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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    I don't read breitbart, because it is an ultra right-wing rag, and is essentially worthless. Same reason I don't watch fox news.
  2. HeyYou


    And how could Trump, or anyone, for that matter, stopped that? Immediately close our borders to EVERYONE as soon as the first case came about in china? It's a virus. A somewhat virulent one at that. People ARE going to die. That's just the way it goes. All the measures any nation is taking will only serve to slow the spread, that's it. In the end, a lot of folks are going to die, that is simply the nature of a pandemic. The measures put in place by various government entities may or may not slow the spread, but, that is only to, hopefully, reduce the strain on our medical system. Same number of folks are going to contract the disease, it's just going to be spread over a slightly longer time frame. It *might* reduce deaths by a very small percentage... maybe, but that is all it will accomplish. I will grant you, he could have handled it better...... not sure where our economy would be at this point though..... It already is pretty much in shambles, and I expect it is only going to get worse, unless/until a viable vaccine is developed. Until then, the various state governments are implementing their own measures. I haven't looked at the data, to see which states have done what, and how that has affected outcomes...... as I know its just going to be bad in any event. So far, covid seems to be meaner than the Spanish Flu post WWI.... but, not all the data is in yet either, so, remains to be seen how it all shakes out, currently, it seems covid is about twice as virulent, but, targets the elderly, where the Spanish flu went after the working age folks. It's gonna be interesting to see just how all this is going to affect society in the long term. Are we going to wave goodbye to handshakes? Hugs? Are masks going to become the 'new' fashion accessory? Will folks continue to wear them, and maintain their social distance, even after the vaccine is pretty widespread? Assuming of course, that we actually manage to create one....... And if we don't? The consequences of that particular eventuality would just suck. :)
  3. nobody accuses you. you just try to play the role of a victim. your try of a self implied accusement does not change that and it doesn't work. you tried the whole time to raise a fake debate with contextless or disfigured fragments together with another member while you (and the other menber) were never open or able for a debate. thank you for admitting that your were never open for a debate and that you prefer to continue with your limited background. so feel free to spread your disfigured and mostly contextless stuff. nobody as a nexus member can stop you here just the staff may do. but it should be now clear that you do not seriously try to debate but more to destroy the debate with unreflected fragments of information without even trying or interested to dig for a balanced background and to use it to exchange arguments. if people think they are or behave like god or act if they know already all (while showing the opposite) a serious debate is impossible. just watch the pattern of a "non" debate in the topic Chinese Virus - How serious? it is the same like in this thread in and will sooner or later end in the same way because this is a debate forum and not a " i spread all my fake or fragmented info as a fact while ignoring others" forum. Play the victim??????? Say What??? Where in hades did you get THAT from? Are you purposely misunderstanding/misinterpreting what I type?? That is the only way I can think of that you would come to some of the conclusions that you put down here.......
  4. I think I agree with you. :) The CC updates are nothing but a nuisance so far as I am concerned. One of the reasons I have gone to great lengths to make sure my game doesn't update without my say so. If the updates actually fixed some of the still remaining bugs in the game, I would have less of an issue with it... but no. They are purely for accommodating CC content, which I don't use. Of course, I am just not surprised that beth implemented a system that seems to be specifically designed to annoy their user base...... The methodology they used for CC content is idiotic, at best.... Unfortunately, I suspect it is going to be the prevailing condition for the foreseeable future of beth games.... Mores the pity. I won't be pre-ordering any games, and I won' buy them till they have been out for a year or so either..... At least that way, most of the truly glaring bugs will be fixed, and modders will have fixed even more. I don't see them cutting off the free modding scene anytime soon, that would be extremely counter-productive on their part. Of course, that in no way implies they won't do it...... Some of the decisions they have been making for the last decade or so are absolutely mind-boggling...... Makes me wonder about the sanity of the decision makers. :D
  5. I really don't know what happened...... Since then, I have started a new game (or three....) and subsequent visits to vault 95 have been problem free. I DID update PANPC mod though, so, I don't know if it was one of the scripts from that mod causing it, or just some random snafu. I was able to visit there, and clear it out just recently, without any trouble at all. (aside from the HUGE population there........ thank you PANPC..... :) ) The main room off the elevator was fairly crowded. That was a fun fight. :D
  6. Maybe its inertial? It knows it's origin point at least. (the vault....) so can recalibrate itself as the elevator goes up.
  7. Yes this has been happening since black people were brought over as slaves. Why do you think we are fighting so hard for change. And while it isn't Trumps fault, his policy changes and rhetoric has emboldened White Supremacy in America and in the last 4 years we've seen definite increases in crimes against minorities/immigrants. So while he didn't start it, he's definitely helped spread the fear-mongering about minorities/immigrants and has been a boon for racists and those with racial bias/bigotry since he's been in office. You keep saying you disagree with stuff that BLM stands for and their solutions. So tell me what exactly do you disagree with? Because as far as what they do and stand for is concerned it's: I'd start with basically anything? Because as far as I can tell, you haven't done much actual research into what BLM does or stands for. It sounds more like you got you information from biased sources and then formed your own opinions off of that. Or have your own opinions already and aren't willing to look further into what they stand for. Because everything they are calling for will help everyone because what affects black people affects white people (particularly poor whites) as well. Alright. I'm sorry HeyYou, but this is some racist bull. You don't know anything about are culture yet you act like you do. No. You don't know anything about black culture, just what the media portrays black people as. We don't glorify killing, violence, and hurting cops. Do we have prejudices against them? Yes. And valid ones too. But do we tell our kids or people to go out and kill, hurt, or injure cops? No. I feel like all you are talking about rap music. But most rap doesn't glorify violence, it talks about violence. And makes you no more violent that playing violent video games makes you more likely to perform school shootings. If you have the opinion that because black people listen to rap about violence and poverty, and sex, and drugs (also common in rock btw) that the culture is one of violence and thus deserving of their mistreatment by police; then you should hold the same opinion that playing violent video games makes you a violent person and more likely to commit crimes. It's just a deflection tactic to take the conversation away from racist systems that are still in place. *snicker* Yep, accuse me of anything you like, you aren't going to change my mind. No amount of research is going to change my mind. I recognize BS when I see/read it, and you are passing a fair bit of it. I have no doubt you completely believe everything you are saying, which is why I am not going to bother engaging with you further. I have stated my opinions/positions, you have stated yours. We don't agree. We aren't going to agree. I HAVE done my research, and continue to do so. No matter how much you may wish to claim that I am simply 'uneducated', that simply is not the case. So, you have fun. Good Luck. But, I still don't support BLM, nor will I.
  8. I'm a little confused here, not entirely sure what you are trying to say. Paid mods 1.0 was completely optional. No one was being forced to put their mods behind a paywall, that was up to the author. And it was Valve that pulled the plug on that one. Paid mods 2.0 (creation club....) is a different financial arrangement, but, is only open to those that beth actually invites. Sorta. They pick and choose who gets to participate. I liked the original version better, but, I am sure that the current implementation makes beth more money.....
  9. I would expect that the map is embedded in the Pip Boy. If it were satellite bases, wouldn't they update it to reflect changes in the roads? (collapsed bridges, etc....)
  10. It doesn't install. It's just a script for power shell. Download it, extract it, double click on it. Windows should ask you if you want to open it in powershell, or some such. :)
  11. So, it depends on which theory of time you prefer. In one theory, you can't change THIS present. If you go back in time, and change something, that creates a fork in the timeline, that is entirely new. As opposed to continuing along the same line, with the altered circumstances... With the former theory then, it is entirely possible that there already are multiple timelines, where different events have/have not happened. So, the question becomes, using my example, if I simply went back, and bought stock, then returned to the same moment that I had left, would I be returning to the same timeline? Or a different one. :)
  12. LOLOLOLOLOL. Not THAT is funny. "It's Tumps fault."... Right, this has only been a problem for the last four years...... Seriously? Are you that blind? I disagree with BLMs positions on causes. I disagree with their proposed 'solutions'. I disagree with multiple positions they take. What more do I need to know about them, to know that I don't think what they are doing is in the best interests of anyone at all? I am not the one ignoring what is "really" going on. BLM outright refuses to admit that black culture (mostly inner city folks here) bears any responsibility for how police perceive/react to blacks. So long as that remains the case, nothing is going to change.
  13. If that's the case, then Beth should have taken it down as well...... They tend to be really anal about such things.
  14. I have already stated my case on why I don't support them, the marxist leaders is only one part of it. If you can't accept that, well, I don't really care. I don't need to 'dig any deeper' into an organization that I have already seen is just as prejudiced as those they are accusing. An organization that ignores the root causes of their complaints, and instead, want to eliminate other organizations that were designed to make our society safer. It has already been proven that handcuffing those organizations, and preventing them from even wanting to do their job, for fear of some left-wing organization/leadership putting them in jail, is counter-productive. Really??? Perhaps you missed this post. A simple google search will also prove the point, but no, you can't do that, because it will burst the bubble of your illusion. And once again coming out with the insults and such. So, I am going to come to the startling conclusions that debating with either of you is a colossal waste of time. You have already been firmly indoctrinated by your leftist overlords, and told what to think. Even when faced with facts, you deny, deflect, and start in with the insults and character assassination. I have had more intelligent conversations with three year olds. Attempting to describe yourselves as "grownups" just made me laugh. I am going to leave you two to your delusions the BLM as anything but an organization looking for handouts for their chosen demographic, as I have better things to do with my time. You all have fun now. don't be like that - all i did was call you and the other racist out for your bulls***. not my fault you can't back it up, is it? That's really funny. You do understand that de nile is not just a river in Egypt? Right? If you want to ignore the facts, that's on you.
  15. Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry. Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down?? Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first. Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D
  16. Really??? Perhaps you missed this post. A simple google search will also prove the point, but no, you can't do that, because it will burst the bubble of your illusion. heyyou - with such statement you are disqualifying youself. check what the founders did and learned and earned in their lives and don't repress that not one of the founders killed the black man but a white policeman with his knee on his neck. so what is your point ? you prefer people who support a white murderer in police uniform or at least someone with no empathy at all and instead bashing a woman who supports marxistic ideas without conflicting with the law supporting and co founding a movement like blm? is this your sensational discovery or a problem in a free country like america? what did you think ? that a demented white or a white racist founded blm and now you are surprised ? Why does it have to be black and white? (as in, you support one side, or the other, with no middle ground.) Where did I say that I support the cop that kill Floyd? I think somewhere, I specifically mentioned that I did NOT. (maybe that was in another thread, or even another forum.... I simply can't remember....) But, in any event, I am not interested in marxism, or marxist ideas, or marxism seeping into government via the demands of an organization founded by self-admitted marxists. I am just not a fan. That, and a whole host of other reasons, that I have already gone over, several times..... is why I do NOT support BLM. So does that mean I automatically support the racists? Most certainly not. There IS a middle ground here, you just don't seem to believe that it exists.
  17. So far as I know, it simply isn't possible to completely turn off updates on win 10. You don't really want to anyway. You can dramatically reduce which updates you get, by setting the internet connection up as "metered", windows will only do necessary security updates that way. Biggest thing you want to do for network speeds, is turn off all the telemetry that win 10 comes with. There is a script out there in the world that will do most of it. It's called "Reclaim Windows 10." You can also set up 'active hours', so windows won't update/restart during those hours.
  18. Try turning off your non-texture graphics mods one at a time, and see what your framerate does. Your hardware should be able to run this game with zero issues.
  19. Think I would wait until the hardware was all set up, and ready to go, before getting the game going.....
  20. You gain experience from using your skills, which seems perfectly reasonable.... or do you not want your character to improve at all?? Pretty much everything is influenced by player level, right down to vendor inventory......
  21. Go back to 1985, invest a few thousand dollars in Microsoft, and Apple. Come back to this time, and be filthy rich. :D I think it would be fun to go back to the late 60's, early 70's, and buy up some Muscle cars as well. Camaros, Corvettes, Barracudas, Challengers, Chargers, Superbirds........ Maybe some GTO's, and 442's... Stash 'em somewhere 'safe', and have about a 20,000% return on my investment. :D
  22. Does Win 10 Home support virtual machines? I thought it was only Pro, and above..... And yes, running virtual machines in win 10 is awesome. :)
  23. Should probably post this on the mods page......
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