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Everything posted by ScottC12

  1. Back in regular Sjkyrim, I used Portable Campsite (Light version) by Mcxar at http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9935/?. It does not look like that has been ported to SE, yet. Your player character can craft bedrolls, a campfire, tents, and other camp equipment, or buy them from an "experienced hunter" at the Riverwood Inn. This is great for ranger type characters, and immersive when your character wants to sleep but is far from home or an inn. The player can buy or craft a bedroll and place it just about anywhere, including in buildings or dungeons. Happy camping!
  2. I like the idea. Someone created a character that (acidentally) resembles Gal Gadot, so I assume a preset could be created to base a follower on? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/623239/? There are a few armor mods, but they are apparently a comic book version of her armor and do not resemble the armor from the current WW movie.
  3. If you ever want to go beyond simple NPC face editing, I've used Skyrim NPC Editor long ago, but the file appears to be under review and hidden on Nexus. It basically clones an NPC and allows tweaking of the new NPC's info - simpler than the Creation Kit. For cloning NPCs or changing stats, the Creation Kit is not so bad, once you get used to it. Search the Internet and you'll find several good tutorial videos and articles. With the CK, Just save your file often because it tends to crash.
  4. Do you mean like Falmerbane's Selene - Vampiric Companion from original Skyrim? That is the best one I have seen. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18378/? I have not seen that mod ported to SE yet, but I have seen that Falmerbane recently created other follower mods in SE. There may be hope the original mod being ported to SE.
  5. Grace Darkling's Ranger Armor mod and the Noldorian Ranger Armour (retex of he first armor), besides being great female light armors, include hoods that may work for you. I mix and match those hoods on other female armors. I also use Cloaks of Skyrim to get a more realistic warm/clothed look. There is also a Zzjay and Grace Darkling's Hoods With Hairs mod that has hoods that have hair sticking out - I haven't used it, but it may also work for you.
  6. It's not a spell, but Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) mod for SSE has a dialogue option "Info", then "View" that shows the follower's stats. I think it only works on your followers, not just any NPC.
  7. Immersive Armors (SE version) already has some Viking-style round shields and even a mail shirt with a bit of plaid cloth included. Winter is Coming for SSE has some furry Dark Ages style cloaks. I think SE is currently lacking a good overall chainmail mod. Skyrim has a NorseViking Chainmail II mod that the author could convert to SE, if they desired. There are a few other Skyrim mods that could be converted to SE, such as Dark Ages Helmet Pack and various Viking swords. I think eventually the authors of the Skyrim mods will either convert them to SE or give permission to another modder to do the conversion. They'll eventually get there. Update: I just found Kyne's Breath - Weapon Pack, which appears to have some good Dark Ages style swords. I think there are existing SE mods that may get you what you want - they are just scattered across several mods. Immersive Armors (SE version) may also have some Dark Ages/Viking-style helmets.
  8. I am no modder, but from what I have read, there is a process for converting Skyrim mods to Skyrim SE. There are some Skyrim mods that introduce Medieval-style armor, some of which are based on The Witcher/Code Red armors, such as Witcher 2 Dawnguard and Standard Heavy Plate (includes a worn Gothic plate armor set), etc.. I suppose those modders could redo them for Skyrim SE, if they wanted to. There is also a Skyrim Knights of the Nine mod that was ported from Oblivion, as well as some Medieval variations on that, such as Matys Medieval Knights and Knights Templar - those could also be redone for SE. For Dark Ages/Viking chainmail fans, there is a Skyrim NorseViking Chainmail II mod that could be redone for SE. I assume redoing existing Skyrim mods for SE may be less work than modders starting from scratch? We will probably seeing more Skyrim mod conversions to SE over time. Update: I just found Cleric Armours of the Nine Devines - Credo StandAloneMod SSE, which includes a Knights of the Nine plate armor and bucket helm (like the Skyrim Knights of the Nine mod) that is fairly Medieval looking. For SE, Kyne's Breath - Weapon Pack and Kyne's Breath - Weapon Pack both appear to contain Medieval and Dark Ages-style swords. Immersive Armors (SE version) also includes some chainmail hauberks and early Medieval style kite shields - your character can come across them on bandits and vampires, etc.
  9. I use the Levionte mod without a problem. Have you tried moving her esp file down lower in the load order? That sometimes helps with mod issues.
  10. Convenient Horses has a menu-configurable option for your followers to ride their own horses without the player needing to purchase the horses. I think all the player has to do is find or buy their own horse. The mod provides new follower dialogue options allowing you to control whether each follower rides a horse or walks, what horse they ride, what saddle & tack style the horse has, etc. The mod also includes other nifty configuration options like combat, horse behavior, horse stats, horse storage, horse following distance, methods to summon horses, etc. After you use this mod you'll wonder how you got along without it....
  11. I have used the Witcher 2 Helmet Pack, Witcher 2 Shield Pack, and the Witcher 2 Style Dawnguard and Standard Heavy Plate armor mods that have been around for a while now. The latter includes a gritty/worn set of Gothic steel plate armor, which is about as far from skimpy as you can get. A Medieval Gothic Armor mod was recently released, which is another take on the Witcher 2's Gothic steel plate armor. I suppose it's only a matter of time before Witcher 3 based mods for Skyrim pop up with even more types of armor. I have not played the Witcher series, but it appears to contain a wealth of realistic looking European Medieval armors, and I'm happy to see mods that introduce them to Skyrim! Good hunting! Update: Saw a recent thread in this forum titled "Witcher 3 Armor - Mysterious Elf/Avallach'h", where someone mentions they are working on that particular armor and more Witcher 3 armors. Looks interesting.
  12. It's not as expansive as what you describe, but the Helgen Reborn mod allows the character to help rebuild the dragon-ravaged town. As the character helps locate town guards, you are given the choice of having the town either follow the Stormcloaks, the Imperials, or be independent. The town banners and guards' armor heraldry change to the faction you have decided to go with. As the town is being rebuilt with your character's assistance, the town will reward your character with a rebuilt keep as a player home. Once the quests are completed and the town is rebuilt, you can feel like your character is in control of a scenic corner of Falkreath Hold (no tax collection, though). It's a small start, but it's a DLC-sized and well thought out mod.
  13. Someone with the handle of Gravid is getting close to approximating her look. See the pic for "Nuriel 2" in the Nexus Image Library. If he is not up to creating a follower from his character, there happens to be a thread in the Skyrim Mod Request Forum today titled "Taking requests for followers".
  14. Cool helmet. Looks like it would be a great replacer for the Dawnguard's helmets.
  15. Excellent choice. I'm no modder, but I hope someone can take up this challenge.
  16. There is a mod called RTS for Skyrim by ripvanwinkle111. It's from 2012 and was last updated in 2014. It seems to be fairly buggy. I haven't used it in years and I am suspicious that it broke my first game. If you use it, I'd start a fresh new game, or install it and load an "expendable" save game that you don't care about replaying (in case it breaks your game). It was a fair bit of fun creating my own village, but it would be great to see something like this work without the glitches.
  17. There is a tread "Taking Requests: 50 Armor Mods" - you may want to get your request in there.
  18. How about a nice polished set of late Medieval Gothic steel plate armor? For reference, the Witcher 2 Style Dawnguard Standard and Heavy Plate Armor mod by LoradBraban has a nice rough and worn looking Gothic Steel Plate Armor set that is great for an adventurer, but it is not a polished set. Another mod called Gothic Plate Armor by The SHOCKER is far too shiny and is unfinished, without gauntlets, and has black cloth instead of chainmail at the joints. It would be great if you could take up the challenge and create a German Gothic heavy steel plate armor set with a nice polished look, fit for a Paladin, but not so shiny it glows in the dark. Thanks for your interest in creating armor mods! 6/15/16 UPDATE: Somone is working on a set of Gothic Plate Armor under the name sirwho. I found pics under the Latest Images section of Skyrim Nexus today.
  19. I use UFO and the Elysium Estate mod. My character's followers seem to find their own beds within the house, though they may pick different beds at different times. I have not seen any of the followers wander out of the house unless they are following the character outside. Sometimes, one of the followers even picks the character's bed - good thing it's queen size!
  20. I'm no modder, but I support this idea. Her policewoman character on the TV show Castle a sort of modern day Paladin, I suppose.
  21. There is the Practical Female Armors mod by JZBai which replaces the vanilla female armor versions to look more like the male armors, while fitting the female frame. This isn't a clothing" mod, but for characters and followers that spend a lot of time in armor. It de-bimbo-fies female armor.
  22. I use TES V Savegame Manager. It has a front end window that allows you to select which character's game you wish to run. On your PC, it separates the save game files into folders by character.
  23. I agree that the 3rd person horse camera makes archery very difficult. Sounds like a great idea to improve it.
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