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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. It's really hard to see exactly what is going on in your screenshots, because that are opening at postage stamp size. But from what I can tell, I have to guess that you've made edits to a vanilla interior cell, and this isn't a cell you've made from scratch? If it's a vanilla cell that you've made changes to, what you're seeing is a side effect of making changes to a cell that has previsibility enabled and that data not being updated. Precombined meshes and previsibility are part of the game's optimization system and the way it works can make any editing vanilla cells a real challenge. If you just removed items from the cell without either disabling or regenerating the previs, this is the sort of thing that happens. Problem with disabling the optimization system is that you can take a real performance hit among other issues.


    It's similar to what happens in Sanctuary (just one example) if you scrap one of the hedgerows that wasn't meant to be scrapped (like with a scrapping mod) and things behind where the hedge was start to blink in and out as you pass by. What you're seeing is similar, but since this is an interior cell there is no worldpace so the white you see is the void of the empty cell.


    The "building from the outside world clipping in through the roof" is actually the LOD generated for the interior cell to act as a representation of what you would see if you were looking out the window. If that cell has the LOD enabled and you built onto the existing interior to a point where it intersects where the LOD is generated, that's that will happen. You can get around it by using an LOD Clip Volume to "mask out" the LOD from your interior but honestly, I think you have bigger issues to deal with first.


    Folks would be better able to help you if you mentioned what cell this is and what changes you have made. You might also want to take a look through this thread on the FO4 optimization system. Lots of great info by some knowledgeable modders who are way above my pay grade. The thread will likely give you a better understanding of what is happening and how you can work around it.

  2. There really isn't any faction affiliation tied to settlements, with the exception of the BOS Feeding the Troops radial quests and obviously, Raider settlements created with the Nuka World DLC. Aligning with the Railroad will be more of an RP thing and not anything to do with game mechanics AFAIK.


    Does your character have Level 1 of the Local Leader perk? You need that before you can start assigning provisioners. I think you need at least Charisma 6 for that perk to unlock, but am not sure off hand.

  3. Also just to mention for RedRocketTVs sake, do not have any meshes or textures folder present when generating, unless you intend to bake the meshes (should they present in the cell you are regening) or you want higher RAM usage having custom tex's loaded.


    Not sure I follow: ANY loose mesh or texture folders, even if the mod or cell doesn't use them? Am I misunderstanding? That doesn't make sense (as in, how does that work) if that's what you mean, but it's been a long day...


    Made an interesting discovery while testing my Coastal Cottage previs last night: found two vanilla preculling glitches that at first I assumed because of the mod. One is the top of the small boathouse just south of the Nakano residence, the other is on the bridge span over towards Parson's Creamery. Going south from the Nakano house, the top point of the boathouse is missing until you get close to it, move away and it glitches back out. The bridge glitch can be seen if you keep going south along the cliff. At the edge of the cliff just before you get to a spot with a cluster of ferals, the center span of the bridge glitches in and out just as it hits the edge of your field of vision.


    Assuming it was the mod, I deactivated it and tested again...both were still glitching. Tested the same routine on my second test machine with no mods installed, just the DLC....did the same thing. Have to assume Far Harbor is to blame, but haven't tested without it active...wouldn't be able to test the Nakano house anyway.


    Just something I thought worth mentioning if anyone else ends up doing work in that part of the map.


    EDIT: I stand corrected. That bridge preculling isn't from Far Harbor. Definitely in the base game. Tested again with no Far Harbor, no mods...still disappears as described above. I have to wonder if it might be a bounding sphere issue on the LOD mesh? It only blinks out of existence when it hits the edge of the screen, and only if it is on the right side of the player...very odd.

  4. What I do, is I generate precalc, and then move all files into a folder with the esp's title. If I need to update, then I just copy the files back, update, and then move the all of the files back into the esp folder again overwriting the old files with the updated ones. I haven't run into a problem with gen 1 files not being included in updates along with the newly generated precalc files. My mod touches every settlement, and if I only have to update one settlement, the files for the others still get packed like normal.


    Edit: One thing I have seen though, is if I have stray precalc files from another plugin, they can sometimes get packaged as well, and screw things up royally. The exception to this is DLC precalc. They only get packed if the esp refs the dlc worldspace.


    That's more or less the system I've been using to test with my "main" game install after making an archive to make sure the precalc is pulling from the archive and not loose files. Very good to know about other loose files potentially getting packed though. Never would have thought that would be a thing. One more thing to add to the checklist of stuff not to forget about.

  5. I didnt bother writing up an article on the precalc system after this thread surfaced, so much good info here and more all the time.


    Just to add to whats been said in the last few posts, which ever mod that contains the top level record for the cell that loads last will take precedence.


    A nice example is War of the Commonwealth, it makes reference to nearly all vanilla exterior cells therefore contains a copy of each cells vanilla data for everything. Loading it last will see it override all mods that make any changes to other cells, therefore cancelling out any new previs/precom generation etc. There are 2 caveats to this, one is that any mods that add new objects will be fine, their objects will load, but two is that any loose previs UVD files and loose precombined mesh files (not in BA2) will still load, as you would expect, which would then load to occlusion/old mesh bugs etc.


    As it has been said, if you have multiple mods touching an area, you need to generate for all the mods in question. Real PITA when dealing with a lot of combinations and making patches for each.


    I encountered this over the weekend testing my Coastal Cottage mod. My last house mod makes changes to the Slog diner, and I noticed some of the trees across the river from the diner flickering in and out with the Coastal Cottage mod active. Flipping the load order resolved it, not surprisingly. I never really looked at what cells the precalc for Coastal Cottage touched until I saw that. Sort of gives you an appreciation for how many cells get touched by regenerating for even simple changes to one cell, and how close together Bethesda made most of the settlements.


    At some point I may have to go make a patch, but switching the load order solves it and for now that's good enough for me.

  6. AFAIK the only way to create legendary items and have them properly spawn in-game is generating them through a quest. That's how all the legendary items in the game seem to be generated.


    Seddon4494 has a great tutorial on how to do make legendary weapons on YouTube, but you can also use the process he shows on armor. I've done this with weapons several times using this tutorial and it's worked perfectly each time.


    In the future, you should probably post questions like this in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. Most people using this particular forum are looking for help troubleshooting mods in their game, not for help with the CK and you'll probably have better luck in the CK forum.

  7. I just got this laptop the other day. Fresh off the shelf.


    And yeah that's what I've been trying to do. I downloaded a program to transfer ownership of the files, went into the file Properties to adjust the security. Nothing worked. Everything was fine until this one file decided to be a dick. I've had this problem since Windows 10 came along but it hasn't actually caused any major issues until now.

    Even with a "fresh off the shelf" machine, the first thing you might want to think about doing is nuking the installed OS and doing a fresh install yourself. You never know what you are getting as bloatware (or other surprises), and if I have problems they are much easier to narrow down because I know what I put onto the machine, rather than guessing what it came installed with.


    These are benign... mostly. These errors are Beth's fault, and is, I think, one of the reasons the Mechanist's lair had so many issues when the DLC first released. I don't think they generated new Precalc data correctly. Crazy I know, seeing as how it's their tools they are screwing up with, but I was able to correct that problem when it happened in my own game by simply regenerating precalc.



    Thanks. I suspected they weren't anything related something I had done, but never having run into this before am happy to get some "professional advice" on it. Nuke World is flooded with errors and warning when you load it. The one mod I have released in Nuka Wold always gives me an error that it can't open the location where my exterior cell is. That sorta freaked me out the first time, until I realized it gives "can't open location" warnings for just about every location in the DLC even if you just load the .esm.


    Will be doing more extensive testing over the weekend, but I think if there were any problems they would have surfaced by now. Thanks again for all the input!

  9. iirc, in place everywhere, when you want to scale something you just highlight it by looking at it rather than selecting it.


    took me a while to figure out what I was doing wrong

    Correct. Same goes for any other functions AFAIK, such as nudging something with the numpad keys. Took me ages to discover that all you had to do was hit Num 5 to get rid of the shimmer after nudging something. Was saving, quiting, reloading until I figured that one out. Major facepalm. The mod has some really cool features that don't get talked about very much.


    As long as yours loads last, yours wins, same as all other records in Fallout/TES games. If you built your mod's previs/precombineds without DLCCoast.esm loaded in the CK, it probably just means you won't have the things added by that DLC being included in previs calculations (theoretically reducing performance, but it would be negligible on any computer). The only time it would really matter if you generated precombineds/previs with the DLC loaded is if the DLC moved/removed something big.


    If you generate your previs/precombineds with the relevant DLC loaded as well (which I imagine you are, otherwise it shouldn't give any messages about that DLC plugin "owning" anything), you're fine. It's probably throwing up the additional warning pop-up because it detects two overwrites, and is warning you that one won't apply.

    Actually, what happens is you get object culling just like if you hadn't created Preivs at all. Take Sunshine Tidings for instance. I had cleaned trash, debris, shrubs, and the destroyed cabin from that settlement, and as soon as I installed the Nuka DLC, it glitched out, and started causing problems in the two cells with the center building in them. You have to make precalc data with DLCs loaded as dependents if the DLC changes something in the same area as your plugin.


    That's annoying to say the least. In my case the interior cell uses DLC assets, so they have to be loaded (and are) when editing the mod and making the precalc. But good info nonetheless, and will certainly keep that in mind.

  11. Cuz I hate surprises. :dry: But fine I'll check out it. As soon as I figure out how to scale items.

    Sorry, didn't think enlarging a sign to make more real estate for lettering would be a surprise.


    By default, Place Everywhere uses the 1 & 3 numpad keys for scaling down and up respectively. The mod page has all the info you need on the other features it has.


    EDIT: Just remembered that Oxhorn has a good video on Place Everywhere and shows off some of the "hidden" features such as scaling. Pretty sure he shows how to install it, so if you're already using the mod you might be able to skip that part.

  12. The latest version of FROST has glowing ghouls explode giving a burst of rads when you kill them. You might take a look at that mod to see how they are set up. Fair warning: if you give that a try, be prepared to click through a ton of CK warnings when you open the .esp.
  13. Sounds logical, particularly your comment on it detecting the overwrites. I went back through the warnings log this morning and saw a line more or less saying a change to a DLC asset was detected and it was reverting to the DLC data. Pretty sure it was in the Nakano house cell, which my mod doesn't touch but the new previs might have.


    Initial testing doesn't show anything out of place, performance is perfect. So I'll just write it off to CK/DLC wonkiness. Thanks for the input. It's very much appreciated!

  14. I just use a mod to disable settlement attacks altogether. It is a seriously flawed mechanic, and I would just as soon do without it.

    I do the same for similar reasons. Really got annoyed getting attack messages while trying to play in Far Harbor. NSA (No Settlement Attacks) took care if that problem. Combined with the mod (can't recall the name) that moves attack points outside of settlements makes the game far more enjoyable.


    The amount of crops and water stored in a settlement workshop is definitely a factor in calculating attacks. Kinda hard to monitor that when you're in a different worldspace just trying to play the game.

  15. Thanks for that info. Will keep that in mind should that specific error ever occur.


    In regards to the previs timestamp conflict FO4Edit is showing, should that be a concern?


    The Far Harbor .esm seems to claim ownership to most of the cells in the Coastal Cottage area, presumably due to the Nakano residence, but most of those cells aren't really anywhere near it. Seems that area has conflicts with the main game .esm as well...maybe Bethesda did it all on a Monday or a Friday.


    You're getting warnings in those cells because they show if you just load up the official DLC plugins. I'd guess it's essentially saying telling you that it is using/has to use precombined data associated with that plugin because of _____ reference. Honestly, with the hundreds/thousands of warnings that show when you just load Fallout4.esm or the DLC, I never pay attention to the warnings in the CK (to the point I set the Warnings window to appear below my screen using the preferences ini).


    You didn't break anything, the CK is just incredibly stupid.



    Thanks, VIitS. That's what I was hoping to hear. I normally do ignore the barrage of CK warnings, but this throws up an actual warning box that I have to click out of to finish loading the .esp. I never get those with my mods (with the exception of anything I've done in Nuka World, as that DLC is just flooded with CK errors) so it was rather alarming. And the fact that it didn't start until after generating previs/precombines was also cause for concern.


    On a semi-related note, FO4Edit shows a previs timestamp conflict with the Far Harbor .esm for any of surrounding the cells that DLC touches, with my mod as the winner. That's also something I've never encountered, but then again I think this is the first mod I've done with a DLC touching the Commonwealth worldspace. I've looked at other mods that alter Coastal Cottage and they all get the same previs timestamp conflict as mine is showing, which I suppose is what you would expect. Would rather not have any red showing on my mod in FO4edit, but am not sure if it's something to be worried about. Have only done very precursory testing at this point, but everything seems to work fine thus far.

  17. OK, here's a stumper I've been trying to figure out for over two hours and am just spinning my wheels. I've made some minor edits to Coastal Cottage that adds an elevator/teleport to an interior cell. I've added a small room at the end of the "hole in the ground" where the two Mirelurks spawn. Rebuild all the precombines and previs, create archives, everything is happy. Everything works great in-game.


    But when I open the .esp back up in the CK I get a message warning about "Combined key ref errors for cells." There is a whole string of messages that seem to indicate some of the precombines are "owned" by DLC .ESMs, and some are "owned" by my mod. Here a sample from the middle of the warnings:

    ** Cell Wilderness (0000D8C8) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref RockCliffCoastSlab (00159376)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF51) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref BillboardBldgSm01 (0604BF65)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D8EB) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref RockPileL01_NF_Roots01 (0304F4D9)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF5A) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref DirtCliffLarge02 (0600B046)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DFBB) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref RockCliff03_NF (0600AADF)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D891) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref RockCliffCoast_Low01 (03032CCE)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF16) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref TreeCluster06 (0021AEC0)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D8AC) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref TreeCluster08 (03021E10)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000E45B) combined data is owned by file DLCRobot.esm due to ref RaiderCampPole02 (01008351)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF9A) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref RockCliff04 (0600AADB)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D886) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref TreeCluster02 (03021D7A)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D88D) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref ExtRubble_Plain_Lg_Mid01 (03021C45)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF37) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref TreeCluster07 (0021AED1)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D967) combined data is owned by file RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Coastal.esp due to ref BldConcSmWallPillarWall01 (0702488E)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000D8CA) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref RockCliffCoastSlab (0304F4F0)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell POIMCamp02 (0000D986) combined data is owned by file RRTV_HomesAndBunkers_Coastal.esp due to ref DirtSlope01_NF_Dirt01Grass (07028DB5)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF7B) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref RockCliff01_NF (0600B047)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000E400) combined data is owned by file DLCCoast.esm due to ref TreeClusterDead01 (03032CCA)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000DF58) combined data is owned by file DLCNukaWorld.esm due to ref RockCliff01 (0600AAC9)
    MASTERFILE: *** Cell Wilderness (0000F6B7) combined data is owned by file DLCRobot.esm due to ref TrashEdge01 (00142F3C)


    There are a bunch of other warnings mentioned cells I don't even touch: University Point, The Mechanist Lair...Fort Hagen? WTF. Any ideas if these are benign or soemthign to be concerned with? If it's a major issue to resolve, I'll just finish the mod without the precombines at this point. There is so little in that area to be much of a performance hit that it might not be worth trying to fix, and I figure most players probably use scrapping mods that break the precombines there anyway, because so much is unscrappable.


    Just wanted to to get some insight before I throw in the towel.

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