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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I do enjoy my first amendment rights....... wouldn't like to see them curtailed. Gotta take the bad with the good, right? And yeah, the left has been working on infringing on those rights of late. Makes me NOT wanna vote for any of them. There is realistically no way that freedom of speech can just continue to grow un fettered. It would lead to the break down of communication. Ergo the transfer of information ( the main purpose of communication ) does and will suffer exponentially by no rules in the transfer of information. So eventually to preserve the main purpose ... freedom of speech will be curtailed. For starters will be those who profit from abusing freedom of speech. You can guess who that will be / commercialism & milking the consumer cash cow. Which is the outcome from capitalism attempting to groom their cash crop. And it was probably just zealous naivety by advertisers 50+ years ago. But what is it now ??? Now it is trying to make it a felony to call someone an "illegal alien". A term which has been in use for over a century. An accurate description at that. But, seems it offends some on the left, so, they want to make it criminal. Same for speaking out against the cult of global warming. They wanted to make that a crime as well. These are not something I considered "good for society". And sure, freedom of speech is NOT absolute. No yelling "fire" in a crowded room. etc. But, attempting to curb folks from disseminating information simply because you don't like the message? That is one of the primary reasons we HAVE the first amendment. So yeah, I get a bit bent out of shape when our own politicians start talking about regulating it. LoL hadn't heard about that yet ... I guess we will see how it goes down if and when a first case of it is brought. But to state the obvious ... this never would have come up , if employers were facing fines of $250,000 for hiring illegals. But the truth is ... the US is addicted to its slave labor pool. Which requires having a class termed as illegal. And it is just natural that the slaves will eventually revolt ... which is all this really is. It isn't the slaves revolting though. The slaves seem to be perfectly happy. They come here, they make money, they get various benefits that CITIZENS don't, free health care, etc. It's the DEMS that are leading the revolt....... Which I find..... Revolting. :D
  2. I do enjoy my first amendment rights....... wouldn't like to see them curtailed. Gotta take the bad with the good, right? And yeah, the left has been working on infringing on those rights of late. Makes me NOT wanna vote for any of them. There is realistically no way that freedom of speech can just continue to grow un fettered. It would lead to the break down of communication. Ergo the transfer of information ( the main purpose of communication ) does and will suffer exponentially by no rules in the transfer of information. So eventually to preserve the main purpose ... freedom of speech will be curtailed. For starters will be those who profit from abusing freedom of speech. You can guess who that will be / commercialism & milking the consumer cash cow. Which is the outcome from capitalism attempting to groom their cash crop. And it was probably just zealous naivety by advertisers 50+ years ago. But what is it now ??? Now it is trying to make it a felony to call someone an "illegal alien". A term which has been in use for over a century. An accurate description at that. But, seems it offends some on the left, so, they want to make it criminal. Same for speaking out against the cult of global warming. They wanted to make that a crime as well. These are not something I considered "good for society". And sure, freedom of speech is NOT absolute. No yelling "fire" in a crowded room. etc. But, attempting to curb folks from disseminating information simply because you don't like the message? That is one of the primary reasons we HAVE the first amendment. So yeah, I get a bit bent out of shape when our own politicians start talking about regulating it.
  3. If the cell isn't loaded, you can't do anything with it. So, if you are in the Bannered mare, you can't drop an object into the Drunken Huntsman. What you CAN do, is set a quest variable, so that when you walk into the proper cell, the quest will check the variable, and if conditions are correct, add or enable the object.
  4. Reinstall NVSE, it needs to go in the top level New Vegas folder, same folder as where the New Vegas executable file is. Make sure you follow the directions, and put all the files in there that it wants.
  5. You aren't the only one with that play style. :) There has GOT to be a mod that does pretty much what you need it to. Might try searching on 'crosshair', (in the appropriate game download section...) and see what comes up.
  6. I do enjoy my first amendment rights....... wouldn't like to see them curtailed. Gotta take the bad with the good, right? And yeah, the left has been working on infringing on those rights of late. Makes me NOT wanna vote for any of them.
  7. I can't find anything on it more recent that some time in early 2018. They said the project wasn't dead, but, didn't have a plan to move forward either. I suspect it is indeed dead.
  8. Try this: Go to the nvidia control panel, then select (manage 3d settings). Next go to the program settings tab and select fallout 4 in ( select a program to customize). Then turn on antialiasing -fxaa. Next put antialiasing-mode to (enhance the applications settings). Then put antialiasing settings to (4x). Antialiasing in the fallout 4 options when launching the game is set to TAA (Best Quality).
  9. Is the author still active? PM him, and see what he has to say. :)
  10. First, you need to get permission from the original author to do so.
  11. I agree. But, so far, looking at the dem field, and the programs/platforms they are promoting, I don't see ANYONE there that I would be willing to vote for. I kind of like Tulsi Gabbard. Not saying I would vote for her, but I would like to hear more from her, maybe 2028? She'll be 46 then. Nope. Just another gun grabber. I like my 2nd amendment rights, and am not willing to give them up. I can't relate to that at all. Different culture. It's more about the government taking away rights, than about guns. If we permit our government to deprive us of one set of rights, what is to stop them from doing the same to other rights? Folks in New York tried to make speaking out against Global Warming a felony....... More recently, they are attempting to make using the term "illegal alien" a crime as well. (punishable by a fine of up to 250,000 bucks......) Both of which are in direct violation of our first amendment rights. There is a precedent I would rather not see set.
  12. Try going thu another door.
  13. Neither side is virtuous, or true. :) The are all just a bunch of con men. The american people are the marks.
  14. Both sides have their favorite groups they cater to. Mainly because those are the folks that bought and paid for them. (campaign donations) When it comes to corporations, there is very little difference between the left, and the right. The left just wants to tax them some more.
  15. HeyYou

    Hello there

    Do a search by most endorsed mods. :D That'll give you a nice list.
  16. Or is it this guy?? I don't see those esp files in the archive though.....
  17. I agree. But, so far, looking at the dem field, and the programs/platforms they are promoting, I don't see ANYONE there that I would be willing to vote for. I kind of like Tulsi Gabbard. Not saying I would vote for her, but I would like to hear more from her, maybe 2028? She'll be 46 then. Nope. Just another gun grabber. I like my 2nd amendment rights, and am not willing to give them up.
  18. I agree. But, so far, looking at the dem field, and the programs/platforms they are promoting, I don't see ANYONE there that I would be willing to vote for. And campaigning on issues that are important to americans as a whole? I haven't see anything resembling that in a couple decades. Seems more popular to try to win by vilifying your opponent, even if you have to manufacture 'evidence'. Bi-partisan cooperation seems to be well and truly dead. It was happening before Obama, but, when he was actually elected, it became more important to make sure the others guys didn't do anything to make them look good, than it was to help the country as a whole. And that has only gotten worse. Our government is broken, and I don't see it getting fixed any time soon. Certainly not by something as easy as an election. Or impeachment.....
  19. I am surprised FO4 will even run on intel integrated graphics........ Adding high def textures to it will likely destroy your framerate.
  20. You seem to be ignoring the fact that McConnell STOLE a SCOTUS seat from Obama, as well as hundreds of federal judge seats as well, which McConnell is fast tracking the most insane, hardcore fascists, authoritarian Right-wing judges, but that's "OK" with you, as long as we end up with a full blown oligarchy, you're fine with it. Funny how to you, only the Dems are the "Bad Guys" while anything the republicans do, is "OK" The republicans do a lot of stuff I don't agree with as well. It's simply a choice between the lesser of two evils. At this point, the republicans fall in to that category. (I voted for Obama, twice. I couldn't stomach Hilary though.....)
  21. Those are not mod errors, those are LOOT errors.
  22. Permissions on patches are sketchy, at best..... Best course of action would be to contact the author of the mod in question, and ask for permission to publish your patch. Or, offer it to him, to add to his files available for download.
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