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Posts posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. By any chance are you using the Water Enhanced texture mod? If yes, go to your Data/Textures/Water folder and look for the file: WaterTileHumpy_n.DDS


    Rename that file to something else like putting a letter or number at the start of the filename...just rename it to something else to the game won't read it. Then try riding the monorail again. If you use Water Enhanced, this file will cause the CTD in that particular location. Renaming it so the game doesn't load it resolves it. At least that did it for me when I had the same issue and I use that texture mod.

  2. Ashamed to say I have yet to play TTW. Was a huge World of Pain fan though. If I ever get this modding thing out of my system (yeah, riiiiiigggght) I'll go back and do TTW. Someday...
  3. You might want to take a look at NPCs Travel. It adds a selection of various NPCs that show up all around the Commonwealth. Some you can interact and trade with, some just want to kill you. Some will even come and visit your settlements. It's pretty cool to see a random Adventurer and his dog wander into your settlement and take a seat at the bar. Also very cool to randomly run into them while you're out and about.


    EDIT: Just remembered I had a BOS patrol wander through my Greygarden settlement this past weekend. Had never seem them do that before...just a really cool mod.

  4. I'm pretty sure there's an IV stand like you described with Better Stores.


    EDIT: Yup. I found the NIFs in the Better Stores mesh folder of my install. Two stands: one with RadAway, one with a blood pack. I think in game they under the Decorations menu, but I can't remember for sure.



    Yep, that was the setting i changed lol. At work atm and couldn't remember.

    Been there, done that. Was at on my phone at work and saw your post after I sent mine, then realized we were talking about the same thing.


    EDIT: Funny how I remember this stuff at work, but not the work related stuff I'm supposed to be remembering.


    rofl...probably cause you busted your head till you figured it out.. :tongue:

    Its called "trauma" my friend ...hehehe


    Oh, I busted my head WAY before I started modding. What some people call "trauma", I call Monday. :laugh:

  6. Yep, that was the setting i changed lol. At work atm and couldn't remember.

    Been there, done that. Was at on my phone at work and saw your post after I sent mine, then realized we were talking about the same thing.


    EDIT: Funny how I remember this stuff at work, but not the work related stuff I'm supposed to be remembering.


    On another note I have a quick question about the lone wanderer perk. I used the workstation at Sanctuary and built a bed etc. Does just using the work station count as having control of a settlement as the wanderer perk I then took added nothing to my carry weight? If so and you want the perk how do you upgrade weapons if you can never use a workbench, is it literally you can only use for upgrades what you can carry? I am using a large backpack, perhaps the lone wanderer extra weight doesn't stack?


    The Lone Wander perk in FROST only works is you DON’T activate a settlement workshop by using the workshop building mode, which it sounds like you did if you built a bed. That would negate the perk. Sounds like that's why it's not giving you the buff you were expecting.


    There is a distinction between workBENCHES and the workSHOP. Crafting workbenches (armor, weapons, chem, power armor, cooking station) AFAIK can be used if you don’t control a settlement (same in the vanilla game I think). The Workshop is what allows you to enter the building mode to make beds, structures, defenses, etc. Doing that will cancel out the Lone Wanderer perk.


    Entering the workshop building mode or activating the workshop by walking up to it an activating it,gives you ownership of the settlement. I’m pretty sure you can use the crating workbenches without having actually getting ownership of the settlement, You’ll get a message along the lines of “You aren't allied to this settlement,” or “You need to clear enemies first,” but you can still craft weapons, armor or chems, cook, mod power armor.


    So yeah, if you want the Lone Wanderer perk you can’t activate a workshop and need to pretty much carry around what you want to use. One work around is to use player home mods as bases rather than settlements.


    If just so happens


    <shameless plug>

    that I’ve made a player home with FROST in mind. It offers a great little oasis from the world.

    </shameless plug>


    I have another player home for Starlight Drive-In that works well for FROST, but you need to control the settlement in order to gain access to it, which means foregoing Lone Wanderer.


    I also use The Den as a base in my FROST game. It has all the workbenches for crafting, but they aren’t linked to share resources (all of mine are).


    Check out the FROST subbredit if you want help, tips and tricks. Lots of good info there and the mod author is pretty active. The mod comments page is OK, but the subreddit is really my go to for FROST stuff.


    EDIT: It just hit me that the workbenches in The Den mod ARE linked...it was another mod I was thinking of. The Den actually has a workshop you can use to build stuff and it *shouldn't* effect Lone Wander because it's not a settlement. But I find the workshop in the mod useless because the place already has everything you need anyway.

  8. Well, at least you know that it's loading. That's something to strike as a cause. Wondering if there is some option to disable the startup message that accidentally got triggered? But the ENB dev seems active on their forums...likely the best place to look for a fix.
  9. Glad it worked out for ya! Yeah, you need to uncomment the lines of the .ini file in order for anything but the default settings to take effect. I really like the flexibility of being able to scale the perk points to the character level.

  10. What version of FO4 ENB did you update to? The most recent version is 0.311 from back in January, I think. If you're not getting the startup message, are you sure it's even loading? I know you said adjustments you make to the files show up in game, but have you tired opening the ENB menu or the FPS counter from in game? If you can't open the menu or get the FPS counter to work, that will tell you it's not loading, hence not getting the startup message.


    If you can confirm it is loading, you might take a look at the FO4 forums on the ENB site...bound to be answers there if others have this issue.

  11. You might want to take a look at the mod PerkPointsPerLevel. It requires F4SE and has it's own .ini file that can be configured to control how many perks points you get per level. Sounds like what you're looking for. I'm pretty sure you can define partial points per level, so if you configured it to give .5 points per level you would only get a single perk with every other level up.


    EDIT: One cool thing about it that I forgot to mention is that you can tailor the perk amounts based on your level. For example, you can set it to give X number of perks from say lvl 1-20 for example, then increase or decrease the number of perks for any additional skill lvl increments as you level up.

  12. Unless I'm missing a specific reason or function you want to use, these scripts seem far more complex than they need to be for just turning lights on and off. This is what I use for all my light switches, and it works on the vanilla toggle and button switches as well:

    Scriptname LightToggle extends ObjectReference 
    ObjectReference Property LightMarker Auto
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    	If (LightMarker.IsEnabled())

    The lights are parented to an EnableMarker or XMarker set to be initially disabled. I have a video tutorial on using the script and getting light switches to work.

  13. You're never to old to be a gamer! Hell, I'm 50 and I make mods for this silly game. :geek:


    If you're not into settlement building (which personally I'm not and one of the reasons I like FROST so much) there are lots of good player home mods that fit into it well which make good bases. Basement Living is a fave, but still requires some level of workshop mode building.


    <shamless plug>

    I created a couple of my player home mods with FROST in mind.

    </shameless plug>


    Glad to hear you found the save files. If you run into any trouble getting the save file to work, let me know.

  14. Are you using the latest version, 0.3? The required save files for FROST are right there on the download page. Sorta hard to miss them.You need to follow the install instructions TO THE LETTER. Starting out in any other manner as you did has the potential to be game breaking, but your mileage may vary. Seriously, go back and re-read the mod description. Thoroughly. A lot of what you are asking is clearly explained there. It might seem like a wall of text to go through, but you will get much more out of the mod if you abide by the advice and instructions posted there.


    I know its a spoiler and I did, try but where are the traders?

    As for the underground traders, yes there is one friendly “oasis” underground but it can be tricky to find. I can never remember how I got there and usually get lost in the tunnels but it is there. Without giving away spoilers, if you had started the game from the provided save file and chose the tunnel start, it would not be hard to find. I will tell you you’ll need one, maybe two keys to gain access that you’ll have to explore to find.


    I haven't tried, can you actually start a settlement and get people to come to it?

    Settlement building has been nerfed, as it’s really not the point of this mod. In order to gain control of a settlement you will in most cases have to kill the people already living there. In order to build a recruiting beacon, you now need level two of the Local Leader perk and that has been moved to level 10 of the Charisma tree. The goal of FROST is to stay alive, not build settlements. The main problem is that the crop farming system is bugged. You can not plant and harvest crops as you can in the vanilla game. It’s a nuclear winter, remember. The only crops you are supposed to be able to harvest are brain fungus and glowing fungus. But, they are bugged and you can’t assign settlers to them. The mod author has indicated they will be removed in the next version. That being said, there is ONE settlement that I have found where you can gain access to it by just showing up and not having to kill anyone., The settlers already there will farm the crops (carrots I think) that are already planted there.


    Also, as of v.03 the Lone Wanderer perk has been changed to offer some significant bonuses if you DON’T control any settlements. That leaves you with a choice to make and will determine the course of your game.


    Is there a Frost specific forum anywhere?

    Um...again, have you read the mod page? There are over 3500 posts in the comments, and there are links to both the FROST reddit and Dischord pages. The reddit page is a good resource and naugrim is pretty active there, so that would be the best place to start after the mod comments section.


    As for finding bottles, again….read the mod description (the heading under Scaricty) and think about likely places to find such items...where would you logically think there would be a lot of bottles? A brewery perhaps? Lots of chems? Ammo? If you expect to just find all this stuff lying about, you miss the point of the mod.


    I would recommend against using survival mode changing mods like the one you mentioned for the main fact that FROST makes some pretty major game play changes that can break those mods. There is a rather comprehensive list of mods recommend by the author on the mod page. Personally, I use Survival Options mainly to sleep for more than a few hours in a sleeping bag but it needs to be below FROST in the load order to work properly. Beyond that, any mods that make changes to leveled lists and the like are likely going to have problems with FROST.


    So go back, re-read the install instructions, checkout the reddit and other resources and have fun. But don’t forget to just LET GO. :thumbsup:

  15. I've only done something similar to this in a settlement once. As it was my first NPC and was kept very simple with no workshop interaction and my first lame attempts at AI packages, please take anything I say with a grain of chainsaw. In what way is your NPC connected to the workshop? Keywords? By "any npc that was linked properly to the workshop stopped excuting the AI Packages" do you mean just your unique NPCs or all your settlers in general? It sounds like there is some connection to the workshop script based on workshop ownership that is overriding/conflicting with the NPC's packages that you've created. What happens if you remove the ties to the workshop?


    What about the vendor faction applied to your shopkeeper? I made a custom faction for my vendor. If you're using a vanilla workshop vendor faction that might be something to look at.

  16. That mesh is one of the Diamond City baseball banners. The vanilla texture file for the area with the DIA logo in your image is: Textures\Architecture\DiamondCity\BaseballBanner01.DDS


    Those baseball banners use a couple of different textures: one (maybe two) for the orange of the banner itself, and another for the decoration. The filename of a texture often doesn't really match what it's being used with which can make them hard to find just by looking in the Textures folder. To track down a texture file, you can open the mesh in Nikfskope, find the path to the material file, then open the material file in the Material Editor. That will tell you exactly where the texture for that mesh is.


    The vanilla texture file I mentioned above has numerous numbers in it for baseball championship years, so unless the mod you’re using is replacing all of those in the game, it likely is using it’s own texture with a different filename and/or location and not simply replacing the vanilla one.

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