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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Got a link at all? I'm just building the menu system now actually :)
  2. Yeah i don't think I'll touch the followers in this mod. You will be able to control the reset timers much better, even by "region" and also you can disable any type of enemy the mod uses with a simple toggle, you can also set a chance on them, as well as set a toggle and chance to "reroll" a spawnpoint when there been a blocked by user settings. Atm I am allowing 1 reroll per point for performance sake. Oh and I think i me tioned it above but theres a reroll setting and chance that can be enabled on a successful spawn, so there can be a chance of running into a battling mob or even doubled up group. On a separate note i worked pretty hard last night and this morning to reduce the amount of work I have to do in the ck, so the placement side of things will be faster :)
  3. Alright folks, I've decided that the mod wouldn't be complete unless I added 20 different Encounter Zone levels that users can define per region, and per spawn type :D. This opens the doors to a very diverse spawn system if later on we introduce some sort of "faction control over the commonwealth" type thing, where say warring factions can be made to be stronger closer to their strongholds, and weaker further away. I have no plans to make that happen just yet, but it was something that occurred to me, that it would be useful to have said EZ settings available for manipulation.
  4. It will be some time, I project a couple months, maybe a few. The more tests I've been running lately, the more optimisations I've come up with or more options I've found to add in. Fortunately I can keep writing scripts at work, days like today I'm just sitting around on call waiting for a connection to go down somewhere ;) I'm yet to write the menu though, can't do that until I'm absolutely finished the spawns part of it. One thing I am arguing with myself about is how to implement optional Encounter Zones. Currently I had 3 options per region (based on how vanilla works) but now I am considering allowing users to define an EZ "level" per region, but I haven't yet found an optimal way to implement it without adding potentially over a thousand more lines of code to the spawnpoint script. BTW, It will be a new mod on a new page. I'm using this thread I created as a bit of a blog, I don't do social media and Nexus is all I really use. I am considering putting up the mod after the "first region" is filled, just to build some hype and keep the punters interested. Wouldn't mind hiring someone to do some placement work for me in the near future though, that would be nice.
  5. Found a nice optimisation in my code last night to allow for setting a definable hard limit on the number of NPC spawns at a point type per region and also decrease the amount of markers involved by a fair amount! I'm rewriting it at work today and hopefully it works out good in testing over the weekend.
  6. I had no intention of massively altering vanilla in any way, the concept if the mod is to integrate with anything. Mainly only checking or adding variables to some quest scripts ( probably through adding fragments) for this mod to check. The mods i talk of integration with will be made optional now, I sorta realized I don't have to require the main ones ;). I use Better Settlers (full version with all optionals) but I don't use the naming convention option so that information is useful to know because I had no idea, thanks.
  7. Great links, thanks. That's the kind of thing I wanted to use. Interesting idea on the raiders. The first iteration of this mod will solely focus on the placement of random spawnpoints and the options to control those points. So we'll have Random, Ambush, Sniper and Settlement type spawn points, these will be mostly primitive in the fact they just spawn based on some predefined variables the player set, whether by preset or manually. Because I've opted to hand place these spawn points and setup a better hand placed patrol system, this will take some considerable time. Engager made some sort of auto-generated and placed spawn point system that he hasn't provided the source for, nor do I know how to code in VB6/UEStudio, and unfortunately I am only one person :D. Although I have made it a bit easier for myself using the "region" system as noted above, keep in mind I have 4 kids and I work full time. After that bulk works is done, the door opens to opportunity to addon a lot more variables based ideas thrown around here. Things like these Raider tribes, caravans and other intricate things. I am also looking at some sort of integration with the Enclave mod somewhere down the line. I'll have a look at the NPC overhaul mod at some point on the weekend, I'm hoping he has just extended the already present leveled actorbases. Raider Overhaul "just works" because of this so I'm hoping that is the same. Makes compatibility and setup so much breezier.
  8. Good idea for the caravans, I feel that could be a mod of it's own however. I'd like to look at adding guard patrols to Caravans though. The regions are there for maximum fine tuning each important part of the map Re: spawns. Here is an example list of settings you could set by region: 1. Area Difficulty 2. Area Preset (Preset is used to add extra spawns that are a touch harder than the set difficulty) 3. Max number of units allowed to spawn at a certain type regardless of preset (may actually take this setting out, as spawnpoints are presized at placement and we have "chance values" for dynamic size anyway) 4. Set the type of spawns allowed in that region (such as Random Large, Random Small, Ambush, Sniper etc) 5. Set if we want to reroll the dice if a spawn is blocked by user settings until something spawns 6. Set the chance of a particular enemy type from appearing at all (this affects potential group sizes outright but works real nice to dynamically size groups, give that real "random" feel) 7. Change mod added spawns reset timer (no intention to change vanilla settings here, I don't want whole area to respawn) 8. Chance that a spawnpoint might "activate again" spawning a second group at the same position (known as Spawn-a-War setting lol) 9. Disable everything in that area altogether. 10. Change the preset Encounter zone for the region (so far I'm offering 3 options, Normal - Harder - Off). The EZs only apply to mod added spawnpoints, however I'm investigating bugs with vanilla regarding EZs and possible savegame/cell resetting. 11. Control whether DLC content appears or not. Basically each "region" is independently controlled by the user. WOTC had like 2-3 regions. If compatibility becomes a problem in a certain area, users flick that zone off until fixes are delivered ;) I'm wondering if the map I've drawn up doesn't have enough regions, but it's a bit of effort to manage so many of them. 10 was what I settled for, but looking at it I can see 4 more divisions that could be made
  9. Wanted to post a mudmap for the regions I'm thinking of dividing the Commonwealth up into. The purposes of this are for setting reset timers, chances and allowed types per region, I'm also up for feedback on Encounter Zones (min/max levels per region or if it should be more regions and more EZ's, whether I should bother adding EZ's as an optional feature etc etc) https://captagroup-my.sharepoint.com/personal/support_capta_com_au/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=0f4e1d1be137c417f84ea37f522b2283c&authkey=AQAQsiYlKoA4pI33k_0BjCI&expiration=2017-05-30T23%3a04%3a00.000Z
  10. Okay bit of an update time! I've finally finished the final system that I will roll out across the worldspaces. Here are the key features: 1. No more permanently persistent, or placed Leveled NPCs in the world(s). 2. No more long running background scripts. Everything is done on the fly in the loaded area you're in. 3. Performance hit decrease the less your settings are, no more having to suffer from excessively unnecessary code. 4. Much more customising of settings, including setting an overall preset for chance/amount as well as difficulty. In regard to option 4, one thing about that is chance and amount sort of go hand in hand, there is no direct limit control, although spawn points will be limited in numbers anyway (not like WotC as is isn't, but I won't allow you to run a spawnpoint twice to double up those 16+ placed NPC points lmao). I am gunning for 3 presets and 3 difficulties. This is manageable IMO. BTW the new mod will be called "Spawns of the Commonwealth", it's presets will be Fights of, War of and Carnage of the Commonwealth. Difficulties will be Normal, Hard and Get f***ed. No seriously I haven't decided a name for the last level but Survival would be somewhat fitting (because you'd be a rat among the cats lol). But in saying all this, I haven't decided how I will use Encounter Zones throughout, that is subject to debate. Anyway, I know Fallout modding is nearly dead, but I thought I'd post an update after my success this evening. EDIT - Forgot to mention, no more spawnpoints crossing multiple cells. Spawns and their controllers are done in the same cell as to reduce the chance of spawning out of loaded area even further. This is just something I picked up on when looking at WotC in the render window ;)
  11. I'll find out more on the weekend. I'm gonna run tests in this area deliberately (thicket) on the new mod system. Hopefully something stands out
  12. @pickers101 - Good links thanks. NPC mod will work without much or any effort, but good to know there is plans on the Raider Overhaul and potentially new NPC/spawn mod. I won't make any dependencies until I see where that goes. Mostly require dependencies for "copied" NPC's and their lists respectively as I am preferring to keep persistence in the mod alone and avoid touching anything vanilla. I'll keep my eye on that MCM, that could very much apply to this mod. @number72 - I won't be having any default spawns near important locations anymore, this causes more trouble than it's worth in (terms of complaints and bug reports). Instead, settlement patrols will be toggle-able and same for any "extra spawns" placed outside of key locations - these will have to be enabled by the user at their own discretion.
  13. Not quite the problem I'm seeing though, I can literally walk 3 cells away from one of these problem cells and walk back after its unloaded (in the space of 20 seconds) and the whole cell is reset, items containers you name it, regardless of tge default timer. I've recently started to see a pattern emerge with REtriggers and Encounter Zones. I think its a save game issue where potentially Automatron random spawns and their associated EZ's are borking something in the save game. I am looking closely while I am rebuilding War of the Commonwealth.
  14. Ah I should of clarified the DLC requirement, my bad. Initially the mod will be made without DLC content included, as I focus on the "bulk" of the content. It is easier for me to pass over on this after that stage, so as a result of methodology Non-DLC variants will exist. It's not much effort for me to copy scripts and the additional data later so workflow impact is minimal. Regarding point 4, all that needs to happen here is attention to detail and control of checks. We add fragments directly to the quests that fire and set variables - criteria that has to be met for a spawn to, well spawn! But we don't touch vanilla we just wait for the call. 2 things we can't really avoid is persistence of the spawn points and certain latent functions. So I am going for the "machine gun" effect instead, effectively firing a lot of small scripts that won't hurt each other rather than having complex large scripts run the chance of all the things you mentioned. The limit then becomes the clock rate of your CPU and not the Papyrus/Creation engine "blowing the bank". The only thing that will run long will be timers ready to fire their events. These timers will also be armed to receive events and act accordingly, as they will act as a master for their respective area. You begin to see, the hierarchy of a military in my design.
  15. I guess the big problem with the old version is it is managing too much. 600,000 or something persistent points, insane load. Between the potential for corrupted spawn points and landing out of navmesh because a thread hasn't gotten around to resolving a point yet, the risk is Too Damn Highâ„¢. Will take some time to do the grunt work in CK, the system itself is nothing to implement just need to fill all the spawns correctly.
  16. OBSOLETE THREAD, NEW THREAD HERE: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6198786-spawns-of-the-commonwealth-wotc-2-new-thread/ Hi folks, (updated 18/5) After taking over this mod I have decided that I will rebuild it in a much simpler format that the game can handle, with a higher level of customisation so that users can fine tune everything not only to their taste, but to their machine's potential. UPDATED 13/6/17 - Time to overhaul this post! The final direction has been decided. Here is the basic goals of the system: 1. Save safe 2. No vanilla edits 3. No long running script loops 4. No cloak scripts in primary systems 5. Maximum compatibility with your favourite overhauls 6. Easy to add custom content to script with include templates and code 7. Multiple systems with subsystems, all independent and controllable. 8. Deferral of activation until after a chosen quest (won't activate/prompt at all until after you exit the vault) 9. Full uninstallation code/stages 10. Master Preset levels for both spawn numbers and difficulty as well as independent presets for every system 11. Controllable reset timers, independent timers for every region 12. Controllable Cleanup timers for spawn points, independent timers for each region Systems include: 1. Main Random Spawns Subsystems: 1. Waterside/coastal spawns 2. Extra Wildlife Spawns 3. Extra Monster Spawns 4. Infestation Zones/Points 5. Sniper Spawns 6. Settlement Spawns (any point close to a settlement is part of this system, made because of popular demand) 7. Vertical Spawns (Kinda like snipers but for areas where regular groups could spawn) 2. Story Faction Spawns - Made independent for more intense control of variables 3. Ambush spawn system 4. Enemy Camp Spawns - for spawning enemy campsites 5. Terminators - by request if permission get granted we'll have the option to have a Terminator stalk you if you piss the Institute off enough. Possibly more to come. For the first beta, only the first system will be live, in only one region. Once any problems with that are sorted out we move to the next system and fill that out and take that to test. That way all the problems will be worked before rolling out a tonne of points across the Commonwealth, time need not be wasted (I have little of it). The pride and joy of the whole system will be the menu lol. It's a big and complicated menu with more controls than you can poke a stick at. Looking at maybe getting someone to help with Spawnpoint placement, someone who has a bit of time on their hands and can also provide ideas and testing. I'll be making a post in this section soon looking for that certain someone :smile: Please feel free to post your ideas, I would love to gather this feedback Cheers. PS Special thanks to users BigandFlabby, kitcat81 and TheDungeonDweller for their help with scripting, without them the system would have been built with sticks (so to speak) but now it can be built with steel and concrete!
  17. Hi folks, Just wanted to clarify, If I use Reset() to reset an object, if that object is "initially disabled" by default (flagged in editor), will it return to that state when Reset even if it has been enabled by another function in the script. I'm assuming yes, but the wiki didn't 100% clarify it to me. I'm also hoping the answer is yes, so I don't have to add additional Disable() calls (which I currently am anyway but wanted to do some housekeeping). Quote from Wiki: "If the actor is dead, disabled, and has no enable parent, Reset will enable it. Otherwise, it does not change the enable state of the actor. So if the actor was marked 'Initially Disabled', it won't be disabled by the Reset call" Thanks
  18. Just wanted to add an interesting find RE PreVis, where regenerating it didn't come out as planned. I recently cleaned up a mod called Starlight Bright Again by greekrage, but in the original version there where 2 windows that never generate correctly as in they generated as if they were solid walls and occlusion bugs (disappearing world) is seen througj them. These walls were joined on a corner. The only common denominator was a dining table that was touching the wall. Long story short I think it detects how many triangles are overlapping on an eligible object and then goes from there. I haven't looked at any of the shuffled meshes to see if they changed groups if they were touching/overlapping multiple meshes but perhaps only combining on one side, if you get my drift.
  19. Necromancing my own thread. Well, I'm still actively looking for the cause This bug seems to have nothing to do with respawn timers as such, its like the game cannot save any changes or the state of that cell once you leave it and thus it instantly resets. I mostly see it with mods that simply just add new objects to a cell maybe even a spawn point, and they don't always poke any of the vanilla stuff either so its not a precalc thing I think.
  20. Whos to say Bethesda has canned it. Next TES on Unreal Engine no mods lol
  21. So I guess the next thing to invent is an auto generator of collisions and physics for these precom meshes. What god among men can deliver that. Ah mind runs wild in troubleshoot mode... Patches/combos it is then. I've got most of Beantowns done (one generation contains overlapping 5, 7, 11 grid generation for all Cambridge all the way to Bunker Hill, I find the performance is smoother myself, something was wrong in that area in vanilla I believe).
  22. All good things must come to an end. Hell, Bethesdas probably gonna turn modding into a material only thing soon lol, look at Fallout 4.
  23. Ah come on don't shoot me down now :P Is it still possible to have hope for a Beth game? I came to the conclusion that you can't have multiple generations in an area or close by, finding too much problems with the vis/occlusion bugs/old meshes. I combine all my mods at once, I just switch on the esm flag and load em all up and have the one gen for the lot, even if it means I need to gen 11 ugrids worth to catch everything optimally (cambridge good example). I wanted to start a patch project like this but time become an enemy. My use for the script would have been to clean up the unnecessary files from these big gens rather than make multiple patches work together, i think thats too messy.
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