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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Lol..,,,Age getting the better of your memory? We have lost 20 SR 71's due to malfunctions of various sorts but none to enemy fire. :whistling: Isn't that what I said? :D
  2. I think it is unconstitutional. This opens the door to the slippery slope of the government trying to legislate the economy. Not to mention, calling the entire thing "Healthcare Reform", when it has little to do health CARE, and everything to do with health INSURANCE. And it isn't "reform" by any stretch of the imagination either. The whole thing is a pie in the sky farce, which the dems wanted to pass, so they would have something to point at come election time and say "See what we did? We reigned in insurance companies." When that isn't true either. (and I find it MOST amusing that here we are in an election cycle, and NONE of the dems that passed this clusterfork are touting it as a feather in their cap.) Congress needs to start over again, treat the PROBLEM, not just poke at symptoms.
  3. Russia shot down a U2. (Gary Powers I do believe.) So far as I know, we have never lost a Blackbird to anything other than mechanical failure.
  4. For a time, it seemed I had an uncanny ability to get a speeding ticket in just about anything I drove....... For my vacation one year.... I drove my 1981 Chevy Luv 4x4 to Florida, and back. A trip of approximately 2500 miles..... I was less than 20 miles from home, and yep, you guessed it.... got a speeding ticket......
  5. And there you have it folks. The primary reason I STOPPED watching broadcast television. Campaign season........ What a waste of airspace.
  6. That might just work, if you get pulled over by a cop with a sense of humor. When officer friendly asked me "Do you know why I pulled you over?", I responded: "I suspect you think I was making too much progress.".... The cop looked at me funny for a second, burst out laughing, told me to slow down, and let me go on my way.
  7. That's the range of the missile with full thrust and guidance. A missile flying through space doesn't need thrust. And if just needs to hit somewhere on Nibiru and not an actual strategic target, there's no need for guidance either. That'd also explain an international, multiple-launch effort – without guidance, we're basically carpet-bombing the planet. Also, to those saying the secrecy would have to be too much: There have been leaks! You're reading a leak right now, but you're just dismissing it. In the more general sense, plenty of people know about Nibiru, and they know that Nibiru poses some sort of existential threat, even if they don't accept the full truth. It's very simple to keep a secret when people won't believe what's happening even when 85% of the operational details have already leaked out. Considering that the original source of the Nibiru threat was put forth by a woman that claims to be in contact with an alien species via an implant in her brain, and claimed Hale-Bopp comet was a hoax........ I tend to discount the conspiracy theories there...... Not to mention that trying to 'cover up' a planetary sized body on a collision course (or, near miss course) with earth would be impossible, given the number of amateur astronomers that watch the skies as well.
  8. USGS isn't the only organization that monitors such instruments. Several countries have similar departments. Getting all of them to keep quiet about such a thing would be extremely unlikely.
  9. Go someplace else for 3.5 days. (or, half a day longer than your respawn timer.) See if that doesn't help.
  10. Get fast exit 2. That will solve your crash on exit problems. Glad you solved the rest. :D
  11. True, it is an inherent problem with rear engined cars....... and starting with a 35/65 weight distribution, adding yet more weight to the rear certainly wouldn't help. Perhaps an aluminum block engine? Something from the LS series from GM?
  12. Not to mention that nuclear detonations have a very specific signature, that is picked up on seismometers. The USGS knows who is setting off bombs...... :D
  13. Grab RefScope, or FormID finder, and use one of those utilities to get a bunch of information on the assorted meshes.
  14. What's your memory usage look like over time? Do you see more harddrive activity as the problem gets worse?
  15. That doesn't look like any fun at all. Personally, I gave up jobs that part of the job description was "People Shoot at you."..... Of course, I actually had a choice in the matter......
  16. I am sure someone will come up with a V-8 conversion for it...... The Pontiac Fiero suffered from the same woeful performance problem. Lack of horsepower. The aftermarket stepped up to the plate, and came up with conversions to drop small block chevy's into them... Once company even had a kit to put a big block in there....... Yet another company marketed a kit to put the drivetrain from an Olds Tornado in there. (front wheel drive originally, 455 cubic inch HUGE block.... THAT would wake up your fiero......)
  17. Government isn't in the business of solving problems. If they did that, they would be out of a job. It's more lucrative to poke at the edges, and address symptoms, without touching the root cause. Who said I was just talking about government. Even on a social and personal level the premise stands. As for government, I somewhat disagree. Government by itself is a position of leadership over a group of people. An effective government is one which uses that leadership to delegate resources to meet the needs of their people. A good leader will continue to be elected because there will always be other concerns that will need to be dealt with and a proven track record and years of experience is what is most important in a leadership role. The standpoint of officials only working the 2 months between election cycles, being elected for "values" instead of results or plans is one of the reasons why many parts of the West have been falling into stagnation. A government which is based around inaction and never getting anything accomplished does not serve a purpose and only acts as a drain on the prosperity of the people. I think the key words there are "effective government", something that the US does not currently have...... nor have we for some time now.
  18. Government isn't in the business of solving problems. If they did that, they would be out of a job. It's more lucrative to poke at the edges, and address symptoms, without touching the root cause.
  19. Ooops, my mistake, engines were 2.8 liter V-6's source from..... Renault........ Whopping 130 horsepower in US trim. In a roughly 3000 pound car...... that does not translate to neck snapping performance, even by 1980's standards.
  20. Thought the original deloreans used a ford motor? Parts for that should still be cheaply available. Who owns the company now??
  21. If it actually worked that way, and those 'higher paying jobs' were actually created here in the states, that would be all well and good. Unfortunately, that isn't the way it happens. Also, some of those call center jobs actually paid reasonably well..... as you need to have a brain cell or two to fold over and rub on itself to be able to do the job. Most of the 'technical' help I have gotten from overseas call centers is some person that can barely speak understandable english reading from a script, if you deviate from the script, they are lost...... they don't have a clue what it is they are reading, they just know how to read it.
  22. LOL Actually, no, I did recognize the philosophical exercises for what they were and did not take them literally. I simply pointed out they are meaningless in the debate of whether time exists or not, whether it has direction or has behaviour and even more so meaningless as a demonstration that space or motion do not exist. As for math, well I am sure it can be proved mathematically that nothing exists, this is all a dream and we are actually sleeping in a liquid filled pod providing energy to run a rather large and complex machine, but I would likely debate that as well. However, if you would like to debate the existence of motion and space I would be more than willing to do so, but in another thread. The consideration of time started for me about 15 years ago. I was in a rather remote part of the world and was asked by a local what the band on my arm meant. When I explained what a wrist watch was and what it did, the gentleman thought that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. I spent rather a wonderful afternoon with him as he explained his thoughts on time. A few years later in another remote part of the world, I was fascinated by another explanation of time, entirely different than the one I understood and even more so than the one I had patiently explained to me in that other remote part of the world.(as an aside, in one country I was afraid I'd freeze to death and the other I was afraid I'd melt). Some time later I was hired as a consultant by a company for the purpose of conducting some tests and had to familiarize myself with a device laymen refer to as a metric clock, which is actually quite interesting to work with. Finally, as part of a group looking into certain aspects of history in another part of the world, I was confronted with the mathematics of time used by the Mayans. I had to ask of the various explanations and various measurements - what is time? In thinking over the explanations and means of measurement, I could accept that time could be a dimension (the present), but the concept of time passing? The thought makes me laugh. Where does it pass from and where does it pass to and more importantly how does one measure its passing? I have 4 explanations or actually categorizations that I could use, and all perfectly logical, but each as meaningless as the other. I think we look for the difficult answers in life and pass by the simple as too unsophisticated for us to consider. My belief is that all existence occurs in the present and that the past and the future do not exist. It is only an opinion that anyone else can disagree with, but then convince me that your belief is more correct, if you have the want, but philosophical fofarah isn't going to convince me of anything. Time is a way to address the unknown in a manner that allows us to sleep at night, because we have an answer. The belief your answer is correct is OK and it is also OK that the answer is different for different people. I don't need the comfort of time telling me what to do or when; and I have the luxury of not worrying of time and can sleep when I'm tired, wake when I'm not and eat when I'm hungry - all without any interference from the arbitrary movements of sticks pivoting about a common center (I liked it - so I stole it). It was fun, but I am afraid you have taken my attempt at debate somewhat personally and before you become further upset, I will thank you for your responses, I trust my explanation of my beliefs is adequate to assure you I hold no malice at your opinion, and so I will not trouble you further within this thread. Nah, takes quite a bit to upset me. And if you like my description of the clock, you may feel free to use it. :D I would guess that if you got the various folks together in one place that you had your discussions with, THAT would be an interesting conversation. Quite honestly, they are ALL probably correct, as time is just a crutch that humans use to account for the passage of the earth around the sun, and rotation on it's axis. Different folks perceive it in different ways, not just geographically, but culturally as well I would imagine. The past DID exist, when it was the present.... the present does not exist YET. I don't think that Time goes anywhere..... it is the rest of us that are simply passing thru it. Each moment exists as a separate entity, and reality as we know it simply moves from moment to moment. Consider Time, a succession of moments, as a train. Each box car represents a moment. We spend our moment in a box car, and then move on to the next. Now, there is some debate on whether all of our 'stuff' moves with us, and each boxcar is empty, until we occupy that moment, and then everything moves on, or, maybe our stuff exists in all of them? There is a bit of theory leaning toward the former supposition. Everyone has gone looking for some particular item, and have been unable to find it...... so, they start searching some of the same places again, only to discover that there it is, in plain sight, and they must have just 'over-looked' it. Or, was it in fact, not there at the previous moment when they were looking, and moving on to later moments, the item in question caught up with them? Or..... maybe the guys in the blue suits, who are responsible for moving everything from moment to moment... dropped it, and when they noticed that you were looking for it, went back to the point they dropped it, and put it back where it belongs? :D
  23. It's about Long Term Security vs. Short Term Gratification. Sure, exporting the jobs makes you more money RIGHT NOW..... which is what corporate america is all about.... however, by exporting all those jobs to save a buck, you are putting the folks you want to sell your product/service to out of work, such that, they won't have the money to purchase your product/service, so in the long run, you will run out of customers, and NO ONE will make a profit. It really IS in corporate americas best interests to make sure americans have jobs. Too bad that the instant gratification thing seems to win every time.
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