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Everything posted by Dahveed

  1. Hi there everyone! I was thinking about making a mod which would distribute modded armors from various mods to NPCs throughout Skyrim... to named NPCs. Leveled lists tend to be annoying (part of the reason why people avoid putting their armors into the game), so I'll be avoiding them for now. However I was wondering if it were possible to make an .esp without any other .esp or .esm master files. I know how to accomplish this already with TesVEdit, but once a user installs my mod without the .esp they would need, They wouldn't CTD necessarily but the edited NPCs would be naked, since the outfits don't exist. I am wondering if it's possible to make each NPC have a "backup" armor set (i.e. their default) that they would automatically wear. Would something like this require scripting? I don't want to embark upon something that is too complicated just to waste a lot of my time. Here's an example: myesp.esp with Master: ElvenChainmail.esp I use (for example) ElvenChainmail outfit in the CK on Elwen at the Thalmor Embassy. Normally this would be fine.... the user would need elvenchainmail.esp in his load order or he'd CTD at startup. However, I was planning on using many different Nexus mods for myesp.esp. It would be unrealistic and impractical to require Nexus users to have to download (for example) 12 different .esp files in order to accommodate one .esp file in their load order. So I'd run TESVEdit to get rid of the master files. So taking the above file, we're left with myesp.esp, with no master requirements. But now, what happens if elvenchainmail.esp isn't in his load order and he visits the Thalmor Embassy with my mod installed? My hunch is that Elwen (Elenwyn? Forget her name) would show up naked. So my question is, how would I avoid this. I am thinking I could somehow incorporate a "failsafe" mechanism so that she would wear vanilla Elven armor if the .esp weren't present. But I'm not sure if this is even possible, and if it were, how I would go about this kind of thing.
  2. Thanks for the info. Can you direct me to that forum? I was directed to this page by the Nexus moderators in the first place, for mod author discussion.
  3. Not sure if I explained myself well. Here's an example: myesp.esp with Master: ElvenChainmail.esp I use (for example) ElvenChainmail outfit in the CK on Elwen at the Thalmor Embassy. Normally this would be fine.... the user would need elvenchainmail.esp in his load order or he'd CTD at startup. However, I was planning on using many different Nexus mods for myesp.esp. It would be unrealistic and impractical to require Nexus users to have to download (for example) 12 different .esp files in order to accommodate one .esp file in their load order. So I'd run TESVEdit to get rid of the master files. So taking the above file, we're left with myesp.esp, with no master requirements. But now, what happens if elvenchainmail.esp isn't in his load order and he visits the Thalmor Embassy with my mod installed? My hunch is that Elwen (Elenwyn? Forget her name) would show up naked. So my question is, how would I avoid this. I am thinking I could somehow incorporate a "failsafe" mechanism so that she would wear vanilla Elven armor if the .esp weren't present. But I'm not sure if this is even possible, and if it were, how I would go about this kind of thing.
  4. Hi there everyone! I was thinking about making a mod which would distribute modded armors from various mods to NPCs throughout Skyrim... to named NPCs. Leveled lists tend to be annoying (part of the reason why people avoid putting their armors into the game), so I'll be avoiding them for now. However I was wondering if it were possible to make an .esp without any other .esp or .esm master files. I know how to accomplish this already with TesVEdit, but once a user installs my mod without the .esp they would need, They wouldn't CTD necessarily but the edited NPCs would be naked, since the outfits don't exist. I am wondering if it's possible to make each NPC have a "backup" armor set (i.e. their default) that they would automatically wear. Would something like this require scripting? I don't want to embark upon something that is too complicated just to waste a lot of my time. Thanks in advance!
  5. I loved the paper, journalistic style of Oblivion's user interface... not so much the actual controls etc, but just the overall look and feel of an older pen-and-paper RPG. I am amazed that nobody has done this yet.... would it be impossible or something? Someone has already been able to modify the look of certain UI elements - example Frankly I'm astonished this hasn't been tried yet!
  6. Further progress report: With both ENB and OR installed, I have now realized that I am able to change my lighting paramaters during the night... but this is accomplished by changing the INTERIOR settings... ???? However without OR installed I use the ExteriorNight parameters as usual... When OR .dll is active it's as though all of Tamriel at night is treated as a massive interior cell by the ENB settings. I don't get it. This is the case with both ENB configs I tried.
  7. Well, I'm not using Shademe anymore (for some time), and deactivating all my .esp plugins didn't help either.... unfortunately it must be my ENB, i'll try a new one. That would be a shame because this is an ENB config I am really attached to. Oh well this might shake things up in my game a bit... here goes nothing :/
  8. Thanks for the additional info. Yeah I highly doubt it's the weather mods which are the culprit (but who knows?). At exactly the same place and time, I can edit my paramaters without the OR .dll activated, but when I activate it in the same spot/time/everything, I cannot. Thanks for the suggestion about Liquid Water, but I think I've tried pretty much every Oblviion water mod in existence... none of them strike my fancy. Only OR's water has ever struck a chord. Thanks again for the help, but I'll tough it out without OR for now unless someone else can come along with some kind of hack for OR water without OR's .dll. Cheers.
  9. So can I, for the most part. The features generally work (with many of the oblivionreloaded.ini stuff disabled), and I get no weirdness I experienced last year when I was still figuring things out. However, to give one example, with the ENB preset I have, I have very dark nights outside, so that lightsources are very important. (This is true for dungeons as well.) However when OR is installed, my dark nights are no longer dark, everything is far too bright for my liking. Normally (without OR) if this were the case I'd hit Shift+Enter while in-game and I'd be able to adjust ENB paramaters under the [ENVIRONMENT] and [bLOOM] categories, such as AmbientLightingIntensityNight, AmbientLightingCurveNight, etc etc. However when the Oblivionreloaded.dll file is activated, none of these controls work and I am "stuck" with my too-bright nights. This is really my only major issue (other than just random preferences that aren't necessarily bugs or conflicts) that I just can't seem to figure out. Even when I disable ALL of OR's effects/shaders etc, I still run into this problem. In all Beth RPGs (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 etc) I have fallen too much in love with my realistic dark nights, so this problem is basically a show-stopper for me. Which is basically fine, it's not like I can't live without OR. But damn do I miss OR's water... It seems that without the .dll active (just the .esp) that the water is deactivated as well :(
  10. (TL; DR): Is it possible to disable pretty much everything in OR except for the water shaders?) Hi there... fantastic mod, I have already endorsed it. For a very long time now I have been mucking around with various versions of this mod and ENB trying to get the right balance, but I'm sad to say that I've finally decided (for now, anyway) to abandon OR and just stick with ENB, I find the conflicts too much to bear. I prefer the direct control over the lighting especially with ENB since I love having darker nights and darker dungeons. For whatever reason I can't figure out how to edit the lighting values (AmbientLighting, DirectLighting etc) whiile OR is enabled. However I really hate having to abandon OR's water shaders, they are just brilliant and I already miss them. Is there a way to bypass all of OR's graphical effects entirely, except for the water? I have already gone into the .ini files of this mod and disabled pretty much everything, but it still conflicts with ENB's settings (in enbseries.ini). If anyone can help I'd be appreciative. Thanks!
  11. Unfortunately this is what I already have (All Natural + Atmoshpheres). Oh well, I guess I can live with the bug for now. Thanks for sharing the info.
  12. Sorry about bumping an old thread, but did you find a solution for this issue? I have the exact same problem and haven't figured it out yet. it's not game-breaking, but it sure is annoying.
  13. Thanks. Well, Nexus hasn't been here for 400 years, but it has been here for over 12 years or something as far as I know... That's a LONG freaking time in internet years.
  14. I've just recently updated my mod to version 7.0, and now includes 400 unique images submitted by Nexus screenarchers! I just want to say a big "thank you" to everyone who has participated, downloaded and endorsed. The mod now has almost 6,000 unique users, which is a pretty big deal for me... it blows my mind to know that this many people are using something I've made, and I've quite proud of what I've done. Check it out here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73151/? P.S. I am a shameless endorsement wh*%#, and I check every. single. day... to see if I have any new endorsements. Maybe I'm narcissistic (of course I am!), but if you use the mod and feel like showing your support, click that endorse button... pretty please :) This is my only online currency! Of course, feel free to participate as well! Thanks!
  15. This looks amazing! I remember I tried Nehrim but kept running into various problems, and tbh it just made me want to play Oblivion again, lol. But I can't wait to check this out! Kudos to these modders!
  16. I can breathe a sigh of relief. I played an older version once a long time ago, and planned on going back one day (of course!). I had just recently gone on a quest mod downloading spree... one of them happened to by Wyrmstooth 1.16... so *phew*. I've saved it to my desktop in a new folder titled DONT EVER DELETE THIS MORON lol.
  17. I enjoy the style. Most of these spotlight videos have obnoxious Youtubers barfing out their terrible jokes with awful microphones, so it's refreshing to have one with just some music playing and no idiots talking. That being said, I think some occasional text on the screen would be useful. Personally I would always keep the title and mod author's name somewhere (i.e. on the bottom left or bottom right of the screen), and occasionally splash some information text on the screen at appropriate times and places to give some info about the mod (i.e. in the case of the Telvanni house, the location, number of rooms, different features as you display them, etc etc). Just my own two cents. It looks good though!
  18. Hi all! Welcome to the second episode of a new little series I'm starting, in order to help promote my mod "Nexus Community Loading Screens!" (Click here for episode 1!) http://i.imgur.com/jye01Eu.jpg Basically, my mod takes screenshots and artwork from Nexus users and inserts them into Skyrim's loading screens. (For more information, and a more detailed description, click the link above.) I first made the mod several months ago, and it is alive and kicking... but in order for a collaborative project like this to succeed it needs constant updates and constant attention from the Nexus users. With this in mind I thought a great way to promote the mod, and to thank its most proficient contributors, would be to occasionally put a "spotlight" on a Nexus user who has been particularly generous with their artwork. I'm not sure how often I'll do this... like I said, once in a while.... So welcome to episode 2! Todays featured markswoman is Azeneth. She has granted me permission to dig into her Nexus and Flickr accounts, and I have chosen 24 new images to go into my mod. http://i.imgur.com/eoStFD2.png You can check out her flickr photostream here, or you can see her Nexus image section here. Give her all the kudos and endorsements she deserves! Also, you can click HERE to see how they all look in the loading screens, but if you scroll down below to the end of this forum post, you'll see just a few examples of what her work looks like when used in one of my loading screens! So hopefully you'll check out my mod, and also give Azeneth the recognition she deserves! Thanks Azeneth! http://i.imgur.com/k5lwqEk.jpg And a few examples of how they look in the loading screens: http://i.imgur.com/VH7S1wa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wIzptpk.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0Sm7WT9.jpg
  19. Do you need an account on Reddit? I've never posted there before. Is there a sub-category for Skyrim mods? Thanks for the suggestion, I've made an account and posted my mod's info there... not sure if people will bite though, well see.
  20. No offense buddy, but that is exactly what I say in the very first sentence of my post!
  21. Hi all! Welcome to the first episode of a new little series I'm starting, in order to help promote my mod "Nexus Community Loading Screens!" Basically, my mod takes screenshots and artwork from Nexus users and inserts them into Skyrim's loading screens. (For more information, and a more detailed description, click the link above.) I first made the mod several months ago, and it is alive and kicking... but in order for a collaborative project like this to succeed it needs constant updates and constant attention from the Nexus users. With this in mind I thought a great way to promote the mod, and to thank its most proficient contributors, would be to occasionally put a "spotlight" on a Nexus user who has been particularly generous with their artwork. I'm not sure how often I'll do this... like I said, once in a while.... So welcome to episode 1! Today I'm going to feature EMS60. So far, this user has contributed almost THIRTY images to my mod, all of which look great.... and there are many more I could have also taken, but there are only so many hours in a day! You can check out her flickr photostream here, or you can see her Nexus image section here. Give her all the kudos and endorsements she deserves! Also, you can click HERE to see how they all look in the loading screens, but if you scroll down below to the end of this forum post, you'll see just a few examples of what her work looks like when used in one of my loading screens! So hopefully you'll check out my mod, and also give EMS60 the recognition she deserves! Thanks EMS60! A few samples: http://i.imgur.com/JXws50N.jpg http://i.imgur.com/HvjIzGb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/XRyWjGL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/loGD60J.jpg
  22. In response to post #39468355. #39468585, #39469950, #39474765 are all replies on the same post. Terrible. You are EXACTLY the sort of person who contributes to all these problems in the first place.
  23. Thanks for that article... I don't even have Fallout 4 (or even a console), but I was curious about how Skyrim console modding would work. I had no idea that the official Bethesda mod site had such problems, and it's an eye-opener for sure. This information will be useful for when the new Skyrim version comes out... I'll be ready I guess! Bethesda could indeed learn a lot from you, and it's a shame that they're just kind of pretending that we all don't even exist over here on the Nexus. Thanks for the info.
  24. Just have to say that the update is greatly appreciated, especially the progress bar for uploads. A very small thing indeed, but sometimes small things can greatly enhance the whole experience. Thank you!
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