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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. I read a good thread once I think by Elianora, there was a way to do it properly that worked real good for interiors. And there was a way that ruined the floor :D I also read that the original dev of roombounds and portals is no longer with Beth and they have some issues with it but don't quote me on that one.
  2. No problem, no rush. Looking like Ill be busy right up to the weekend atm anyway
  3. Did you generate Previs and then generate Precombined Previs? I found doing both in that order clears up some hassles in certain areas. I just do both all the time now. I still havent researched into why that Occlusion box in Monsignor broke my generation but Im sketchy on using occlusion boxes/plains. Only what giggly said is the info I have on that. Edit - Ill take a look if you wanna PM me the link to the file.
  4. Well, I won't go into the technicals but it should go away when you turn HBAO off. We are talking about that shadowy effect that makes the walls/ground seems 3D and bumpy right?
  5. You happen to be using some mods that make changes in that area?
  6. Just what I've experienced with it. Put ELFX down lower near the end
  7. I had a look at this just yesterday and I can't say they are used for anything. They are certainly flagged weirdly anyway
  8. Not sure what the .pak file error in the first one is, but in the second the google APIs/fonts is usually nothing, we get that on wordpress too. The last error on the second log usually indicates your plugins.txt file is read only Try this: Run loot as admin When opening loot, click apply after sort, if you get error hit apply again. If still get error close it. Now open NMM and open loot again. Try Apply while NMM is open. If still no work, go to your steven/appdata/local/fallout 4 folder, right click on plugins.txt and select properties. If you see Read only box ticked, untick it. Make a shortcut to this folder on your desktop. Try loot again If none of that works, then sorry I'm not sure
  9. Red just means overridden. For these you just have to decide the right load order really, or if possibly 2 mods really dont work together. Your load order wasn't too bad really, just those cell-touching mods were wrong, nothing else really raised the red flag to me 1050ti seem to have some struggle with Fallout 4 as well. I got one at work that seems to have issues, with ck too. Can you take a snip of your mods whike they are colored in xEdit, so I can see the list in color?
  10. I didnt mind that they were willing to pay a percentage last time, that was the upside in my mind. $80 for something that could generate them hundreds of thousands if not millions is a giant middle finger to everyone after modgate 1.0. Hiring them as employees could be okay too. Either way, ZeniMaxProfits has done a fine job of muddying the waters.
  11. You would make a quest that has a script on it that would fire a while loop oninit (with a reasonable wait time) while the quest stage for taking the castle isn't complete, and as soon as it is this loop will break and run your code. You could place a marker at the castle to use as your spawnpoint, which you would make a property of your quest script and run the placeatme function on. I am also on my phone so sorry I can't make an example right now.
  12. Little update before bed. Setup a lot of the the Master quest fragments this evening, over 1000 lines of code but a bit of that is repetition of functions for subsystems. But this only includes 4 groups in region 1, this is gonna get huge. Made the decision to have 2 markers now instead of one, to save any future problems with filling properties after updates. We now have a master marker with permanent code, and a slave thats filled and then spawned and activated by the master. Tomorrow i'll fill out some more of the fragments and globals for more actor types and systems, revise menu again for some new settings.
  13. Have you tried to reinstall NMM? You could try to install manually for now. Its also possible your CBBE archive downloaded is corrupted ao you could aslo try redownloading CBBE
  14. That is a very interesting idea. Have a script going hard moving a marker around based on a loop monitoring the players input controls. Would suck on a keyboard but might be ok on a gamepad joystick. Sadly I don't think its doable or at least well enough to fly yourself, I remember reading something about it on afkmods (unofficial patch teams site) regarding moving objects (had something to do with persistence). I also suspect the controls would be super unreliable with such a loop anyway, but I'm not experienced enough to say how fast papyrus would be here. Good thinking but 99, would like to see a detailed answer myself!
  15. Seems like a monitor problem if its hanging around, I've had some image corruption with bad OCs on my 980ti but usually lasts a split second or so. Do you have another monitor handy to test?
  16. I think Paragon might be referring to Bethesdas clever marketing campaign video displaying a few pieces familiar popular content. On a side note,I am glad that DTs works are not those pictured and that we'll have a free alternative. I tell you what I will pay for though, a replica of that talking auit from OWB. Loved that thing strangely enough.
  17. Mmm I have not tried to craft Artilleries in FH. Do they not work at all? Perhaps the script has conditions for current world cell you need to add?
  18. A part of the reason WOTC was dropped, or better said motivation lost to improve upon, was due to "entitled users" leaving completely irrelevant negative comments or destructive feedback on the mod. I'm all for constructive criticism, and I'm all for calling a spade a spade, but a lot of what I see is whinging over misunderstandings or improper configuration on a users behalf. It's one thing to misunderstand an instruction or skip some stage in an installation, it's another to take your own frustration out on anybody because of your shortcomings. And that would also be Retail 101 (glad I am out of that game, omg). I have seen a number of condescending asshat mod authors as well, thats a different level of low that deserves flaming as well. Now I will say, I did not pick up the pieces of that mod because I am looking for fame, certainly not fortune, but because I want to see such a system come to fruit and I would like to learn more about the games that enjoy so much. A lot more people are becoming oppressed and oppressive, this reflects the times we live in where there is so many people on the planet and everything is monetized, nobody care about anybody anymore, only how they can best you whether for physical or spiritual/emotional gain.
  19. If you are talking about WOTC, yes it is like WOTC, although a pretty different approach to how it works and a lot more options, a hell of a lot more.
  20. I tend to start building all the basics before I speak to Sturges, it always instantly completes every stage then :)
  21. Would love to have Gun Runners roaming the CW! Would make all the custom weapon mods much more immersive in terms of where they came from!
  22. Updated OP to reflect current status of the mod.
  23. I bet there is no refunds on incompatible content. But I would think if they mostly gonna have custom micro content like new armor etc, they won't have many problems in the way of compatibility, and they'd be silly not to list any potential incompatibility with any large scale mods but I wouldn't put it past them.
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