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Posts posted by Zaldir


    The idea is good, but few will read it, OP.

    Generation Reddit is not interested in knowing how much work and effort you put in a mod. Specially when its a big mod with lots of assets, such as a landscape, for example.

    They just want it handed in a plate, and with everything working perfectly.


    I never understood this "generation reddit" crap. Does it include the droves of old people and middle aged Karens who can't see the giant sign 3 feet in front of them and go harassing the employees about the exact information posted on said sign?



    It's just the age old cycle repeating: Older generations calling younger generations lazy. We have records of this happening back in ~500 BC.

  2. Apis4, your comments that were hidden by the author would have also been hidden by a moderator if they were brought to our attention. You intersect your constructive criticism with less than stellar bashing of the contents of the mod. So that example is a very poor one. Keep your comments civil and constructive, take a breath and consider what you're writing and mod authors won't have a problem with your comments.


    Letting mod authors delete comments is very important, as it gives them that space as their own - a space where they won't have to bother with hateful comments and such. Remember that a mod author is not selling you anything, they are just publishing their hobbyist work for free for you to enjoy, and they are under no obligation to fix bugs in their work or make it compatible with other peoples work or anything like that. You can criticise constructively, but if they don't want to bother with that criticism then they don't have to.


    This topic is also turning downhill very fast, and I must say that I agree with Ethreon that it needs to be closed.

  3. You can track files to get notifications when they are updated. The "Track" button is at the top of the file page. All tracked mods can be viewed in the tracking centre, where you can filter it out to a single game as well. And you can customise what kind of notifications you get in your site settings. Here you can effectively "mute" Skyrim mods by enabling "Game-specific notifications", as well as turning on/off comment notifications for tracked files.


    By using the tracking centre you don't have to rely on the "Downloaded"/"Updates available" flags, and instead get all the relevant info in the tracking centre (when you last download, when the mod was last updated, version number, etc.)

    Being able to manually "forget" downloaded mods would be nice though.

  4. wontbme has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Transphobic comments in the comment section of a mod.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, wontbme has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

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