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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Find the setting: bmusicenabled=1 in your oblivion.ini, change it to 0 (zero). See if that doesn't help.
  2. Scriverner07 I've removed your content. Korodic, I'm not getting back into this debate with the Nexus but I want to make something very clear: EVERYTHING we have done has been for the community. We have NEVER charged for anything and don't even have a single ad on our site (and never have). We DO NOT link to the download page for the mod but rather the main mod page - this way people can learn more about it and get in touch with the developer. Think of it as free traffic (which by the way is how the Nexus makes money). Most of the comments that have been made on this thread and throughout the Nexus have been false which is why I haven't actively responded to any of the posts. If you don't want to use Gmod - just think of us a way to get free traffic (Yep - just like Google...). But PLEASE think about what you're saying before you flame out on us. All we've ever tried to do is help the community and if you spent 10 sec on our site you'd know that. Please do not expect a reply - this is the last comment I intend to make. If you don't want info about your mod on Gmod please message me directly either through Nexus or on Gmod (username: kreisher). Thank you, Kreisher Yeah, you got spanked on this debate the last time around. All you are doing is taking advantage of other peoples work/bandwidth/etc, to line your own pocket. Have you re-written the EULA for your software yet? Or, does it still give you the right do do data mining on the computers it is installed on? You talk a good game, but, your actions indicate that you don't care about the community, its values, or the people in it. You are just trying to make a fast buck off of someone elses work.
  3. Nah, in that case, it blows. :D
  4. Check this page. You can use the utility to set the LAA flag on any program.
  5. Check the various distance sliders...... see where they are set at. Does your machine have the horsepower to max them out?
  6. Rod was on parole for a robbery in 1989. On the night of the event in question, he was driving drunk, and didn't want to get a DUI, as that would violate his parole...... that is why he ran from the cops. There were no drugs found in the course of the arrest. (though, apparently, he had been smoking some pot as well....) No other drugs were found in his system. The cops used excessive force to subdue him. It was caught on video, and widely circulated, the subsequent acquittal of the four officers primarily involved was what sparked the riots. Even then president George Bush could understand how they were acquitted, given the evidence on video.......
  7. The real world. Unser Taeglich Messermord Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo Race issue I could add a list where people get beaten to death or into a koma in subwaystations and trains, but i more likely to add how it could be impeded Bring up a Gun Because it is. Real World isn't flower power and lets talk about this, its a bunch of goons which never could make a fruit basket going after your live and your property. If we haddend such draconic hard punishment for lethal self defence, i'am sure i had remove some of them from the earth insteat of just choking them untill they pass out. How else could you deal with those people? I walk around the poor areas where the minorities live and see these "kids", these 16 to 19 year old boys with mustaches spitting on the street three times a minute and doing bulls***. I look them in the eyes and i see pure predators, pure scum. And once i talked to my self defence trainer, he told me a story where he visited a lower grade school and he said the same thing. Looked them in the eyes, pure scum. Realy, when i would caught one of them stabbing and stealing i would cut his head of and place it on a spike where the scene happend or on my garden fence. So the others can see i'am serios about that. What else should we do? Jail? Therapie? Wasting Money of productive people to feed this men trash? Most of them are psychophats, genetic defected psychophats and there is no cure against such an defect. So you would decapitate someone and put their head on a spike? I live in the real world and guess what, there's no one like you or like those teenagers around here. You must live in some f*cked up place. Toledo Ohio methinks. Yes, things like that happen in large cities. Can see the same thing pretty much in Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, etc. Doesn't happen every day.... but, more often than folks would like. Especially when the media jumps on a story about a person of one race, killing someone of another race, and making sure that aspect is the most prominent feature of the article. Remember Rodney King, and the riots associated with those events? Numerous other examples throughout history.
  8. There is a world of difference between constructive criticism, and simply stating "this mod sucks". If you resort to the latter statement, you WILL be banned. I fully support that position. If you don't have anything CONSTRUCTIVE to say, then just keep your yap shut. There is NO right of free speech here. If you find a problem with a mod, posting that in the mods thread IS a good idea, just report the issue, and leave out the inflationary rhetoric. Thankyouverymuch.
  9. By fighting for smaller federal government and more states rights? It is the left who wants more federal power and they don't try to hide it. They truly think it's a good thing. The right may only give small government and state power lip service but they at least claim to like it. Both sides have been increasing federal power, it's just a matter of how fast they are doing it. The problem is that it's 1000 times easier to grow the government than it is to shrink it. Shrinking usually happens all at once and it a very drastic way. It will happen again and the process won't be pretty but in the end destruction and renewal will occur for the better. In all reality, I don't think its "just" a left, or right thing. Bush had the patriot act, Obama has the NDAA, and various other things. BOTH parties are giving the government MORE power, and taking rights away from the general public.
  10. I find myself in complete agreement with you. Tis a sad state of affairs here in the US. Trouble is, I don't see anything changing any time soon.
  11. Fully 90% of mod problems result from bad installs. Of course, there are some that view this as the modders fault.... even though said mod user didn't read the documentation that comes with the mod, for the correct installation instructions. One modder I am aware of went so far as to put a 'switch' in one of his scripts, that you had to change a setting in the ini, else the mod wouldn't work. Said change was specifically stated in the readme. The sheer volume of folks that stated "It don't work, you suck" were 99% because they didn't read the readme...... and the modder took a LOT of flak for that......
  12. HeyYou


    I would have a chat with the Lady you are considering working for, and get the straight scoop from her..... If what she is proposing does not meet with your goals, inform her that you appreciate her offer, but, must decline, as the paycheck is what you need.....
  13. Nice...... Answer to the problem? Don't put ANY personal information out there on the web. If you are really paranoid, use a proxy to surf..... not that it looks like that will help any.
  14. And the left and progressives have to form and reeducate the human race untill we are ready to take that glorious step to world government. Thats whats inplented in these typical leftwing statements. The UN is one of the most powerfull organs out there and maybee you should get informed about who founded the UN and delivered North Korea with technology for their nuclear programm, same as who financed the ayatollahs and where they lived before the revolution. The UN is one of the most toothless, and least credible organizations out there. They might very well in fact HAVE the power, they just don't care to use it. Sanctions? Oh Please. We see how well that worked with Cuba. And Iran? They are now in cahoots with Pakistan, our supposed ally, in building an oil pipeline. Yeah, the UN is just Oh so effective...... The republicans are the ones concentrating all the power in the ruling elite......
  15. I completely agree with you. Now, if everyone would actually DO that...... we would have no need for the report button, or, for mods to give folks the boot for being.... erm.... butts...... :D Oh well. Not gonna hold my breath.
  16. HeyYou


    Using integrated command and control of rear stationed assets we should be able to extend the detection range and be able to fire as soon as optimal maximum range is reached, which hopefully is the point where the lead element can get the hell out of dodge. True that. Guess I am just stuck in the era of pilots having to count on ONLY their own instruments...... With the advent of data sharing, the pilots themselves don't have to use ANY active systems..... all that is someplace else, and just sending the aircraft information.....
  17. HeyYou


    As I understand it, our detection range is only a few miles better than the 'other' guys..... at the kind of closure speeds we are talking about here, the 'first to detect' will have mere seconds to get a shot off, at which point, they will also be in detection range, (and loudly announcing their presence by firing a missile....) so, the other guy is gonna fire as well.... the missiles will pass each other in flight..... what it's going to come down to is, whose missile is more accurate/harder to shake/fool.
  18. HeyYou


    The trouble with 'stealth' is, it works right up until you fire a weapon, then, everyone and their cousin knows you are there.......
  19. Giskard was a modder of some talent that had trouble with interpersonal relations....... There was a LOT of drama surrounding him, his mods, and there were some events here on nexus when he supposedly handed off responsibility for them to others from his team.... that caused all sorts of trouble. I don't know if any of that still survives somewhere around here, it's been a while, so, I rather doubt it. Needless to say, that was a VERY controversial/touchy subject.... to the point that discussion thereof in public really isn't a good idea. :D
  20. ROTFL....he had his own self generated issues. So much so that on Bethsada , Nexus and TES Alliance.. where even bringing up his name will get you a polite warning. Worst example possible and he didn't leave the scene, he created his own private fiefdom where he rules and brooks no dissent. A legend in his own mind. Wow, didn't know that. I'd only talked to him after he left so I suppose I only heard his side. Yeah, and he does not represent actual events well....... Only listening to one side of the story will unfailingly give you a false picture. Well, I never had reason to seek another side. All I heard was trolling and didn't really care to dig into it. I assumed some downloaders were nagging him about fixes or something to the point that he quit. I didn't know it was a huge thing that went higher than the fans. That being said I still like his work, but I like Nexus more. If he created turbulence on an otherwise chill site (the fact that a single modder could do that is a shock in itself) then I suppose he deserved the boot. Either way it's got nothing to do with me, and being a hotbutton issue it seems something better left dropped and forgotten. Oh yeah, he did do some really great work. No argument there. :D I ran several of his mods for quite a while.
  21. ROTFL....he had his own self generated issues. So much so that on Bethsada , Nexus and TES Alliance.. where even bringing up his name will get you a polite warning. Worst example possible and he didn't leave the scene, he created his own private fiefdom where he rules and brooks no dissent. A legend in his own mind. Wow, didn't know that. I'd only talked to him after he left so I suppose I only heard his side. Yeah, and he does not represent actual events well....... Only listening to one side of the story will unfailingly give you a false picture.
  22. I personally would love a world government. The thing is humanity is not ready to make that move. Not even close. Gotta agree with ya there.
  23. The UN is pretty much worthless as any sort of enforcement agency. They are way too politically correct, have no teeth, and no credibility. What are they gonna do? Slap you with some sanctions? We see how well that works on Iran, N. Korea, et. al. The only way to put a 'world government' in place, would be thru conquest. Join us, or else. That would be messy, to say the least, given that some countries that would be opposed to joining up are nuclear armed..... So far, the US has been unilaterally the self-appointed 'world government'...... at least, we appear to be working on it. (and failing miserably I might add....) Trouble is, the american PEOPLE (not the government) don't WANT to be the world police. Quite simply, we can't afford it.
  24. There is a lot of debate on whether or not capital punishment costs more than life in prison..... I have read up a fair bit on this.... and the usual story is (opponents of death penalty) the convicts spend millions of taxpayer dollars on appeals..... what this neglects to mention is, so do the folks that get life in prison. After all, the convicts have nothing better to do than file appeals....... and it seems that for every killer out there in the world, there appears to be a monied following that believes him to be innocent, and will either fund lawyers, or, lawyer will take the case pro-bono, just for the publicity. I agree with you though, there is very little indication that the death penalty is any kind of deterrent.
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