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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. And I see they released a plethora of bugfixes as well.....
  2. That's interesting, I never have fast respawns in Boston..... Something must trigger it off, not mod related. I've seen reports the area near Cabot house is common for fast respawns, however I only ever see a consistent respawning of about 4 raiders fighting a BoS vertibird even remotely close to there... And a certain area under a bit of road, an overpass near Goodneighbour that always has a spawn, but that one seems more like a random event place.
  3. He doesn't need a license. He's covered by the common law. That is the point. the license extends Zenimax's automatic right to us users, in that we may upload and distribute modified content of our own without fear of infringing the laws ourselves, and that gives us the automatic rights as well. So much so that Zenimax themselves can only have limited access to the content created by users. That's if I have all my ducks in a row anyway.
  4. Read here, Dark0ne owner of the site explains it thoroughly what he can and can't do. I won't waste any more breath (keyboard strokes lol)
  5. Если речь пошла об уважении, то я могу Вам сказать, что очень многие авторы пишут в своих работах:"Пожалуйста отнеситесь с уважением к моему труду и спросите у меня разрешения на изменение и использование контента". То есть речь идёт не об авторском праве, а об отношениях между пользователями. Если я совершила ошибку и сделала что-то не так, то я, как нормальный человек извинюсь и постараюсь исправить эту ошибку. Но в ответ я ожидаю встречной нормальной реакции, а не требования некой суммы! Вот это и называется "уважение"!!! Agreed. Kopasov should apologize. Greek should apologize. No more fire with fire. No more uploading others mod without "absolute" consent. No more morally ambigious requests for compensation.
  6. Если речь пошла об уважении, то я могу Вам сказать, что очень многие авторы пишут в своих работах:"Пожалуйста отнеситесь с уважением к моему труду и спросите у меня разрешения на изменение и использование контента". То есть речь идёт не об авторском праве, а об отношениях между пользователями. Если я совершила ошибку и сделала что-то не так, то я, как нормальный человек извинюсь и постараюсь исправить эту ошибку. Но в ответ я ожидаю встречной нормальной реакции, а не требования некой суммы! Вот это и называется "уважение"!!! Not translated properly, but I'll paste that in Google for you and get back to you.
  7. All true, but You deftly silent about the fact that their copyright is still necessary to join, by submitting a request. The fact that someone put his name under a certain title does not mean that he became full owner of valuable rights to it. And Your comparison with shop in this case is not correct - the store is initially created for the SALE of goods here, all content is free and the "resolution" didn't just appear. If the author does not consider it necessary either to specify to him, that he was not against the distribution and use of your content! In any case we are arguing now is not about that! The problem is that the author tried to extort money from the administration of the site, and when this had not happened just inflated hype because of his laziness, greed and incompetence, trying to present himself as the victim! Everything is quite simple!!! From what I read, my perspective is not that he tried to blackmail your admin, he was simply trying to develop a solution he was comfortable with, because quite frankly (if you read my first posts on both threads) how can you truly stop piracy of anything? Kopasov can just turn around and say he doesn't care and leave the files on his site, and Greek gets no fair resolution. People come to all sorts of conclusions when angry and confused, too bad he went for a less than ideal solution. On the other hand, was kopasov under any duress in his morally ambiguous uploadings? So I can forgive Greek, kopasov I'm poking a stick at.
  8. It seems like such a hard sentiment to grasp for some, I would agree that a deeper argument could be had over whether or not his mod contains any data he can actually possibly own, but regardless it's still disrespectful. And deceitful in my book. Have a look at Zuckerberg. Got sued for what, $60 million? I bet the twins that successfully sued him didn't put up a permissions sign of any sort either.
  9. I support your cause Greek and I understand you must be feeling angry and confused as to what you can actually do to stop this, but this is borderline wrong. I get you didn't mean it like that, but you're fueling the fire here. You speak of morals, but you forget that this "moral" man was trying to blackmail to extract money from the administration site!!! You think this is moral? and to change requirements for distribution of modifications in hindsight it moral? That is a vile liar and blackmailer!!! Right, because Greek makes a morally ambiguous comment it means that kopasov has express rights to break all moral ground and do what he pleases. Fighting fire with fire isn't working here.
  10. I'm very interested to see what this new Geometry Pipeline on these RX490's (if that's Vega) are gonna do to boost rendering/draw call numbers. If it works how I understand to, then you can all have your 1080's ;)
  11. Didn't specify permissions in a tab is not an excuse to go ahead and upload a users work at your own will, nor does it make it morally sound. Only in the case it states that permission is allowed should you then feel free to do so. If in doubt I'd be morally obliged to ask. Notice I am throwing the word "moral" around quite a bit. I support your cause Greek and I understand you must be feeling angry and confused as to what you can actually do to stop this, but this is borderline wrong. I get you didn't mean it like that, but you're fueling the fire here.
  12. yea, i wasnt quite sure how it would work either. and honestly, since i'd be getting the duplicate not costing resources or caps it wouldnt be the same. what would be great is a mod that adds a certain hotkey command to the weapon/armor workbench that allows you pick an object, copy mods to same types and show you a total for how much resources used and then execute. or atleast like a container that duplicates them for a caps fee, or something I'm thinking that would be possible with a complex script, if you can find someone to write it that is :D
  13. Hi folks, So I've been investigating this bug where some cells just reset after leaving an area, on both vanilla and modded installs. There are some locations that seem to do this quite a lot as per reports online, even on console. The best example is Thicket Excavations. Many have reported that place just resets after leaving the area. Anyway I wanted to get a discussion going if possible to try and narrow down the cause or at least gather some more info. This is hindering my Precull project, although in itself is not the inherent cause. The problem persists in some locations as mentioned, vanilla or not, but this is what I know and also some things can trigger it: 1. It seems that this bug is more prevalent in Survival mode, judging by what info I can dig up on Google. 2. The mod Mojave Imports adds some new items to some exterior cells. It however does not edit any pre-existing stuff in the cell (which would trigger precull bugs etc), which I've checked in xEdit. So it seems that sometimes edits to cells can cause it. I have however tested Power Armor in those cells I can produce on my end and that never resets. So if you're thinking "ah it's the cell reset bug!" you are could be right but it seems slightly different in that it affects the vanilla game. It only affects the single cell the new items were placed however. 3. It's curious a place like Thicket Excavations is subject to the bug, and is also a location known for not unloading LOD, leaving the area unable to be explored until game is reloaded or cell completely reset by walking far away. However, another location I found on a highway near the Co-op, where a gunner station/base is, that has the LOD bug a lot does not seem to suffer from this resetting bug. 4. I've witnessed the bug stop occurring in my long term save game in some places for reasons unexplained. Known areas for fast respawn without mods: -Thicket Excavations -An area west of Hangman's alley, on the way to V81. (However in recent times I have observed this area to stop respawning at all in my 600 hour save game which is weird.) -Skylanes plane crash site near Outpost Zimonja (This area has recently stopped respawing in my save as well, but it was a hotspot before) -Natick banks Super-Mutant base respawns a lot. These are only the places I am confirming having seen reports of on Google, and have experienced myself. There are more. Chief concern is that some cells will respawn a lot if they are touched in anyway. But it's not all of them, I have a lot of areas that are modded and I've made new precull data for that don't instantly reset. And that leaves me highly confused. Feel free to chime in if you think you know something or experienced this yourself!
  14. About to be filled by Better Cooking Stations v2.0 :wink: Totally wicked! @Fatal - there's this Logical Recipes and Dirty Water Conversion, as well as Wild Fruit Conversion. I'd be hanging out for BCS 2.0 though :p
  15. That's very interesting, good find. Goes to show it definitely getting erroneous data from there. On top of that, I have determined that the windows with bars are also not calculated very well by the PreVis generation, now it makes sense that this kind of data would make the problem much worse in that case. This is one the bug that seems I'll have to live with. there is one more bug that I need to understand as well, I'll post a separate thread on that as that one seems to affect eh vanilla game so I might try to draw some more attention that way. Get well soon Kitty!
  16. No problem, get well soon :). Seems to be going around at the office too :/
  17. Technically you don't need permission if you are just copying single records and editing values as overrides into your patch. IF you include a whole entire ESP from the original mod with your edits you'll probably be in trouble. If you don't know how to copy as an override I can make a quick guide for you in about 2-3 hours time.
  18. I just posted on a similar topic Dark0ne started about that Kopasov character in the mod author forum. How can you combat them/him? How do you get it to stop? With petitions, emails, threats or anything short of outright hacking him/his site? If they condone pirated content, you can bet your bottom dollar they'd be happy to host morally ambiguous stolen free content. This debate has been going for a long time now, and some authors have thrown their hands up in the air and removed their content entirely. What options are available to stop these bastards?
  19. Found out some interesting things this morning, like how to produce the sprint bug again. I'm also running some tests while running the CK at 49 grids (ugrids 7) so I can capture more of an edited area, like the whole of Concord without missing any cells that may need an update. I noticed that at 25 grids, I missed out on a single cell between Concord and Red Rocket which produced occlusion bugs only in that cell, so hopefully with 49 grids I can get the whole lot in one go.  Edit: That works wonders. In theory I could edit most of downtown and run the generation over the whole lot. I'll have to investigate whether CKs multithread settings work the same as in game, I notice they're off by default. Rendering speed is the biggest problem with that theory.
  20. Big open space for a mod here. The mods I've seen so far have had problems since updates etc. Currently I only use a clean water recipes and wild fruit converting mod.
  21. The number is the FormID. I haven't tried this duplicating method, but I don't see how it will give you an exact replica as it will only give you the base object via add.item.
  22. If someone else has some work already done, I'd be glad to see it. I'll check that mod out.
  23. Just to add the info here, I just had a "pause" during generation - while I wasn't doing anything. I ran 2 generations, was doing something else on PC during that and it was fine, but then I ran a generation, went outside for a ciggy, came back and it looked frozen (cell view didn't reset like it normally does) - I clicked on it and lo and behold it generated 2 more cells and finished. I just wanted to add that info here seems this has become a bit of a knowledge bank. It will indeed freeze on occasion like Trosski said. Best to keep an eye on it.
  24. No problem. I tried better cities mod, frame rate at 15fps in the marketplace. Whole game runs on single core lol. I'm just having vanilla with a UI mod.
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