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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. I applied, but due to previous complications *cough LOT cough* I was turned down. I agree with Flip though, No bullets for this. I suggest Flipout for co manager.
  2. I'm going to stop commenting on this issue, as now I'm really angry, and will probably say something I will regret.
  3. As far as I can tell, I was being non-confrotational. I was hoping to keep this calm, and not lose Kayla. Was it worth it?
  4. Son of a.. the one thing I was hoping to avoid has happened. Brilliant.
  5. Sorry to disappoint you, Bloodplague, but I already PMed Dante with the details of this issue. *Edit* This was the so called Insulting Post, for those who are curious. "Hello, Bloodplague. Normally, I wouldn't do this. However, things have come to my attention, that I will not ignore. Your comment on things needing fixing, I must reply with "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" you do things like somersaulting out of bed when you just survived a massive explosion, and sniping 30 people without being detected. The RP is not bound by Fallout 3 Rules, kiddo. It's bound by more realistic things, like NV Hardcore. Come on over to the Fallout OOC forums. A member or two want to discuss this issue with you. May I point out, I'm perfectly calm right now." To which he replied, "you need to read character backgrounds and the rest of the posts bro b4 you go slinging crap. especially you since this could be forwarded to dante as harrasing." I just wanted all the details out in the open, so that there's nothing secret here. I've been told by a few friends of mine that they see no problems with my "rude" PM, and indeed I put it through 2 different people before sending it. I'm doing my very hardest to NOT come across as an arse from hell, I just want that known.
  6. I respect your opinion, Bloodplague, and kind of agree. Things need fixing. However, I will point out, you are not innocent of these sorts of posts, if I recall, you did something like get bashed around, and have bombs blow up in front of you or something, and then somersaulted out of bed? I mean, sure, that was half a RP ago, but the statement still stands that you are one who breaks the laws of physics and causality. "how many hearts do you have.... 1 just like the rest of us, she has 1 and a half all decentralized" "her "broken bones" are already healed, and i was able to find no trace of internal injuries other then the blood i drained from her abdomen." "her surgical incisions are already fully healed, and to top it off she has no belly button birthmarks etc and she has webbed toes." "if shes some kind of FEV mutant you better hope she isn't contagious. I'm going to definitely have to contact Sheriff Simms about this sir!" This isn't fallout 3. This is bound by physics and causality. You wouldn't be able to get up out of bed that soon. Your injuries would not be healed, even with a few super stim packs, this is basically bound by "hardcore" mode from fallout new vegas. No health regen from sleeping, stimpaks take a bit to work, only way to heal broken bones is a doctor's treatments.
  7. It's done, its over, drop it. Anger issues flare up again, and besides, from what i can see, flipout merely stated the dictated hits were planned. doesn't say not to interfere. in fact, reading again, it doesn't. Now. I'm dropping the issue, because I know if I continue, I'm gonna get in trouble with Dante. I would rather not have that happen, so therefore, I am officially dropping the issue. Whether you lot continue it is up to you. Good evening, everyone.
  8. I'm getting really fed up of this. I got people angry at me for interfering on a plan that was not written here. If people don't post a "Don't interfere with either X or Y" Then people have every right to interfere. That's all I'm going to say, so that way, I hopefully won't get in trouble, and have Dante upset at me. Have yourselves a wonderful evening.
  9. Sandro heard the smash of glass from the bar, and grabbing his sawed-off shotgun, he ran to the bar area as fast has his legs would carry him. He saw that the drinking contest had progressed into a fully fledged bar brawl. He fired his sawed off into the ceiling, and shouted, "All right, that's enough! What is going on here?"
  10. Father Anderson merely smiled at the comment, and replied, "Nay, child. I haven't been into the "Lucky Charms" and that's because I hate marshmallows. However, on the subject of Alphas, far as I remember reading, an Alpha is supposedly the first of that monster's kind. They are incredibly powerful, and usually very difficult to kill I heard of an alpha shape-shifter some hunters as you call them named "Sam" and "Dean" I met once on a job. They said that it resisted most of the things that were useful against a shapeshifter, and could change forms without shedding skin. If there is an alpha at play here, we've got bigger problems." Anderson fell silent, looking worried. Jennie remained silent. She thought to her uncle's journals, wondering if she'd seen anything to do with Alphas.
  11. Anderson shook his head. "I don't know whether you're talking to me, or what you're on about. I was just here doing my job, killin' vampires and werewolves and leprechauns, speaking of, I've never actually found one, but do you think if I cut one open with my knife it would spill out lucky charms?" He joked, slouching to avoid hitting his head on any low beams. Jennie likewise had no idea what totem they were talking about, and simply drank her cocktail.
  12. Sandro kept his eye on the security monitors that he had rigged up at the lobby desk. He heard something about bets on winners in the bar, and sneered, tossing his now empty scotch bottle at the wall, where it shattered. He made his way into the bar to see if he could find another bottle of drink for himself, and found that most of the whiskey was gone. He grabbed another bottle of scotch, and relit his pipe, striking a match off a rough patch on the wall. Blowing a cloud of pipe smoke over the drinkers, he retreated to his desk, and continued watching the perimeter. After all, someone had to watch their arses, and since the rest either were washing, sleeping, drinking, or watching the idiotic drinkers, it seemed to fall to him. He settled in the comfortable chair he had dragged from a nearby room, and settled down, his gun on a small shelf below the counter, and his drink on the floor by his hand. Tomoyo finished combing Axelle's hair, and then walked out of the room towards the bathroom where she had directed Cathy, slipping her arms around the woman from behind and gently holding her. Tomoyo muttered into Cathy's ear, "So, I wanted to ask you, with all the flirting and whatnot, does that mean you... like me? I mean, in the way I like you? Or are you just playing the flirt?" Her voice was calm, but a hint of raw vulnerability could be heard, and her heart was beating like mad.
  13. Well I'm stuck until Kayla decides to post, dammit.
  14. *DISCLAIMER* Apparently, some of what Anderson says could be considered offensive to those who are religious and who don't know how to differentiate between RP characters and Real People. SO, here is my disclaimer. The views and comments expressed by Father Alexander Anderson do not reflect the views and opinions of myself, or anyone else I know, they are for character opinions only. Anyone who is Catholic is advised on the potentially.. upsetting comments that Anderson may make, and although I have agreed to be more careful in future, I advise any and all religious types to read Anderson's parts of my post with a bit of open-mindedness, and remember, There is no wrong way to worship God, (my belief) So, yeah. I think I rambled a bit, but my point is clear enough, aye? I don't think bad things about Catholics, don't take his comments offensively. That is all.
  15. Ha, by the time you said that, I had already done so. By the way, his official rank within the church is Bishop, although he will occasionally refer to himself as a "Paladin" which, as most know, is a warrior who fights for a holy crusade of some sort, in Anderson's case, it was also the rank he had earned within the secret, now disbanded "Iscariot Division" of the Catholic Church, in other words, the Catholic Hunters. He was good at his job, but a bit of a radical thinker, preferring to drink and curse rather than Meditate and Pray and Repent and all that. So yeah, he'll only try to convert you to be annoying, and as a joke. He really doesn't care about converting, just killing monsters. BTW, I need to know the other character's heights. I had intended him to be much taller than most people, with broad shoulders, lean build, but well muscled, etc. Strike an imposing figure and whatnot. Oh, and if you want an idea of what he looks like, I based him off a priest from the Anime "Hellsing Ultimate" so if you Google, "Alexander Anderson Hellsing" you will find pictures of Father Alexander Anderson, with his bayonets and his cross etc.
  16. Anderson ignored the cocktails, and looked through the bar for a bottle of his preferred drinks, scotch or whiskey. He found a rather good bottle of 20 year old scotch, and helped himself, pouring a generous glass full, tossing half it back, then refilling it. He remembered one of the.. hunters, mentioned it was unprofessional to talk about demons, and he responded, with a smile, "As a Bishop in the Catholic Church, talk of Demons and evil is hardly uncommon, young lady. I get leeway where most, Hunters as you called them, do not, being backed by certain discrete members within the Archdioceses. I would be a worthy ally to have on your side. By the way, this is bloody good scotch." Anderson smiled, and drank some more of his glass of Scotch. Jennie tasted the cocktail, and although normally disliking fruity drinks, found it rather tasty. "Normally, I hate fruity cocktails, but this is quite good, Amy. Thank you for making them. Father Anderson, you say you're a priest or bishop or whatever, yet you sit here drinking scotch. I thought alcohol was forbidden." Anderson nodded at Jennie, "To any priest with a pole shoved up his arse and an altar boy on his crotch, yes. I've always been known as a.. radical thinker among the church. I believe in more freedom, provided you still believe in the word and love of G-d and Jesus Christ, who after all drank wine himself. So, if the good lord Jesus Christ was able to drink, then I'm gonna drink too." He drank some more of his scotch. A short, wiry man came to the door, collected Amber's body, and departed, with a wave at Anderson. Anderson found no chairs to his liking, and remained standing, leaning on the wall by the bar. "I have an apartment in the back of an old church nearby. It's large enough to encompass several guests, provided you don't mind sharing the bunk room. I understand people prefer to sleep safely from Demons and other monsters, and this possesses all the warding glyphs against Demons, and Ghosts, and what-have-you. Feel free to visit, or stay. Plenty of spare ammunition to further the holy Crusade.. um I mean, hunt." Anderson finished his glass, and washed it in the sink until it sparkled, then placed it in the dish rack, drying his hands and turning off the tap. As he went to leave the bar area, he forgot to duck, and whacked his head on a lower beam. Clutching his forehead, he cursed loudly and then ducked under it on the second attempt. *Disclaimer* The comments and opinions expressed by Alexander Anderson do not reflect my personal views or opinions, they merely reflect the views of the character. *Disclaimer*
  17. Father Anderson bowed his thanks, then went to call someone he knew who tended a graveyard, who promised to remove the body within the hour. Hanging up the phone, be bowed again to the woman in fancy clothes, and said, "As I said earlier, I am Father Alexander Anderson. It is my crusade to hunt down and kill demons, vampires, werewolves, leprechauns,and other things when the church asks it of me, or if they prove dangerous to the general populous. That body will be gone within an hour. You know, never actually found a leprechaun, but do you think if I cut one open with my knife, Lucky Charms will spill everywhere? As for you, young miss," He pointed at Jennie. "How is your uncle these days?" He inquired. Jennie's expression changed to one of sadness, and before she could open her mouth, Anderson pulled the young woman into a brief hug. "I am sorry about your loss, lass. Henry was a good man. Did he ever tell you about the hunt he and I went on together? He and I hunted down a bunch of Vampires that had managed to get to America from Italy, trying to escape me. We made short work of them. Now, if you like, fancy lady, I can take my leave. I was just here to kill the demon anyway."
  18. Jennie returned briefly to Rachelle's place, and after a short make-out session following Jennie agreeing to resume their relationship, she said that she would need to travel again. Rachelle smiled and shook her head, replying "I knew you would leave again eventually. I got you something." She retrieved a beautiful, long leather coat, and a tank top with the sigil from her anti-possession pendant printed on it, and some figure-hugging leather pants, flexible and loose enough to allow free movement, while still tough enough to be more protective than jeans. She lost no time, changing to the new outfit that her girlfriend had bought her. The coat was a bit tight across the stomach, and Jennie said it had a built-in corset, and it could be loosened a bit if needed. Jennie loosened the strings so that it hugged her figure without restricting her breathing and heading out to her car. Rachelle stood in the doorway and waved her off as she and Amber drove off towards Amy's apartment. She remembered the woman mentioning a hotel or something, and after inquiring about the room number at reception, she made her way up the elevators. Arriving, she found the door open (can mean open or unlocked) and made her way inside, ,pushing gently past Deuce, sniffing at the lavish surroundings. Amber never made it through the door. There was a sound of a knife going into meat, and a half scream from Amber. Jennie spun around and saw a tall man behind her, wearing priest clothes, and saw a flashing inside Amber, then the large man's hand was removed from her shoulder and Amber collapsed, dead on the floor. The large man wiped the blood off on Amber's jacket and stashed it in a sheath by his side, and stepped over the body into the house. "Sorry about the mess, ladies. I'll make sure that body is taken care of. I am Father Alexander Anderson, and that woman was possessed by a demon from hell. Do you mind if I use your telephone?" Anderson's voice sounded Scottish, and Jennie felt she knew the name for some reason. "Father?" She inquired at him. Anderson smiled and acknowledged her, "Yes, my child? Is there something I can do for you?" Jennie swallowed and said, "I get the feeling I should know your name. Have we met before?" Anderson took in the look of the girl asking, and replied, "No, but your uncle knew me, lass. He helped me track down a nest of Vampires that had came over here from Italy several years ago. It was my job to track the buggers then do some, aha Pest control. We'll speak on this later." Turning back to the woman in the most expensive clothing, he once again inquired, "May I use your telephone? Going by the expensive clothing, this is your apartment, therefore it is your decision."
  19. Name: Father Alexander Anderson Age: 45 Race: Human Gender: Male Appearance: 6 foot 4, short, spiky blond/greying hair, brown/tanned skin, blue eyes, a heavy-set squared jaw, and constant stubble. He also has a large, wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek. He has prominent canines, long enough to be noticed, and is lean with broad shoulders. He is well muscled, and strikes an imposing figure. Armor/Clothing: A long, grey cassock with white trim and royal blue lining. Round glasses with a steel frame, black pants, comfortable black boots, black shirt with blue trim, white gloves, and a silver cross around his neck that occasionally reflects gold when caught in the right light. His gloves have the following written on them; on the left glove, there is the phrase "Jesus Christ is in Heaven" and the Right glove has the phrase Speak with the Dead". Both gloves have a cross on them. He also has several protective amulets, anti possession and other things. Weapon(s): He wields a pair of blessed bayonets, a sword type that was eventually adapted to be used on the end of a rifle, as well as several blessed throwing knives, all made of silver, a shotgun, from which he can fire salt shells, regular, slug shells, and he possesses a small, specially consecrated knife that can kill demons. Personality: Alexander Anderson normally appears as a calm and collected priest; he worked at an orphanage in Italy and acts very kindly towards the children under his care. During battles, however, he reveals a darker side. Anderson carries an obsession for what appears to be his "crusade," and occasionally quotes passages of the Holy Bible as he speaks. He is extremely determined to achieve his end, however he abhors the methods chosen by his boss to put it in motion. In battle, he is merciless. He has a habit of hissing during fights, and often loses all control of himself. Despite this, he can stop himself and focus on his mission. He has a measure of self-restraint when innocents are caught in the middle (like tourists) or when someone has caught his admiration (as Whistler did). History/Background: Anderson used to live in Italy, working with the Catholic Church's secret "Iscariot Division," a group of specially trained priests who would hunt down demons, vampires, basically, most KNOWN monsters. Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, once it was rumored they had to deal with a leprechaun, but that could have just been bar tales. Anderson, while a priest, is no stranger to the drink. His voice usually sounds Scottish, but in truth nobody is quite certain where the imposing priest is from. He was found on the steps of the church in a basket with a piece of paper, on which was written his name and nothing else but a ring which he wears on a fine chain under all his clothes. Several years ago, Iscariot Division was involved in an event which resulted in the death of a Bishop, and was disbanded. It was rumored that the bishop killed was either a vampire, who would have been beheaded, or possessed by a demon, and didn't survive the exorcism. Either way, Anderson was allowed to keep the weapons the church had given him, and he was free to pursue his own goals. He tended his orphanage for a year or so, then got tired of all the sitting around. He left the care of his orphanage to the church, and traveled to America. He is currently near New York City, hunting down a yellow eyed demon calling itself Amber. He has heard rumors that it is travelling with the niece of his old friend Whistler, who helped him on a previous assignment in America. He drives a 1956 Chevy Impala (not to be confused with Dean's 1967 Chevy Impala) which is pure white, with silver chrome rims and bumpers, with a crucifix hood ornament.
  20. Yo, Mythic! Thinkin of having an image revamp of Jennie. I know you like pictures of clothes, soooo... http://passionalboutique.com/store/images/NBL1.jpg there's Jennie's new coat. She will wear it over a simple black tank top, perhaps with a print of an anti possession glyph, (ordinary people would just think it's all gothic style and since she gets looks for her hair anyway) simple, black pants, perhaps tighter to her form, and her comfortable black combat boots. (they got a sheath to hide a knife in them :D) I may drop Amber. It appears that I picked the wrong character to have around a group of hunters with demon issues. I may think up a replacement char, should Naktis say yes. Actually, I'll get to work on a character sheet anyway, just to be on the safe side. Should she say yes, it's primed and ready. Says no, well, save it for later. :D thinking of an Irish hunter.. maybe a female, or an old priest named Alexander Anderson :D (kidding, maybe)
  21. Tomoyo noticed how Cathy seemed to be either staring, or trying not to stare at Axelle's form in the bath, and, partially protective, partially flirty, Tomoyo moved in front of Cathy, blocking the woman's view of Axelle. She gently ran her fingers across the woman's cheek, and kissed her, softly and gently, with a chaste passion. (non sexual, I'm behaving) Breaking the kiss, she pointed to the other bathroom in the suite, and gestured, walking out of the room to draw Cathy a hot, scented bubble bath. She noticed she would need some more bath supplies soon, and figured she would probably find some of the richer people's suites here in the tower. She walked out of the bathroom to check on Axelle, and said to Cathy, "There is a bath drawn in the other bath area for you. Relax, wash. You look like you need it. No offense, of course." She retrieved her jeweled comb, and started running the tines through Axelle's hair, combing the knots and tangles out of the younger girl's hair, her own long hair tickling at the back of the girl's neck as she leaned in to work at the knots. Sandro woke up with a start at the security desk, and cursed himself for dozing off. He figured the idiots would still be at their drinking contest, and he went outside to do a perimeter sweep, disgusted at the smell off the pyre on which all the dead were being burned, and pressing the button at the security panel which closed the metal gate outside, and the gate rattled shut, barring intruders from the tower. He returned to the security desk, after first salvaging some parts from a couple of robots that had managed to get inside the walls, and rigging up a communication rig so he could hear any paging from the interior security desk, and rigging the photoreceptors of the robots into crude security cameras, he sat behind his new rigs, and prepared for security detail.
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