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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. By any chance are you using the N.E.S.T. Survival Bunkers mod? If the answer is yes, that is your problem. Sure sounds like it...


    That mod had a pretty game breaking bug that renders all the embedded wall terminals in the game unusable. You can refer to the fix I posted in the mod's bug report section late last year for the details on the cause. You will need to use either the CK or FO4Edit to make the fix. The mod seems to have abandoned so for now you'll be on your own for fixing it.

  2. I was subscribed to his YouTube channel and hadn't noticed is was gone until prompted to check after seeing a Reddit post a few days back about VotW being MIA. He did post a video at the end of last year saying he was pulling back from mod and video creation to focus on some real life stuff.


    Hope he's doing well whatever the reason. His Nifskope tutorials were great.

  3. I did get it to work once a long time ago but can't remember how I did it. Yeah, some sort of instructions would help.


    Try this: go to the Files tab of the mod. Copy the name of the main file (what you would actually download) as it is listed, and paste that in.

  4. When you go to submit a video, near the bottom of the page is a section that reads "If your video is showcasing files that can be found on the Nexus, please add them below:" There is a text field and ADD button below that.


    The instructions for using this don't seem to exist, but I think you need to enter the name of the mod as it is listed on the Nexus. Try copying the name of the mod title from the mod page, paste it into the text field. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. It would seem to make more sense to use the URL of the mod page, but that doesn't seem to work.

  5. Ah! So installing NifSkope purely as a tool to ID texture files might be worth my time...

    Definitely. It's like being in an in-game quest: The NIF leads you to the material file...the material file leads you to the texture...open the texture and...EUREKA! Level up! :laugh:


    Like BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah mentioned, the naming conventions tend to be not-so-obvious.


    Nifskope can also be a good thing to have to reassign a material/texture to get an idea of how your retexture will look on the object you're working with. You'll also need it to assign a new texture permanently if you're doing anything beyond a simple texture replacement, unless of course you make a material swap in the CK.

  6. I've found the problem. The game hates 144Hz monitors I guess. After lowering my refresh rate down to 60Hz, the game is running fine and actually utilizing my hardware. Does anyone have a way to use 144Hz with this game? Gonna be annoying lowering my refresh rate every time I want to play this game.


    Any chance your 144Hz monitor has G-Sync? If yes, enable it...and Fast Sync, since you have a 10-series card. I use an Asus 144Hz G-Sync monitor with a 1070 and cap my refresh rate at 90. The game runs like buttah and no wonkiness from the game physics. If you don't have a G-Sync monitor, try enabling Fast Sync on it's own since you have a 1070. You'll still want to cap your FPS though.


    Place Everywhere will let you move the workbench. There is a special object mode that can be enabled using the INS key to toggle it. At least that's how mine works.

    Huh, I never realised that. Thanks for pointing that out. I don't often need to move workbenches so I currently don't have Move That Workbench installed, but the one in County Crossing is horribly in my way. Curse that compulsion to build the biggest settlements in the smallest spaces :laugh:


    I should have added that the special object mode should be used with caution. When it's enabled, it's easy to grab something that you don't want moved (such as a vanilla wall or building)...which is I suspect is why it's disabled by default.

  8. Forgive my ignorance, but what's the difference between supporter image and a "regular" image? I've seen that option in my user area, but could never find an explanation of what it was.

  9. Just a guess, but would probably have much better results getting help if you posted your problem on the actual mod page, rather than the general mod troubleshooting forum. You might also want to look at the articles tab of the mod page. There are several articles about the mod and one in particular dealing with the quests and troubleshooting them. I'm pretty sure they include the console commands for setting stages of each quest.



    If you're literally typing "xx00455A" into the console, yeah...you'll get an error because that's not a form ID. The "xx" is just a placeholder value you must have copied from somewhere. The first two digits of any form ID from a mod (or DLC) are based upon your load order. The first two digits will be different for everyone based on where the mod is in your load order, so just using the palceholder values will error out.


    Two get the two digits you need, just open the console and click on something unique to the mod, like one of the Brondo stimpaks or even the NPC you're trying to talk to. The form ID will display the correct two digits you need to properly enter the console commend. So, if you click on Stan in the console and the first two digits are "07" for example, use that to replace the "xx" you've been using.


    To expand on damanding's suggestion, I think the water mod in question is Water Enhanced (or vice versa). It gave me CTD on the monorail. It is discussed in this thread on the same issue along with the fix I used to get around the bad texture file:




    The OP there didn't have the water mod installed but did track down the mod that was causing crashes. Might be worth a read to point you in the right direction.


    EDIT: just saw you do have KeyNuker in your load order. damanding's suggestion for that would be a good first step to look at.


    @RedRocketTV: I have the monorail CTD issue. And after reading your post, i disabled "Water Enhanced" and was able to get past the monorail without CTD. I don't know much about modding, so im not much help other than that bit of info.

    I guess OP's problem is different, but thank you RedRocketTV for helping me with my issue.


    (i do not have "KerNuker")

    Glad the info helped!


    If you still want to use Water Enhanced (it makes water look SO much better) then you can just rename (or delete) the problematic file I mention in the post I linked to.


    Data/Textures/Water folder and look for the file: WaterTileHumpy_n.DDS


    In cases like this I prefer to rename a file so the game ignores it, but I can still use it if needed.


    Now I'm wondering if simply opening up that normal file and resaving it might fix the problem with it. Will have to test that one of these days.


    EDIT: decided to not be lazy and added the actual filename/path of the troublesome normal texture.

  11. You DO NOT want to delete ANYTHING. Set to initially disabled, hide from local map and move the Z value below the floor/ground.


    Fort references you have already deleted, you can open up your .ESP in FO4Edit, right-click on your mod and select "Undelete and Disable References." I've never had to do it myself, so I'm not sure if if *might* be better to run "Apply filter for cleaning" first. Don't think it would hurt, since you should always do that with your mods before publishing anyway, but generally as a last step. "Undelete and Disable References" does just that. You'll probably want to go and Z move those items that were undeleted. Someone with more experience with this F04Edit function can chime in if I've left anything out...like I said, never have had to do this myself....yet.


    As for precombined and previs...welcome to FO4 modding. There's an informative thread you might want to check out on the optimization system.

  12. Take a look at the Decon arches inside Hallucigen. I'm pretty sure those are functional. Replicate how they work. Looking at existing examples of what you want is the best way to learn what to use and how things work.
  13. No one wants to do half of years worth of work and it gets nil exposure.


    But you mod for yourself for the most part, and just share your results. So it should be all about making things work for you above all else. If you only mod for the glory, you will be disappointed.

    Yep. More or less what I was trying to get across in my earlier post but it might not have come out hat way. I gave up trying to please other people IRL years ago. Sure as hell not going to fight a losing battle doing it here.

  14. It sounds like you may have accidentally hit the Set Up Default Light button in the main menu bar...it's right next to the navmesh button and easy to hit without knowing it. Done this once or twice myself, so it sounded familiar right away.


    EDIT: To get rid if the default lights you added, just turn on the markers and look for them in the four corners of your cell..likely where you didn't place any lights. Or, set a filter for lights in the cell reference window and look for any lights you didn't add yourself...then get rid of them. Your lighting should return to normal.

  15. Totally agree with you, taryl80. The issues with the Hot Files and endorsement systems as they currently stands have been discussed in this thread and many others. Personally, I'm not in this game (EDIT: by game I mean modding in general, not specifically F04) to get into the Hot Files...endorsements are a nice pat on the back, but again, not why I started modding. It was just one of those ironies of life that a mod I put considerably less effort into than any previous project got so much attention. And....WITHOUT using BEWBS or GUNZ!


    EDIT: Another point previously mentioned about the Hot Files: it unleashes the trolls, much in the same way feral ghouls always seem to find me in a dungeon I had thought was cleared.


    Example is one of my latest mods that took me over 120 hours to do but did very bad on downloads due to the fact that it was in the glowing sea.

    Funny thing is that i had several requests to do a mod in that area but i guess those people that requested were the only ones that actually wanted one there.



    Living this right now! Exactly one week ago as of today, I uploaded a new player home with lots of custom scripts and features that I spent roughly two months on. It’s currently sitting at 211 unique downloads, 23 endorsements and five comments...54 of the downloads are for the BT Interiors compatibility patch I made because both mods make changes to the same cell.


    Granted, it’s located literally in the ass end of Nuka World and really just I made it for my own game, but still…


    On Wednesday, I got stuck in another pointless meeting at work and my mind started to wander to mods and the game. By the end of the two hour ordeal, I had an idea pop into my head for a “less cheaty” way than console commands to activate all the map markers for my...what, 7th playthrough counting FROST. I’m all for exploring the first few games, but by now I just want the map markers and to go…


    Within three hours of getting home, I had made a little mod that adds a road map (retextured magazine) to the world and enables all the map markers when added to your inventory. Made the texture, the mod, tested all in less than a few hours. Even made an alternate version that adds a map in a different location...again, for my own game because I'm going to use Start Me Up and not start from Vault 111. Decided to put both up on the Nexus thinking others might enjoy them.


    I just about spit out my coffee a short while ago when I saw the map/cheat mod had made it to the Hot Files overnight. WTF.


    So what does this really mean? I guess it means people don’t want player homes in Nuka World...or does it say something else about the use base and the kinds of mods they want? Am I frustrated that a house mod I spent two months on gets nary a glance, but the cheaty mod that took me all of three hours to make goes right to the Hot Files? You betcha.


    Most of my other player home mods have performed much better than the Nuka World one. But in the end, I still consider the “flop” to be a success because I made it for myself, it does what I wanted it to do, I got some new ideas I can apply to my next projects, and I learned some new tricks. Learning more about the CK and new ways to do things is to me, the metric for success that I use in any project I undertake...CK or otehrwise. If I come away with some nugget of knowledge I didn't previously posses, it’s a resounding triumph in my book.


    tl;dr: If a mod does what I intend it to do and if I learn something new in making that mod that I can make my future projects better, than the mod to me is success regardless of what the download or endorsement count may indicate.


    On a side note: while making the aforementioned map mod I was examining how the PerkQuest was set up in relation to magazines so I could duplicate it for the mod. Imaging my surprise when I was an entry for Stage 900 of the PerkQuest labeled: Explorer. Yep...looks like Bethesda had intended to include the Explorer perk from FO3 and FNV in FO4 but it never made the final release. It even uses the same script fragment to enable map markers I had intended to use for the mod. So in the end, my thrown together mod doesn't seem so cheaty after all. :happy:


    EDIT: Forgot to mention that for the Map mod, I also didn't spend 7+ hours making a promo video like I have done for all my other mods.

  17. The best advice for getting started I ever saw posted on these forums was to start small and simple. It was advice I took to heart. In my case, I started making small tweaks for myself, a few retextures, then started working on a settlement overhaul and a player home for myself. The latter two were really the best way for me to learn my way around the CK. Having a few test projects for your own education in my eyes can be a valuable learning experience.


    Plan on making A LOT of rookie mistakes. My first few mods (the aforementioned settlement overhaul in particular) will never see life beyond my hard drive because of LOTS of rookie mistakes. But don't get discouraged.


    As for testing...yes, it can get very tedious but it's a necessary evil. Think of it as software development, because in a way that's what we're doing. I can't remember that last time I actually played FO4. In game for lots of testing yes, but actually playing? Not so much.


    Everyone has their own workflow, so don't be afraid to some up with your own. If you get various input on testing methods, evaluate them all, "compile" them in your head and figure out what works for you and what doesn't.


    For myself, I have three machines I test with. I'll run my "main" game and CK on my main rig and have an additional F04 installation for testing. I'll work on a mod for a while, get to a certain point, launch the game, COC into my cell (I do primarily interior cell player homes) play around and try and break stuff, make notes on things I need to fix, then quit and go back to the CK to make those fixes and do it all over again...and again...and.... When I get to a certain point, I'll create archives, zip up the mod and copy it over to my two test rigs to make sure everything works running off the archive as a user would experience. I go through this process at certain landmarks through creating a mod, maybe four or five cycles of the process total. Then right before publishing I'll run through everything from front to back one more time on each machine.


    I know it's not something everyone is able to do, but if you can test on another computer than the one you develop on it can reveal bugs that running off loose files on your main rig may not show. it also give you the opportunity to test for varying game and hardware configs for performace. Having other people test your mod is probably a good idea is possible.


    I'm not one for short answers, so I'll stop here. Hopefully some of this has helped...

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