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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. The Start Me Up alternate start mod already has this sort of premise. You can start as one if several character classes at several different locations in the Commonwealth.


    You get called "Rumor of a Vault" which directs you to Vault 111. The main quest is restructured along similar lines to what you've described. Most dialog has also been edited to reflect the notion that you are not thge Sole Survivor...it really is great mod and sounds close to what you've described. Might be worth your looking into.



    UPDATE: Got the crashing issue sorted. Deleted several of the static references in one of the buildings that I thought might be causing it and was able to run the precombines and vis. Not sure what might have caused the crashes, but the was obviously a very unhappy NIF that didn't want to be assimilated. Very happy to have got it working so I can use that settlement in my new game.

    If you narrowed it down you might want to pass along that info to the mod author so they can look at the nif and see if it can be fixed. If it's causing crashing in that sense, the nif may be causing random CTDs in game for end users and be impossible to track down otherwise.


    That's a good idea. I didn't narrow it down to a specific mesh, as I was deleting in small batches until it stopped crashing. But it won't be too hard to figure out the problem child from the last batch to get deleted. I would want to know about it if it were my mod, so thanks for the suggestion. Wish I had thought of it on my own...

  3. Yep, "regular" = "Generate Visibility"


    When I remade precombineds/previs for The Mechanist's Lair I just used "Generate Precombined Visibility", and didn't have any issues. It was only for Vault 88 that I needed to use "generate Visibility" before I used "Generate Precombined Visibility".


    Not sure on the crash, does it do it consistently for a certain location, but not for others? Are you doing anything else while it is working on it in the background?

    Cool, thanks. That's what I assumed but wasn't sure. I've done several exteriors recently without using Generate Visibility following Trosski's tutorial and everything has worked fine thus far.


    As for the crash while generating precombines, it is in one specific location of a very early mod I did rebuilding Tenpines Bluff for my own game. More of a learning exercise than a mod, really.


    The short of it is now that I pretty much know the correct ways to handle precombines and previs, I want to archive the mod to use in my new playthrough with an install on another drive. Been trying to do the precombines but is always crashes when doing the Tenpines Bluff cell. I think I may have narrowed down the building that is causing the problem and just have to do through delegating references inside of it and narrowing it down. It was an early effort and since it was for personal use I used a lot of assets from other mods. I have a suspicion one of those meshes is causing the problems. Just have to hunt it/them down and eradicate.


    UPDATE: Got the crashing issue sorted. Deleted several of the static references in one of the buildings that I thought might be causing it and was able to run the precombines and vis. Not sure what might have caused the crashes, but the was obviously a very unhappy NIF that didn't want to be assimilated. Very happy to have got it working so I can use that settlement in my new game.

  4. When you guys are referring to generate "regular previs" for an exterior cell, do you mean Generate Visibility for Current Cell or for All Loaded Cells? I've been using the method Trosski outlined in his video tutorial of Precombined Data for Current Cell and Precombined Previs for all Loaded Cells and it has worked perfectly without generating "regular" previs. Not sure what option I should be using for the "regular" previs for an exterior cell or if it's required for every situation.

    EDIT: One other question. Any thoughts on what could cause the CK to crash while generating precombines? A bad mesh maybe?


    ... You would need 3DS Max to do that. Sorry if that's not what you're saying, but your post reads as such.


    That's not entirely true. You can combine and resize objects with their collision in CK.


    1. create a new interior cell

    2. move your (static!) objects from an object window into the render window

    3. create a static collection

    4. use "recreate nif" for the static collection

    5. fine tune you nif in Nifscope


    Well, i'm pretty sure there are youtube videos about SCOLs.


    Yep. Been doing that too but didn't think to mention it since I've only recently started using SCOLs from the CK. Most of my mashups have been made in OS until now. I was assuming the OP was talking about meshes they have edited, but maybe not.

  6. solved)


    so, how to make collision without making collision:


    1. u need to find some pillar/post/pole mesh., something that looks like tree and have collision

    2. go outfit studio and load pillar as reference, then load tree as outfit

    3. rescale and move pillar inside the tree (hide inside)

    4. done, now just export it to meshes folder and change path to ur model in CK



    That's pretty much how I've been making my "poor man's collisions" for any meshes I edit and for my static mashups. Outfit Studio will use the collision of the first mesh you add to it.


    A few things to mention on doing things this way:


    1. You can simplify the process a little bit from what you've posted though. You can drag and drop meshes from your folders right into the OS window without having to "load" the files."


    2. I'm a little unclear from what you posted, but it sounds like you're trying to resize the collision by scaling the object with the collision you want to use? You can't change collision size or position in OS. You would need 3DS Max to do that. Sorry if that's not what you're saying, but your post reads as such.


    3. You should open your new NIF in Nifskope, delete the branch of the object you brought into OS to steal collision from and run through the Sanitize functions. Then save the mesh and use this version of it in the CK.


    4. You can check the positioning of the collision on your new mesh by toggling the F4 key with the mesh placed into a cell in the render window. If the collision position needs adjustment, you can change the position of the mesh branches in Nifskope, but as I said you CAN'T change anything to do with the actual collision without using 3DS Max.


    Someone with more experience can chime in if my process is out of the norm as I'd love to know if there is anyway to improve it, but this way has worked perfectly for me since I've adopted it.


    Don't know if you are the same person I replied to on the Reddits who asked more or less the same question, but I'm working on something along the lines of what you're looking for.


    Many of the scripted features will be similar to what was found in Underground Hideout...it's been a huge inspiration!




    something like it seems to have been sorely missing in F4.


    I don't like the lego-style F4 build system. Its good for some things, but making a natural-looking location and nice-looking rooms isnt really feasible.


    For instance, i loved the shelving with the ammo on it, in that FNV mod. Weapon/ammo racks in F4 feel hollow and impersonal



    I sorta feel the same way about workshop mode which is why once I started playing with the CK I started doing any settlement building work in it as opposed to doing it in game. What I can do by making one mod in the CK would likely take me multiple mods and such to do in workshop mode and the results would never be exactly what I wanted. Then I really got sick of settlement building and got hooked on doing player homes.


    All my house mods have stockable/interactive shelves similar to what you mentioned, although I tend to not get so granular with the ammo sorting...to me, ammo is ammo. I don't need my plasma rounds in one container, .308 in another container, etc.


    I've recently posted the third WIP video of the bunker with a demo of the Autodoc and the Commissary system which is modeled after the one in the FNV Lonesome Road DLC.

  8. I briefly looked into sending companions to the cells of my player home mods a while back and am pretty sure the location needs to be designated as a settlement that you control in order to dismiss a companion to it...seems to be tied to the workshop script which is how you get to choose a location.


    That being said, I spent a few minutes looking at the Send Companions to Home Plate mod (think that's what it's called) to see how that was scripted but lost interest to really get too far with it.


    That would be my suggestion for the place to start to see how to this could work, since Home Plate isn't a settlement option for dismissal but that mod provides the abilty to send companions there.


    I would love to be able to add this as a feature for my mods, but it has fallen far down my priority list of things to spend time on.

  9. My Fallout 4 has really long load times


    Is there a good guide out there to tweak and configure your Fallout 4 to have better performance?

    You've given no hardware specs so I'll mention running this game off an HDD really has an impact on load times. If you're not using an SSD that is most certainly contributing if not fully causing your long load times.

  10. Cool...glad you got it sorted. I should have thought to suggest trying setstage but think I was so fixated on trying to remember how I fixed my own similar situation (which didn't involve a quest) that I glossed over that option. Still trying to figure out exactly what I did....having a failing memory really sucks.


    If you're so inclined, you can take a look at the Precinct 8 cell in its default state by COCing into it from the main menu to see if the tape spawns by using this in the console from the main menu, without loading a save:


    coc FensIntersection01


    This will spawn you with an unarmed, Lvl 1 character with nothing but a Vault suit. At least this way you will know if the tape actually shows up or not, and will narrow down weather it's your saves that have broken the quest or the possibility of a mod conflict. If the tape doesn't spawn in this default state, then it's not your save causing the problem because you aren't loading from a save. Keep in mind since you'll be unarmed, you should either toggle TGM ot use TFC to look inside the police building to avoid getting killed by those radroaches.

  11. I actually considered using movetoplayer, but I thought it only worked for NPCs.

    Mmmmm....you might be right about that. Maybe I TCL'd in my case....can't recall now as it in my first playthrough over a year a go. But am now very curious if movetolpalyer works for you because now I'm confused as to what the hell I did to recover the Wilson Automatoys ID card that disappeared on me.


    EDIT: maybe player.placeatme?


    EDIT 2: No, that likely wasn't it either because the quest will reference the single specific object in the world based on location. Sorry...now I'm grasping to recall what the hell I did in a similar situation, because I know I resolved it. Maybe soemthign as simple as reverting to an earlier save. Apologies for contributing nothing useful to this thread.

  12. rather than editing the cell or spawning a new one try using the command movetoplayer

    that should move the holotape to your location and because it isn't a copy it should trigger the quest.

    I've used this method in a similar occasion and it worked perfectly to restore the "missing" item.


    It's possible the holotape got dislodged from it's location and has fallen out of sight. This can happen if, for example, you throw a grenade and the force of the explosion knocks the item out of sight. I've had this happen in the Wilson Automatoys Factory with the key card for the Arlen Glass quest and in Northwoord Ridge Quarry in Far Harbor with one of the Islander Almanac magazines. That police Precinct has some radroaches in it. It's possible that the holotape got knocked away from it's placed location during any combat with them. Doubly so if grenades were involved.


    It would have been really easy for Betehsda to prevent this from happening by disabling the Havok physics for these sorts of items with the default defaultDisablehavokonload script they provide in the CK.


    EDIT: The F04 Wiki has the base ID codes for all the holotapes in this quest. Try using the above described method with the code for your missing tape 8.



    Ãberidot here: Multiple PCs (Win/Linux), Multiple Macs of varying vintage (Mac Plus on up), Atari 800XL, Atari 520ST, Commodore 128, and my sole console is an Atari 2600. Yar's Revenge, muthas!Â

    Lol... my first modding experience was on my Atari 800 (regular, not XL, but buffed up with the full 48k of RAM), adding graphics through use of a redefined character set to Telengard, changing it from a text game to a primitive RPG. :smile:

    I remember running out of memory before running out of ideas and changing every instance of "PRINT" to the shortcut "?" to save the 4 bytes per....


    The 800XL I have was my very first computer bought at the local K-Mart for the princely sum of $75 in 1985. Price tag is still on the box I think. I then drove 90 minutes to buy the 1050 5.25" floppy drive for $150. Still have the original boxes for both, albeit not quite as pristine as when I bought them. The 800XL box has this tag line on the back: "64K of RAM...what will you do with all this memory?"






    Well then I'M AN IDIOT too because I play on both PC and Console! I make mods and share them with everyone! People have different reasons for choosing a platform and some people just like to sit on the sofa while playing so they choose a console.


    I always assume that the people who bash console players for just being console players are simply trying to justify spending too much money on their PC.


    Edit: and ALL OF MY MODS ARE MADE ON A MAC! :laugh:



    I must be an idiot too. Xbox One S and PC.


    The Xbox is my UHD DVD player and my test platform for my Xbox mods.


    And I am an lazy old man. My PC is hooked up to the same Monitor as the Xbox so I can also use it from my easy chair. Wireless keyboard, rodent and Xbox One Controller.


    Game on dudes.


    Überidot here: Multiple PCs (Win/Linux), Multiple Macs of varying vintage (Mac Plus on up), Atari 800XL, Atari 520ST, Commodore 128, and my sole console is an Atari 2600. Yar's Revenge, muthas!


    CORRECTION: Had to go and look..I actually have an Atari 1040STf, not a 520ST. I love old age!


    TYVM for the quick answers. She's getting a PS 4 soon, but was hoping she could run it on her laptop for access to more and better mods. Much appreciated!

    she needs some kind of special mod that lowers the graphics to minecraft style pretty much with that kind of card

    all the ram in the world won't fix it


    You mean like Memclean?


    No...there is no "special mod" that will magically make the game run on a machine that doesn't meet the hardware specs.


    If you have more than 255 esps, expect things to be broken, thats the limit!

    that's not the limit

    i have run skyrim with 300+ mods fine while using cleanmem


    before cleanmem=crashes every hour or half an hour, constant black textures, lag every few minutes

    during cleanmem= smooth very rarely crashed every 3-5 hours and textures were back to normal



    but this was skyrim which is less buggy than fallout 4


    if you think 255 is the limit then you need to research about memory optimisation


    255 is only the limit for unoptimised memory because besthesda devs aren't paid enough to educate you



    "if you think 255 isn't the limit then you need to learn about the limitations of the game engine.


    255 is only the limit for any system that FO4 or Skyrim runs on because besthesda devs aren't paid enough to come up with a more capable game engine."


    Fixed that for you. Sort of.


    255 active plugins (inlcuding DLC) most certainly is the limit. It's a documented game engine limitation. You may very well be running 300+ mods, but if they are texture mods that do not have an .esp or .esm they will not count towards the 255 plugin limit. You can have as many mods as your system can handle if they don't have an .esp or .esm plugin that counts towards the 255 limit.


    Please stop spamming so many support threads with your Memclean snake oil. It may have fixed one thing on your own machine, but if you know anything about tech support you know there is no magic bullet that fixes every issue. Since your spamming makes you come off as someone who has vested interest in Memclean, you might consider talking to the Nexus staff about purchasing advertising space. I'm sure they would love the revenue.

  17. Methinks your friend should have done more research on the hardware before purchase.


    A quick search shows the Asus N82JQ (model number in you specs report) does seem to not meet the hardware requirements for FO4 and I would think most other modern games.


    It certainly fails on the minimum CPU and GPU requirements for F04.


    EDIT: Another quick search indicates the GT 335M doesn't support DX11 which may explain the DX11 errors. Google is your friend :wink:

  18. Maybe he wants models for each of those components separate for distinction. Otherwise I don't know what the question is.

    Based on the screenshots from the OPs Tech Support post, none of the components that use the Acid NIF (Adhesive, Oil, Fertilizer) are using the proper material swap and are all showing up with the default Acid texture. OP seemed to think it's an "oversight" on Bethesda's part that they all use the Acid texture and the other textures are "unused."

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