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Everything posted by MalachiDelacot

  1. You could have at least said something when you visited.

    I still miss your funny stuff....

  2. Go make me a sammich ! No eggs !
  3. You noobs are so amusing. Many of us were into Tolkien's works looong before the movies came out. And you know what ? His elves didn't have those ugly bendy ears !
  4. *I Like* Blue Bell Ice Cream finally being in Colorado ! *I Like* knowing I'll get some overtime @ work in a few weeks *I Like* Carah
  5. Bunny Smooches, babe !
  6. Hey, don't give me germs ! Now, your cooties, I like....
  7. They finally got Blue Bell Ice Cream up here ! Now you can't eat it all....
  8. Blessed be and Bunny Smooches !
  9. Wonders of wonders....the cat is female, so she's a demoness I wish I knew how many boards the Mongols would hoard if the Mongol horde could hoard boards....
  10. *I Like* having the first post in this thread this month *I Like* annoying some people so much they went invisible to my profile and bumped my star rating down *I Like* the survey team will be done bothering me at work next week
  11. Bunny Smooches for the bunny babe.

    Your "respawning" was a great shot.

  12. I've had Gersilla for way too long to let her go now. Hopefully, Fufu will also be along to keep her company. She'll be pretty much be like in Oblivion...female elven archer built for speed. She who shoots and runs away lives to adventure another day
  13. If you go by that logic, modding in general is an insult. Not at all. I guess you did not understand "leave the game looking mostly like it was designed." I have released a few mods that were very vanilla Oblivion in appearance (and gotten over 3k downloads), helped other people with mod work, given them suggestions, and beta tested a number of mods. I voiced my opinion and this is as far as I'm going with it.
  14. I was visiting TremarBorg' s profile and realized I'd rather Bunny Smooch you than look at him
  15. I did not read everybody's comments, but went straight to what I wanted to say. All the anime looking and bendy eared elves in screen shots that will happen, I see them as an insult to the people that worked hard to make the game what it is. If people want to play FF or whatever, go do it, leave the game looking mostly like it was designed.
  16. To answer a question: Fufu can swim, but he had to learn:


  17. When I fight, I bite...and expect it in return.....
  18. Oh, great...now I suppose I'll have to show you mine....
  19. *I Like* 47 *I Like* knowing this is the last post in this thread this month *I Like* what I got done today
  20. No need to wait for it since it's there with alarming frequency....
  21. You aren't so Hungry, you're more Polish. BTW, you misspelled Hungarian.... I wish people would get rid of those sideways eared elf mods for Oblivion
  22. woo wee woo wee woo wee woo wee.......ohhhh...babe !

    Bunny Smooches !

  23. *I Like* 55 ! *I Like* Carah *I Like* for a change not having my last line "*I Like* Carah"
  24. Wish granted....your wish remains uncorrupted by you and others, but not me...heh... Your wish is so uncorruptable nothing ever comes of it since you never actually wished for anything. I wish all the people in the "Last Poster Wins" thread would be winners....
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