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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. I personally think he is fine... relief not having the usual evil lich. @Macman: Indeed, a history is kind of essential, even if it is a tiny one. Also, just a small not, you can't be born a werewolf, it's a disease that can only be obtained by catching the werewolf strain of lycanthropy, or drinking the blood of a werewolf, as seen by the circle is skyrim. Glad to hear it, Mythic. I am trying to keep it from getting OP, but thing is, a Lich is powerful, he's a being kept going by Magic, but I am having difficulty finding much on a Lich. You won't find anything more, apart from sketchy details on the ritual, lichs have never been talked about in detail. EDIT: Actually, the only other thing explained in detail is how to kill/weaken a lich. Destroying the object with their soul in apparently leaves them open to being killed and weakens them. So.. there's no Problems? Also, does the object have to be with the lich? Or can it be in the now blocked-off area of the old ruins he was in? Cause that can be dug out, so it's not impossible to kill or severely weaken him.
  2. I personally think he is fine... relief not having the usual evil lich. @Macman: Indeed, a history is kind of essential, even if it is a tiny one. Also, just a small not, you can't be born a werewolf, it's a disease that can only be obtained by catching the werewolf strain of lycanthropy, or drinking the blood of a werewolf, as seen by the circle is skyrim. Glad to hear it, Mythic. I am trying to keep it from getting OP, but thing is, a Lich is powerful, he's a being kept going by Magic, but I am having difficulty finding much on a Lich.
  3. The lich noted the use of the corpse as a shield, and decided to surprise the Werewolf, and cast Resurrect Corpse on the body, causing it to raise as a zombie and begin hitting the werewolf with the mace it wielded. He also cast Flame Cloak, hoping to give the Werewolf another reason to stay back, shooting more fireballs out of his staff, inserting a soul gem to refill it's energies when the staff would no longer fire, and firing again.
  4. Siobhan pointed at the couch. "I said take it easy, didn't I? Sit back down, mister! That's an order! As for you, get inside. I got questions for you, starting with How you got here. If you came from Olympic Heights, you would've passed through a flooded corridor. I made a makeshift bridge, but was going to demolish that, keep the Splicers out. I assume you crossed there?" She stood aside, and pointed to one of the armchair further from her bedroom. Charles' room was behind the couch, as was the kitchen. "Sit in that chair, I take the other one, it's my favorite, and closest to my bedroom. If you need a bed, the bedroom over there is free. My my, it's a good thing I picked out a 3 bedroom, isn't it?" *OOC, Sorry if you object, I can edit if needed* She pulled the new comer into the room, and locked the door so no splicers could enter. *Again, can edit if needed* She sat back in her chair, and watched the newcomer, pushing Charles towards the couch as she passed him.
  5. Neh'Taniel was not surprised when the beast decided to turn against him. He started soaring around in a circle, and decided to switch to Lightning spells, readying and casting a few Lightning Bolt spells before needing to pause his casting to allow his energies to replenish. He wondered why none of these warriors carried Silver Blades, or anything enchanted. Normal weapons wouldn't do much more than slow a Werewolf. "Why do your warriors not carry silver, enchanted or Daedric weaponry? They are the only things useful against either Werewolves or the Undead. I would have thought it was common knowledge this day and age." Neh'Taniel boomed, his energy replenished enough to cast again, switching to his staff, he began attacking with Fireball, grateful he trained enough in attack magic that it should Stagger the beast, if only briefly.
  6. You wanted my Minecraft name for your brother. It is Kingkahn222
  7. Neh'Taniel cast Rally at Rilgomm, which would give the man and his company the strength and courage to continue fighting against the werewolf. He also offered a hand up to the recently healed warrior, and cast a fireball at the Werewolf from the end of his staff.
  8. Hey, just letting you know that Nethgros and I are waiting on you in Beyond The Sea.
  9. Same dragon, thats why :biggrin: That'll do 'er! Oh, and to Flipout and Company, I don't want anyone killing Neh'Taniel. Also, Liches don't Usually talk. Some can, like that one from Whatever that manor is in Anvil, but most don't, they just kill you.
  10. Siobhan heard the knock at the door, and leapt out of her seat, motioning for Charles to stay seated. She grabbed her shotgun, and pushed the combination into the lock, causing the door to slide open. She saw a man outside, who smelled like drink. He didn't look like a splicer, but she still had to know where he had come from. "All right, I can see ye aren't one of those splicers, but I need to know, where did you come from?"
  11. Neh'Taniel cast a Healing Hands spell at the lead Nord warrior, and hissed between his teeth when he saw one of the men with him fall. He swooped to the side of Rilgomm, and prepared to assist in combat, firing another Icy Spear at the werewolf, aiming for his shoulder.
  12. Hmmm... looks remarkably similar to what you did for Legends of Tamriel.
  13. My post is edited, still waitin on you. I really should stop doing this in comments..
  14. I told you that I didn't care about you doing that, but if you insist, I will once again edit my post. (Premium members don't need to show the "edited" bar) I suggest you keep an eye on the RP, as it is your post
  15. Your go! Also, Normally I would protest the minor control you took over my character. Today, I'm feeling particularly good, so I don't care.
  16. Siobhan smirked from where she sat in her favorite armchair across from the couch. She had finished the dishes and sat down, waiting for Charles to wake up. Not getting up, she continued smirking as she watched Charles recovering from his first Plasmid injection. She pointed at the glass of water on the table, and raised an eyebrow. "Take it easy, drink some water. I told ye it would kick like a mule, didn't I? Didn't believe me? Ha, I remember my first Plasmid injection, although I didn't have nearly as comfortable of a wake up as you did. Now, you should be able to use that Plasmid immediately, that's how they worked for me, anyway. However, it will take some practice to get used to the feeling, so take it slow. Also, sorry if I got a bit.. over the top last night. I don't remember much, but when I have more than two bottles of whiskey... let's say I get a bit frisky." She snickered at the unintentional rhyme.
  17. Sandro nodded. "Got some Ultra Jet and a few other chems. They're in my pack, help yourself."
  18. Neh'Taniel followed the Nord and his company out of the ruins, after firing a fireball at a crumbling pillar, causing it to collapse and crumble over the locked gate leading to where he stored his Necromancy books. He emerged into the outside air, and perceived the group running towards a farm under attack by a werewolf. He soared over the grassy hills after the fighters, and shot an Icy Spear at the Werewolf, his voice booming, "Leave This Settlement, Man-Wolf! I Will Not Allow It's Destruction!"
  19. Siobhan nodded. "Yeah. Word of advice, do it quick and get it over with. But, do it sitting on the couch. That way, when you pass out, you will at least wake up comfortable."
  20. Approved. As I said to Nethros, Don't go stupid with the Incinerate, like burn down a bar or anything like that.
  21. Siobhan winced at the memory. "First time kicks like a mule. Afterwards, it becomes easier. This is why you should probably use that here. That way, you're safe. However, I notice Splicers don't harm anyone who just had their first, they sorta laugh and move on, after checking for Adam." She gently brushed her hand against his shoulder. "You'll be fine. Now, eat up, and we'll see about you using that Plasmid."
  22. Siobhan dished him out some tinned stew, and tossed indicated the Plasmid she had found. "You said you didn't have any Plasmids, and I found that near a dead splicer. You interested? Seems to be a Sonic Boom one, from what I understand it pushes enemies away using a sound wave."
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