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Everything posted by Crimsonhawk87

  1. Another friggan stealth update that disables F4SE?! Grrrrrrrrr
  2. I'm reading into this that it was a sarcastic thread aimed at all of the folks screaming about the new DLC content....but I could be wrong.
  3. They are really quick - it will take 2-3 weeks .... ... ... no - just kidding, it will take just a few days. But its a never ending circle: "game" (beth.net) update - F4SE update - mod update - from beginning..... They normally have a version for the "beta" already waiting in the wings, but this patch seems to have popped up out of no where, so it may take them a couple of days to get back up to speed....usually mod authors that require F4SE are right on their heels.
  4. So F4SE users are hosed until they update the program? Oh well, guess I'll catch up on GoT then.
  5. Pretty sure that has already been axed by Dark0ne. I believe that he wishes the Nexus to be PC only, primarily to avoid conflict that is currently exploding on Beth.net, but secondarily it means he would have to make "a deal with the Devil", as it were, to even try and implement that kind of support over here. Not speaking for him, mind you, just regurgitating something I read awhile back.
  6. Nice post, but pretty sure the answer is a resounding NO. In fact, I'm not sure if it is even possible for anyone BUT Bethesda.net to host mods for consoles due to the CK requirements to upload them (if I am incorrect you can bet I will be corrected shortly). While I don't hold any vitriol towards console users, I believe Beth made sure it could be the only game in town to support them....and I somehow think that is just fine with The Nexus.
  7. Anyone with half a brain could see that this was going to be a s***storm of massive proportions any way it shook out....I mean, you are attempting to take something made on one platform (PC), made for said platform (PC), and shove into into another platform (consoles) and hope like hell it all works. Not all mods will work on consoles due to various reasons (hardware limitations, content restrictions, blah, blah so on and so forth) and when little internet filth steals those mods and posts them on Beth's website in the name of some imagined PC/Console war then it hurts everyone involved. I, for one, could care less one way or the other if consolers gets mods...I'm fine if they do, fine if they don't, BUT it seems that Pandora's Box has been opened and all manner of s*** has escaped into the internet. Sometimes raising hell works, sometimes it doesn't, so we'll have to wait and see which happens. In situations like these I resort to the age old wisdom of "Sometimes you just gotta say WTF!".
  8. I am going to "go out on a limb here" and say that you have never, ever, ever tried to actually model something accurately and detailed, let alone a simple object. Nor have you then spent the countless hours properly texturing said item. You have no idea how many hours it can take to do it right, even for an expert. THIS is why its illegal to steal said content from other sources without gaining permission. Because most people dont want their hard work re-used without consent. We see the same thing with modders. Hell, my mods are nothing special really, but it still pisses me off to no end to see some jackass re-uploading them on his site to make money off my work without my permission. Thats bullsh* *. From what I saw, he only got a warning, because the site he got them from was indeed "free to use", but that site was ripping them off from other games. So its somewhat reasonable that he didn Oh, boo-hoo. If you don't like other people using your mods, don't upload them. The internet is supposed to be for the free, unrestricted sharing of files. Haha, no, not even close...not by a long shot. The fact that you even say this tells me you shouldn't be using a computer, much less posting on any forums. I am, of course, responding to the "internet is supposed to be for the free, unrestricted sharing of files." comment.
  9. So youre suggesting that everyone should be allowed to steal every model of objects only because they exist in real life? doesnt make too much sence, does it? Its more nuanced than that. The only thing you can't outright reproduce about a weapon's likeness are the trademark stamps. It's why in some games you'll see the AK47 or the MP5 with funny names and none of the proper markings on them. Beyond that there are plenty of loopholes you can use. The weapon can look -nearly- the same as the real world (See Metal Gear Solid 5) counterpart. This is how many real world clones of weapons get away with being clones. Then there's the fact that some are such ubiquitous images in modern culture that there's no reason you can't reproduce their likeness. All in all, the fine details of copyright law would make your head spin. However, you don't have to worry about them at all. None of the above is why modern firearms has ceased to exist. All of the above assumes you've actually put effort into creating your own model of the firearm from scratch. Modern Firearms made no such effort at all it seems. Nice explanation...it does help clear up some things for me. And just because WE think it's stupid (the a**hats at MLB, anyone?) doesn't mean you can just use anyone's IP without their permission. I imagine some of it is just plain ignorance, some willful ignorance, and some down right theft. I have a feeling it's about to be like the Wild West in the modding world.
  10. I don't even think that "other" site has full blown porn mods yet.....I know because I keep checking :devil:
  11. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is about supporting console mods, in fact, I feel a little sorry for pure consolers. They will never get the full FO4 modded experience because of various hardware limitations and content restrictions laid down by Microsoft/Sony. They are starving for anything that adds to the content and betterment of the vanilla game and have been for years. All of these PC vs Console flame wars seem to me to be much ado about nothing because both camps can be served. Pure console users have to realize that they can never have access to everything that PC users enjoy (for the reasons listed above) and PC users need to come down off of their high horses somewhat.
  12. Simply put, console users will never get the same modding experience that PC users do. The PC can be expanded and upgraded to support large to huge files, while the console is pretty much a closed system with very few upgrade options. Normally, we PC users would just shrug and say "What evs, should play it on the PC", BUT, I think that you are already seeing that most games are being optimized for consoles and pretty soon that "optimization" will dumb down PC versions to the point we'll all be limited in what we can and can't run.
  13. Have a similar one already installed. Can get him to follow me but that's still the only thing he says. It sounds like you are still using the older .bat file version....even the author of that mod has switched over to the newer mod, so it might be worth your time to try out the mod that I linked. EDIT: I see you have gotten some resolution to your issue from registrator2000, so good, but would still make the switch if I were you.
  14. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11829/? Try this....it may help.
  15. My CTDs are usually when I save...yes, I said save. Quick, Auto, manual, console....once I reach a certain point in the game (usually around Concord in all new games, more random in older saved games) any type of saving tends to cause a CTD. Go figure.
  16. Someone leaked the DLC on he Nexus last night.....made for an interesting thread before they finally shut it down.
  17. I know what fixed it for me....I had to get rid of enhanced blood textures because some gray part was overriding the chrome parts. I know that's not technical, but by uninstalling Enhanced Blood Textures I can now run around in an all chrome PA suit (well, as long as I have Worsin's PA mod).
  18. Alas, the console save method caused a CTD as well. It seems like something is conflicting with the save mechanism at certain points in the game. I can switch characters, play for a few hours, then it starts with that character. I've tried 3 new games and the saves tend to start going wonky around the Concord area, sometimes in the outside area of Concord, sometimes in the Museum. On another character it's around vault 81 area.
  19. Thanks for the reply....yes, I have validated many, many times. Have not tried the console method of saving, will do so and see if that helps. Again, thx for the timely reply!
  20. So, Am I the ONLY player in the history of FO4 to have this issue? It continues to this day, and I have found nothing on google, reddit, Beth forums, or Nexus to even hint at what may be causing it. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. I can get NMM mods to work in-game, but I also load through F4SE, and if I update the load order or add a mod I have to re-enable them before they will work. It's a pain in the arse to do it that way, but better that than not playing with mods at all I guess.
  22. I think the patch is on the actual def_ui page....under the main files.
  23. I suppose I could, but I've been using NMM since Skyrim, so I'd feel kind of naked without it. Besides, it primarily happens after I install/uninstall mods (which is far too often) and I just have to load my imported plugins.txt to get it to work, but damn it's annoying.
  24. Mine is already set up like this, but NMM continues to unmark all of my plugins when I start the game. This is getting beyond frustrating.
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