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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV



    Not a blunder, intentional. Material swaps exist for this exact use case.

    EDIT: Apologies...I thought you were trying to make a mod, not looking for one. Sorry 'bout that. OCDecorator might let you place Adhesive as decorations, but I haven't used it in ages to be sure.


    I'm really having trouble understanding how Bethesda didn't make a mistake when they have an unused adhesive texture sitting in one of their Fallout 4 - Textures#.ba2 archives.

    Um...the Adhesive texture is not unused. It's very much used in the game. Have adhesive in your inventory? Examine it in your PipBoy and you'll see that it uses the texture.


    If you don't understand how materials swaps work, there are tutorials and lots of info available on them that might clear things up on how they work and why they are used.

  2. I thought so. This seems to be a blunder by Bethesda (given the texture for adhesive exists).

    If someone made a simple mod to fix this, I'd endorse that! My OCD is flaring up.

    Not a blunder, intentional. Material swaps exist for this exact use case.


    EDIT: Apologies...I thought you were trying to make a mod, not looking for one. Sorry 'bout that. OCDecorator might let you place Adhesive as decorations, but I haven't used it in ages to be sure.

  3. There is no separate Adhesive mesh. Use the Props\Component\Component_Acid.nif and do a material swap with ComponentAdhesive.BGSM.


    The components only use a few base meshes and rely on material swaps to display the various components. If you filter for "c_" in the MiscItems section of the Object Window you can go through each component and look at the base item model data to see what material file it uses.

  4. Looks like something is wrong with the UV map. You might have accidentally unwrapped it and now the whole scale is off. Trying importing and exporting your object without editing it at all and see if this happens again.


    Thanks for the suggestion. Same result when I try that. I also thought there was something regarding the UV maps I was changing, but I'm definitely not changing any settings regarding the UV map or anything else. I've tried importing a previously created OBJ and exporting that object along side the locker into a new single OBJ. The old object imports to OS fine, the new OBJ is still broken. There has got to be something going on in Blender at import or export that is altering the UV map without me doing anything. Have tried upgrading to the latest stable 2.78c, still no joy.


    Will spend some time trying to get educated on Blender's UV map handling to see if I can uncover something. This doesn't make any sense though. Really would just love to use 3DSMax and not have to jump through these hoops.


    EDIT: Have given up on using Blender. Was able to get the student version of 3DSMax 2015 to use with the unofficial NIF plugin. In less time than it took to wrote out my previous post and upload the screenshot I have the mesh edited, collision applied from a vanilla locker, brought into the CK and tested in-game. Now I have three years to figure out how to actually use the program.

  5. No intention of hijacking this thread, but since this one was already started...


    I've recently run into an issue exporting from Blender 2.77 into Outfit Studio that I have not encountered in the few times I've edited meshes.


    When importing the OBJ that I exported from Blender into OS, the texture data seems to be exported (or imported) at far too small of a scale.


    Here's a screenshot showing a Vault locker I've edited in Blender and brought back into OS for NIF export. The placeholder texture is clearly much too small in scale. Have tried playing with several export settings and trying to research the settings I should be using but still no joy. It looks really awful with the actual texture applied. It's not just this file, but anything I export out of Blender as an OBJ.


    As I've said, I've done this process before without this problem occurring. Obviously I'm doing something wrong and missing a step and am too blind to see it. Can anyone give me a push in the right direction?

  6. I've only tinkered with this to figure out how it works. It's an exercise in patience in working it out. Never did get to the point to actually work it into a mod, so take this with a grain of chainsaw:


    If you use your Google-Fu, you'll find there are several threads on the old Bethesda forums about doing this. THIS is one I found useful in figuring out how to make the exterior LOD display where I wanted for an interior cell. There are several other threads as well, each having one bit of information that the others don't so it helps to read through them all.


    The default LOD worldspace coordinates put you at the center of the Commonwealth. You need to figure out the XYZ coords for the area you want and enter them into the Offset fields of the Interior Data tab and clicking Apply. Then if you reload the cell by pressing the F5 key, the LOD should update in the render window with the new coordinates. If your cell is supposed to be at or near ground level, the generated LOD will force its way into your interior cell. You need to create an LODClipVolume around your cell to prevent that. But being this is an airship, I don't think you'll need to worry about that.


    I suggest looking at how the Prydwen command deck cell is set up. That has the Financial District LOD visible through the windows. You can use the Offset coordinates there as a reference point. But definitely look through the posts in my first link...they contain the best info I've been able to find on this subject, albeit you need to piece it together yourself.


    One thing I find unfortunate is that some mod authors do not leave older versions of mods posted, when they post a new version. I don't know the ins and outs of mod posting, but is shure is nice to be able to find an older version, when you haven't got all the game updates. In my case, I'm running vers. of FO4, simply because I didn't like the sounds of what the next updates could do to my game. Don't have Nuka World, but so what.
    Please Mod authors, give this some thought.


    As previously mentioned, there are various reasons a mod author will take down older versions. Quite often those not familiar with mod creation (or software development in general) don’t realize just how painful keeping track of different versions can be. Some people love that kind of pain. Personally, I’m not one of them. I work with web design as part of my day job and have to collaborate with various dev teams regularly. Version control is something you come to appreciate when you’re dealing with 15 versions of the same HTML file before you even eat lunch. Most of us simply do not have the time or energy to focus on old and probably outdated versions of our mods. Given our time and energy constrains, I think most of us would rather focus our efforts on new projects and improving the ones we already have out there. Supporting multiple versions of the same mod are a huge drain on that. There's a good reason why software companies end-of-life old versions of their products: it's simply not cost-effective to support them any longer. For most mod authors, cost-effectiveness is measured in time rather than dollars.


    In some cases a older version might be just plain broken, and the mod author is doing the right thing by replacing it with an updated and fixed version and removing the old.


    One reason many mod authors make their mods dependent upon DLC is that there are lots of great assets for us to use. We like shiny things, and we think most other players do too! Better integration with DLC form lists and leveled lists is another motivator.


    It’s also worth mentioning the other extreme: when an author never takes down an old version of a mod. From a user experience perspective, that makes no sense. I really don’t want to filter through 19 versions of a mod to figure out which one I need to install because I can’t be sure the one that is set as the default NMM file is the correct version for my game and DLC config. Pulling out the weeds is never a bad thing.


    For a many, many months after Nuka World I too kept my FO4 install frozen at 1.5.7. I was afraid to upgrade. Then I decided to bite the bullet and Let Go. I came up with an upgrade plan that essentially involved making a duplicate of my FO4 install folder and my NMM mods folder. Should upgrading the game and the mods go south, I would have the backups to fallback on.


    I also backed up and made a hard copy of my plugins.txt folder. As I reinstalled updated versions of the mods I had been using, I followed my plugins.txt file for the load order to keep the same load order as before since it was preatty well fine tuned. I still make a regular print out of the plugins file any time I install new mods, just for a reference in case of a problem.


    I mention upgrading because I was in the same frame of mind not wanting to bork my game. I still keep Steam in offline mode and always will so I don't get any surprises. If you have the storage space, consider backing everything up and then upgrading. You’ll be able to enjoy many more of the newer mods require the DLC you might not already have. There's a ton of fun, new stuff out there. Just a suggestion.

  8. You may have missed what I said earlier about setting up the script fragment at the quest stage that is active when the player picks up the magazine. If you are using Game.AddPerkPoints(x), add that to the script fragment window, substitute the number of points you want to x, and compile.


    If you get stuck, open up the PerksQuest and look at stage 900. It's the unused Explorer perk that reveals all map markers. It has the structure you want to emulate. You also need to attach the MagStageScript to your magazine and set the SetStage property to the quest stage that your Papyrus fragment is attached to in the quest. That is what will trigger your Game.AddPerkPoints fragment when the player picks it up.


    Again, look at how the vanilla mags are set up and use them as a guide for your own.


    EDIT: Once you get that sorted, let me know. There are a few quirks about adding the mags to the world that are apparent until you test it in-game for the first time.

  9. I've recently done something similar with a custom magazine that unlocks a new cooking recipe. I started by looking at how perks were added by vanilla magazines. They are added via the PerksQuest. I created a new quest and just followed the vanilla PerksQuest structure. The perk you want to add will be set up as a fragment in a quest stage that activates when the player add the magazine to their inventory. One of the vanilla mags that adds a perk should give you the fragment structure you need to use for yours.


    EDIT: You also need to attach the vanilla magazine script to your magazine, then assign the stage with your fragment as a property. Thay way it your mag will be tied to the quest you make. Again, look at a vanilla mag...I can't remember the script name off hand.

  10. If someone could toss me the id for Quantum Power Armor I would be super grateful. Mine disappeared from the game after I collected all the 35 core. It's very frustrating. I could just use the paint job schematics if there is any too. Well, that is, if there is any. ~ty

    Wouldn't COCing into QASmoke and grabbing the Quantum XO1 sitting there be easier?

  11. Make sure your video driver is up to date. If it is and you are having this issue, try rolling back to the previous version to see if it helps. I have a 1070 and there has been at least one Nvidia update that really caused me some greif with FO4. I rolled back to the previous version until the next update came out and that seemed to iron out the issues with the update I tried.


    Once you look at the driver situation, start tinkering with the settings in your Nvidia control panel. Letting it auto-optimize the game for you can be hit or miss. Play with the manual settings...there lots of them...and see any making any tweaks there help.


    EDIT: If all else fails, try disabling all your texture mods and ENB. Try enabling the texture mods one at a time without the ENB. No idea if you will find anything, but basic troubleshooting by picking apart individual pieces of the puzzle can sometimes help...even if it is a bit tedious.




    I think the console command issue is real, but I don't blame players. I think it's a community problem. Players think the console exists so they can have whatever they want in a game and seem to think it was put there for that express purpose. In all my years of modding (since FO3) I haven't seen very many comments telling players they are wrong in that assumption. Here's the wiki page for console commands in FO4. It's just a fact based page telling you how to change your game via the console, not telling you that you should be careful if you choose to change it via the console. There should be a warning telling players they can fatally mess up their games if they don't know what they are doing (and may do so even if they do), but I never see those. Well, I tell players that, but they probably think I'm being alarmist.


    Agree 100% since the main reason the console exists is for testing and debugging, not spawning workbenches into interior cells that weren't designed to have them.

  13. But, in my experience there are two types of folks that complain about mods and tend to be the most vocal about their discontent.

    There is a third type you can add to the list that I've only recently encountered: those who think your mod is missing some feature they can't live without and try and add it by using console commands without fully understand what they are doing. They then turn around and blame you for doing something nefarious to the mod when their little experiment doesn't go as planned. Of course, reading mod descriptions doesn't apply to this group either.


    I have found that when creating compatibility patches sometimes the process doesn't work correctly. The times you will find this to be true is when two mods add items to the same spot in a cell. For instance My Cleaner Settlements mod changes the stairs up to one of the exits in Hangman's alley by adding in some shack floors with supports, and the mod Hangman's Alley Interior Apartments removes the rubble piles, and adds some brick wall components for support. When you make a patch in this case you will find that instead of one mod winning over the other(even if you delete one of the objects in the patch) both mods add the objects, and they will clip into each other. At this time, the only work around I have found is changing one of the mods directly to pick a winner in this way, and then making a patch.


    First off, thanks for your tutorial! It has really helped me overcome the fear of making worldspace edits and not mucking things up. Previous attempts ended in dismal failure, so thank you.


    I recently ran into the same issue you described making a patch for my Overboss Hideaway player home and BT Interiors. The abandoned house across the street from the player home that BT interiors opens up has a table and refrigerator that have texture flickering with the patch active. Apparently these items are being rendered twice, once from mod, once from the patch.


    I assumed deleting them from the patch or mod would resolve it, but never bothered to fix it because you can't notice it unless you stand right next to the two objects which isn't going to happen very often.

  15. I don't see why there would be any issue with blueprints, since they require the original mods to work, and don't in any way change anything within the mods, or create anything new using mod assets. It's just coding of where in the settlement each object was placed, yes?

    Or am I misunderstanding this?

    AFAIK that assessment is accurate. Blueprints are JSON files I believe...they just make reference to an asset without actually embedding them into the file.


    It's sort of like viewing an HTML file that with links to images but not containing the images themselves. If the images are missing, the page still functions, albeit not as intended. I assume blueprints function in a similar manner since they in effect just reference assess used to create the settlement without actually embedding them.

  16. It does appear to be a very selfish move on behalf of the mod maker. So many people used Snap n' Build because it was a really good mod. Yet he pulled it with no explanation whatsoever. Very disappointing.

    Here we go again. Yes, it’s a very selfish move for a mod author to spend their time on making a mod then being even more selfish to share the work they spent hours creating with you for FREE.


    At least have the decency to respect the fact that they even bothered to take the time and effort to share their work with you in the first place.


    If someone pulls down their work without explanation...oh well. That's their decision. You have no idea what is going on in their life and have no right to judge them. Can’t deal with that? The tools to make your own mods are freely available. Have at it, Hoss.


    EDIT: is it possible for a moderator to lock this thread? The mod has been removed by the author and this thread has well outlived any usefulness. It's just becoming a breeding ground of animosity towards the mod author for removing his/her mods.

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