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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I have found that those that grew up in a severely gun-restricted environment have a completely different attitude towards guns, than those that did not. For the most part, Europeans will find the American penchant toward gun ownership hard to fathom... simply because they have never been allowed such freedom. That's a carryover from the feudal days, when the lord of the castle didn't WANT the peasants armed, as they might decide a new lord was in order.... That is PRECISELY the reason the founding fathers wrote in to our constitution that citizens would maintain that right, to protect us from an overbearing government.
  2. Ok, depending on which story you read.... the Assault rifle that the fed is screaming about was either used in the shootings, or left in the car..... ABC news has it in the car...... So, was it, or was it not used in the shootings? If not, why the hue and cry to ban them? Just another knee-jerk reaction from our 'friends' in Washington..... What folks don't seem to understand is, it doesn't matter what laws are passed. They can ban future sales of assault-style weapons, but, there are already millions in circulation. They could try and collect them up, but, that would cause more deaths than we saw at the school, as there are those that would most certainly NOT surrender them willingly. We already have a government that seems to think it is everyones nanny, when they start trying to disarm the citizenry, a fair few are going to see that as simply a power grab, and one more step towards a police state. Considering that history shows that disarming the citizens IS a first step toward totalitarianism...... So, lets run this up the flagpole, and see if anyone salutes: What if this school HADN'T been a gun-free zone? What if there were a few teachers/administrators that had been armed as well? Would the shooter have been quite so willing to walk in and start shooting at children, knowing their would be adults that would shoot BACK? Had he shown up, would the death toll have been higher, or lower, with armed staff? Would the teacher that rushed the shooter, instead of dying, been able to end his massacre right there with one well-placed shot? Have a look at where most of these incidents have taken place. Gun-Free zones. Isn't it kinda interesting that where the shooter is assured of unarmed targets, the death toll is higher? Are we cutting our own throats here with denying folks the right to defend themselves? Regardless of where they happen to be? Always remember: An armed society is a polite society.
  3. Check for the setting in your Skyrimprefs.ini: bFull Screen=1 Make sure it is indeed set to 1. Also, Alt+Enter should make it go full screen....... (windows shortcut.)
  4. Grab the latest and greatest drivers for your vid card from ATI, and install them. That should be your FIRST step. Did you install the game in the default (program files) directory? If yes, uninstall it, and reinstall somewhere else. (C:\Games\Skyrim would be good. Though, being a steam game makes life a tad more interesting.) Final solution: Upgrade to Windows 7. :D
  5. Shift button on keyboard is run. Alt is spring by default. Running with a controller is simply pushing the left stick all the way forward....... Are you using any kind of 'translation' software for your controller to emulate a keyboard??
  6. did you reinstall before, or after 'upgrading' to win 8?
  7. That has to be wrong. An 8gb Patch? I really don't think so. The updated game isn't 8 gig. Wonder if you could go to a friends house that also has the game (fully updated) and copy files....... There may be legal issues there, but, as you both own the game, I don't think it would be considered piracy......
  8. I saw a thread over on BGS forums for a 'cleaning' tool that will be able to remove orphaned scripts. This wasn't a problem in earlier games, as they used an internal scripting engine, and the scripts were contained in the mod. With the advent of papyrus, and the changes made to how scripts work..... orphaned scripts are a consequence.
  9. Hearthfire seems to be a pretty good money sink. :)
  10. Yes, if you fortify/enhance a skill beyond a certain point, it rolls back over to zero...... not sure what the exact value is. I play on PC, and use a plugin to allow larger values for skills to be effective. I am running skyrim on the same machine that I played oblivion on, and skyrim actually runs better/more stable.....
  11. I am not concerned at all. The calendars I buy expire each and every year. The world does not end when the calendar does. I would also point out, that the Mayans weren't the best at predicting future events...... after all, they did not foresee the advent of the Spanish, and the impact that would have on their society......
  12. arranged marriages aren't always the boon some folks seem to think. It originated from feudal lords cementing alliances with others via marriage. Not too much different from that now. There isn't always 'the best interests of the bride/groom' in mind here. For the most part, it's "what's best for the family as a whole." Some parents may marry their young daughter off to some unsavory character that could be decades older, simply for the advantages it presents for the rest of the family. Is it 'wrong'? Not for me to say. I live in a culture where it does happen, but, is extremely rare, and for the folks that REALLY don't want to go along with the families desires, they have options. (of course, that generally includes alienating their family......) To each their own.
  13. I think one culture trying to inflict their values on another culture is simply a bad idea. The US has tried it a couple times, and none of them have been what I would consider 'successful'.
  14. In a situation where the individual rights take precedence, an arranged marriage isn't simply not being given a choice, but the individual allowing his or her parents to make that decision for them whether it be through a sense of duty or simply respecting their decisions. In those respects a marriage can be arranged. It's just not enforceable under the law. If there is no option to say "no", regardless of why, then it is indeed forced. It may be something a child does, simply because of duty, or whathaveyou, but, if they can't decline, they are indeed being forced.
  15. Discussions of that nature can get you banned........
  16. From my perspective, there is no discernible difference between "forced marriage" and "arranged marriage". The latter is just a more politically correct term for the former. If either/both parties don't have a choice in the matter, is that not, by definition, forced? If either/both parties can say "no", then I don't see how anyones rights are being infringed. Different cultures have different values. There is no 'one size fits all'. The US has yet to learn this, thinking we can force our values on other cultures significantly older than ours, at gunpoint. It just doesn't work.
  17. Either that, or just give people free internet, so their minds will be numbed..... and easily led.
  18. So it's ok it's old? So old is bad and therefore does not work ? Perhaps. Yes, it's okay that it's old. The age of any practice is irrelevent. It's whether or not it harms others that matters. That's when change becomes necessary. Trouble is, the definition of 'harms' is rather mutable, depending on the observers perspective. A father forcing his daughter into an arranged marriage that will benefit the family as a whole, does not see it as 'harming' anyone.....
  19. Wait inside Dragons reach for four days. See if you can exit then.
  20. And that is EXACTLY why we CAN'T go into Iran currently. You also have more faith in the US government than I do. They have more than adequately demonstrated that they do NOT learn from history, or their mistakes. They do not understand the mindset there, and seem to think that inside every iranian, there is an american trying to come out..... nice thought, but, far from the truth. Our government doesn't even understand it's OWN people...... Any invasion will pretty much ensure a long-term presence there, with all the problems we have/had in Afghanistan/Iraq. Probably much worse.
  21. I am under the impression that war is inevitable..... Doesn't matter who wins, within a year, two at most, we will be in another war in the middle east, either of our own doing, or, because Israel attacked, and we get dragged in to it. End result will be the same. The muslim world will have even more reason to hate america, the price of gas will skyrocket, the economy will tank, and we will descend into full-blown depression. Yep, I like run-on sentences. :D That will be a temporary increase in oil costs because.. war wouldn't be good for anyone in the short term, Iran's supply would slow or stop, which would bump the price> mostly harmfully to the EU, yeah that's what we need right now a crippling oil price increase in the EU. Anyway once Iran has been subjugated and it's government is mostly working to promote the US interest, That would secure the middle east oil under the hegemony of the US dollar very solidly, in the aftermath oil prices will be manageable for a longer period. Eventually the price will skyrocket indefinitely, since demand will continue to increase worldwide and sources will likely not. Prices would go up because people hate America, ie if they were trading in euros as a f*** you to the US, but once their resources are controlled and funnelled into the US currency, the Fed can keep printing more dollars> once oil literally dries up then it gets interesting. The dollar would definitely sink. Which would nearly half bankrupt China because of the massive debts owed to them in dollars, which would be worth f*** all compared to what they loaned out . Could be a couple decades off though. I don't know what the end game is though. It's clearly about economics and oil and not really about enough material for a single nuke. speaking of nuking things > http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/ I think you are being overly optimistic. Look what happened in Iraq...... it was YEARS before oil production got back to even Saddam-era numbers... Iran is a whole 'nother fish. Those folks have been taught to hate americans for decades...... It'll be another Bushism.... declare 'victory' within just a few months.... but then we get to do nation-building with a serious terrorist problem for a decade. As soon as the first shots are fired, oil prices will soar... simply because of the location. (and it's a nice excuse for the oil companies to gouge us, with the appearance of legitimacy....) Also have to consider what Iran will do.... we aren't going to be able to cripple their military in the first five minutes. They WILL get their licks in, and what they choose to target, will determine how long the oil shortage lasts..... Imagine they decide to target various production facilities of american allies in the area? Wouldn't that be interesting??? Not only would we lose Irans production, but some neighbors as well. Not to mention that costs of shipping thru the straights would jump as well...... IF we can even get oil thru there.... That map is interesting........ Thanks for the link. :)
  22. I am under the impression that war is inevitable..... Doesn't matter who wins, within a year, two at most, we will be in another war in the middle east, either of our own doing, or, because Israel attacked, and we get dragged in to it. End result will be the same. The muslim world will have even more reason to hate america, the price of gas will skyrocket, the economy will tank, and we will descend into full-blown depression. Yep, I like run-on sentences. :D
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