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Everything posted by Crimsonhawk87

  1. In response to post #28860284. #28881684, #28883389, #28883474, #28891134 are all replies on the same post. Good luck with getting different profiles to work....still having issues with that! If you do figure it out give us a quick shout on how you got it to work please!
  2. In response to post #28834879. So the mods did confirm that you could run two instances of NMM (old version for Skyrim and new version for FO4, as long as one is renamed, exp: Nexus 2). My Skyrim is running fine with the new NMM (except for the highly touted profiles:( ) even though it did take me more than a few hours to fix, so doubt I will go that route, but it is a viable option for those who are having issues with the upgrade.
  3. Folks still doing the blame game? I updated, had to reinstall and took me hours to get back to working...was it frustrating?, Yuppers. Did I say lots of bad words? Oh you bet I did. Did I jump on the forums, raise holy hell, swear, threaten, and make an ass of myself? Not even once. I DID make a bug report as requested, and am currently getting help from the Devs...most likely because I explained my issue and requested help instead of blindly lashing out and threatening their entire bloodline with doom and horror. You see folks, for whatever amount of time you put into playing the game, they have most likely put that same amount (if not more) time into developing this FREE program to help you play the game you enjoy. Show some respect and maybe just a little patience until this gets sorted out. Most of us will be playing FO4 in a couple of months and Skyrim will be relegated to those dusty parts of our computer that we store it in when we get a new shiny anyway, and I bet they will STILL be working on NMM whilst we are hunting in the wasteland. Remember the golden rule, my good people: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!
  4. In response to post #28780579. #28780799 is also a reply to the same post. Much obliged
  5. I had to disable and then enable 200 mods....took time and was frustrating, BUT I didn't lose any and was able to get my game back to working order. It's running fine now....I even had to re-install the latest SKSE because the scripts were no longer compatible, so it wasn't a smooth transition, but I'll be ready for FO4 when it comes out. Now.....is there a tutorial on how to make and switch Profiles somewhere? My 10 yr old wants to play Skyrim, but no way in hell is he playing Daddy's version...:0
  6. Judging by all of the negative comments, you'd think Nexus just implemented paid mods or something..... Of course I'm getting CTDs whilst trying to run Skyrim, so I kinda get some of the anger, but will continue to tinker with it till I get it fixed or completely re-install everything and start from scratch. No need to get nasty with anyone over it, though.
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