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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. I just want to go on record as to say I don't like the idea of the Slenderman, a creature that cannot be killed, being in this Role Play. However, should naktis say yes, I will abide by that decision.
  2. SON OF A!!! Sorry, got gateway errors. PLEASE DISREGARD
  3. SON OF A!!! Sorry, got gateway errors. PLEASE DISREGARD
  4. Jenassa pulled into the parking lot of a cafe. It didn't matter which one this place was, so long as they made decent fries, and she could get out of the rain for awhile. Loud, 90's punk rock music blared out of the speakers of the old Corvette until she switched off the motor. She got out of the car, and slammed shut the door, grabbing her bag and walking towards the door of the cafe. She saw a face staring out of a window, and she got chills, it was the same face that she saw in the photo her uncle had included with his letter. She pushed open the door of the cafe with a loud jangle, and stalked towards the table where the girl sat, taking the seat across from her without so much as a by-your-leave. She stared rather pointedly, and heatedly at July, and said, her voice tense and annoyed, "Took me long enough to find you. I had actually stopped, and just came across you by accident. You knew my uncle Henry, but he said you'd know him as Whistler. He told me to seek you out in this letter." Her voice choked up slightly as she started to say the next sentence, but she took a deep breath and forced herself to say it. "My uncle Henry, or Whistler as you know him.. he died. He left me his farmhouse, his car, and his weapons. He told me to "do the job" and said you'd be able to tell me exactly what he meant. So, spill. What's going on here?"
  5. HERE They ARE! Name: Jenassa "Jennie" Daily Age: 25 Race: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Short, Black hair (about mid-neck) tanned skin, gold eyes, and blood red bangs, She often wears make-up, dark colored lipstick and eye shadow, and has several facial and ear piercings, specifically one in each eyebrow, a small sapphire stud in the side of her nose, and a lip piercing. She is about 5'9", slender, well muscled and toned, with a smallish figure, and smaller breasts. She has an athletic build, is a fast runner, and a strong swimmer. Armor/Clothing: Black tank top, baggy black pants with chains Belt with chains hanging off it, combat boots, several necklaces with protective charms and amulets, including a Bone Pentagram, hand carved made by her uncle, Henry, who often went by "Whistler". She has a tattoo of a dragon encircling her left arm, tail at her wrist, and it's head at her shoulder, as well as one of a phoenix on the back of her neck. Weapon(s): Most of her uncle's old weaponry, which she found in a secret compartment in the trunk of his old 1966 Chevrolet Corvette, Which she inherited from him when he died. This includes a shotgun with normal shells, slug shells, and rock salt shells. It also contains a knife that can kill demons, which she fashioned out of the broken blade of a sword her uncle had owned, A silver dagger, several stakes, both wood and silver, and a bronze Dagger. Personality: Jennie has her father's temper, being quick to anger. Otherwise, she is more similar to her mother, kind but firm, and not one to back down easily. She has dated both men and women, and is equally comfortable with either gender. Just don't ask her to make you a sandwich. The last man who asked her for a sandwich got thrown out of the house bare arse naked. History/Background: Jennie has not had an easy life. Her father often lashed out at her when he got drunk or angry, and she was hit a lot. Her aunt, Alice, died many years ago saving her brother Henry from Azazel, the Yellow Eyed Demon. Jennie regretted not being able to spend time with her before she had been killed. Her father occasionally ranted about his brother Henry, saying that it was his fault his sister was dead, etc. One day, Jenassa came home from college to find her mother in the kitchen with a lawyer. Apparently her uncle Henry had passed away, and she had been left a house, all the items in the house, and an old sports car. She took a semester off from college, due to the death in her family, and drove out to the house she had inherited. She discovered a letter written by her uncle, saying that he wanted her to pick up where he had left off, and to take care of the farmhouse for him. He also told her to look up a woman named "July", saying she was a friend of his. She drove home to her discover her father dead, and her mother in hysterics. TO protect her family, she left that very night, packing up what possessions she felt she would need, and driving to meet this "July" woman. Jenassa hoped the woman would have an explanation for her as to why she was being dragged into all this. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Amber Age: 1,000 years old Race: Demon Appearance: Although normally shapeless, Amber has taken over the body of a 30 year old headmistress, who has long, honey blonde hair, kept up in a tight bun, glasses, fair skin, and green eyes. She is curvy, and has well toned legs. When her demonic nature is shown, she shows golden yellow eyes. Armor/Clothing: A strict looking simple grey suit with skirt and flat soled shoes and steel framed glasses. She also has a gray overcoat. This principal was terribly boring. Weapon(s): Her own powers, or whatever object or gun comes to hand. The principal had a 9 mm handgun in her purse, so Amber uses that when needed as well. Personality: Cool and calculating, Amber keeps a level head, and uses logic over brute force when she can. She is flirty with both genders, but seldom follows through on anything more than casual banter, or a caress, preferring to use her feminine wiles to lead people along. After all, why get her hands dirty, when she can make someone do it for her? History/Background: Amber has lived on Earth for quite some time, evading hunters by not drawing attention to herself. She has significant power, while nowhere near as powerful as Lilith or Alastair, has power to at least surpass most demons, enough to influence the look of her "true" eyes, choosing to have them glow a light blue in the same manner as Azazel, who had yellow eyes. She is probably the only demon who works as a hunter, although not the first to work with hunters to take down supernatural beings. She possesses quite a bit of knowledge having possessed several librarians in the past, and using them to read up on as many supernatural beings as she could. Unfortunately, being as there are so many of them out there, she doesn't know nearly as much as she would like. She is currently cruising around looking for fun, on the principal's black Harley-Davidson Motorcycle.
  6. Duly noted, I'm glad this is back. My character sheets will be up as soon as I can get them off of my other pc. My wifi's down, so I have to use my downstairs pc if I want to use the interwebz :C ANYHOO, My sheets for Jenassa and Amber (changing my demon name) will be up shortly. I'll make sure to have whistler's ghost possess some poor shmuck and charge a demon head on yelling "LEEROY JENKINS" at some point too :laugh:
  7. I'm dropping out. I can't think of any ideas to post anymore, and having a lich and an assassin against a vampire lord, a dragon with an army, and a werewolf with an army just leaves me believing that there's a power struggle here that has IMO drained the fun from this RP. You lot enjoy yourselves, peace out. My mind continues to boggle at the fact that I am once again agreeing wholeheartedly with AAN.:D :O
  8. I'm excited, and angry at the same time. I'm angry due to issues I will not get in to. I'm excited because I've heard that the "It's a Supernatural Life" Role Play is going to be revived. Ok, Anger gone, too much happiness and excitement!
    1. Naktis


      Well glad you're so excited for it. :P
    2. BaldurAnthology


      But of COURSE I'm excited! A return to my second RP? What's not to love?
  9. I really want to say something right now about that, as I was the one offended, but that would just get me in trouble. So, I will leave it at stating I found the joke offensive since I've been yelled at for less than that. However, if that is how this will be run, fine. I will defer to your judgement.
  10. Sandro gasped for air a few times, trying to calm himself down. He puffed on his pipe and realized it had gone out. He struck a match off of Versing's helmet and relit his pipe. Tomoyo came out blushing in a simple white gown and slip on shoes, looking absolutely stunning, still blushing, ashamed and embarrassed. She looked at the two men, as though daring them to make a single sarcastic remark, and then stared, her dark eyes fathomless, her expression unreadable. "Here's all you need to know. My name is Tomoyo Daidōji. I'm 19 years old. I wield a Katana named Courage, a Wakazashi named Wisdom, and a Plasma Rifle named Power. I'm a lesbian, therefore, not someone you should hit on. Also, the incident that just happened, didn't. At least, so long as you don't want to find rude words and other things written on your face in permanent marker. Got it?" She stormed off back to her room, and locked herself in. Sandro sighed as he watched this behavior. "There's something else going on here. I'll talk to her tomorrow, but chances are you waking her up with all your screaming made her cranky. Keep your noise level low for now, perhaps she'll be more pleasant in the morning. I'm old, and I'm off to bed." Sandro grabbed the Fez back off Versing's head, and shoved it onto Jackson's head. "Everyone needs a hat. You wear a Fez now, Fezzes are cool. As are bow Ties." He adjusted his bow-tie, and went off to find a room to sleep in.
  11. Sandro heard a yelling noise and sprinted out of De Vere's room to see what the commotion was. He arrived to see the boy's spectacular trip, and saw the kid smash into the elevator doors, and then trip and fall. He grinned slightly and limped forward, clapping the kid on the shoulder laughing. "Ha, I haven't seen a runner like you since John "Bullet" Smith, former Lieutenant of my squad back in the Great War! A shame what happened to John, but that's not the point here! Jackson, eh? Well, Jackson, why don't you pack your home up and come here? Tons of rooms here since the occupants of the tower are all gone." Tomoyo sleepily came out of her room, carrying her plasma rifle and said, yawning and rubbing her eyes, "What's all this racket now? Some of us are trying to sl-EEP!" The last word turned into a minor shriek as she noticed two things. The first was the newcomer, ANOTHER man, but this one seemed to be a teenager, so she was less scared of that. The second was the realization that she was wearing nothing but her black lace-frilled lingerie. She ran back to her room as quick as she could, blushing from her head down to her toes. Sandro observed all this and leaned heavily on Jackson, laughing his ass off.
  12. Sandro walked around the tower, leaving Axelle in the care of Versing and the rest, he headed upstairs. He saw an open door, and wandered inside. He found himself in a dusty room, with a door open onto a balcony, upon which their mysterious Miss De Vere was leaning over a railing. He limped over to her, and blew out a cloud of smoke as a way of greeting, sharing the railing. He knocked out his pipe, refilled it, and struck a match off the rusty metal, lighting his pipe again. "So smoothskin," He began, "What brings you to this corner of this old tower, hmm? It seems that you know more about this tower than you let on. How else would you know where the security room was, or the clinic. Something's off here. Now, I think you used to work or live here, which is also why you were drawn to this one room. 'spose the tower's yours now anyway, now that Tenpenny's dead." Sandro puffed his pipe in thought. Tomoyo started to feel sleepy, and decided to voice that. "It's been a long day, and I'm beat. There's more than enough rooms in this tower for everyone, and with all the occupants.. um... gone, I think I'll use one of the rooms here and get some sleep. See all of you later." She returned to the room she took a bath in, locked the door, and got herself ready for bed. Leaving her gun with the safety off just in case on a table near the bed, she got into the bed and fell asleep shortly after laying down.
  13. Tomoyo maintained her vigil over Axelle, silent and still. Sandro limped down this passage, and found a small room. He discovered a bunch of Cuban Cigars, as well as some more pipe tobacco, a Fez hat, some Pez Candy, and a lighter. He began to wonder what the heck this room was doing here, and why there was Pez and a Fez in it. He came out, and handed the Cuban cigars to Morgan, still in their tubes, and went to the room where Axelle was. He gave Axelle most of the candy, keeping some for himself, and plonked the Fez hat on top of Versing's Helmet, making him look rather silly.
  14. I will not argue with you. I think things are getting a little over the top. I will not raise any more fuss over this. I do not wish to get into any trouble with Dante, so therefor, I will leave the issue raising to any other members. However, I will say this, I don't like OP Role Plays. If things can't mellow out, I will leave it. I won't let myself get worked up, and am currently reasonably calm. I hope that I am not being confrontational, but I just want this message heard. Thanks for your patience, I'm off for dinner.
  15. Your math is correct, mate. I agree to not quit. I don't like leaving RPs. I already have little enough to do with my free time as it is without losing the few things that keep my mind occupied. I figured that we can all work through this, nice and calm and pleasant. That way, nobody gets angry, everyone gets a fair compromise, and everyone stays happy. Now, I recommend losing some of them Draugr to start with. You can feel free to ignore me, but the way I see it, you've got more Draugr than even the Dragon Born could handle. The werewolf, again, can simply receive damage from ordinary weapons too. I've had werewolf characters that die from ordinary steel. Silver simply does more damage. Think on this. Hopefully, I'm not coming across as confrontational or acusational, 'cause that's not my intention. Please don't see it as such. I am just trying to offer suggestions.
  16. Sandro wandered into the security room, leaving Axelle in the care of the newcomer, as well as guarded by Tomoyo and Sarina, as well as Leeroy who had been dozing in a corner. He saw that the place had turned into a smoking lounge, and used his Sonic Multitool to light his pipe with a quiet hum. Blowing a cloud of smoke out over the pair, he leaned in close to the monitors. "Hmm, pretty fancy equipment for a residential tower. Wonder why it's this nice." He accidentally bumped against a small panel on the wall, and a hidden door slid open. "Security room with a hidden door! That's new! I'll go check it out. You guys.. Stay put. See what you can get out of those computers." Sandro wandered off into the secret tunnel.
  17. Heh, still in a nice way, I think that's the first time AAN and I have agreed on anything :D
  18. Hey. Look, I don't want to cause a conflict, but I don't know how much longer I'm going to remain. To put it bluntly, but in the nicest way possible, things are getting way over the top. Please don't think I don't like RPing with you guys, because you are all fantastic writers, but between a Legendary dragon with an army of over 31,000 draugr and 9 Dragon Priests as well as other overlords, and a werewolf that's practically immune to all damage, things are just getting just a wee bit out of hand. I say this in the nicest way possible, with my anger management therapist in the room with me helping me get my message across without being too harsh. Please, can something be done to tone things down? Thank you!
  19. Sandro gestured towards the inside of the tower. "Go into the medical clinic and see. I stitched her up as best I could and gave her a blood pack I salvaged. O-positive. Even the Army's medical training taught me that blood type is universal for transfusions. The kid is still way out of it, delirious. We're all worried about her. You lot, watch our newcomers. I'll boil up some bandages and look for some food." Sandro limped off to the medical clinic, took all the bandages he could, and left to the restaurant. There he discovered that Tenpenny tower seemed to have a water filtration system, there were no rads in the water. Normally he could tell, rads affected ghouls differently, they made him feel more.. healthy. At high radiation levels, his wounds regenerated within a few minutes. He boiled up the bandages, to sterilize them, and brought the sterilized bandages to the medical clinic, as well as a bag containing all the food from the refrigerator. "There, help yourselves, that's all the food in the place. As for the bandages, they're all sterilized. Brought a pot of boiled water as well for implements and other things."
  20. Sandro shook the extended hand, and while in close, muttered, "This is your one warning, smoothskin. You do anything to harm any member of this group, especially the kid, I'll kill you. Get me?" Pulling away, he gave a sardonic grin, and continued as if he hadn't just threatened the man. "As I said, King, the name's Sandro. Full is Colonel Nicodemus Sandro Jesus Martinez. However, as stated, call me Sandro. I am 244 years old. I lived in Mexico before the war. I survived the war, but didn't escape ghoulification. Now, I normally wouldn't ask a stranger, but do you know much about medicine? We got an injured and out of it 15 year old. I treated her best I could, but I don't know enough about medicine to be certain. She's inside."
  21. *sighs* This chapter is proving difficult. I don't want to include action because otherwise it becomes just an action story. I want there to be depth to this beast. I got an idea from Flipout, he says he may do a story from the perspective of an RP character he has. I may do the same... ideas ideas.. what to base it off of? Caladus from Faerun? (I miss Faerun) Byron, from everywhere I can stick him? Ideas are appreciated!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnotherAverageName


      Good luck. You'll need it. :P Jks.
    3. BaldurAnthology


      I know. Goodness, what's with us getting along lately? It's blowing my miiiind! (Kidding, Kayla, AKA tokyobleach keeps insisting you're a good guy but like me can be a bit.. stubborn or hot headed.)
    4. BaldurAnthology


      Tokyo suggested Classic Byron. AS in, Byron from Faerun, Byron. Awesome Choice, Tokyo!
  22. I didn't say she was. Tomoyo, however is of Japanese background, and thus believes in maintaining Face whenever possible. This is why she said that to Sarina. NOT because I thought she was Asian. :D
  23. Tomoyo shied away from the outstretched hand, looking slightly scared and embarrassed. "Um... I... don't really... like being near men if at all possible." She fled inside the tower, winding up near Axelle. Sandro took the opportunity to go outside and meet the newcomer. "Don't pay her too much mind, smoothskin. Men scare her until she knows them. Bit of... trouble with them in her past. The name's Sandro. You gonna introduce yourself, smoothskin? Or are we gonna call you 'You'?"
  24. I'm not angry, I just want to ask that people remember to wait a bit before posting? It is possible that someone, who is a slow typist, is posting, or is writing a long post. Also, it could very well be that it is I who did not see that someone else was posting, and therefore I will also adhere to this. However, I just wanted to say that bit. I am not tring to start a conflict.. just trying to prevent it. Hopefully nobody gets angry at this statement :ohdear:
  25. Tomoyo felt it was a fair question, and answered, although quite a few signs of nervousness were apparent. "Sir, there was a battle between our group, alongside about 20 or 30 robots, and a group of slavers known as 'Caesar's Legion.' They came from the Mojave desert. They took over the tower, and killed all the occupants, or enslaved them and sent them away. We were here to rescue our friend who had been captured." She kept well away from the man, and the end of her gun quivered somewhat.
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