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Everything posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. AFAIK the Aspirational containers are used to add unique named items that a vendor will sell, like Overseer's Guardian or Spray 'n Pray for example. I think they are added to the container via a Quest similar to how Legendary items are created, but that’s really irrelevant to what you want to do. The important thing is to look at the vendor ref and note the keyword used to link the container to the vendor ref. That's what allows the items placed into that container to appear in the vendor inventory. I should have been clearer earlier: you still need to attach a script your “fake” item so that when the player purchases item the key is added to their inventory. I’m pretty sure I’ve used a script with a simple OnContainerChanged event attached to the fake item to add the key to the player inventory.
  2. @Plarux: You’re correct in that you can’t add keys to vendor inventories. Using a “fake” item that adds a key to the vendor inventory when the fake item is purchased is pretty much the only way, and is how I have always done it. I also set up a new vendor container (set to not respawn) and add my fake key item(s) to it as the only item(s), then link it to the vendor ref with a vendor container keyword (can’t recall the exact keyword offhand). No scripting or quest needed. This pretty much duplicates how vanilla Aspirational Vendor Containers are set up. Take a look at Daisy in Goodneighbor and how her Aspirational Container is set up and you’ll see what I mean. She has two containers linked to her ref: her basic vendor item container and the Aspirational Container that is linked to her ref with a keyword. It might be VendorContainer02…or something like that…I’m at work and am going only from memory. This might be another option for you.
  3. Cool! Glad you got it working. Welcome to the Dark Side. Your soul now belongs to the Dark Lord Papyrus. :laugh:
  4. Like I said, you need to define a property for your Misc Item. Unless you do that, the script has no idea what items it is supposed to act upon and will give you the error you have.
  5. I'd suggest the CK wiki as a good starting point. Lots of good info there. The scripting tutorials by Darkfox127 helped me immensely in my first projects. Keep in mind his tutorials are for Skyrim, but much of what he shows is relevant to FO4 and at the very least can give you look at the basics. Seddon4494 has the best all-around FO4 CK tutorials I've seen but he doesn't do too much with scripting As for the script itself, this is a bare-bones version of what I've used in the past to do this and should get you started: Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(MyMiscItem, 1) EndEvent You'll of course need to define a MiscObject property for MyMiscItem or whatever else you decide you want to call it.
  6. You might start by creating a MISC item that’s a duplicate of your Activator item: same name, mesh, etc. Then attach a script to the Activator that when it is activated (and presumably disappears from the game as you described) adds the MISC item to the player’s inventory.
  7. The inconsistent ways that base objects can be named makes it hard to find what you’re looking for if you don’t know the name in first place. Here’s what I’ve done to find such things: If you know of a cell that uses the object you want the name of, just load the cell in the CK, select the item's reference in the Render Window and get the name from the item reference window. I’ll usually open the base item window and copy/paste the item name into a text file so I can reference it later. You can then paste the name into the filter box of the Object Window to actually find the item and drag it into the Render Window to add to your mod. If you don’t know the name of a cell where the object is used, but you know where there is one in the game, just go to the cell in game, open the console and select the item. If the item is not part of a precombined mesh the console should return its refID (if it is part of a precombine you’ll get a message along the lines of “Non AV Object” in which case this method won’t work so you would need to pick another item in the cell that returned a refID). Jot down the ref ID, then use the Find Text function in the CK to search for it. The search results will show you the cell where the item is used. Load the cell and get the name as described in my first method. When you go poking around the CK like this, it’s easy to make unintended edits by just selecting an item. The CK is stupid like that. If you do this with your mod loaded, double check that you have removed any such edits when cleaning your mod in xEdit. I actually prefer to do this searching with only the base game files loaded so that no such edits are recorded in my mod that might get overlooked. If I nudge something or otherwise get an edit recorded, I just close the CK without saving. No harm done. Can’t help with the settlement question as I don’t do anything with them.
  8. Honestly, the only faction radiant quests that ever bothered me were those for the Minutemen. OK, the Minutemen as a whole just bother me. The other faction radiant quests are easy enough to ignore. I’m fairly sure that if, for example, you do one "Cleansing the Commonwealth" for the Brotherhood, you won’t have another show up in your quest journal unless you actively accept another one. One and done. Whereas the Minutemen quests just seem to auto-activate without you doing anything, such as getting a quest for having the bad luck to be listening to Radio Freedom at a “bad time.” If you decide to do at least some faction radiants, I’d recommend using Keep Commonwealth Radiant Quests Within the Commonwealth so Scribe Haylen doesn’t send you to Far Harbor before you ever get to Diamond City. I’ll echo what jkruse05 said about never rescuing Preston and crew from Concord. The only "down side" really is that the Old Guns quest won’t be available meaning you can’t get access to artillery (without a mod anyway). That’s fine with me, as I never used artillery anyway…it’s pretty useless IMHO. I’ve left Preston and crew sitting pretty at the museum at least twice so far (on my third run of doing the same) and yes, the game for me is more fun without them. Just grab the Bobblehead on the desk and don’t talk to Preston. Talk to Mama Murphy if you want “Dog” to get an actual name without having to wait until later in the game, provided you have him with you. Otherwise, just loot 'n scoot, and get on with your game. There are mods that will unlock the radiant quest settlements without you having to do anything. I’ve used Own All Radiant Settlements for that. This effectively disables any radiant quest to unlock a settlement since you own them all, even if you do engage with the Minutemen. Just an option that might be worth mentioning. You might also consider using the Start Me Up alternate start mod for a game where you want to buck the hand holding of the vanilla story line, especially if you want to ignore the Minutemen.The first time I cleared the Castle on my own without having ever met Preston was...very fulfilling.
  9. @VirusZ: I’ve also come to absolutely loathe the settlement system and base building mechanics of this game and more or less ignore them altogether these days. I’ve found that if you ignore the Minutemen quest line, the settlement BS is much less in your face and you can actually enjoy the game without having to deal with any of it. I rely mainly on old school player homes as my bases, with only one or two settlements set up using Transfer Settlements blueprints to act as trading outposts and places to see a doctor. Once you get outside Diamond City, Goodneighbor and Bunker Hill you’re pretty much on your own for creating anyplace to trade or get a doctor. In addition to the mods that jkruse05, there lots of mod that can bring back the look and feel of FO3 and FNV if you so desire. I’m deep into a Let’s Play video series that ignores settlements (with a few small exceptions) and tries to bring back as much of the look/feel of the older games as I can without breaking things. I highly recommend using Be Exceptional as jkruse05 suggested (worth nothing it requires LevelUpMenuEx). The New Vegas style version wasn’t released when I started my playthrough, otherwise I would be using that as well. You already mentioned the dialog replacement mod so I assume you’re referring to Extended Dialog Interface. Highly recommended. Some other mods I use to bring back that old school feel include: Wasteland Imports (adds many classic Fallout items to leveled lists as well as Nuka Cola Addiction!)First Aid Kit Replacer - Fallout 3 Edition (mesh replacer for first aid kits)Fallout 3 Holotape Replacer (mesh and animation replacer for the goofy yellow holotapes)Ambient Fallout Compilation (adds music from FO1 and FO2 into the game, and will also add FO3 music provided you extract the audio tracks from your own FO3 game files. The same can be done with FNV music with a little extra work on your part).Original Fallout 3 New Vegas PiP-Boy flashlight soundThere are many others I could recommend, but you seemed to be looking more for gameplay style mods. If you’re interested, I can suggest more but here’s the mod list (Google Doc) I use for my series that has everything I currently use. All the old-school style mods I use are listed there.
  10. It sounds like you're adding the Music Track, but not assigning it to a Music Type, which I think is the other half of what needs to be done. I’ve only done this once to add FO3 and FNV ambient music to an existing mod that had older Fallout ambient music as additions to the game, so I might be missing a step. I couldn’t find any tutorials on how to do it so there might be a better way but I was able to add the FNV music with no fuss…it’s just a bit clunky how the CK has it set up. Shocking, I know. It might be possible to do it in xEdit, but this way worked for me. I’m going from my feeble memory since I’m not near my CK computer: You need to add the audio files as a Music Track (sounds like maybe you've done this already?), then add the Music Track to a Music Type, which can be thought of as a playlist. The game pulls the audio track from the pool of music assigned to the the Music Type (Dungeon, Public, Urban, et al). More info on Music Types can be found in the CK wiki, albeit not much. First though, you need to add the audio file as a Music Track. This is where you tell the CK where your audio files with the music are located. There is where you also add the FormID the CK will use to log the audio track, just like any other asset in the game. Once you have your Music Tracks added, you need to add them to the Music Type (Dungeon, Public, Urban, whaddevah). I think I had to right click in the list of tracks to add my FO3/FNV music. Then you get a dialog box to add the Music Track. It then gets added to the Music Type playlist. Then when you enter a cell (or trigger) that has that Music Type assigned to it, the game will pick one of the Tracks assigned and play the track. I converted my FO3/FNV audio tracks that I extracted from my game files to .WAV, which play just fine. There was no need for me to convert to XWM. Even the CK wiki entry shows WAV files being used. I used the default WAV preset in Adobe Media Encoder which was: Sample Rate: 48000 Hz Sample Size: 16 bit Again, going from memory I may have left step out so take all this with a grain o’ chainsaw but hope this helps. EDIT: Just reread your question about the XWM files showing up as WAV when you go to add then Music Track. I think (but am not sure) that XWM files at their core are still WAV files but have some sort of wrapper around them in the manner that some AVI video files can have. Plain old WAV has worked fine for me with the encoding specs I list above.
  11. That was quick: Bethesda calls claims of huge hacking vulnerability in Fallout 76 'inaccurate'
  12. It's an obscure reference to the movie Hackers. The Gibson was the mainframe that was the target of said hacking. :pirate:
  13. I’m not putting a lot of faith into the whole private servers and modding thing until there is some definition of what level of modding is even going to be possible. Are we talking about a PS4 level of modding? Something more extensive? We don’t yet know anything on what “modding” means for this game, so I’m not getting my hopes up without more info other than “mods and private servers are coming someday.” The devs are likely going to have hard time deciding what is “safe” to expose to modding for multiplayer (ie: potentially various scripting elements) and what isn’t. And I’m willing to bet real money that private servers will be a paid “premium” service on top of the $60 entry fee. Monthly subscriptions available in the Atom Store, perhaps? No thanks. That being said, it only took one clever person with a Sharpie marker to defeat Sony’s vaunted “copy proof” CD DRM in the early 2000s.There is already an FO76 mod section here on Nexus with some replacer items. It’ll be fun to see how people hack the Gibson with this game.
  14. I suppose Prestonburg High School probably has geography and map reading as required courses for graduation.
  15. Yeah, this thing is just a big bag of Nope on so many levels. From the rollout, to the marketing, to the execution, it’s been nightmare fuel every step of the way. To me, it’s only a Fallout game in the sense that Fallout Shelter is a Fallout game: they share the word “Fallout” in the title. If it didn’t have the Fallout brand slapped onto it, I don't think anyone would care about it. As negative as I’ve been about it since day one, I tried to hold out a glimmer of hope that the “beta” footage would change my mind even if only slightly. Not a chance now that I’ve seen the gameplay. Yes, the worldspace seems amazing but considering what other games seem to have done with more modern engines it’s not saying much in the long run. As much as I’d love to go explore the new settings, it’s just not compelling enough to offset all the other crap in the game for me to reward Bethesda with my $60, just so I can have a look-see. I’m leaving that to the various YT and Twitch streams I’ve been watching. The usual suspects are the only ones with any real amount of enthusiasm I’ve seen thus far and even that seems sort of forced. Some have just ignored the storyline altogether and focused on team play and the loot-shoot cycle, which is obviously what the game is designed to focus on. Good for anyone who likes that sort of thing, not so good for those that don't. Doing quests for dead people on holotapes seems pointless and boring AF, 'cuz ya know....they're DEAD. Having randos running through the game wearing nothing but their underwear and an oversized Vault Boy head with their gamer tag floating over it is not a selling point. It's exactly what I expected. Fallout 76 = Bethesda’s New Coke (but will they buckle and change the formula back to what it was like Coke did?) OT: Gundam has some good rants. His side-by-side comparison of dialog from Doc Mitchell and the Vault-Tec rep after character creation is classic…although he may have actually gotten that footage from someone else, not sure. EDIT: There ARE some interesting bits I have seen game-wise: the reintroduction of equipment degradation, some very cool new architectural assets are what come to mind. But it's really only two steps forward and ten steps backward AFAIC. Some people will love this game, I'm just not one who has any interest in playing it...
  16. Why not just look at the mods and see how they work? I'm fairly certain Lone Raptor includes the script sources with APC Transport.
  17. Nothing actually moves. There is an instance of each vehicle (and all related assets: triggers, map markers, clutter, etc.) at each location that gets enabled/disabled when the player selects a “travel” destination.
  18. Whaddya mean? Goofy emotes and tubas are exactly what FO4 needs!
  19. It's probably G2M workshop. Look at the G2M holotape that gets added to your inventory when you first use the mod. It has an option to turn off the autodoor function it has that is active by default. That would be the "Built-in simple "automatic close door" function" listed in the mod description. It's not very prominently shown and is easy to miss it in the description. EDIT: Thanks for using spoilers for your mod list. :thumbsup:
  20. LOL! The Entitlement is strong with this one. I know it might be hard to comprehend, but other people's lives DO have priority over your ability to play a video game.
  21. This problem has absolutely nothing to do with textures. Missing textures would result in purple meshes which would still be visible. This is indicative of something you’re using breaking the precombined meshes and previs data which is the core of the game’s optimization system, or using a mod that conflicts with the previs data used in another mod that makes changes to the same cell. If you’re using a scrapping mod, that would be the first thing to disable to try tracking down the problem. If that doesn’t help, open your mods in xEdit to look for those that make worldspace changes in the cells you’re having problems with. Or disable mods in batches and test that way, but looking at things in xEdit is far quicker and gives you a better handle on what the problem actually is.
  22. Light boxes only work for static lights placed in the CK that you can set a linked reference to. AFAIK there is nothing you can do with workshop mode lighting. It's just the way the engine works (or doesn't) based on all the other times this topic has come up.
  23. There are already mods that do this. Old World Containers for one (with LOTS of other containers). Pretty sure Homemaker has them as well. Creative Clutter also has one with some ammo and weapon clutter around it.
  24. I don’t recall giving an exact time for how long it would take to regenerate for the entire map as it will fluctuate depending on your hardware, etc. I think your biggest issues would be the fact that you might run into places where the gen just doesn’t work properly (it happens on occasion), and compatibility with other mods that regenerate for the same cells.
  25. Are you the same person that asked this exact question on one of my YT videos? If yes, see my more detailed response there. If not, you’ll need to regenerate optimization data for every cell in which Rust Belt breaks it, which is pretty much the entire Commonwealth worldspace. Or use Rust Belt with a blank .esp alongside a tree mod that doesn’t break precombines in dense cells, such as anywhere Downtown. I’d suggest looking at Another Green Mod.
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