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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AnotherAverageName


      I have seen Gangnam Style before...but never played whatever that game was.
    3. AnotherAverageName


      I have seen Gangnam Style before...but never played whatever that game was.
    4. BaldurAnthology


      You never played Pokemon? You had no childhood :D
  1. Name: Saerileth Sillarus Gender: Female Race: Half Imperial, Half Bosmer Age: 19 Occupation: Assassin Alignment: (Yes, it's not used here, but I like it) Evil Deity: Sithis (again, not part of original sheet, but I like using it) Appearance: Saerileth has fair, pale skin, due to rarely going out during the day, and black hair that reaches to her knees which she usually ties in a pony tail and holds back with an ebony symbol of Sithis (a crown-like symbol made of the black metal Ebony, with onyx gems on it. There is an ivory skull in the center of it, representing the Dread Lord). She never wears a helmet, and her hair is kept out of the way by looping over her shoulders before going down her front. She has blue eyes, and is short, slender and petite of build, with smallish curves. Due to her pale skin, the redness of her lips is drawn into contrast, oftentimes looking as though she wore makeup even though she never does. She resembles an imperial, except her frame is more slender and delicate looking, her cheeks slightly sharper, and her ears are pointed. Armor/Clothing: Saerileth wears a custom made suit of leather armor. It is Black, and cut to hug tightly to her body, and to be revealing but not trashy. Although it conforms to her body quite closely, it does not restrict her movements, allowing her to be able to run, jump, climb and attack when needed.She has a black silk gown for sleeping, and wears crimson and black underclothes, as well as several pieces of jewelry, including a bracelet her mother gave her, the Amulet of Articulation, which allows her to talk her way past almost any guard, silver ear rings (no enchantment, she just liked them) and one gold toe ring. She also has a long black cloak with a crimson lining to stave off the cold, (unenchanted, just warm) as well as a lighter one with a blue lining. Weapon: Although most Assassins choose a bow or a dagger, choosing to rely on stealth, Saerileth cares not for stealth, preferring to use Mephala's Ebony Blade, a black greatsword resembling a Katana with a life drain ability that is made more potent by betraying those she calls friends. She has sharpened this blade, restoring it's edge to be keen and sharp. She obtained it from a noble she had been contracted to kill, who had attempted to kill her with it. She figured it would make a nice bonus. Since she has not bothered to make any, she has yet to betray a friend by stabbing them through with Mephala's Ebony Blade, thus the enchantment is still reasonably weak. Personality: Saerileth is mostly hard of heart, usually uncaring unless it involves something that will benefit her, pretty much doing what she wants, when she wants to. She wants to kill someone? Dead, even if they are begging for mercy. She wants to bed someone? (Not that I will have her do that, I'll be good) She will have him (or her). She wants a pretty object? She'll take it. However, she has a soft spot for orphans, as she is one herself, refusing to harm them, often offering them gold or sweets when she can. She refuses to cut her hair, as a memorial to her mother. She also cares little for modesty, often doing such things as bathing at the same time as someone else with no regard or embarrassment. She enjoys swimming whenever she can, and she is quite a strong swimmer, despite growing up in Skyrim. History: Saerileth was born in Skyrim, to a Wood Elf mother. Her father had been an Imperial soldier, who had been killed in a Bandit raid. Her mother lost the will to live after that, dying shortly afterwards. She spent a few years on her own, during which someone had come by looking to buy supplies and discovered her all alone. She was dragged against her will to the Honorhall Orphanage, and spent a few years in there. The man who had taken over it was not a kind one, and it was widely known that he beat the children. After a while, Saerileth stole a kitchen knife whilst doing chores, and used it to kill the man who ran it in his sleep. In the morning, the other staff discovered what Saerileth had done, and threw her out, refusing to call the guards out of pity, and because the man she'd killed was abusive and mean. With nowhere to go, she found her way to the Ratway, and lived there for a few months, fending off thugs looking to use her. While living in the Ratway, she was contacted by a member of the Dark Brotherhood. She accepted his offer, fed up of living in the Ratway, and made her way to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, where she lived for a year or two. Not long before her 18th birthday, she left Skyrim, due to being fed up of the cold and the lack of interesting contracts. She made her way to Cyrodil, and joined with the Cheydinhall Sanctuary. She rarely spends any time there, preferring to be out in the wilds, killing stray travellers, or whomever her dead-drops tell her to kill. As a Dark Brotherhood member, she isn't very discreet, or even particularly Loyal, often not completing her contracts on a personal whim. She was last seen travelling towards an old ruin which allegedly housed a Lich, as well as tons of treasure. Here it is. I got on adapting my old ideas as quick as I could. Hopefully there will be no issues.
  2. The lore seems to be a little sketchy on the whole talking issue. I think it kind of depends on the setting, Dungeons and Dragons for instance, most liches can talk. In the Elder Scrolls I've tried to find as much lore on liches as possible but it's pretty vague. Manimarco is supposedly the first lich, he looks normal and talks but he's also one of the (if not the) most powerful mages of all time to begin with so he'd likely be an exception. Another interesting tidbit is that Elder Scrolls liches don't have phylacteries with the exception of the one in the Dark Brotherhood quest from Oblivion so that's odd. Not even Manimarco does. But both our characters have phylacteries (granted I haven't alluded to mine yet but it exists) so I think it's kind of just roll with it haha. Both of our characters are set up as pretty powerful, even by lich standards so I don't think we have many conflicts we couldn't explain. There's also of course the thought of different routes to transcendence. Since we're the two liches involved right now, we, with Brutii's permission, good lay out the ground rules for Liches. I could definitely assist with this, if requested. On a side note, someone tell me what is going on, please? I don't want to come across as rude (I am doing my best to be good :) ) but I have no idea what is going on particularely right now. I don't know what Neh'Taniel should be doing right now. Side Note. I may adapt an idea that I had for another character I used to have (before issues we will not discuss) for this RP. I think I can make her work.. and then Neh'Taniel has a companion who won't be afraid of him, and i get to use my plans! (Cryptic, I know, but I will see about creating the sheet... (no spoilers ;)
  3. Siobhan looked sideways at Charles, and handed him a cup of tea. "I only added it to my cup, mister. Drink the bloody tea, it will help." Directing her attention to the newcomer, she continued. "I have plasmid abilities as well. I have the Advanced Telekinesis ability. I take it you got Incinerate? I forget if you mentioned it, I'm a bit distracted today."
  4. waitin on you in Beyond the Sea
  5. I'm afraid so. This may be the end of it. A real shame.
  6. Don't worry. Tomoyo will take GOOD care of her :D (kidding, I'll be good)
  7. Neh'Taniel was getting bored. He wanted to talk to someone, but everyone in this castle seemed too scared to talk to him. He wondered if the Court Wizard would appreciate some of his rarer tomes, although not the ones with the ritual to become a Lich in it of course. He pointed to a guard, who swallowed nervously. "You! Mortal guard! Hear my questions and answer them! There is someone in this castle who functions as a court mage, is there not?" The guard nervously nods, and says, "Y-y-y-yes M-mister Lich sir! T-there is a D-dunmer that serves as Court Mage." Neh'Taniel points. "Then Bring her, boy! Bring her to me and you'll get a Gold Diamond Ring." The man started to run off, but Neh'Taniel called after him, "Bring her in less then ten minutes, and I'll throw in a matching Necklace!" Chuckling to himself, Neh'Taniel occupied his attentions with examining a tapestry. (OOC Someone play the Court mage, please. I don't want to have a post of me talking to myself)
  8. Posted, waitin on you or nethgros, will message him too. I left a reminder for Iron, but he doesn't seem to have posted yet...
  9. Siobhan nodded at Charles, still rather ticked her trap had been disabled in the first place. "Yes, that could work. You aren't going anywhere yet though. You need to rest. The first hit of a Plasmid, well... Let's just say you're gonna feel it for a bit." Siobhan stood up and started making a pot of tea. She put some Brandy that she kept for Tea purposes into the tea and placed it on the table with some evaporated milk and some sugar. "There. I know it's usually the British that serve tea, but the Irish do too."
  10. This is true. I got smashed by an ordinary mace earlier in the RP. (don't know why this came up, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in) Oh, on a minor whiny note (Not trying to be conflicting, just whining about it) You had to choose to be a Lich too, Zephyr? Ah, well. Guess I get to say I did it first! I'll edit the post in the RP to come up with some explanation. Enchanted weapons are much harder to make a spell to defend against as compared to normal weapons. It's not absurd for a Lich to be able to stop an iron mace with a spell. The bandits were rather pathetically equipped as I tried to convey. @Baldur I actually hadn't even looked at anyone's character sheets when I made mine. I wasn't trying to steal your thunder or anything haha. You did do it first. Yeah, I did it first. Also, Liches cannot NORMALLY talk. Only the really powerful ones could retain voices, like that one from Anvil, (Belamont? I cannot remember the name of that manor in Anvil that can be bought for 5000 dollars.) So, that is why My lich talks the way he does. He is a passive, even Kind lich. He realized what an idiot he had been to turn himself into it shortly after he did so, and now seeks to be a kind one. :D I am known for being hot-headed, but a few people have even told me they like Rping with me due to my.... unique and quirky characters.
  11. Been a few days, waiting on you for posting. Thought I'd let ya know.
  12. Neh'Taniel soared towards the Castle, hearing the Dragon's roar but ignoring it, as it wasn't close enough for him to worry. He arrived at the castle, where the guards nervously let him pass. He glided into the Throne room and looked around, curious to see life and luxury after so long a time in a tomb.
  13. Sandro followed the pair into the building, eager to get away from the battlefield. He had felt a rush that he hadn't felt since he had been in the war, and remembered why he avoided fighting, he LIKED it too much. He parked himself against a wall, and lit his pipe, blowing a cloud of smoke over the two tired humans. Tomoyo finished the few soldiers that were still willing to try attacking her and left the battlefield, following Sandro towards an old building. She found a spot to sit, and pulled out a red silk cloth, using it to clean off her sword. Her grandfather always told her, you should only touch a Katana with Silk, or it's sharpening stone. Anything else would dull the edge.
  14. Byron smiled. "Dinnae worry aboot me, lass. Ah be good for awhile yet. Ah may be unused tae travellin since I been running an Inn for a long time noo, but Ah've traveled further than this for less. As for the horse, from what Rafiki told me, Napoleon should be good for a while as well." The short horse was gamely keeping up, showing no signs of tiredness. Ornthrond couldn't process all that the elf had said to him, crawling back to her shoulder he said, Slow down! I not know much two-legs talk yet! I hatch at two-legs place, Big place, with much two-legs. Byron looked at his dragon, hearing this due to his shared link. He nudged the little dragon with his mind, and allowed him to access his knowledge of human speech patterns and grammar. Ornthrond studied this for some time before hesitantly brushing back against Cecilia's mind again. My.. dwarf rider. I hatched... for him. At an Inn... that he runs. I hatched a few days ago. When did you hatch? Do... Elves.. hatch? Do Dwarves hatch?
  15. This is true. I got smashed by an ordinary mace earlier in the RP. (don't know why this came up, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in) Oh, on a minor whiny note (Not trying to be conflicting, just whining about it) You had to choose to be a Lich too, Zephyr? Ah, well. Guess I get to say I did it first!
  16. If Neh'Taniel still possessed flesh, he would have grinned. As he did not, he consented to nod, and spoke. "Your bravery is impressive, Mortal. I went through my ruin before coming here, and found one of my old caches. You are welcome to it. I have 5 silver weapons, as well as several silver ingots. You are welcome to them. Oh, one more thing." Neh'Taniel fished a small pouch from the inside of his robes and handed it to the Nord. "That contains several amulets, but I suggest you copy the symbol from them into the wood of the caskets of your dead. It is an ancient warding glyph. It prevents any dead buried with the symbol above them from being raised as a zombie. I figured it would be a sign of faith from me." Neh'Taniel sat on a rock nearby, resting his staff on a nearby tree.
  17. Waiting on your first post in Beyond the Sea.
  18. After a few hours, Neh'Taniel had regained enough of his strength to be able to move, and gathered himself again. He soared back out of his ruin towards the neighboring town. The locals didn't openly attack him, seeing as he had helped drive away the werewolf and had done his best to protect them, but it was clear they were more than a little wary of him. For all they knew, he could simply be tricking them into trusting him. He shouted to the castle, "I am Neh'Taniel. I seek an audience with the Nord Warrior named Rilgomm."
  19. "You did WHAT! Do you REALIZE what you've done?!? You just disabled one of the few things that kept those idiots from coming over here! Wonderful, now I have to find a way to make that water electrified again." Siobhan grumbled, glaring at the newcomer. "Might as well offer introductions. Name's Siobhan O'Donnell."
  20. Neh'Taniel dragged himself back to his ruin, slowly, painfully. He practically collapsed down the stairs, and was caught by two skeletons that had escaped being destroyed by the Nord and his men. They were still under his control, even in this weak state, and assisted the Lich in returning to his throne, where he would rest until such time as he was called upon, or recharged. Being so close to the Phylactory with his Soul in it was assisting greatly, he could already feel some of his strength returning. He would likely be back to a comfortable level of power within a few hours.
  21. Understood. Iron, waiting on your first post.
  22. In my recent post, I had Neh'Taniel cast a spell, hoping to severely wound and possibly cause fear in the werewolf. I acknowledge such a thing would be OP, and this is why I have incapacitated Neh'Taniel for at least a few RP-Hours. Also, If it is possible, can this fight end soon, please? I want to progress with the story, if it is possible. This werewolf is a bit over-resistant to attack? Is that a nice way to put it? A werewolf, one who could change at will, can still die. An ordinary weapon can kill it too, same as silver, enchanted or Daedric, In skyrim, I've killed a werewolf with an Iron Sword on a dare. It wasn't easy, but it is possible. As my werewolf Chars, I have been mobbed down after awhile, and bloodlust only lasts for awhile if a werewolf does not feed. By now, he should be running low, if my counts and research are correct. If he was fueled by Hircine, likely possessing the Ring of Hircine, he would simply gain and additional transformation per day. I hope I am not coming across as confrontational, because that is not my intention. I simply wish to express that I feel this fight is getting a little out of hand. Can something please be done about this? I hope that I am not coming across as an arse or anything.
  23. Neh'Taniel blasted the zombie into ash, but was unable to counter the mace, which lodged itself in his ribcage. He yanked it out, breaking several ribs, which began mending themselves, and threw the mace to the Nord, who was now clinging onto the beast's back. "Foolish dog! A Lich can only be truly destroyed if you break that which houses it's soul! That is guarded, and hidden away. If you destroy this form, it will repair itself, in time. It may take hours, or days, but it will repair. You, however, may be fueled partially by a Daedric Lord, but as such, you are fueled by it's Corruption. There are ways to counter this." The lich readied itself for a powerful strike, which would likely cause his essences to dissipate, but would most likely either severely wound or kill the beast. It also should cause a debilitating fear. "Nord. I leave this beast to you. Once I cast this, I will likely be dispelled. If I am not, I will be in no shape to fight, and will need to make a retreat until my essences restore themselves. Good Luck." He began chanting an ancient Necromantic spell, one that should cause a severe injury and, with luck, cause the beast to become afraid. He had gained this by making a deal with the beings housed in Crystal within the Soul Cairn. He uttered the final syllables and his form collapsed, weak, unable to fly, or cast anymore. He began slowly dragging himself back to his tomb.
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