronic RSI problems. I still have to make these various lantern options available via spellbooks and i hope i will have luck googling for it since help is something i don't get very often either on forum or in real life! Will try to upload a video just to show the effect later on tonight.
  9. Finally after a week of trying to make this work i came out with a solution of my own instead of relying on third party mods. The solution was so simple that i never thought about it first, what i did was to simply animate the light Attach node in 3ds max on all 3 axis to simulate the pattern of a dancing flame then exporting the nif with animation and fix the nif node structure to work with the new anim and voila! The effect is pretty realistic and the new lantern mod will have the following options: * Wearable in front or back belt * Hand held * As a magic light that follow you(without the annoying blinding flash) * 2 new custom lantern models to chose from * Optional lantern with shadow(will disable light if you come in a cell with 4 lights, a script is suppose to fix that) And best of all it required no script and doesn't affect performance at all. Will be release on the Nexus with video soon.
  10. What an idiot i am i just realized i made this thread in the wrong forum section! How do we contact a mod here? If a mod see this thread can you please move this thread to : Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders My apologies since i went in my content and didn't realize i was not in the good forum...
  11. What an idiot i am i just realized i made this thread in the wrong forum section! How do we contact a mod here? If a mod see this thread can you please move this thread to : Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders My apologies since i went in my content and didn't realize i was not in the good forum...
  12. What an idiot i am i just realized i made this thread in the wrong forum section! How do we contact a mod here? If a mod see this thread can you please move this thread to : Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit and Modders My apologies since i went in my content and didn't realize i was not in the good forum...
  13. If you want my opinion so far SSE ENB are not worth using since they are devoid of all the interesting features and Boris doesn't seem to be very interested in the new 64 bits architecture. If you absolutely want the DOF effect from enb then that probably the only feature you will appreciate if you don't like the one in vanilla SSE. My advice go with vanilla and use the imaginator to change the saturation and color + a whole bunch of various setting and you will have no fps drop like an enb. Most enb that seem to look good are often done for the big weather mods but personally i don't like them because the artistic depiction of certain type of weather are pretty much atrocious from an artist point of view. Hope i shed a few lights so you can decide from yourself.
  14. Hi Thumb, So far we know that only magelight spell with casting type set to : Fire and Forget and delivery set to either : Aimed, Target Actor, Target Location are triggering the flickering effect correctly. So i have tried to take the lightspellstaticlight.nif and to put NiStringExtraData node set to be linked to the pelvis but it seem to have no effect in game just like the node is completely ignored. So there is maybe a way to attach the light via script with Target Actor delivery method so i post a thread to see if people with papyrus experience could shed some light on this hypothetical solution. I should do a video of the flickering FX on and off and maybe then i could generate enough interest for people to join our effort to get this thing working. Forget to mention that i disable the only light effect mod i was using just to make sure the light were not affected(RLO)
  15. Hi everyone, I just want to see if this is something that would work with papyrus. Would it be possible to make a script for magic effect magelight projectile to attach to an object or armor piece? I already know that we have a few delivery type like Target Actor and Target Location so if we can attach it via script to let's say a lantern then we would finally have the light flickering FX working. I have already tried all the Casting Type and Delivery methods and only Fire and Forget + Aimed,Target Actor,Target Location are making the light FX working properly. This is easily achieve with Constant Effect on Self but unfortunately it removed the light flickering FX. Not asking anyone to do it just if it would work but general pointers would be appreciated.
  16. Little update about progress, seem like Fnis help documentation is not easy to understand even to make simple change i cannot see any clear information on how to change that animation from loading when equipping the lantern and i tried looking for tutorial and as usual nothing except how to install. I did not tried yet to load the Fnis generator for modders and maybe this is what i am looking for. My nifskope new test were a complete failure since you cannot transform an armor.nif into a weapon.nif, i have tried almost every method of copy and paste for the various nodes and nothing work. When you look in the CK the armor.nif have a different structure than the weapon.nif so first i tried to copy all the torch nodes inside the iron helmet.nif and this simply ctd upon load and then i tried to modify the torch.nif by making it look like an armor.nif and this was working in game but still have the torch animation loaded. So my conclusion are that the torch.nif is hardcoded and there is no way to fool the engine trying to make it mimic another nif block structure. If it was the unity game engine i would have it working in less than a day! Oh well back to trying to understand how Fnis work and if i cannot use it then i will put an end to this extensive effort to make this thing work.
  17. Now i am trying to use Flore technique and replace the equip torch behaviors with an idle animation for the lantern so i will have to dig in his documentation to see if i can do it since i have work a few month with ffm and state machines in Unity engine so it should be familiar. Replacing the torch anim for idle should not be that hard if there is not a zillions files with bad naming convention!
  18. Does anyone came across that behaviors editor : https://sourceforge.net/p/skyrimbehavior/wiki/Home/ Just download it but when i click on the setup button it was trying to connect to a server so i cancel the installation. Seem legit since the user show some videos on Youtube but it's pretty hard to trust a software that immediately try to connect to a remote server!
  19. OK sorry to bother you and i wont ask anything don't worry i get the message...
  20. Hi Fore, You are right i didn't took a look yet at behaviors since i was testing more simple solutions first but now i will unpack the animation bsa to have a peak. Regarding behavior tool i have a version that was link in thread here and of course i don't have the Bethesda original folder structure so that wouldn't work but i thought maybe we could tweak some basic thing. I am going to read more about replacing animations but if i was successful at replacing an animation would i be able to retain the original animation for the torch? #1 I mean having the torch hold animation for the torch #2 having the idle animation when wearing the lantern I hope i make myself clear enough.
  21. Thank mate and i am going to try another goofy idea with nifskope. I load the torch.nif in the hex editor and i cannot see anything related to light so far but i am not an expert in hex. At least i can confirm that you can enchant any armor part or weapon and it is working like a charm with the technique in this thread : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/960314-attaching-light-to-object-dynamically-with-papyrus/ If only i was more experience with scripting i would probably find a way to make this work. Not dropping the glove yet but after i try what i have in mind i will quit and do the simple torch lantern replacement since this work and after all it is more realistic to have your hand occupied with a lantern and fight with the other as intended from the beginning. This is such a disappointment since the flickering FX is doing a sea of difference compared to dull static light. Back to testing last resort solutions.
  22. Hi Fore, When you talk about the torchequip event do you mean to make a script that would ignored the animation behavior when equipping the torch? Yesterday i did a lot of test and i found out that magic effects light spell like magelight is having a working flickering FX but when i change the magic effect casting type to constant effects on self the light is working when wearing the object but the flickering FX is not working! That strange to have this FX working with aimed casting spell. I have access to Havok behavior tools but i think we cannot modify Skyrim with it correct me if i am wrong.
  23. Here we go again for another round of test and so far it is disappointing, i was able to make an enchant on the iron helmet and when wearing it it's emit light perfectly but again no flickering fx. The magic effect casting type and delivery only work with a aimed type for the light FX to work, anything stationary do not work unfortunately. I remember being able to fix something on another game with hexeditor so i think i will have to give it a try to see if i can locate how they attach the light to the torch.nif.
  24. Hi Fore, No i believe what you were saying but since English is not my native tongue maybe i didn't get it correctly. I will try to follow what you mention here but i am not sure i understand everything like how would i know what is the name of the animation for torch holding and how do you unlink it from a duplicate of the torch so the vanilla torch still work as intended? Thank for any help in the matter.
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