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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Watched the first minute and a half, and got bored. Who is this guy? Sure, some of his arguments may have merit, but, his delivery sucks. (not that that little tidbit negates what he has to say....) Sure, only once organization was CAUGHT on the email thing, but, another was busted red-handed altering HISTORICAL data. How stupid is that? Yet another was also busted manipulating data. (tossing data that didn't jive what they wanted to show.) Once again: Is the climate changing? Yep. Sure is. As a matter of fact, it happens pretty regularly, whether industrialized man is on the scene or not. Is mankind altering the process? Good chance of that.... Shall we devastate our collective economies because of it? They seems kinda extreme to me. Climate change is a SLOW process, they are talking over HUNDREDS of years here, so, lets start small, and work our way up, not jump into it whole hog, without a real clue of what we are actually dealing with, and trash our economy as a side affect.
  2. Well, its not like I have any respect for the gaming "press" in any event. This is just further proof that they don't deserve any.
  3. HeyYou

    No fate.

    Stalin was as crazy as Hitler as far as wiping people out. He just did it to his own people, so no one outside there really cared. Stain did nothing without a reason and the backing of the Israel state was not to benefit anyone except him. It got England out of the Mideast and prevented America from taking it's place. Stalin didn't give a crap about anything else. I doubt very seriously wither any other people other than the Israelites cared anything about them having a state. They just went through a war and wanted to clean up the pieces. No European country had the power to control even their own country, let alone continue colonization of the Middle East. England had been promising to back a Jewish state since before WWI and had reneged every time. They were as exhausted as the rest of the European powers and needed an out. This idea that any country was completely behind Israel is crazy. They wanted a quick fix for an issue and did much the same as they did after WWI by simply doing something, no matter what the indigenous population wanted and then they retired to lick their wounds. Obviously you know very little about Josef Stalin.Next to nothing. You cannot simply make statements of this nature, without stating some facts to back your position. All this does, is give the appearance that you have no argument, so, you resort to attacking the person instead. Perhaps you should go and read the "Respect" thread.
  4. HeyYou

    No fate.

    Not picking specifically on Jews, they were just convenient as an example. My question is: How do you know the 'fix' isn't going to be worse?
  5. HeyYou

    No fate.

    Ah, but what are the consequences of Hitler not coming to power? Would the world be a better place? Or, would someone even worse show up? Or, would history be more resilient than we give it credit for, and someone else would take his place? So, let's say I went back, and killed Hitler. Came back to my 'present' time, and discovered that due to millions of jews NOT being killed, a plague came along, and wiped out 80% of the population of earth..... or, some other guy took Hitlers place, and was even worse.... and he managed to develop the A-bomb before the USA.... and happily used it to annihilate his enemies, leaving large parts of the world radioactive wastelands..... could I then simply go back in time, to when I came to kill Hitler, and tell myself "Don't do that, the alternative is even worse."???
  6. HeyYou


    Either that, or perhaps the accuser has his opinion, and refuses to accept even the remotest possibility that he hay be wrong....... and from the absolute certainty that he is 'correct', he assumes everyone else must be idiots.
  7. HeyYou


    That assumes the initial point is indeed incorrect. We also end up with folks telling the guy saying 2+2=4 is wrong, because some unknown number of scientists said so....... doesn't make it false either.
  8. Objective Reality? Am I to assume from this that you disagree? Would you care to expand on that some?
  9. Exactly. Sometimes, the changes were slow, and gradual, over thousands of years. Other times, the climate would make a major shift in as little as one hundred years. Sometimes, even less than that. Where I live, has been both a tropical paradise, (if you are in to that sort of thing) and buried under a mile of ice. Several times........ and that's just in the last couple hundred thousand years. One of my major malfunctions with the Global Warmists is, they seem to think that the climate is a static system, aside from seasons, that remains the same, forever and ever amen. That is most certainly NOT the case. Not to mention, that the minor variation they are crying about..... right in the neighbor hood of 1-2 degrees C, doesn't take into account possible inaccuracies of the initial data. (I should like to think that our numbers have gotten more accurate since the 1800's, when they first started tracking this data........) Looking at the data in a realistic light, 1 or 2 degrees is a rather insignificant change.
  10. Your username is a friggin' mouthful. :) Your last paragraph there hits the nail squarely on the head. If I commit a crime, it is up to the justice system to deal with it, not my employer. If anyone still suffers under the illusion that 'we are all equal under the law', this right here is a major wakeup call, that no one seems to be paying any attention to.
  11. Second chances shouldn't be based on your net worth. Which is how it stands now. A young man, that was underage, without a drivers license, got drunk, drove a car, and killed four people. Did he get prison time for that? Nope, he got PROBATION. Another young man, got drunk, wrecked his car, killed two people (in his car) and got ten years. He actually had a legal drivers license. Guess which one was rich.
  12. Do you have a bashed patch? Or some other variety of merged patch? If so, did you rebuild it after removing RND? (else, it would still be dependent on it, and you get the missing master crash you are seeing.)
  13. Install the base game, then copy over the ENTIRE skyrim folder. That way, you get skse, and whatever other utilities as well.
  14. Kill real time scanning on your virus/anti-malware scanner before playing....
  15. Apparently it isn't finding the registry entry for 'install path' for skyrim. I think........
  16. Thought you improved weapons at the grinding wheel? Or did your mods alter that behavior? Might want to post in the mods section.
  17. Nah, it's the whole "I am a celebrity, therefore I can do what I want." thing. Not only are they 'famous', but, they also have large piles of money...... Just look at some of the scandals of late, doping, PEDs, dog fighting, wife/child beating, etc. If that was ANYONE else, they would be sitting in a cell, not getting paid millions per yer to play a damn game. Sarah Palin has even jumped on the "I'm a celebrity" bandwagon..... her latest drunken escaped found her screaming "Don't you know who I am?" Yep, and I still think they should throw your drunk ass into the jail cell.
  18. Right. Windmills, and solar, are NOT clean. have a close look at the materials required, and the process for obtaining, and processing them. Makes a vintage 1900's coal plant look positively clean. Of course the government is touting this as a 'disaster'. Gotta remember the old adage: Never let a crisis go to waste. If there isn't one convenient, create one. Thus, we have "Global Warming", or, climate change, whichever you prefer.
  19. Both, we are a product of our environment, and our genetic make up.
  20. Global warming IS a political issue. And that's about it. So far, no one has come up with convincing evidence, (that wasn't fabricated/manipulated) or, a climate model that actually works. This is simply a cash cow for researchers, and another method of potential control for the politicians.
  21. I would be tempted to move it out of program files as well...... One would think that software developers would have figured that one out by now.
  22. Nice machine. Windows 8? Where is the game/steam installed to?
  23. What else is running on your machine? Have any scheduled tasks that coincide with the crashes?
  24. Crysis was a game that pushed current gen hardware (for when it was released) pretty hard. They made money on it, but, it probably didn't make as much as it would have, had it not been quite so hardware demanding. But then, it may not have been quite as good a game either...... A pretty good selection of folks are still running on 32bit operating systems. They are unable to utilize more than 4gb of ram, and even if you have 20 installed, it will only 'see' about 3.2gb..... It's a limitation of the O/S, and there is no getting around it. When everyone has a 64bit O/S, then games that require large amounts of RAM will actually be viable.
  25. Folks have been announcing the death of console/pc gaming, and consoles/pc's, since the first generation of gamers. So far, both platforms seem to be doing rather well. At this point, we have reached a plateau in PC development, they are about as fast/powerful as they are going to get. Sure, there will be incremental increases, but, nothing like what we have seen in just the last five years. At least, not until the next major hurdle is passed. (heat generation, and a way to dissipate it.) Now, the software developers need to actually take advantage of some of those advances. We STILL do not have games that TRULY utilize multi-core processors, and multiple video cards. Most games run on a single core, or at most, partially utilize a second.
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