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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. Nude Mud Crab Watching is not illegal here...but it is for me...I get arrested for "public ugly".....
  2. *I LIke* the overtime I'll be getting at work next week. *I Like* that the money I'll make will pay for the shopping trips Carah had when here. *I Like* ( extremely much so ) Carah
  3. I put Carah on the plane to return to Canada today.

    < insert sounds of crying and heartbreak >

  4. *I Like* ( and so did Carah ) the dinner I cooked tonight. *I Like* that the other day Carah and I went to the casino with 42$ and left half hour later with 93$ ...eh...it wasn't a big win, but it was a win.... *I Like* being able to visit with Carah's mother the other day on Skype
  5. Blondie ! Bunny Smooches to my favourite what ever you are !
  6. Thanks for the "high five" !! woo hoo !
  7. Gentle Lady, so nice you visited. I have wondered how life is for you lately. Bunny Smooches to the Jewel of the East....
  8. Jeez...has it been long since I left a comment. Shame on me. Looking forward to your next work of art.
  9. Birthday for me today. T-bone steaks on the *new* grill !

    Bunny Smooches WOO HOO !

  10. You commented in MQ 44 about Fufu having an advantage in snow @ Skyrim if he ever had a bath...well, this explains the blood stains: http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/397718-1257130677.jpg
  11. Here's one for your records: Longest romance between a couple that met on Nexus: Carah and Malachi Delacot. We first started with comments, PMs, etc 8 may 2008. IM and phone calls soon followed, then flights from Canada to USA. We are engaged and talking serious about her moving here by end of year. No date set yet for wedding. EDIT: See post 3971 by myrmaad in "You know what i like?" thread....
  12. Yo, Bro....read the PM !

    Jeez...what a lame comment....

  13. *I Like* having this week off from work so Carah and I can spend more time together. *I Like* that we have been learning to make some wonderful Greek dinners. *I Like* ( extremely much so ) Carah
  14. We saw your comment in the *I Like* thread. Carah and I were both touched and surprised. Blessed be
  15. The pot roast was easy...it was spices that made it. Oh, and I usually do the dishes, even when I cook. My parents owned a restaurant and I learned cooking at an early age. Carah has only complaints about my peanut butter chicken spagetti...but then she's also cooked a dish that a dog wouldn't eat...heh...

    Bunny Smooches and Blessed Be

  16. You are just so cute !
  17. *I LIke* the new barbeque grill I bought *I Like* Carah being able to cook on it first *I Like* the meal Carah made on it
  18. Bunny Smooches for my little bro
  19. B u n n y S m o o c h e s

    I wanted to take my time....heh...

  20. Had to visit the jewel of the east.

    Bunny Smooches !!

  21. Just visiting....

    ehh...why not....Bunny Smooches !

  22. Smooches.

    ...oops...forgot the Bunny part...heh...

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