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Everything posted by MissingMeshTV

  1. When generating precombines, any custom material swaps you make on static items will be broken and the objects revert to their default material setting...that’s just the way it works (or doesn’t). It’s OK for things like magazines if they aren't static (as in you can pick them up, add them to your inventory like the vanilla ones). The vanilla game uses custom swaps on the magazines. Your best option for static objects is to make a material swap the “proper” way under the Material Swaps section of the Object Window (under Misc, I think). Then apply it to the object(s) in the Extras tab of the reference placed into your cell. This tutorial should help getting started with that. Swaps made in this way won't break when generating precombines/previs. I’m surprised your custom swaps didn’t break when creating your SCOLS. They will generally break making SCOLs like they when generating precombines.
  2. FWIW, I ran into this a long while back while testing one of my mods. In that case it was caused by something in the settings for either the lighting template or imagespace I was using, but it was confined to the one cell of my mod. Other cells weren't affected IIRC. Changing the imagespace I was using resolved it. Oddly, I didn't notice it while testing on a machine using an ENB. It wasn't until I tested on a 100% vanilla install (other than my mod) that I encountered it. I still don't know what the specific setting that was causing the problem was...maybe one of the fog distance settings, but I'm just guessing. Back to your situation: If you have any mods that make global changes to imagepaces and/or lighting templates, I'll take a stab and say that's a potential cause. You could also test using an ENB and see if that resolves it. That would indicate the same situation I described above. EDIT: As mentioned above, posting your load order in spoiler tags would be helpful.
  3. Mod authors who create loads (ie: dozens or hundreds) of custom assets (myself included) find file management easier by keeping assets in custom directories for development, especially if those assets are used across multiple mods. One use case would be: if you use assets from other people and put the assets of each author into custom folders, it makes it easier to keep track of whose assets you're using and who you need to give credit to. Custom file paths also eliminate the potential for conflicts if by chance a file has the same filename as a vanilla asset or something from another mod. That's why I don't think adding custom assets into the vanilla file structure is a good idea, unless that asset is replacing something vanilla such as a texture replacer. And to be honest, having the files paths "broken" by someone wanting to merge mods isn't really something that gets taken into account in development. Things only get "broken" if someone tries to "fix" them. :wink: In the case of your voice file path example you posted (thanks for that...clears up another question I was going to ask), my guess as to why it has the specific folder named for the mod is because that's how the Creation Kit generates them. It does the same thing with FaceGenData if you create a new NPC or if you generate precombine and previs data for a cell. Anything that is part of a custom cell (or actor in your case) gets put into it's own folder named for the mod. In the case of precombines/previs, new data for vanilla worldspace locations gets put into a folder named for the appropriate master file (base game, DLC). Data for a custom created cells gets put into a folder named for the .esp. The author has no choice in the matter. The game is probably hard coded for this as the mod author has no option for saving when generating any of this data. Vanilla assets have a similar structure except the folders are named for the master file (plus separate folder for each DLC)...it's just how it works. I'm actually glad it does this because again, it comes down to good file management that makes it easier to track things down during mod development. Lastly, ESL conversion doesn't touch file paths, it only compresses the number of records in the file. If a mod gets broken by .esl conversion, any custom file paths the mod has aren't going to be the cause.
  4. This. Never played Daggerfall either and only have FO3 and FNV to use as reference. After playing FO3 for the first time in years, the run from Megaton to Arefu feels like an actual journey..seemed to take forever. But in FO4, you can spit from Greygarden and hit Oberland Station. Hell, since they're so close you might even be able to get there before it does. :laugh:
  5. Agree that's it's another awesome glitch as I've run into this many times...always seems to center on settlements that are part of radiant quests. I have a theory (based on purely anecdotal evidence) that it seems to be triggered by completing the Old Guns quest prior to discovering these locations. In testing my Somerville Place Trailer mod, I found the following: 1) COCing into the Somerville Place cell from the main menu (which spawns a bare-bones, unequipped lvl 1 character) I was able to get the unlock quest straight away, or after returning a few days later. 2) My (at the time) level 8 test character that had yet to even meet Preston get the settlement quest from the settler straight away. 3) Another character at level 17 that had met Preston, done some of his garbage tasks but had not yet stared Old Guns was able to get the settlement quest from the settler straight away 4) My level 78 (again, at the time) character that had completed Old Guns still had yet to get the quest from either Preston or Radio Freedom even though they've sent me to the Slog three times. Somerville Settler would only give generic dialog. By the time she reached lvl 85 the unlock quest was still not given despite me listing to Radio Freedom non-stop. That in itself was painful enough. 5) Going back to my level 17 character on an earlier save prior to discovering/unlocking Somerville Place and completing Old Guns: Unable to unlock Somerville Place, settler would only give generic dialog. Ran into a similar situation at Nordhagen Beach in the last game where I reach that part of the map. Completing Old Guns seems to be the common point of failure in my case, but as I said, purely anecdotal.
  6. Short answer: Yes. You would need to open each .esp and look at all of the actual assets of the mod(s) involved. If a voice file, mesh, texture, material file or any other asset is referenced using a file path different than the “vanilla” path then you would need to change the paths of all the affected assets. If you just move the assets to another folder the game is still going to look for them in the original location because the file paths defined in the .esp tells it to. If a mesh is defined in the .esp to be read from Meshes/SetDressing/MODNAME/NewCookingPot.nif and you move that mesh someplace else without changing the path in the .esp, the game can't read it. This applies to all such assets, including any material swaps defined in the mod if they reference a "custom" file path. Not sure what you’re hoping to gain as it seems more trouble than it’s worth if you’re only looking to save a load order slot or two. If you’re determined to merge these mods, why not take the path of least resistance and go the other way around: merge mods with the vanilla file path structure into one with a custom structure? That way you don’t need to muck around with changing file paths. Otherwise it seems to be a whole lot of hassle for minimal benefits, but that’s just me. Sound files can not be put into compressed archives as they will not play. That’s why the vanilla game has it’s own separate Sounds archive. You should be able to create an uncompressed Sounds archive for the mod and give it the proper naming to match the .esp: MyMod – Sounds.BA2. If you’re not already using the Archive2 tool that’s bundled with the Creation Kit, I’d suggest switching over to it. It’s the best tool for this sort of work.
  7. The closest you're likely to find is HUD Plus Plus. It requires F4SE, but is version independent so it doesn't require updates when Creation Club updates routinely break F4SE...so far, anyway. You can customize the options with MCM, but if you don't use that I think you can edit the .ini file to change things. MCM is the way to go though.
  8. After playing FO3 for the first time after nearly three years of FO4, it hit me hard on just how true that is.
  9. They love to trumpet that talking point, but considering how much of the FO4 map is ocean, it sounds a bit hollow.
  10. Here's my video. Packins are essentially groupings of various forms that you can just drag from the Object Window into your cell. Pretty sure you can find them under the Misc section or just filer for "Packin" with ALL selected. There are quire a few of them already but you can also make your own. The FO4 CK wiki should have an entry on them and will do a better job explaining them than I probably could. Now that I I'm typing all this, I just remembered that Seddon4494 did an elevator tutorial using packins. That would probably be of more help.
  11. I think the closest you might be able to get would be to examine how the game utilizes elevators for load transitions as it does with the exterior/interior cells of Listening Post Bravo (as one example) . That sounds like at least part of what you want. Those elevator load screens are easy to set up with existing packins built into the CK. They might give you some ideas. EDIT: looks like payl0ad posted while I was typing. :D My tutorial was made before I knew the packins existed. They take out 3/4 of the work shown in the tutorial.
  12. I've also found that using attached refs doesn't work on all doors. Security gate and subway doors are two I've found where the attached ref doesn't travel with the door. Didn't bother me enough to see if perhaps there are some differences in the meshes of the doors it does work with.
  13. "Yup" to all of the above. Going to be interesting/entertaining to see what happens on "Wrecklamation Day." Popcorn supply is fully stocked. But who knows...maybe it will all go swimmingly and problem free...maybe.
  14. In an always online game that you need to log into their servers to play. LOL. Good luck with that! :wink:
  15. I have zero interest in Fallout Online. Besides the fact that multiplayer games just aren't my thing, being forced to log into someone else's computer to play a game I've paid for is a big "No", even if it does come wrapped in a thin Fallout veneer. The lack of concise messaging and presentation of this thing thus far doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I plan on still playing FO4, replaying FO3 and FNV (want to give the JSaywer mod a go), and playing the hell out of New California when it's released. Want try FO1 and 2 as well. My gaming dollars that would have normally gone to Bethesda will be saved for Cyberpunk 2077. Or new socks. Anything but Fallout Online.
  16. OP: since you've already made 7z files of the mods in question, just use the Install from File option in NMM and select the 7z file when prompted. Been a while since I've used NMM but I think Install from file was on option under the green "plus" icon. I'd also recommend setting up a mod archive folder and keeping your mod zip files in one place. Also if the .esp files are already in the Data folder they should be visible if you click the Plugins tab. Then you can manually activate them there by clicking the checkbox next to the .esp name.
  17. Like others have said, those messages are inherent on the game itself and can be ignored for the most part. Try opening just the base game .esm and Nuka World...NW is loaded with all sorts of nasty sounding messages. I use a dual monitor set up and just push the warning window off to the second monitor and size it down so it's out of the way. It's pretty unobtrusive that way. Keep in mind that the warning messages can be helpful for detecting problems in the mods you're working on. I edit the Warning Layout template (Click the ... button next to the Layout pulldown at the top of the Warning window) so the <CURRENT> flag is shown in red. At a glance I can filter out any warning from the mod I'm working on as it will stand out in red against the default black of the vanilla game warning.
  18. It's always been a good practice to not start a fresh game with tons of mods installed. Some mods that have scripts set to trigger an action after leaving Vault 111 don't fire properly if you don't start the game there and the script isn't written to take that into account. They can potentially cause problems if you start outside the vault as SMU allows you to do. You should always only start with the mods you need to get through character creation (Looks Menu, hair mods, etc). Then after you go through the door and spawn at your chosen location, save, quit, activate more mods, reload. Activate mods as you need them, never all of them before you even start the game. Example: there is no reason whatsoever to have a mod changing Diamond City running until you are actually close to DC for the first time. At the very least, if you install something and it causes problems you don't lose a ton of progress if you have to revert to save prior to activating it. I've started the game with Start Me Up at least seven or eight times using a minimal load order at the beginning and have never had infinite loading screens, freezes or any other issues. EDIT: Put Be Exceptional below SMU.
  19. Sounds like Basement Living might be what you're looking for: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10967
  20. I imagine that nudging happens because many folks don't know that right clicking objects will reset their alignment/angle. Sure. But many people are also completely unaware that they have nudged something in the first place and never check their files in xEdit to see those changes have been recorded. Besides, nudging and resetting the position of something that is part of a precombine it still enough to disable them if the CK records the edit AFAIK. Have never had reason to test it myself to see if that feature removes the edit data, but I doubt that it does.
  21. While this is always a good idea, authors should be running their plugins thru xEdit none the less and ensuring such changes aren't present. VC mode seems to be better about not just including random records in plugins simply after clicking/selecting them, but should always be checked (regardless of whether doing precalc or not). I haven't watched your video but it might be of benefit to you to add such a section to it, just as a reminder to others, if you haven't already. I discuss the virtues of cleaning with xEdit and show how to run the cleaning filter process.
  22. I've put together a tutorial/demo video showing how I use layers to add items to a cell without touching precombines. I see lots of mods that add simple things like magazines to a cell but break precombines in the process because something gets nudged that shouldn't be. Hopefully someone will find it helpful. I'm sure people have other methods you can use, but this works for me and is drop dead simple.
  23. Cool! Glad it was something simple and you got it working. :thumbsup:
  24. Do you have the stores linked to the Workshop ref with WorkshopItemKeyword? Any shops, guard posts, beds and workbenches need to be set up as linked refs to the workshop with that keyword applied. EDIT: If not, take a look at the workbenches in a vanilla settlement to see how those are set up. The Castle is a good example as it has clinic, beds, guard posts and workbenches.
  25. Likely because Creation Engine uses Occlusion Planes and Roombounds for culling and regenerating precombines made it use the precombination/previs system instead. Vanilla cells have lots of sloppy occlusion planes that cause funky artifacts and were never removed properly for release. Yup. Very much aware of all that and more or less what I was saying, but you added more detail. :wink: The TftC cell in question was an exact duplicate of Vault 75 minus any optimization whatsoever: no precombines/previs. No roombounds, no portals. Gar nichts. Nada. Just a big ole vault rendering everything in it all at once. That's why we need interns.
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