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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. weandi banned.

    Reason for the ban
    You don't want "brony crap" in your game? Fine, that is your choice... And we have decided that we do not want you here.

    i know, im sick of all this brony crap too. likely disgusting, wont chance downloading this filth.

    we dont go into their fanbase and change s*** to fit us, they need to stay out of ours.



    and fallout isnt extremely popular? this sorta crap is what starts riots. im honestly sick of seeing all this brony crap mixed in games. you want brony mods, make a brony game and keep it out of fallout and skyrim.



    Reference post

  2. As had been said, Skyrim is a Steam-exclusive game, meaning the only legal versions are the ones that require you to activate the game through Steam. If your game does not require that, but you bought it from a store, I suggest returning it, and telling the store that they are selling illegal copies of the game (after getting your money back!). Then, either buy the game from another store, or directly through Steam.

  3. In response to post #25824664. #25824914, #25825809, #25825919, #25826019, #25826209, #25826354, #25826574, #25828999, #25830289, #25830979, #25831614, #25832299, #25832644, #25850134, #25852914, #25864629, #25865409, #25879124, #25883714, #25903315 are all replies on the same post.

    Lisnpuppy wrote:


    In response to post #25824069.

    znancekivell wrote: Excellent.

    In fact, I have only a single complaint about the whole trailer.

    We all know that Fallout 4 will ( or should! ) let us choose which gender we want to be, so as far as the actual game is concerned this is a moot point, but I am disappointed that Bethesda chose ( yet again! ) a male stand-in for the PC instead of a female wanderer. I really am becoming utterly sick of all these Caucasian males running around in video games, and I would prefer to see some actual variety in the spice of nuclear apocalyptic life.

    Love the dog, by the way. Wo/Man's best friend!

    If rumours are correct there is no female player character, that's going to piss some people off, as for dudes in nearly every game...

    Contains strong language.



    If that is true...(and I hope to the internet deities that Bethesda has learned players want MORE choices and not less) then that may actually be a deal breaker for me. That is going backwards. The last two games you could play as female so it makes little sense why you would not be able to do so now.


    It wouldn't even be totally about the fact I am female...it is at the end, choice. Bethesda seems to narrow games more and more with each one. I don't care how pretty the graphics are or if the game has drivable cars. Let me have at least a semblance of choice and be able to choose male or female.


    With everything that has taken place in the past few years regarding women's place in gaming I would think that in a title that is looked forward to by so many that gender choice would be a no-brainer. I would smack of lazy and that Bethesda has had its fingers in the ears and are loudly singing "la la la la la can't hear you la la la."

    jim_uk wrote: This woman was mocked at the time but so far what she's said has been on the money https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/28v2dn/i_played_fallout_4 not just the date and location but if you check out of the developer making the spin off you'll find they're a Bethesda partner and looking to hire people with Gamebryo/id Tech experience. If the post in genuine then it's not looking good for those who want choices.
    Darkspazz wrote: Good lord everyone chill out, They already hired voice actors for both the male and female character, You'll be able to play as a girl. Can y'all stop circle jerking nonsense?
    SMB92 wrote: Can you back that, Darkspazz, with say, some EVIDENCE :/

    Back to the topic, I don't particularly feel comfortable with having a "gender change" at the end of the story, in fact if at all. I always play my character as "Trinity" from the Matrix, this would piss me off severely. And hopefully that woman from reddit isn't joking about a new engine + map size, let's hope it's moddable. With all this talk of cutting everything else, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. But then, they'd probably want to charge wouldn't they?
    JianXintou wrote: Are there any sources for these supposed VAs?

    The reddit post above may not be 100% accurate but doesn't seem too far off, either.
    CRBASF23 wrote: If we was really the person who leaked the information to Kotaku, why in the Kotaku article it says that they called for both Male and Female actors, when in her reddit post says you can only play as Male?
    CRBASF23 wrote: Kotaku the supposed magazine which the woman leaked the info to, in it's article said that they had a casting call for both male and female VA's: http://kotaku.com/leaked-documents-reveal-that-fallout-4-is-real-set-in-1481322956
    jim_uk wrote: Try reading the Reddit post, it says you can switch to female after the main quest, that would explain the female VA as would having women Npcs.
    jediakyrol wrote: In every fallout you could play as a woman...even BoS for XBox... It would be the stupidest thing in the world if they locked you to one gender (unless it was for like a flashback chapter where you are put in the shoes of your ancestor)
    frogzilla98 wrote: Yeah. White men are the devil. /s
    monsterseventeen wrote: i play fallout as a woman, and most games as the same character where i can put her, the reason might seem sexist, i have put her there since oblivion on playstation 3, this was the first game i played where a player could fully customise there own character, so naturally i put myself or as close as i could as the character, then half way down the gold road toward anvil a bunch of female bandits jumped out and set about me, i killed one before feeling uncomfortable, since then i have had the same kick ass woman in every game i can, i feel a great affection for her, apart from the fact she is all i want to look at 'cos i play 3rd person, i always try to find her romance.
    NDDragor wrote: If they are taking away the option to play as a female, then they are destroying the creative process of creating your own and unique character that was one of the things which I enjoyed the most in the Fallout and TES series because the different characters which I created felt alive and I could play the games again and again, always making my own and new story with a different character.

    But to play with a predetermined character is making me feel like something is limiting me and I cant feel the freedom of the game anymore. But this opinion of mine is only about the Fallout and TES series. There are many games where I enjoy the predetermined protagonists.
    CRBASF23 wrote: This is what the kotaku article said:
    The casting documents describe some of the other characters in the next Fallout's wasteland, like a radio DJ named Travis Miles and an engineer named Sturges who is described as "a cross between Buddy Holly and Vin Diesel." Casting calls for both the male and female versions of the player character note that the player begins the game in a cryogenic sleep chamber.
    JianXintou wrote: @CRBASF23: Thanks for the source.

    " it says you can switch to female after the main quest"
    That sounds like an odd design decision. "Hey, you're done with the MQ, congrats. Now you can go to some big MT-esque geniuses that can change your sex!"

    "a new "Classic Mode" that will put the game into birds eye view and play similar to the classic Fallout Games."
    This sounds curious, kind of like DA. Not sure how this will play out if it's true.
    CRBASF23 wrote: She claimed that Fallout 4 is using a completely new engine: "This version uses a brand new engine built from the ground up to take advantage of the power of next gen systems. Absolutely everything is new, and no assets or scrips are being used from Fallout 3/NV or Skyrim."
    From what I saw from the trailer it's more like a modified Gamebryo engine than a new one to me, but with tweaks to lighting and animations, that's all. But I'm Ok with it since this way modders will have an easier time modding it.
    †TYRANICK†™ wrote: But gamebryo sucks. Look at all the problems with 32bit/64bit issues and limited RAM availibility and no x64 .EXE and the game not using more than 4 gbs of ram and a whole host of bugs, limitations and all sorts.

    I for one hope it's on a brand new engine if it's really been in development for so long...I am hoping for UE4 but that's a long shot. the gamebryo engine is dead, dated and limiting, i really really hope it's not a tweaked skyrim engine or we'll suffer all the same issues as last time, but even worse.

    People have 4-12gb GPUs now and 8-24GBs of RAM in there machines these days and rely on x64 a lot, if they are using a tweaked Skyrim engine well the game is crippled to x32 straight away unless they figured out how to make it x64 this time.

    Time will tell.

    Also that "leak" is so full of guess work, don't believe a thing.
    Camonna Tong wrote: I highly doubt they would not make it x64. That would leave 1.3 GB of RAM they can't use. Yes, only 4.5 GB of the 8 GB is usable of the consoles for games. The rest is for the OS. It will be x64. I can guarantee it. Especially after seeing how big Boston is, and how much they've done.
    Cinnaspice wrote: I too would prefer to be able to choose and create my own character including gender. I am a woman and never play RPGs as a male character. It is a role-playing game after all and per Gary Gygax a role-playing game is one in which you get to create your character. A game in which you assume the mantle of a pre-determined character is a role-assumption game. Of course, no one ever calls them that.

    Unfortunately, some companies think it is a good idea to force people into a certain character so they can tell a specific story (even if they still give players choices, the narrative remains the same.) I fervently hope Bethesda isn't one of the stupid ones.
    VxdVxn wrote: Just going to throw my 2 cents in and add that I don't think they would ruin the FO name by creating the first and ONLY FO game designed not to have a gender choice for the main PC (even if its only for main story). That would be insane. Insanely stupid that is.

    I'm more concerned about the game play and combat system, and whether or not they will release a broken game or one that I can actually play. I wont be buying right away, I'm going to wait until I read and watch reviews after it's been out for a while.
    RGMage2 wrote: At the time she played it (early in development) it was probably male only. She said it was only 40% finished, a lot can happen between then and the final product. I'm not going to believe it will be male only, no way!
    Tannin42 wrote: Regarding Engine: What the woman on reddit said makes sense. It's reasonable to assume bethesda may have planned to release on last-gen consoles as well. Whether they actually will: who knows, it doesn't matter, at least they probably wanted to have the option.

    Gamebryo said in an interview in 2014 that they are working on an update to their engine with support for current-gen consoles and 64-bit (http://gamingbolt.com/gamebryo-interview-developing-a-next-generation-engine-with-high-quality-graphics-and-stability)

    So my guess is they will use an updated gamebryo engine, hopefully with similar moddability.
    This "could" be what the reddit-woman meant by "brand new engine" if she isn't a programmer but maybe an artist or story-writer.

    What she says that doesn't make sense (or rather, one of the things) though, is this:
    "Fallout 4's PS4/XboxOne/PC version is about 40% complete, while the PS3/Xbox360 version is about 15% complete. Both versions are being developed by BGS."

    Anyone who says something like that have no understanding of game development, which makes me question her entire post. Why can't it be true? Well, she says that the current-gen version is made on a new engine, and that the last-gen version is made on the Skyrim engine. She is basically saying that they are making two games simultaneously, and both games are the same. No developer on earth have ever done, or does that.

    So, she is certainly lying, but whether or not parts of her story checks out, we cannot know just yet.
  4. In response to post #24887504. #24889644, #24889694, #24895694, #24919514, #24947799 are all replies on the same post.

    Farvahar wrote: I donated recently through the donate button and it was a real hassle (much like renewing my subscription). Would I want to do that for each and every mod author I want to support (could be hundreds).


    Also, I don't like being limited to buying them a subscription to the Nexus, which is a minimum of a couple dollars. Some mods deserve a dollar or 2 (the core game can be had for 5). Most mods deserve a few cents (multiplied by hundreds of thousands of users).

    This is the ideal system:

    1) A wallet system, like Steam has
    2) The ability to set the amount you want to donate in cash to the nearest cent
    3) the ability to donate to multiple mods at once: a "donate all" button or some such
    It would have been nice for the players in this (Valve, Bethesda, and Nexus, and a couple of prominent free modder types) to sit down together and hash out a suitable system that allows people to receive donations in lieu of formal payment.

    The system we have now is not acceptable and "drawing a line under it" invites further turmoil.
    DCWillis wrote: This should be simple. Add an area where the Creator can link a paypal donate button on the mod page.
    freedom613 wrote: @DC
    There already is? Unless you are referring to Workshop.
    DCWillis wrote: I have donated to mod makers on Nexus. There is not a button on the mod page that goes directly to the creators paypal. It takes a few more steps then that and probably discourages some people.
    Azulyn wrote: I'd be more inclined to donate if it wasn't through paypal. I freaking hate paypal and refuse to use it.
    Antioche wrote: I've donated several times over to the makers of Long war, it's never been a hassle with Paypal.

    I don't really see the hassle.

    Clicking the donate button a file page/profile page (depending on whether the author have enabled donations on the file page) takes you to the donation page. There you can select straight donation, or premium donation. Clicking the donate button takes you straight to PayPal. So, before you get to the PayPal page, there are 2-3 clicks.

    Once getting to the PayPal page, assuming you have logged in before, you enter the amount, type your password, click "Pay", and then "Pay Now".

    Quite an easy and hassle-free setup for such a thing.
  5. JerrisHon has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing a mod and all people who downloads that mod.


    This is the perfect mod... for Child molesters stuck in the confines of their basement due to having an ankle monitor... if you download this... your sick in the head.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, JerrisHon has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days

    This user cannot post comments on a specific file for the foreseeable future




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  6. mineturtule banned.

    Reason for the ban
    Mod Piracy, and mod author bashing.


    I found v5.0 on media fire, enjoy being spat on by the community and being black walled from modding. Also good lucking seeing any profit when there are who groups (lots of them) dedicated to leaking your mods. Here is the current list of sellouts.Laast
    <names removed>
    feel free to add your name as well to list of people who will never see a dime of money, last i checked greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. soo ummmm tell the devil i said hi when you meet him.

    Reference post
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