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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. From what I've read they don't get money based on downloads they get paid based on development miles stones. Pitching the idea, entering alpha, beta, final release. They wont get paid based on downloads. Which is fine if your mod isn't that great but if you have a popular mod you are loosing out on money. And considering the "curating" that supposed to happen this mean the best of the best will make it through which ultimately means most will be popular. Its not the idea behind the mod that makes it popular it the hard work that goes into it. The chosen creators are missing nothing. Most are getting nothing currently, so they'd get a better deal than the current one. This is Zenimax attitude I guarantee it. "Oh they not currently getting anything, give them some crumbs so we can rake in the millions of their works". Better off leaving it free, no qualms then. I fear a lot of the modders that will go for it will be those who may be in need of some financial boosts, especially those who are in school, sure it's a bit of a bonus for them but at the end of the day this is another fine example of corporation taking advantage of the little man.
  2. Thats whats gonna result in modders cracking. They'll be happy with thier pitance of whatever Beth/Zeni gives them until they see how much money Beth made off of it. This seems like an overall worse model than the original Modgate, and it's clear the suits up at Zenimax don't give a flying, the E3 ad for CC sounded like it was being delivered by a snake.
  3. Now now, this is a public forum, the truth could cause a riot.
  4. @Glass1411 - No problem at all. @Dareon187 - Try without Scrap Everything and see how that goes. Also can you list your PC specs?
  5. who exactly are labelling a commie? And what do you actually know about communism? Lets hear your detailed explanation about why communism is such a problem. As a white male born and bred in Australia with no communist ties whatsoever I might take offence to what your saying, but knowing you probably don't know what your on about I'll let it slide. I will however say I support the likes of Bernie Sanders and Liberal Dems, if you know who they are and what they stand for by small chance, so far your comments seem fairly small minded. So in future before stepping out from under your bridge to make dumb comments, at least know what your on about.
  6. @blzz871 - Golden words. @encelor - If were being optimistic, yeah we'll get some more new high quality content. But micro dlc is nothing to be happy about. Likely I would buy it anyway cos I'm a sucker for nice stuff, but i'll be gritting my teeth every time :P
  7. F4 Modding 101: Learn to use xEdit to identify and fix soft conflicts + manually make merged patches or identify hard conflicts and remove mods Learn what goes into your save game and know what mods are likely to need extra care Learn what precombined meshes are as well as previs, and why this is such an important factor when modding. I've had savegames that have been running for 100s of hours with many mod changes, very few times have I broken one badly, because I spent a lot of time learning the above.
  8. Try manually passing the quest with console. I dont have the quest code handy sorry
  9. Putting my money on precalc being your problem because you use Scrap Everything. I believe that SancResPrecullPatch I actually made lol. Get rid of Scrap Everything, or put it at the very very end of load order, game is not designed for it and I wouldnt recommend it with your hardware. Move Sanctuary restored mod to bottom of order. I didn't make the Precull patch to be used with the lite version, only the full. Remove it. Put Sanc bridge fix after SanctuaryRestoredLite. Let me know how that goes.
  10. @harimau - this is a good point and all, but my opinion is that they made the product on the provision this is what you could do with it and thats a sales pitch right there, to me whats being done here is not unlike some creep hearding a child into a van full of candy. They've gone hard on the modding pitch and now they making you pay for it, another analogy might be a drug dealer giving free samples. Unless the spilt is 50/50 maybe even 40/60, especially for full custom content made for purpose, thats how I see it. Anytime money is involved everything get dirty.
  11. My bad, I thought this was a general discussion. I can still see my comment though? Just FYI I wasn't targeting anyone with my comment, I briefly saw something about capitalism on the previous page and made my mind run a bit wild. Apologies if anybody is offended. This site is my only social media account so to speak and Bethesda games are my alter ego, I feel rather passionately about these things. Didn't know jim_uk was a mod here these days, good to see regulars getting promoted :) Back to coding, no more thinking about the grim and inevitable future Edit: Lol thought I was the one in trouble. Anyway what i said still stands
  12. At the end of the day if you create something that can make money, you leave no stone unturned to maximise your return. But where does the moral line get drawn these days. This here is Capitalism 101. Rich get richer while little man accepts crumbs for his hard yakka, which he must accept unless he too is loaded. I think there should be better laws for content creators, anyone involved in the creation of something should be awarded a fair share of the pie. This world is so f'ed in that regard and its because of capitalism. Climb the ladder to success, a ladder made of people you have to step on. Anyway getting a bit deep there, I guess we all have to accept the good old days are gone now and its every man for himself, smash and grab style.
  13. A lot of that is good, but I'm not so sure about the part where modders only get a contract payment while Beth reaps the rewards. Especially on custom content, this should be licensed. I am very fearful of the division that this could cause. To me this is a worse stance than EA/Ubi with the Micro dlc, instead they dont even have to lift a finger to make the content.
  14. WotC is not on consoles but my new mod will be. For that matter my mod will be forever free. F*** Creation Club
  15. Here we go again. They just couldnt leave good enough alone. Steam won't have bar of it now so they go out and make their own system. Curious if the likes of Chesko and Isoku are involved in it this, after being burnt to the core after the last debacle. Just goes to show they'll take anything in it's innocence and monetize it like a washed up you know what that stands on the corner. Sure they'll make millions off it ol Bethesda, and for what, to make even more oversimplified games like F4? Even more less modder friendly games like F4? But all good pay a dollar for this shiny new armor (which you probably cant modify further yourself cos its proprietary content now). No good will become of it. It will turn Nexus into a dumping grounds for beginners while all the best content will cost you $$$. I don't even want to think about how many solid modders will leave the games. I need to go make a tea and get some zen. Maybe go write some more code into mod (which will be free btw)
  16. Bit of an update for you folks, before I shoot off to sleep. Started Main Menu this weekend, didn't get as much of the way through it as I wanted, on account of chopping and changing it a few times :). It's a bloody big menu with so many options. Also had to start offloading some of the major menu functions to Quest stages so I didn't get lost in the menu script :D. Because I want to provide Back and Exit buttons in every menu, this makes it so much harder to script without getting lost. SO I must take my time with it. I've also made a bit of a fundamental decision, that I will go ahead and create my own LvlCharacters based of all the types of actors, rather than 1 of each of those that are premade. This makes the build time longer, but spawns will be far more random when absolutely every variation of a character available could pop out of one of my spawnpoints :) So the plan now is to completely fill just 1 region in final form before going to a open alpha/beta. That way it will be much easier to find problems and make tweaks before dropping spawnpoints all over the Commonwealth. I've also deiced to add a few more sub-systems to the main Random Spawns system for good effect. More functions and menus to fill though :/
  17. Thanks mikeallen :) Finally ot a chance to sit down and get some more done today, hoping to get the main setiings menu done by the end of of today
  18. I'll do my own anyway, even if just for the thrill of it. I wanted my system to be clean on top of anything vanilla had to offer. You will have total control, more than you can probably think of. Just about everything will be allowed to be changed. If you want Ghoul apocalypse, you can have ghoul apocalypse :)
  19. I have similar thoughts, I will play with those sort of things after the more "primitive" systems are at a satisfactory level. What i might do is have this type of spawn show up on the "wildlife" spawn system, which are points I would be placing in sorta country areas, so the placement would always make sense. We can make an organised arrangement of markers and have another struct/array instead of using static collection or something, or any method that could result in persistance for that matter. Could tweak my cleanup timer to be used for the tod detection instead also. For now, vertibirds are the subject of research. How to implement them the right way....
  20. Sure, I don't mind at all. I didn't bother to post there as didn't think it was that active. By the way, BnF showed me the errors with the quest script and how to make the struct/array work the way I wanted, and then he refactored the spawn code back down to 2 functions :) So all working again. Now to look into more alias packages, Vertibird attacks and a few other interesting things
  21. In the beginning, I was sitting on the fence about whether there should have been a number of worthless Junk items in the game, but over time I realised there are many items I will not pickup anyway. I'm sure some people will find this interesting and immersive :)
  22. Got permission to use one of the authors files, just need perms for the model of the terminator now, but the author hasn't been online in quite some time.
  23. This one isn't on Nexus? http://www.thepcmasterrace.com/fallout-4-terminator-mod-download/ EDIT: NVM I found someone who is using it
  24. Now you mention it, he is the only one I haven't asked permission to use! I'll do that right now. The earlier linked robot paint jobs, I haven't received a reply, but I did get permission to use the Vertibird Faction Paints mod that came out recently, very nice work.
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