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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Those are official content, they need to be loaded. What mod manager are you using, and is it up to date? Not sure if it's CCR that got broke, or some of the mods that use it. I know my "Skip Vladimir visits" for the temple quests quit working.... Had to find something else to do that job.
  2. That's a memory error..... How much ram do you have, and are you having problems with anything else??? Can you start NEW game???
  3. Need permission from the original author to upload anywhere. Without his permission, it would be stealing, and could get you banned from both here, and Beth's site...... Need to contact the author for permission, once you have it, someone might be willing to help ya out.
  4. .mdl files are text files, open in any text editor. .ini files should also be text files..... .ptb music files??? Supposedly for creating sheet music, somehow, I don't think that's it here...... other option is ProfiCAD title block..... of course, that software is designed for use in creating electrical diagrams...... That doesn't seem quite right either.... .tile files are images. Need a specific viewer to see them.... or, there are online utilities to view, maybe edit, or convert them to some other format. (.png, for instance)
  5. Any tool is a gamble.... Heck, just using mods in general is a gamble..... There are far too many ways to stuff your save file, or the whole game. Judicious use of the tools can actually SAVE your save..... I have direct experience with this..... But yeah, monkeying with the file directly CAN be dangerous, especially if you don't know what you are doing. And yes, as pointed out in Fallrim tools description, it is entirely possible for the cleaning process to break your save. Of course, if you are resorting to cleaning your save in the first place, I would expect that it is ALREADY broken.... Does this mean you should NEVER use the tools??? No, it most certainly does NOT. If the author of Fallrim tools didn't think people should be using it, why on earth would he PUBLISH it???
  6. I like the idea. They should be expensive though, and require some variety of power source, that is depleted as you take damage.
  7. I would think it would be based on Hull health..... once hull gets to zero, BOOM!
  8. I hear ya. I was somewhat confused that a multi million dollar companies support site didn't seem to work......
  9. Yep. That was it. Thank you sir. Bug submitted.
  10. You don't keep your equipped gear. You get a starborn ship, and spacesuit. No weapons.... nothing else. You keep your skill, abilities, and powers. Everything else is gone.
  11. Found an issue with the game.... wanted to submit a report to beth, but, all the links I find to beths support site error out... "missing mandatory parameter", or some such. Is there a link for this that actually works????
  12. What tools are we missing?? CK released a while back. That's the only tool that beth can actually give us.
  13. IF it was still labeled as "A" when things were in stalled, and you just changed the drive letter.... none of the registry settings will be correct.... Doing that kind of thing really annoys windows.
  14. I do believe it was a thing with Morrowind as well..... Granted, it's been quite some time since I last played.
  15. If it really is the "A" drive.... I wouldn't be surprised that vortex doesn't even look there.....
  16. Isn't Archive invalidation just a couple lines in the ini file???? That's the method I have used on every moddable beth game.
  17. Its a scripted event. Your switch would do one of two things, move the water plan up x amount for x seconds, or, down..... I suck at papyrus scripting though, so, no help there from me.
  18. Theres a fair few quadrupeds in the game though.... One would think those could be adapted.... The AI behaviors might be a bit more interesting though....
  19. There is an updated version, might wanna update, and see if that fixes anything.
  20. Never underestimate the potential for stupidity in your fellow man......
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