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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. The biggest problem is, we have several different sides, and they each have their own idea of how to 'fix' them. Most of which, are diametrically opposed.....
  2. You should be able to use up to 255 'mods', (those include the game esp/esm files as well.) You likely are missing a mod that whatever you are installing wants, and the games answer to that is to crash.
  3. Political divisiveness has indeed always been around, but not quite on the scale we have today. Not so very long ago, both side could cooperate on various issues. Today? I think they have trouble agreeing what color the sky is..... and if one side says 'blue', the other side will scream "NO!! It ISN'T, it's aquamarine." Today, it is more important to make sure the other side doesn't do anything that may get them positive attention. Even if both sides agree that some bill or other would benefit everyone, (which they wouldn't admit in public, unless THEIR side brought it up.) if it wasn't proposed by their party, they won't vote for it. Doesn't matter what their constituents want either. It's all about political points. And the country suffers for it.
  4. Was it Trump that got them energized or was it the times they were living through, that brought them to action. Politicians are always promising this and always will. I still think Trump was a protest vote. Maybe those who were apolitical saw President Trump as not being apart of any political establishment and liked how he condemned those within the system. That was the primary reason I was willing to vote for him. He was most certainly NOT a politician, he wasn't taking donations from anyone, therefore, wasn't beholden to them, he was not a 'washington inside', which for me, was the biggest plus...... And yes, electing trump WAS a protest vote, against political cronyism, and the 'status quo' that exists in washington DC. But, as is usually the case, putting just one guy in there to fight against the system, the system still wins.
  5. Or, did they vote AGAINST Hilary, not so much as voted FOR Trump?
  6. Yeah, it looks a LOT like Privateer. :smile: Just a female main character, and a slightly different story. Mechanics look pretty much the same, with some polishing. I loved Privateer. That was a FUN game. I was really looking forward to Star Citizen, until they decided it would be pretty much ONLY an MMO. haha yeah it's gonna be a long wait for steam (although console releases may come sooner) but sorry Epic I'm not signing up to yet another client. Yeah as much as I drool over the Star Citizen vids I just have no interest in playing a pure MMO. Would you believe yet another Freelancer/Wing Commander Privateer style came has come along.. I just posted about it here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7983798-starpoint-gemini-3-freelancer-wcprivateer-like-game/ Yep, Saw the link in your other thread. Looks interesting. :) I loved the guy in the comments, talking about Star Citizen, his take was, it won't ever be a real game, just something for people to make Chris Roberts rich with. :) I need to get a new Joystick and such. :D
  7. ACA? "Apologist in Chief"? "You will have to pass it, to know what's in it?" Yemen. Syria. Libya. Shall I go on?
  8. I have been using Firefox for quite some time. I haven't really seen any security lockdowns on any sites..... Ublock Origin has blocked some sites though, due to various untrustworthy ad servers.....
  9. They have been working on getting rid of flash for quite some time now, but, it's still around. What they are really saying is, they are going to make it annoying to use flash..... For sites that have a LOT of videos..... changing over may be fun.
  10. I would like to think that a few of the freshman dem congress people will be one term wonders. The dems will wake up, realize that they elected idiots, and move on to someone a bit brighter. Yeah. Pipe Dream. I know........
  11. Well, I can see parts of the military defecting even if the Generals say they'll back the government. But what I am saying is that the country is so polarized that many would welcome the government stepping in, just as long as the right party is in power and they've scapegoated the opposition effectively enough to gain their support. Just look at the situation today. President Trump got in under a protest vote. The next President will do the same, seeing that from all I've heard, all the hopefuls have placed getting rid of President Trump high on their agenda. Heck, look at the uproar about the Electoral College. Do you think those who initiated that would have done so if their person was in the White House. Yeah, many would cheer the government on, no doubt of that. Of course, there are likely equally as many folks that would start cheering for the opposition, and perhaps even join them...... Or.... The government would SERIOUSLY overstep, do something like suspend civil rights, and impose martial law, to make their house to house search easier..... I would like to think that would tend to alienate BOTH sides.... but then, there are probably folks out there that would cheer THAT on as well, so long as the government told them often enough, and loud enough, that it was 'temporary'..... Depending on who was in office, it may or may not actually BE temporary....... I really hope I don't live long enough to see that......
  12. Hehehehehe..... New Meat. :D Welcome to Nexus. :) Personally, I prefer playing on PC, many more mods available, along with tools to manage them, your load order, deal with leveled lists, and a whole host of other fun things the come with modding Beth games. If you prefer a controller to mouse and keyboard, I do believe that xbox controller support is built right into the game. I think. Need a fairly significant machine to run Skyrim though.... It tends to be rather demanding on hardware.
  13. Yeah, the government really suckered us on the patriot act. (I told my representatives to vote NO!!! on that..... of course, they didn't listen.) But that was to combat an external threat. What we have going on now is an attack on our constitution. That isn't going to go over well. With anyone. Including a significant percentage of those in the military. All it takes is for one general to say: "Nope, not going to do that, it's an illegal, unconstitutional order." And the army stands down, and thumbs their collective noses at the government.
  14. Oh Come on. Tell us how you REALLY feel. :D
  15. Except for a certain Supreme Court decision....... And then there is the whole Posse Comitatas act, that essentially forbids the use of the armed forces, against american citizens, on american soil. Getting around that little bit of legislation would be difficult, if not impossible..... Obama droned American citizens. Once they call you a terrorist the constitution means nothing. Obama droned american citizens, but, NOT on american soil. :D
  16. Except for a certain Supreme Court decision....... Well, lets look at this a bit. The insurgents in afghanistan most certainly are not as well armed as our military, yet, they control just as much territory today, if not more.... than they did when we first invaded. It's called "asymmetric warfare." And our military has demonstrated that they simply aren't very good at it. And that is fighting against a bunch of fractured groups, all fighting for different reasons, with inter-tribal/clan issues as well. They don't always cooperate, yet, they are still a reasonably effective fighting force. Here in the US, if it came right down to it, the army would be fighting against a LARGE group of 'insurgents', all with the same goal in mind. There would be a sniper in every window, and no road would be safe for them. They wouldn't be able to tell who was an enemy, and who was a friend, until the shooting actually started. They wouldn't be able to go to the latrine without taking casualties. And then there is the whole Posse Comitatas act, that essentially forbids the use of the armed forces, against american citizens, on american soil. Getting around that little bit of legislation would be difficult, if not impossible.....
  17. The first step on that race to the bottom, is disarming the public. Remove any chance of them being able to fight against what you are trying to shove down their throats. I am no fan of guns, but I see no reason to demonize them as some people;e do. It seems the anti-gun lobby always goes after the NRA, as if it was the ultimate prize. Guns are too much apart of our culture and are glorified almost constantly in the entertainment industry. The only way they can truly effect gun ownership is to get to the kids at an early age and indoctrinate them with the mindset that guns are useless.tool for the ill informed. These people who want to fight the quote/unquote GOOD FIGHT against the mean old NRA are allowing them to wave the victim card, while claiming to uphold a divinely given right. You work on the young who would be future NRA members and you remove support. You remove support, you reduce the membership and in so doing, you diminish their power in congress. These people who call the right cowards for not standing up to the NRA are really talking about taking on those NRA members who are their constituents. Depending on the percentage their are of these in someones district, such a thing could be suicidal. I remember hearing about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling out some of the more moderate Dems for not voting along party lines. She supposedly said she would have them primaried by her followers. I remember when that was tried to remove Joe Lieberman after his vote on the Affordable Care Act, i think. Well, they did take the primaries, but he ran as an independent and won the seat handily. You can do a great deal in Washington and get away with it, but you can't run against those who vote you into office and expect to stay in office. The Right doesn't NEED to stand up to the NRA. According to theory, the Right actually SUPPORT the second amendment, and would like to see it enforced properly. I.E. "Shall not be infringed"...... Which is mostly what the NRA is advocating for. Granted, some of their leadership has gone slightly bonkers of late...... unfortunately, that reflects on the entire organization. Also, not everyone advocating for the second amendment is an NRA member/supporter. Matter of fact, most of them aren't members.
  18. Do you get an error? Did you reinstall the game, or simply move it to the new SSD?
  19. Yep. Note that is says "Up To 2.7ghz......" That's a marketing ploy, and it worked.......
  20. The first step on that race to the bottom, is disarming the public. Remove any chance of them being able to fight against what you are trying to shove down their throats.
  21. A fine sentiment, but, unfortunately, not really going to work. At least, not in the short term. Granted, your advice here is good, and it would be great if folks would actually do it, but, it seems the american people, taken collectively, have gotten pretty fat, dumb, and lazy, and actually LEADING is just too much work. The would rather just follow their 'leaders', and do as they are told..... That, and the folks with the money are still the ones that will be in control. THAT is what REALLY needs to change. Campaign finance, and campaigning in general, needs to be overhauled in a major way. Corporations are NOT people. They do NOT get the privileges of the bill of rights. They do not get free access to make as much political speech as they can afford. (citizens united decision.) Change that one aspect, and it would really help. Get the money out of politics, and term limits may not even be necessary. If you aren't like to make millions while in office, a lot fewer folks will be inclined to stay there forever.
  22. You could tag them, with whatever seemed appropriate, and also leave comments to that effect. (careful there..... some authors get really touchy about calling their mod 'broken'.....)
  23. Trouble is, you are wanting to use assets from two different mods....... You can do it yourself, you just can't release it.
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