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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Update before I go off to sleep and then work tomorrow :sad: Wasn't joking about 5000 lines, in fact got up to 5367 lmao. Had to do a fair bit of refactoring though to change over from using Globals to just properties on the quest. Not to mention the menu/fragment script. Anyhow most of the primary functions are there now, some still need filling as I start to add more actors/npcs (currently only 4 that I used for testing) Anyhow just to put the money where my mouth is, here is the Quest script alone so far: Enjoy reading that :D
  2. Thanks for the kind words but I won't accept money for my work, I am making it this mod as my "payment" for the use everybody in the communities mods, so to speak. It's my (massive) contribution :). That and I designed something truly ambitious and I want to see it come to fruit and play it myself ;)
  3. WOTC doesn't really alter vanilla NPCs wo you can use whatever mods you like to enhance it. You do have to worry about some functionality in the mod being a bit broken and outdated these days but it is definitely very usable. When I finish building the new one all of those problems will be solved.
  4. No. My system is way different, I only have one xmarker as opposed to a metric tonne of actorbase markers around an xmarker ;)
  5. Wouldn't know where to begin on the animation front :D. They should be able to use the synth ones though
  6. I cancelled my 1800x preorder at the last minute and got em to send me a 7700k. I seen some last minute benches in games suggesting that Ryzen wouldn't be great for gaming. In benches the 7700k is around 30% faster on average than my 3960x was, about the same in rendering for Fallout 4. But also my Ram is faster (latency wise, little slower in bandwidth though), my GPU OCs higher now and I have sinced upped the clock to 4.8 daily.
  7. Yeah its getting quite large now. I just tidied up the quest script, added a number of menu functions, well over 2000 lines in there. By the time I'm done tonight it should be closer to 5000, not including the fragment script. Mostly properties. Made a fairly big optimization today in that I'm no longer using GlobalVariables but instead direct properties on the script. With the amount of variables this should result in a fair bit faster processing and initialization.
  8. Cheers, I think I'll convert over to Int Properties now. Its a bit unorthodox using fragments but the thing is the menu is colossal and the amount of settings is extreme. Something like up to 6000 combinations per NPC if said NPC is involved in every system! I had a lot of problems making functions out of the menu in terms if keeping track of the code and also stacking while loops. Because I provide convenience functions like a back button and exit button things got out of control very fast. Using the fragments and stages I can keep track of everything like a journal so to speak, it's that much more blissful, everything makes sense :) I'm very happy with it.
  9.  So you've been around for about three years, contributed NOTHING to the community, only posted in this thread and endorsed one file!  Way to support the community you love. Golden :P
  10. Yeah its a bizarre one. Perhaps one of your mods has registered for that key and the script is or the engine/savegame broke in some way. Hard to tell unless you know the mods inside out. Perhaps its even a vanilla problem. Sorry can't offer much more advice
  11. Thanks for the info. I was told that globals are a bit slower, it'd be a nice optimization to use a direct property. Basically a quest holds all the functions and variables for settings that the player can set in a menu, such as chance values, difficulty level value, array index ID values, max counts etc etc. The menu works via quest fragment script/stages on the same quest (this works very well) and sets the values of the globals according to either a preset I made or a value listed in a sub menu, whatever the user selects. I went with globals as to be sure the value would stick but if an Int property will stick I'll convert to that. The quest had an idle stage, startup stage and stop/uninstall stage. On another note is there any difference between: Int Property myint = 0 Auto And Int property myint Auto I'm lead to believe there isn't and this would save me filling every property manually, and the value I set in the former example will return to that when the quest stops.
  12. Hi all, I'm just curious to know (because I can't find a serious answer) if there is any disadvantage to using (setting and getting) an Int Property vs using a globalvariable, other than that the global would retain its set value when the script is stopped etc (or do Int properties save their set value too?) I am currently using a lot of glibals but I started using Int properties and bool properties for a few things involving my fragments, and they seem to work just fine. Which makes me want to drop using globals at all. Cheers.
  13. What you can do is right click on the record in what mod has the list you want to prioritize, and select Copy as Override into and select New File from the list. Call it MyPatch or something. When the new file appears you can drag and drop items on the list record from other esps that add to the list. So your patch would load last and override the refs to the lists in the other mod
  14. Wow didn't this thread go downhill in a hurry. I'll just say this again though, remember Bethesda is owned by ZeniMaxProfits. I'm sure the people at Bethesda are fairly nervous about all this themselves. Regarding FO4s poor story. I read an interview with Todd where he says they have a long way to go with their story telling, and they aren't quite happy where they at. At least they admit it ;) Regarding Beantown mod. Nothing wrong with Beantown, everything wrong with stupid proprietary systems Beth put in place to allow for unoptimized world building. Edit - Regarding NDA. I am under NDA every day of the week at work. As one of two IT techs for my whole company (well 8 companies consisting of 350-400 people actually), I am not allowed to disclose any information I pickup, unless its relevant to the user of the system or involves me reporting it to HR. Pretty standard stuff all the way around.
  15. You meaning the text colors in xEdit? Green is successful override, red is being overridden. So the former shows up in game the latter probably won't if there is no merged patch to merge the lists. Getting it to show up more often? Maybe whack that item at the top of the list. Somebody just posted a list they made and the top ine seems to appear a lot more often
  16. I picked up this particular reshade thats very light, all it does is kill the tonemapping. As a result textures a nice and detailed and the AO looks great particularly around dawn and dusk. I think it also has SMAA but I dont think I'm using it. I also use Vivid Weathers which has its ups and downs I use FlaconOil and Vivid Textures among a lot other little packs from Nexus. I've been eyeing off this new Pilgrim ENB/RS mod for the last month since it came out, my bro put it on his PC and its very good for a horror themed setup. I'll try and gind the link to the RS I'm using. Personally I hate overdone DOFs and heavy blur, I like a nice crisp believable setup
  17. Naughty dice. Is that gun at the top of the list? Wonder if the has anything to do with it
  18. Plugin address space is well and truly hard limited to 255 plugins. I have around 450 mods, 250 of which (mostly patches and small mods) I have hand merged into my primary patch, so I only have 215 physical mods active. Whatever this mem tool is, no way it can get around it without rewriting the source code.
  19. It might not because the quest probably doesn't haven't code to actually remove him, at least on that stage. Maybe it does but I somehow doubt it. Either way does it matter so much?
  20. Can't say I ever use the T key for anything other than waiting, and for that you have to sit in a chair etc for it to work anyway. Perhaps check your keyboard if it is ANSI or ISO and check Windows keyboard settings? Google that and maybe you'll find an answer
  21. ÃÂ Are there any remaining platforms which use octal? ÃÂ I thought every platform now used hexadecimal. Certainly not this one anyway :). Probably some on our companies old terminal server though (they refuse to get rid of it omg). Don't mind me I'm off with the fairies at 2.10am, spreading misinformation dust over the poor punters Edit - the people in your "Avatar" (pun intended) still use octal but lol
  22. I just have to chime in here and say the title of this thread had me lmao Seems to me something is adding him or changing something in his faction data though.
  23. Because a single byte (by this standard, 8 bits) has a range from 0 to 255. Plugins are addressed with a single byte while the remaining bytes make up the address of the data inside the plugin. Basically the standard is 8 bits to a byte, of which each bit can be a 1 or 0, which makes 256 possible combinations. Edit - ninja'd lol
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