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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. I only live three hours from Boston by car but haven't been there in years. This game has been making me think about driving out for a day lately...now this thread even more so. I'm well overdue for dinner at Durgin Park and Boston has three of the only four Wagamama's this side of London. No, not thinking about food TOO much.

  2. If you're trying to look a compiled script packed into a mod's BA2 archive, unless the mod author provided the source, you'll have to unpack the archive and decompile the .PEX file into a human readable .PSC. This decompiler does a bang of job of that:



    You should be able to view any vanilla script within the CK by just selecting the script from the Scripts window or Scripts tab of your desired item, right click and choose the View Source option. Typing on my phone and going from memory, but I think that's how the option is labeled.

  3. I’ve created a custom magazine set up as a Book for players to pick up in the world and have it set as a Featured Item so the inspect menu opens allowing closer inspection/rotation of the item before it is added to the player’s inventory...what happens when you pick up a magazine or Legendary Item.

    When the item is picked up, the Featured Item preview in the inspection window is rendering at a much larger than normal size requiring me to scroll out in order to try and scale it down. When the menu opens, there is no image at all until I scroll out, then it scales down to where I can see it. It will not scale down enough to fit properly into the window.

    I have the Inventory Art set to the same Interface\ComicsAndMagazines\ComicHighRes01.nif mesh as all the other magazines with a custom material swap to my own texture file. The texture file is based off the same high res artwork of the HighPoly models of the magazines used for the inspect menu image saved out to the same 1024x1024 dimensions.

    I must be missing a step in setting up the preview, or does anyone know if there something special about saving out the DDS file for the preview I may have overlooked that is causing it to render so overscaled?

  4. Did you tweak your custom .ini to disable precombines for your scrapping mod? If yes, that's a likely cause for the FPS drops.


    Shadow quality and distance set to Ultra will also cause FPS hits because of how poorly this game is optimized.


    It's only really bad from a modding point of view. The fact that it makes mod compatibility a tricky subject is part of it. The other thing that is bad would be the funky tools we get that create oversized files, the XB1 having a 150 mod cap with only 2gb space available making me and other choose to just disable the optimization or not share.





    I'd say that the concept is sound, and I really can't think of any alternatives, but the execution has a lot of problems. The CK creating massive filesizes for precombined geometry is one thing, yeah, but the fact that Previs actually needs the precombined geometry files present for the user is what confuses me.


    Both statements more or less sum up what I was pseudo-ranting/asking about. How can you devise a system that functions the way it does, then expect users with strict hardware and usage limitations (consoles) to be able to use properly crafted mods you (Bethesda) are touting as a feature to push sales?
    No, I don’t think the system in and of itself is a bad idea. I get it.Now that I actually have some experience in working with the previs system I see the benefits. And for the most part it's not as painful as I thought it would be.

    EDIT: I was probably a bit harsh in my previous post when I called the system F*ed up...but it really is when you consider the cross-platform situation.

    What I don’t get, is the apparent lack of thought that appears to have been put into devising a system that unless is used properly can have a really detrimental effect on the gameplay and modding experience of the same people you just sold the game to. And as chucksteel said, the tools and information we’re given (or not) to make all of this happen and the oversize files would seem to force a mod author to make some tough choices to support consoles.
    I guess what started me thinking about this is seeing more PS4 mods that make changes to the worldspace, but realizing those users have no chance in hell for ever getting a properly optimized mod the way other people do.
    Didn’t mean to being this thread off topic at all, but it just strikes me that the optimization system as it stands seem to be largely incompatible or at the vary least, counterproductive to being able to properly support the console users that Bethesda marketed so hard to sell console modding to.
  6. Something I've been wondering for a while that maybe I could get some insight from others on:


    Since regenerating precombines and previs will:

    1. Increase the final size of a mod's files

    2. Require external assets


    WTF was Bethesda thinking when they decided to get into the mods on consoles business with the system they used in this game? Mods that alter the worldspace that benefit performance-wise from regenerating precombines and previs are a NO for the PS4 from the get go because of the external assets thing. This size of the final mod files can potentially take a large chunk of the Xbone's meager mod storage allotment when multiplied. So...did they not think about this? Is the performance of the game that bad on consoles already that console users don't notice a performance hit when using a bunch of mods that disable the premombine system in various cells?


    I've always been of the belief that Bethesda announced mods on consoles without actually having tested it or consulted with the console makers...just look at the whole PS4 fiasco and the delays in getting them released for Xbox. Announce it first to sell the game, then figure out how make it happen.


    Why would anyone sign off on such a f*ed up game engine mechanic as precombines without thinking of the impact on the console use if they were pushing on opening consoles to mods?. Am I missing something?

  7. I do pretty much the same thing as chucksteel, but go a few steps further by having separate Save folders for each install instance and do the same renaming dance when swapping out game folders. I started doing this when I started playing FROST so nothing in my main game or the save file would be touched or corrupted. I’ve carried it over to having a separate install for testing my mods in. I now have four separate FO4 installs on my main machine and swap between them simply by renaming the related folders. Steam doesn’t know the difference.

    While I use NMM to manager my “main” game, I dislike how it handles profiles for using different mod combinations. So, I use Mod Organizer 2 to manage mods for each of my additional installs. I really like the fact that you can install is directly into the game folder and it handles the mods with virtual folders leaving your game’s Data directory untouched. This way each FO4 install is portable and I can use different sets of mods with each install. I can transfer it to another drive or partition and the mods and all the files Mod Organizer uses to keep track of things follows along seamlessly.

    The only other thing I need to do is to temporarily rename the default plugins.txt that NMM uses. If I don’t, Mod Organizer 2 uses that and of course, can’t find any of the mods listed in the file.

    NMM might work the same way as MO2 for using virtual folders, but if it does it’s not something I'm yet aware of. I only know about its handling of profiles, which I personally find dismal. This method works fine for me so I go with it.

  8. If you’ve done the research on trying to get the game to run better on your rig, then you would know that FO4 is just poorly optimized to begin with and there are countless threads of people complaining about performance. People using a GTX 1080ti still complain about performance. That’s par for the course with FO4. It's just the way the game runs. I’d say you just have to accept that, but I know that’s not what you want to hear.


    You don’t mention the number of mods you are using, and that can be a factor as well. If you are using any scrapping mods that require changes to your .ini file to disable precombined meshes, that will definitely impact performance throughout the game. Running off of an HDD or an SSD? That’s a factor as well, especially for load times. Textures replacements will load faster from an SSD and even faster if they are packed in a BA2 archive as opposed to being loose files...another impact on performance to consider.


    For what it’s worth, one of the three machines I test my mods on before publishing has specs similar to yours, with the exceptions of having 24GB of RAM, a GTX 860m (2GB of VRAM) with Win 10. It’s an ASUS ROG laptop. I personally consider the 860m I have to be on the low end of what can be used to get a “decent” experience out of this game.


    Are you sure your VRAM specs on the 870m are correct? I was under the impression it was only a 3GB card. A card with 11128mb as you indicate would put it into Titan Xp territory, no?


    It might also be worth looking at your integrated Intel HD card and simply disabling it to see if that helps. The game should be using the Nvidia card, but if the Intel card is still enabled that might be an issue. Forcing the game to use only one available graphics card might help. There was another user in the forums complaining about performance a while back. Can’t find the thread, but he reported disabling his integrated card seem to help. Your mileage may vary. I disabled the integrated graphics in my Asus machine on day one. I was using the machine solely for games, and the notion of using the Intel card was pretty pointless for me.


    On the Asus rig, the best I can ever get in downtown Boston without setting everything to low and medium is no better than 40fps. I also have to turn off nice things like wetness and ambient occlusion in order to get anything above 40 in most areas of the game. Using an ENB in my case actually made things worse so I no longer do any testing with one on that machine.


    You also haven’t said what resolution you’re playing at. Try a lower resolution and see what improvements if any, that you get. I use 1080p on the Asus with and get the performance mentioned above.


    If you are using god rays, you might look at this tweak:



    Even setting god rays to low, they still will give a performance hit because again, they are just implemented poorly. The above tweak is a console command run as a bat file that adjusts the god ray parameters so they actually work the way they are supposed to...even at Ultra. I use it on all my machines and it does make a difference and really improves the look of the game. You can also set it to auto run by adding a line to your custom .ini file so it runs at game start without you having to do anything.


    Not sure if any of this will help, but hope it does somewhat.

  9. I'm fairly certain that Place Everywhere already has that function built in. From the mod description:


    "You can make movable objects like armor, weapons, junk, e.t.c static (kannot be kicked and don't fall) and back. Default hotkeys - 'Home' turn object physics on (make it movable/droppable if possible), 'End' turn object physics off (make it static if possible)."


    Have never used the feature myself to know if it prevents things from being scrappable, but that pretty much sounds like what you're asking for.

  10. To expand on damanding's suggestion, I think the water mod in question is Water Enhanced (or vice versa). It gave me CTD on the monorail. It is discussed in this thread on the same issue along with the fix I used to get around the bad texture file:




    The OP there didn't have the water mod installed but did track down the mod that was causing crashes. Might be worth a read to point you in the right direction.


    EDIT: just saw you do have KeyNuker in your load order. damanding's suggestion for that would be a good first step to look at.

  11. If you build a Brahmin trough they will tend to congregate around it. Just build the trough in an out of the way place and the Brahmin should stick close to it. Unless you're using a mod that changes their sandboxing, that should keep them from running around uncontrolled.
  12. No problem! As it happens, installing ENB solved the silhouette problem.

    Well now, that IS interesting! That sorta points to the issue being associated with the imagespace lighting values that BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah mentioned. The ENB settings must overrule the vanilla values which is why I never ran into it until I used a machine with no END installed. Very interesting. Thanks for reporting back with this...and glad it resolved at least one of the problems you had.


    As for your navmesh issue, the only real way to be sure what was going on with that mod I can suggest would be to open the cell up in the CK and inspect the navmesh. But there is at least one (maybe two) other threads in the forums regarding issues with companions not following into interior cells. I think one of them is a thread or two above this one. Not sure if it would help your situation, but might be worth a look to see if there's any info that might help. Odd that MacCready will follow you but Dogmeat won't, unless you're using a multiple companion mod...maybe an issue with that if you are?

  13. Hey! Cool! Glad you got it sorted. I stumbled across another possibility last night (another possible mod conflict I had read about) but you got is sussed before I had a chance to suggest it. Sometimes the most innocent files can be the most problematic...

  14. This doesn't really help with the issue, but...

    RedRocketTV, there is an option in image space for interiors that adjusts the light that is displayed on actors. Most likely, the pre-created imagespace had that set to very low(high? ...I don't remember).


    Thanks! That give me something to look into. I was banging my head on the wall trying to figure that one out.


    OP: Sorry for hijacking your thread...we're here to help, really we are!

  15. I recently ran into this same problem during testing of a player home mod I was getting ready to release. Was a real puzzle as it only occurred on one of my three computers I use for testing. During testing something else I uninstalled ENB from one of the machines and it started there as well. In short, I think it had something to do with the imagespace and lighting template I had used in the CK for the interior cell of the mod. Once I changed the imagespace to something else, the issue went away. Not sure what the actual cause was or why it didn't occur when I had and ENB installed, only that changing the imagespace resolved it for me. You might try installing an ENB and see if that resolves it for you...I'd be curious to know if it did as I still have no explanation for my encounter with this.


    As for Dogmeat not following you inside, my first guess would be that the interior cell isn't navmeshed properly or isn't navmeshed at all. Other possibilities exist, but that's the most likely reason.

  16. I also haven'tread the entire thread as two things have jumped out at me from the OPs initial post and neither have anything to do with the CK.
    1. You state you have 16GB of RAM. In my experience, that’s really not a lot for the kind of work involved in using the CK or any such applications. I’m not surprised you’re having performance issues in the CK with only 16GB.
    Keep in mind that the CK uses all of the game assets, including any non-vanilla textures and you have installed and activated. If you have HD textures in use for your game, the CK will pull those in and use them potentially using up more system resources.
    On it’s own the CK is a a real resource hog. With nothing else running but this web browser I’m writing this into, I have the Hangeman’s Alley cell loaded up (FensRaiderCampExt) and I’m using 15% of my systems RAM. But I have 48GB. My GPU is using over 6GB of the 8GB total my GTX 1070 has. But I have lots of the aforementioned replacement textures installed and some of those are 2K and 4K. I had similar performance with my GTX 970 before I upgraded.
    The CK uses a lot of resources to do it’s thing, and with all the overhead that Windoze uses I just don’t see 16GB as optimal for it. Throw some more RAM into your machine. I’m sure that will help with things in general, not just the CK.
    Also, if your running the CK from a spinning HDD as opposed to an SSD, that will impact performance as well.
    2. This line stuck out from your original post, bold emphasis is mine:


    i have 4 gb card and latest driver., anyway have fix it with HKEY_LM changing, so now it randomly ctd when i'm trying to save mod


    Is that some sort of registry hack you had to do to get your video card to work? If yes, that might be part of the problem, if not the root cause.
  17. You can find the offending navmesh triangle(s) by taking note of the Navmesh form ID (00000025 in this case) and the triangle numbers in the error. Go into navmesh mode, then from the CK menu go to NavMesh>Select Triangle by Index...the second to last option at the bottom of the dropdown menu.

    In the Select Triangle box that opens up, enter the relevant info for the Navmesh Form ID and Triangle from your error message. Then click the Go To button. That should take you directly to the problem triangle and let you see what's going on. From there you can try using the Auto Fix option but in my experience that sometimes doesn't work, and I end up deleting the problem triangle and making a new one. Either way, once you fixed the triangle click on the Re-Check navmesh button and hopefully you won't get the same error(s). Hope that helps.

  18. Thanks for reminding me...I had to add Creative Clutter to my list of mod updates to download list for my next FO4 game. I'm stockpiling new mods for my next game as I think of them. If I can finish the house mod I'm doing now I can get done with playing Nuka World. After that maybe I'll finish the playthorugh I've been at for nearly a year then start fresh. Getting ansty to start fresh with a bunch of new mods. :happy:


    Actually played a little FO4 last night...gasp! Then had to stop because I kept finding new locations that would make great player homes.

  19. It was the water MOD for me. Uninstalled the revalidated throught steam and it fixed the issuem


    Edit: never tried renaming the file

    Just in case it didn't work, I wanted to be able to revert to using the file and figured just renaming it so it wouldn't load was the easiest thing. After a quick search on the Googles I found that someone on the Steam forums (think that's where I found it) was able to pinpoint it to that specific issue. No idea how you could find out it was that specific normal texture but that was it.

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