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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. So what is sending this custom event? An event doesn't just fire automatically, you have to send for it in a function call or something. Edit - Unless it is something like OnInit() or OnLoad() or even OnCellAttach() etc, but you must use them properly. I think it best to learn yourself, so have a look at my StartupQuestScript for my mod, which starts another quest (the main one) when an input event is selected from a message box. Edit - You can also use fragment code for the functions if you desire, on your stages (for me it didn't matter for this particular script, whereas my master uses lots of fragments). Take note of the Event OnInit and the function it calls, this is what applies to you.
  2. The map problem usually comes from uninstalling a map texture i.e Satellite map, that was higher resolution than the original. It's permanently stuck in the save by the seems. Just thought I'd mention that in case someone else has that issue and looks here.
  3. With those specs I'd say a minute to load up isn't all that bad. My Fallout 4 Data folder is 75.6GB last time I checked, My initial load time is around a minute, sometimes closer to 2 if I saved in a heavy area. As usual mileage varies from rig to rig so do follow advice given.
  4. Seems to me something is wrong come time to pull the mesh/texture from hard drive or RAM. Are you running an SSD? Any oddities with slow load times for other applications or Windows?
  5. Have you added the necessary setting to your FalloutCustom.ini to see custom assets? If so try see if you have a Fallout.ini in your Data folder. Delete that.
  6. I port my Fallout/Skyrim installs a lot. However, you have to be setup for it, as in you know where absolutely everything is. If you use NMM last time, you could technically move your old config over too, I've done that twice now with no problems. Basically the short way, copy everything from data folder of old install and DO NOT overwrite new stuff, and then get your load order file from your old User/Appdata/Local/Fallout 4 folder and copy it on your desktop, then copy it in same location of your new install. If this file is already overridden, you'll need to re-sort your LO. Apart from that you might wanna check into whether any of the mods you had are outdated now and break game.
  7. I found if you remove all the linkedrefs on a marker, disable and then markfordelete or delete it, it will go away. So long as it's not a full property either, otherwise better to just move it back to some persistent cell you would make to house them. I see you've settled for a solution though.
  8. Hi all, I'm interested in finding out why I'm seeing a certain phenomenon occur, my spawnpoints (xmarkerheading duplicates) are receiving the OnCellDetach event when the script fails a dice roll to make a spawn. I can tell this because I am getting the debug notification that it was cleaned up, which is only in the OnCellDetach event block, even though I walk straight to the location of the spawnpoint and it never unloads. Is this a known thing? It's not really hurting me because it is not firing on a successful dice roll til I leave the area, but just seems strange to me. I don't imagine the game would cleanup non-persistent markers some time after they load without an event or something making use of it.
  9. Yeah not sure on that one. Used to have to export it to an esp or something. Can't remember now sorry
  10. No problem. Came across it myself last night lmao
  11. No problem Just done a bit of a test using the "medium" preset, dropped about 10 spawn points in Concord. Way too many spawns with a chance of 65% to fire the point. I set a limit of 6 max units to spawn in that preset as well, I kept seeing 3-6 units. Of the ten points only 3 failed to spawn (I mean like dice roll failed lol). Definitely gonna need to use Thirdstorm's Unique NPC's mod to add variety to the faces but :D
  12. In terms of an alpha, I'd say we are past that or at that, the spawn code works as well as I want, what its a matter of now is filling all the variables for every NPC type and hand placing all the spawnpoints. And then a menu for each NPC, with options for each region. I still plan to release a preview when first area is done, so you all get a feel for it :)
  13. I think the mod he wants is Ornamental Weapons
  14. As in a looksmenu preset or just one in the CK? In CK you can go to the actor you want to change, and in the templates tab there will be a number of dropdowns, on the one for traits select the actorbase to use traits from and tick "use traits" Not 100% sure on the process for looksmenu/faceripper these days, I haven't used them
  15. Autosaves usually have a limit of 3-4 so they dont stack up that many. Manual saves you can stack. There is an ini setting to limit the amount, maybe you need to add it. Personally I only saw an improvement in load times in some places in Boston when I removed the 100+ manual saves from my saves folder, but that was before Survival mode came out.
  16. Most should be fine, try to look on the comments section or bugs section of each mod to see if anybody complaining that the mod is not working properly anymore
  17. Just paste the above line in your Fallout.ini and put 11. 5820k has hyper threading. I'm not exactly sure what the game does when it uses all those cores, I had the 3960x with 6/12 cores and I could see all being utilized, it just doesn't make all that much difference. Well I mean the renderer is still on one core mainly but yeah not sure what it spreads to those other cores.
  18. Don't you get tearing with it on Fast? I usually set it to On with PreRendered frames set to 1 so fps is variable with no input lag.
  19. Well I've had enough for one day, it's 1.45am :D Close up with 6515 lines in my quest script, 1567 in the fragment. Not to mention the 125 or so in the spawn marker codes, but I only changed 1 line on each of them today. Tomorrow, main menu should be 95% finished (5% for future change lol).
  20. Made more progress today, had the day off and spent about 8 hours working on it. Master Menu is almost fully operational, long way to go with filling each system but. Had a better look at how the NPC lists work, might be better to not make our own lists and tell users to get the Unique NPCs mod, to add Face varieties that way. If you haven't heard of that mod its a wonderful mod by Nexus regular Thirdstorm. Would post link but on my phone.
  21. Fallout 4 will use as many as you give it, to whatever extent it is. You have 4 cores with hyperthreading, so you have 8. It is proven from what I've seen that it runs just slightly better with hyperthreading on. So don't turn that off :) Really you should set iNumThreads to 7. 0 is an integer in computer terms. Btw that line is present in Fallout4.ini by default, usually
  22. How long is long load times? 1 minute from interior to exterior? Which areas is worst? How many mods you got?
  23. Cough cough I may know someone who has just made on and is nearly released cough cough
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