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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. Pretty much. He'll be finding a Multitool soon. and it's SONIC! (Please note, it does not do all the crazy things the Doctor's Screwdriver does, it does TOOL things. Most advanced thing it does is pick a lock. It cannot hack, scan, heal, etc. It can drive screws. It can cut things. it can smooth rough edges. Just like a multitool that you could find in EVERY hardware store, but SONIC for coolness sake. Mike thought it would be fine. Also it can weld together things, well more like BOnd them together. Either way. Tool only. Thank you!
  2. well, now it's you again. Had a new guy join, so you know.
  3. Sandro now wears a chestplate underneath these two outfits combined into one outfit http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l83m3iAaLg1qdyx3ao1_500.jpg and http://www.cosplayisland.co.uk/files/costumes/5713/50082/5621386023_c0fc1ecd42_b.jpg Although, I changed the bowtie to Red, where in this picture it's blue.
  4. I thought of you the other day when I was playing skyrim. I had to deal with Cicero.
  5. Sandro wondered why Versing's face was red when he ran out of the tower. He dismissed it, leaving Versing to keep Axelle safe, and walked into the Tower. He wondered what Versing had meant about his armor, and walked into the clothing store of the tower. He caught his reflection in the mirror, and saw his old armor was really messed up, whole chunks were missing, and a gash was in it near his stomach, but his flesh was untouched. He removed his old armor, and found a new chestplate, putting it on above a padded undershirt. The legion had clearly missed this one piece of armor, as there was only clothes left. Sandro grumbled, and found a Dark Blue Button up shirt, and put that on. He put on a new pair of trousers, and found that the belt he had wasn't holding them up properly, so he grabbed a set of suspenders and used those as well. Feeling like adding something silly, he grabbed a dark red bow tie, and put that on as well. He found a nice long tan coat, and put that on. He put his guns into a new Bondolier that he found, and attached his assault rifle's holder onto it, putting that on over top of his coat. Holstering his Sawed Off Shotgun at his hip, he stuck his Machete Gladius into his belt, and found a hat, a Stetson, and added that to the ensemble. He walked out of the building in his new outfit, feeling quite pleased at the haul. Tomoyo had been half asleep in the bath when she heard someone walk into the room. She slowly realized it wasn't Cathy, as it had been in her daydream, but it was a man! She grabbed her Plasma rifle and still aimed a shot at the door when the man, who turned out to be Versing caught unawares and ran out of the room. Honestly, hadn't he ever heard of knocking? She set her gun down, and returned to Relaxing. (Got permission, its in the discussion) Cathy went into the Tower, and looked around for some new armor. She hoped she could find something useful. She too walked into the room with Tomoyo in the bath, merely winking cheekily before walking out to find clothes in another room.
  6. Sandro nodded, and got to work on Axelle. He would have tears in his eyes if his ghoul state ruined his tear ducts years ago. He started plucking bullets out of the wounds, and injected some super stimpaks, while he stitched the worst of the wounds closed. After awhile, he had done as much as he could, and poured some whisky over the wounds, which would most likely hurt like hell, but it needed to be done. He injected some more stimpaks to speed the healing, and sat back. "That's all I can do. I'm no medical expert. I'm a Colonel, not a Doctor!" Sandro smiled grimly.
  7. Hooray for Tokyo! She's Back! (Genuine, not sarcasm) :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
  8. Sandro walked out of the tower onto the battlefield, and saw Versing bending over Axelle. She was laying on the ground, and looked really badly hurt. Cursing in Spanish, he ran over to her side, skidding to a halt on his knees at her side. "Son of a.. Kid! This doesn't look good... I'm sorry I failed you, kid. It was my job by contract to keep you safe, and here you are. I come out of the battle fine, and you get hurt."
  9. I'm not happy that you jumped the gun. Also, although I am less fussy about the OP thing, too many plasmids mate. Remember, you're a big daddy. Ergo, you are strong and powerful already. Lose the plasmids. Thanks.
  10. Sandro sighed and wandered off through the tower, grumbling about hot-heads. He found a few slaves still alive, and freed them. Of the Legion, there was no further trace. He found several bedrooms that were clean, and found an old high-backed chair. He sat down in it, and refilled his pipe. His foot hit something, and he reached under the chair and pulled out a jar of pipe tobacco. He opened it and discovered it was still sealed! Wonderful! Tomoyo wandered through the tower, and found a bedroom with a beautiful porcelain bath. Leaving her plasma rifle nearby with the safety off (with the microfusion cell clicked into place) she filled the bath with hot water, and some scented oils and soaps that she kept in her pack. She had salvaged them from an old ruined store a year or two ago, and used them any time she could. When the bath was filled enough with bubbles and oils she stopped the water, stripped and lowered herself into the tub, and allowed herself to simply relax.
  11. Just wanted to mention the confrontation between Sandro, Tomoyo and Versing was planned between Flipout and myself. So if anyone reacts to it, please don't act like Sandro is an arsehole from hell, please. Thank you!
  12. Tomoyo listened to Versing as he yelled at Sandro, and then stormed off, muttering apologies to her when he passed. Nobody was more surprised than her when she lashed out and grabbed Versing and slapped him as hard as she could across the face. Breathing heavily, she looked furiously into his eyes, relying on her anger to allow the words she felt Versing needed to hear to continue. "I think Sandro's right. You need to get your head on straight. Just because he's a legionaire doesn't mean he deserves to be gutted. Also, don't you DARE use me as a reason to do ANYTHING! I am not some Damsel in Distress to be defended, nor am I to be used as an excuse to murder someone! Armor can be replaced. I can defend myself, as well as others. One legionaire isn't going to take us all out, and I notice you don't go trying to gut Ferox, even though he's a legionaire! Now, get out of my sight, I've said my piece." She let him go, and stepped away, closer to Sandro. Sandro walked closer, and said a few final words as well. "I am not trying to Dominate, boy. Merely an old Colonel trying to keep a young hot-head from gettin in too deep. Maybe you oughta remember that. Now do what the lady says."
  13. Sandro merely shrugged off the blow to his gut, and when Versing started shouting at him, he merely looked passive until Versing stopped. "I did what I had to do. Will you declare yourself Judge, Jury and Executioner? The man made a smart remark. Big Deal. That does Not give you the right to declare him worthy of death. I will not hesitate to stop you, or even put you down if you turn into a threat. Do I make myself clear? I mean, look over there. See what you've done?" He pointed to where Tomoyo had followed, wondering what Versing was going to do, and was looking absolutely terrified. Sandro looked back at Versing, and glared. "Now, I expect this behavior to stop. Just because you're Shell Shocked, doesn't give you the right to scare people out of their wits. Remember, I was in the Great War. Reached the rank of Colonel before.. well, this." He gestured at his ghoul skin. "Now, you apologize, and then you get yourself cleaned up. Knock off this idiocy. As I said, ONE chance." Sandro pointed. "Now get out of my sight. DISMISSED."
  14. Sandro followed Versing, knowing he would probably do something he would regret. Sure enough, one of the Legionaires decided to make a smart remark, and Versing moved to kill him. Before the blade could descend, Sandro grabbed Versing's wrist, and joint-locked him, pushing Versing against a wall. "Drop it!" Sandro growled, applying pressure. "I said DROP IT! That's an Order!" Sandro looked at the Legionaire, and jerked his head. "I believe in offering everyone ONE chance for Redemption. Pray our paths do not cross again, or if they do that you are not a legionaire anymore."
  15. Sandro watched Versing's behavior, and something went Ping in his brain. He recognized this type of behavior, and saw it on some soldiers in the Great War who had started getting.. what was the word.. Shell Shock! That's it! He knew he would have to act, or this could get worse and the man could lose his mind. Sandro stood, and walked stiffly over to Versing, and bellowed, "ATTENNNSHUN! That's Enough, Soldier! You are going to eat, get something to drink, and stop dwelling on old battles! That's an ORDER!" Sandro's posture, tone, and expression showed his old rank of Colonel from the war. His eyes had hardened, at the same time as being compassionate, and his pipe was gripped in his teeth in the same way his old drill sergeant used to with cigars. "Versing! I gave you an order! I expect it followed!" He hoped that his tone and his bearing would strike a chord, and the man would listen, instead of turning on him. Tomoyo looked slightly shocked at the behavior from Sandro, but she guessed it was a soldier thing. People who fought in wars would carry scars, mental or physical. She simply observed, staying well back, since she was more than a little scared of Versing at the moment. She hoped Sandro could calm him down.
  16. Siobhan noticed the hunger that Dylan was experiencing, and went to prepare some more food. She came back a little while later with 3 bowls of tinned stew. "Sorry it's tinned food, I need to repair the food synthesizer."
  17. Sandro grumbled, and said. "Enough of the damned hugging and kissing and whatnot already. That can wait until later, can't it? I mean, Be grateful we all survived. Your past is your past, and should stay in the past. Meh, don't pay too much attention to me, just an old man rambling and being cranky." He blew out another cloud of smoke, and returned to his book. Tomoyo held onto Cathy, and would let go only when Cathy told her to stop. No cranky ghoul would tell her when she could hug Cathy and when she couldn't.
  18. Not true, although I can see your point on some of it. For example, I have an Orc that's an assassin. He walks up in heavy armor with a warhammer and simply smashes the contract. He never dies. I pay my fines when needed, etc. As for Mephala's ebony Blade, I just liked the sword. I can change to a different weapon if needed, but it was the best blade I could think of that was closest to my original plans for her. So, as for the half breed, yeah, that's why I did that, since I couldn't find clear evidence that the COULDN'T exist, and made my own judgement based off Agronac gro Malog, although, to be fair, he was the son of an Orc and a Vampire, so yeah. As for the murder trial, this is Elder Scrolls, so I figured, since I have not ONCE seen a child in a prison, that they would not sentence a child. the timing has her approximately the age you specified anyway at the time she killed the guy in the Orphanage, (changed due to times, obv Grelod's dead) Although, I had said she doesn't Care about stealth, not that she won't use it to get to her targets, and then kill them as she desires. One last question. Was I approved? you weren't terribly specific. Before skyrim there was never children. I don't know why they aren't in jail, but I would assume that the elder scrolls law would work like the time period it seems to have become stuck in (medieval / roman) where you would be arrested for murder regardless of age, and if not, I still don't think anyone would just get away with murder because they were young. Yeah, you can walk up to a contract and smash them, but it really does defy the whole point of assassin. Plus, I have a feeling that the guards wouldn't be so forgiving of murder if it wasn't because it would kill most peoples games if they upheld the law properly. ;D I'd rather there was some other reason she got away with the murder than she was young, but other than that, the rest is justifyable so: Accepted Edit: By 'I'd rather' I meant 'Change it' Sorry, I'm not very clear sometimes There. I changed it.
  19. Tomoyo rushed over and grabbed onto Cathy, helping the woman over to the shelter of the building. She jabbed a stimpak into Cathy's neck, as well as a Med-X to dull the pain while the Stimpak healed. "Are you alright? You look a little banged up. Don't worry, Nurse Tomoyo is here for you." Tomoyo winked and kissed Cathy's neck where she had injected the Stimpak. Sandro merely blew a cloud of pipe smoke at the pair, grabbed an old pre-war book out of his pack, and started reading.
  20. Neh'Taniel was growing bored and increasingly irritated. This Castle Mage was clearly not going to make an appearance, so he decided to leave this town. (btw, where the hell is he) It had been a hot day, so Saerileth decided to go for a swim. She found a lake that seemed clear of slaughterfish, quickly stripped, and jumped into the lake. While she was swimming and enjoying herself, a bandit decided to sneak up, and hide her clothes. Saerileth swam back to the shore, and unabashedly got out of the water, discovered her clothes missing, but found her sword which had been moved. She crouched down and picked up the blade, and started looking around. Shortly afterwards, she heard a rustling in the bushes, and dragged the bandit out. She smiled at him, kissed him on the forehead, and then beheaded him. She found her clothes and her pack near where the man had been hiding, dressed, and searched his body for any coins, discovering a small coin purse. She continued on down the road, and gave the coin purse to a little orphan girl selling flowers. She noticed something odd about a nearby log, and sighed, retrieving her dead drop orders. She was ordered to kill a breton, and to be stealthy. Saerileth scowled, she hated stealth missions. She sighed, adding it to her "To Do" list in her journal, and continued onwards, enjoying the day.
  21. Somethin to read in the discussion. Not dead sure if I was approved or not.
  22. Not true, although I can see your point on some of it. For example, I have an Orc that's an assassin. He walks up in heavy armor with a warhammer and simply smashes the contract. He never dies. I pay my fines when needed, etc. As for Mephala's ebony Blade, I just liked the sword. I can change to a different weapon if needed, but it was the best blade I could think of that was closest to my original plans for her. So, as for the half breed, yeah, that's why I did that, since I couldn't find clear evidence that the COULDN'T exist, and made my own judgement based off Agronac gro Malog, although, to be fair, he was the son of an Orc and a Vampire, so yeah. As for the murder trial, this is Elder Scrolls, so I figured, since I have not ONCE seen a child in a prison, that they would not sentence a child. the timing has her approximately the age you specified anyway at the time she killed the guy in the Orphanage, (changed due to times, obv Grelod's dead) Although, I had said she doesn't Care about stealth, not that she won't use it to get to her targets, and then kill them as she desires. One last question. Was I approved? you weren't terribly specific.
  23. You're needed to approve a sheet.
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