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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Not all that much of an issue where I live. Very few cases here. (there are advantages to living out in the sticks.....) I'll give it some time, and see how it goes. I will eventually get the vaccine, as covid would likely kill me.
  2. This is also the same Liberal Mecca to pass a bill to say it's not illegal to knowingly infect someone with HIV. I never figured california to be a 'good' example of what society should be in any event. They don't call it "the land of fruits and nuts" for nothing...... Some of their policies are just mind-boggling..... Probably a significant contributor to the number of folks leaving the state.......
  3. The measures put in place by various government entities to 'reduce the impact' of covid, really aren't saving lives, they are just extending the timeline of those deaths. (spreading them out over a longer time period) In the end, once the fat lady sings, the number of covid dead is going to be very similar to what we would have seen had we done nothing, and just let the disease run its course. The idea behind the lockdown, and various other measures, was to prevent hospitals, and other care facilities from being overwhelmed with cases all at once. The measures *may* save a few lives, but, the number isn't going to be real significant. A vaccine, on the other hand, *should* dramatically reduce the impact, and let us reopen our economy, and get folks back to work.
  4. Technically, sex with a minor is still illegal, the judge simply has the option of whether to put the guy on the sex offender registry, or not. Sex with a minor is still considered a crime, I am not sure what criteria they use to decide whether it's a misdemeanor, or felony charge though...... All the law is really doing is expanding what KIND of sex leaves the judge this particular choice. Used to be anal, or oral sex, would automatically have you on the registry, but, vaginal wouldn't necessarily require it.
  5. I had a fair few issues with Obama, and none of them even considered the color of his skin. Was he 'the worst'? Suppose that depends on your perspective.... Politicians lie. All of them. Granted, Donnie seems to have taken it to a whole new level, but, I still like him better than any of the current crop of dem candidates....
  6. There are tutorials out there on script writing....... Is that what you are looking for?
  7. Are you leaving MO2 running in the background while you play? If you are, stop doing that, see if anything changes.
  8. If the game is installed in the program files folder, and some sub-folder there of, try moving it out of there. Pretty sure steam will let you do that.
  9. Maybe be glad George Wallace didn't get elected. :) He had some pretty radical ideas on what he wanted to do....
  10. I run PANPC, and don't have any problems with the turrets. Not sure that mod even does anything with turrets......
  11. I downloaded a mod that allows me to place water, simply so I COULD flood the entirety of Starlight Drive-in. :D
  12. Interesting. :) Though, I think she would look better in a skirt. :D Of course, not like the wasteland is overly concerned with anyones sense of style. :D
  13. This is my stance as well. If I could suggest a 4th point for your list: 4. Bethesda have proven themselves to be unrepentant recidivists who have continually failed to address the huge gap between their stated intentions and their ability to execute LMAO. Ain't that the truth. Who knew that beth was a company ran by politicians. :D
  14. I don't want a "Like" button. This isn't facebook.... On the sites where it is available, I refuse to use it. I really don't see the point.
  15. Could be anything...... That said, IS there intelligent life out there in the universe? Quite likely. Have they visited earth? Probably not. No reason to. Play with the natives? Or maybe, they came even longer ago, and seeded the earth with lifeforms THEY found useful, for whatever purpose. (we are a giant farm, and they will eventually come along to harvest us, much like we do cows.) Next question becomes, if they are going to come for a visit, why be so secretive about it? They aren't making too much effort to hide from us... so why not come on by and say "hi", or whatever. Then we get to the whole discussion of: Is FTL travel even POSSIBLE? Sure, there are some interesting theories, but, so far, we simply can't make any of them work. Could a more advanced civilization figger it out? Maybe, maybe not. In which case, no one has come to visit us..... Unless..... They live extremely long lives, so, sublight travel to nearby stars is actually workable...... Though, consider, at OUR current level of technology, it would take us north of 70,000 years to reach the nearest star, which is a mere 4 light years away........ So, they would have to either be essentially immortal, or, have a method of producing a LOT of power, in a relatively small space.....
  16. Yeah, at this point, buying a beth game on release day is a pretty big gamble, and likely an exercise in frustration. Waiting at least six months after release, so beths 'beta testers' (i.e. their general audience.....) can get some of the more glaring bugs ironed out is pretty much a requirement. At least, it is for me. That, and I am REAL curious what direction they are going to take their next game.... (in the FO and TES franchises, no real interest in the other stuff they do.) Are they going to 'casualize' it even more than it already is??? Make it even less of an RPG? It's been 9 years since the last 'new' TES game was released, 5 years for FO..... One would think they would at least be talking about something in those francises by this point..... They released a trailer several years ago.... and that was the last I heard of it..... since then, nary a peep out of them. Makes ya wonder.
  17. It's salt water. :smile: Though, after developing the tech to remove radiation from water, one would think removing salt would be trivial. Do the borders just not go down to the water? If so, there are 'expanded settlement' mods available. Some of them expand settlements dramatically.... (to the point where it is hard to find all your settlers.....) The fact that it's salt water ain't a good excuse at all. Look at The Castle - look at Old Longfellow's cabin - look at Spectacle Island - look at Nordhagen Beach. All those settlements give access to salt water and let you put down water purifiers. But you literally can't reach the water because of the build-border at Croup Manor. WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? I mean, you can still put them out there just by using Place Anywhere mod. But still, it's annoying and confusing that they would choose to not let you access the water at Croup. I gave up trying to understand beths reasoning (if any at all....) for doing various things quite some time ago. But, yeah, I agree with ya. If you have a settlement on the coast...... it just stupid not to extend the build area out into the water.
  18. Awesome. :) That machine should keep you happy for several years. :D
  19. It's salt water. :) Though, after developing the tech to remove radiation from water, one would think removing salt would be trivial. Do the borders just not go down to the water? If so, there are 'expanded settlement' mods available. Some of them expand settlements dramatically.... (to the point where it is hard to find all your settlers.....)
  20. Unfortunately, no.... Some files are in proprietary formats on PS/4, sounds being right there on the top of the list, and I *think* textures as well.... So, it's not a simply drag and drop operation..... Leave it to Sony to make things as complicated as possible. :)
  21. Politicians lie. ALL of them. That is simply a fact. Know hot to tell when one is lying? His lips are moving. Yep. Trump lies. Biden Lies. Pence lies. Obama lies. Clinton lies. Its standard procedure for the lot of them. And it is VERY easy to verify.......
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