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Everything posted by MissingMeshTV
Feral ghoul corpses spawning headless
MissingMeshTV replied to MissingMeshTV's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Yes. Tried that as well. Not only do they also spawn with no heads, they load in standing in a T-pose even when placed with havok sim in the render window. -
Feral ghoul corpses spawning headless
MissingMeshTV replied to MissingMeshTV's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Yikes! That's rather odd. And extreme. I'd rather have headless corpses! :laugh: Thanks for the info and your time testing. I'll tinker with that when I have the time and see if I can replicate your results here. Now I'm wondering what difference the file header flag would make to rendering the heads. It just works! o_O -
Feral ghoul corpses spawning headless
MissingMeshTV replied to MissingMeshTV's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey DieFM! I do run havok sim on them since it's the only way to ragdoll them into position. Should have mentioned that in my last post. The thing is, I have tested placing the feral corpses into vanilla cells and they spawn normally, heads and all. But if I put one into a cell I've made, they will have no heads. I can find nothing different about my custom cells I'm testing with compared to vanilla, other than my cells have not yet been optimized. For kicks, I've generated precombines and previs for one, but of course, it made no difference...didn't think it would, just trying to eliminate the variables. Like I said, I've seen this happen in mods that add feral corpses. There has to be something about custom cells that causes this. Damned if I can find it though. -
Feral ghoul corpses spawning headless
MissingMeshTV replied to MissingMeshTV's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Hmm...OK. Not totally following the LChar list bit. It would make more sense to me if I was using anything custom, but I'm not. 100% vanilla, taken right from the Object Window, set as Starts Dead in the Reference Window and nothing else. But I do see the hair floating like you mentioned, but no heads. Have re-examined several vanilla cells where they spawn with heads normally by COCing in, and find nothing special about the cell or the corpse refs. If it is a vanilla bug, I'd like find out why they spawn normally in vanilla cells. -
Here’s a weird one that I’m hoping someone can offer some insight on: I’m using feral ghoul loot corpses for the first time. When I go to test the cell in-game, all of the feral corpses spawn with no heads. Repeatedly. I’ve seen this happen in other mods (FROST come to mind) but just assumed it was intentional. I’ve tried using all of the Loot_CorpseFeralGhoul items in the 01 to 05 range and all spawn headless. What’s even weirder is that the heads do seem to be there, as I can just make out the shimmering outline of a head if I hold my Pip-Boy light at a certain angle, like they are using a Stealth Boy. They just don't seem to be rendered. I’ve COC’d into vanilla cells using the same corpses, and of course they all load with heads as they should. The only think I can think of is that the vanilla cells are optimized (precombines and previs) and my cells (and the other mods I’ve seen this happen in) aren’t yet optimized. But I have no idea why that would make any difference since the loot corpses aren’t statics. Has anyone else run into this? Been a while since I've stumbled across an oddity like this.
Nope. Collision is left intact, it just turns the mesh invisible in-game. I've done the same thing with furniture objects placed over statics, but it wasn't until recently that I noticed the Is Marker box on the doors.
Yeah, I don't think you can reszie them. But I just remembered something I did in my last mod that might be of use: every door has an "Is Marker" checkbox that essentially turns it into an invisible door in-game. I used this on a boxcar door to make an invisible load door with the same dimensions and sounds as the moving boxcar door, but you can use any door that's the shape you want.
Putting InvisibleLoad01Hidden over anything will give you a load door.
Elevators that serve multiple floors
MissingMeshTV replied to niston's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Take a look in the PackIns section. There are PackIns for elevators that will service two floors in a cell as well as working as load doors between cells. Everything in the PackIn is more or less all set up. You just need to drag it into your cell and position the elements where you need them. -
Positioning Skeletons in the Creation Kit
MissingMeshTV replied to vonBennett's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You need to activate the Havok simulation mode in order to do this. Click the HK icon (with the red bouncing ball) in the top row menu: the row of icons across the top of the CK. Once you have the Havok sim turned on, you'll be able to position a corpse or skeleton the way you described as long as they have the Starts Dead box checked in their reference window settings. It's fidgety as all hell, so don't expect to get he exact pose you want right off the bat. Once you get a pose you're happy with, check the Don't Havok Settle box in the reference window settings. That should prevent the reference from shifting out of position when the cell loads, which they often do. More info: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Run_Havok_Sim This sort of question is probably better suited for posting in the Creation Kit and Modders forum. -
You can show/hide the collision outlines of objects in your cell by toggling the F4 key. That might give you a better idea of what is going on with the collision on the stairs since you'll be able to see it. Hint: sometimes the collision outlines don't show right away if you hit F4, especially if you've had the CK open for a while. Use the F5 key to refresh the cell, then hit F4 again. That always brings up the collision outlines for me if they don't display the first time. You can also use a collision cube marker(s) scaled and rotated to fit where required. Less effort required for the same result. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Creating_Primitives EDIT: if this is going to be a constructable workshop item, I don't think the collision primitive is going to work for that use case.
That's certainly true for custom material swaps applied via the Model Data window of base object, but not for swaps applied to a reference via the Material Swap pull down of the Extras tab. Swaps applied to a ref via the Extras tab remain intact after precombines are generated. If you need to generate things that have a custom swap applied to the base object, you can set those items to Initially Disabled prior to generating. Anything set to Initially Disabled is ignored. Then remove the Initially Disabled flag after generating. Using a new layer for the items to be temporarily disabled and the Batch Action window are great time savers when doing this.I didn't think it was possible to use material swaps on refs that are in precombine meshes. When doing it in Xedit, the precombines get broken. As I said...set a swap on a reference under the Extras tab of the ref, generate your precombines/previs, and the swap will be intact when you go in-game. The vanilla game is loaded with static refs that are part of a precombine with material swaps applied to them in this way that display just fine. If you're changing them in xEdit after the fact, then yeah...you might break them. I've never had reason to do that, so I have no idea what happens. Doing what I need to do with precombines "just works" in the CK, and I've never had the need to edit them with external tools after generating. Then again, I do very little editing to vanilla cells and mostly work on newly created cells.
Decals have a marker attached to move them, so you'll need to toggle markers to be visible to move decals around. Some cells will have the decal markers show as a blue triangle, some will be shown as a primitive. There's an option to toggle the marker display option in the Projected Decal tab of the decal reference window, as well as numerical values to control the height and width. I personally prefer using the blue arrows to position decals. If there is an FX layer with mist, dust, etc. just hide it. I suggest freezing (locking) all vanilla layers and use a new layer to add your decals and any other items to. That will drastically reduce the chances that you'll nudge something you don't want to and make a dirty edit. Decals are found under Miscellaneous/TextureSet in the Object window. Filter for "DecalBlood" to find the blood related ones.
That's certainly true for custom material swaps applied via the Model Data window of base object, but not for swaps applied to a reference via the Material Swap pull down of the Extras tab. Swaps applied to a ref via the Extras tab remain intact after precombines are generated. If you need to generate things that have a custom swap applied to the base object, you can set those items to Initially Disabled prior to generating. Anything set to Initially Disabled is ignored. Then remove the Initially Disabled flag after generating. Using a new layer for the items to be temporarily disabled and the Batch Action window are great time savers when doing this.
fallout 76 workshop items?
MissingMeshTV replied to SingularityiOS's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I'm fairly certain that Creative Clutter added some FO76 items based on the initial reveal trailer, all from new custom meshes. Not sure exactly what was included but I seem to recall at least the bed and display cabinet. I know there was more, but have no idea what. The mod is no longer available on Nexus, and can only be found over at Bethesda.net (ack!): https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/3411824. I think that's the best you're going to do right now. -
Regenerating precombines
MissingMeshTV replied to pepperman35's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Those log messages are actually normal behavior. The CK is telling you what references it's excluding from being added to the precombines. Look at the messages: all those items either have a scrapping recipe, havok physics or an animation. "Has recipe" refers to a scrapping recipe on scrappable items. "Dynamic havok" refers to having Havok physics. "Gamebryo property anims" refers to having animations. Only static objects (those with no scrap recipes, physics or animations) can be made part of a precombined mesh. The messages are just telling what refs can't be included in the precombines being generated and the reason why. As for the crashing, you might start by looking at any custom meshes you're using. The only time my CK has crashed during generation has been when custom meshes are being used. You can try setting any custom meshes to Initially Disabled to try and weed out anything that might be causing the problem. Adding custom meshes to their own layer and using the batch action window to disable them is helpful in doing this. There very well might be another reason(s) for the crashing that others can suggest, but meshes that don't want to be assimilated has always been the cause of any crashes I've encountered when generating. -
Creation kit issues
MissingMeshTV replied to REX14RIFLE's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Bingo. You diagnosed your problem. Until you install FO4 on your computer, the CK is going to keep giving you that "bunch of gibberish." The CK requires the PC version of FO4 to be installed in order to function. Kinda hard for the CK to read the game files it needs when there are no game files installed. -
I'd suggest Unlimited Survival Mode. It unlocks/restores just about everything that vanilla Survival mode removes: Fast Travel, saving, console, lots more. It's a version-independent F4SE plugin so it doesn't take up a load order slot, and if you use MCM all of the options can be easily configured there.
Questions about broken precombines
MissingMeshTV replied to Undernier's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Going by your screenshot, it looks like you’ve removed all of the precombined data as well as the precombine and previs timestamps. Or was it missing from the mod already? In any event, that’s your problem: the mod's VISI, RVIS, PCMB and XCRI records are completely blank for that cell. The game compares the data in the precombined XCRI records to the timestamp in the PCMB field. If the timestamp differs from the vanilla (without any newly regenerated precombines to match up) or is outright missing altogether as it is here, the optimization for the cell will be disabled. Since all of that data is missing from the cell record, the game just disables the optimization system for that cell because there is no data for it to read and compare. That is by design. None of the objects added by the mod seem to be part of a precombine. If they were, they would display as [Placed Object]. The brackets are what you want to look for as they denote a static that is part of a precombine. But the cell still needs to have that data that you seem to have removed for the optimization system to function as intended. You could try copying the VISI, RVIS, PCMB and XCRI records from the Fallout4.esm into the mod records. But there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot added to that cell to begin with, so it would likely be far easier to just remove the record for the 0000DE22 altogether if you can live without a few extra vines and skeletons. That’s what I would do. I suggest taking some time to go through this thread on the FO4 optimization system. Lots of helpful info there regarding this goofy optimization system. EDIT: You might be able to get by with just copying over the timestamp data, but I can't say for sure. I think the game will still look for the rest of the data. I've never tried that sort of restoration and just opt to remove the problematic cell(s) altogether or just not use the mod. As an aside, xEdit is good for working around problems with precombines, but the only way to truly repair/restore broken precombines is to regenerate them in the CK. -
Possible Precom Issue?
MissingMeshTV replied to vonBennett's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Like I said earlier, you'll need to set those magazines to Initially Disabled, do your precombines, then set the mags back to being enabled. Just freezing the layer isn't enough to prevent them from being dumped into precombines. -
Possible Precom Issue?
MissingMeshTV replied to vonBennett's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Ah, Nexus. Try it now. Should go to the correct place. -
Possible Precom Issue?
MissingMeshTV replied to vonBennett's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
The high ploy mags revert to Astoundingly Awesome Tales after generation because most of them (maybe all, not sure off hand) have their covers changed through a custom material swap applied at the base item level in the Model window of the magazine. Material swaps applied in this manner break during the generation of precombined meshes and revert to the default material that is defined in the Model window. This is generally the material that is defined within .nif file itself. Many of those high poly mags have the same Astoundingly Awesome Tales as the default cover and will revert to it if you generate precombines. Other items I’ve come across that have material swaps applied in this manner are the dirty version of the round café table and chair (defaults are the clean versions) and some of the metal Vault crates (default is the plain silver version). All of their custom material swaps will break during precombine gen and revert to the default. “Proper” material swaps created as new forms under the Misc object section and applied to specific refs under the Extras tab of the reference window will not break. Adding these magazines to their own layer is a step in the right direction, but not the full monty. Simply putting items on a new layer and hiding the layer does NOT prevent them from being added to a precombine. Hiding the layer is only a visual response within the CK render window. Items on the hidden layer are still present in the cell and will be included in generation and rendered in-game. One way to exclude them from being assimilated into a precombine is to set them to Initially Disabled prior to generation, generate precombines/previs, then remove the Initially Disabled flag to re-enable them when generation is complete. Putting these items on their own layer makes this MUCH easier and faster when combined with using the batch action window. Layers also cuts down on the chance that you’ll nudge or otherwise disturb things you’ve just generated precombines for and break them. I’ve made a video of the layers process I use that might help, Static items that have scrapping recipes will also be excluded from generation AFAIK, but I don’t generally work with the settlement/scrapping stuff so I’ve never done anything in that regard to offer any advice there. -
Never delete vanilla refs! If someone's game references something you've deleted it's likely to CTD. Set items you don't wan't to initially disabled, and optionally move them below ground/floor level to get them out of your way. There are a bunch of other tabs in the ref window that you can access by clicking the two little arrows in the top right corner (see my screenshot below) The 3D Data tab is the first one (keep clicking the left arrow until you get to it). You're better off leaving the Respawn flagged checked for static items. Uncheck it for lootable items you don't want to respawn. More info: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Reference