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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology
I like it, BestIdiot! When are you going to have her join? When we go after the necros? Or after they are dealt with?
Caladus heard Nawen, and walks over to her. "May I take a look, mistress?" he asks, giving a bow.
"Siyo, zhaunl l' ywrazz nindel Ched Nassad shlu'ta tlu keffal, udos ssrig'luin ulu plynn l' bulmiten wun l' Trezen Luent." Caladus replied. Shaori wandered over and says, in Drow, Usstan shlu'ta jous dos vel'klar nind ph'! Nind atsus uns'aa lu' zhahen aluin ulu or'shanse uns'aa. Usstan shlu'ta flohlu l' menvis Usstan ssuth pholor. I-in common thats I can take you there. They caught me and were g-going to sacrifice me. I c-can show you where they are!" Caladus looked incredibly pleased. "I love you." he mutters under his breath, as a sort of "Thank the gods I don't have to look like an Idiot trying to figure out where this temple is."
"Dealings? No. Spies and Information? Yes. Nau zhaunil zhah myar zhaunil, hmm? No knowledge is bad knowledge. And that way, we could eliminate that option for the other houses that were attacking us. I found the last known location of the Cult of the dragon. A temple that used to be of Eilistraee before handmaidens killed the worshippers. Now is the home of the Cult of the Dragon and their Necromantic Cult."
Mentally, he replied. "The condescension is unnecessary. Only a DeVir could unlock that. It is an enchanted book. As far as I know, I am the last of the family. You are lucky that you were ever able to see these pages."
Still mentally, Caladus replied. "I am glad that you appreciate it for what it is. It is the only one of it's kind. Which reminds me of why I wanted to read it," He flips through the pages. Mentally stating to Xallistine, "You see these pages in the middle that are blank? Only a DeVir can allow them to be seen. Observe." Verbally, He says, "Usstan, Caladus Silvercloak, Vaen d' Qu'ellar DeVir, Quarth dos ulu jous dosst velkyn szeoussen." Spidery Drow writing fades onto the page, to reveal a whole hidden chapter on the Cult of the Dragon, and the last recorded location. Calling out to everyone "I think I found something!"
"Anything about the Cult of the Dragon, Necromancers, Liches, or anything related." Caladus said, starting reading the book. After a short time, he realized it was the only one of it's kind, and used to be in the library of House DeVir. He took the book up to Xallistine and asked in his mind, having used to be his houses Illithid negotiator, "Where did you get this? This belongs to my family and my house. It was from the DeVir house Library!"
"You misunderstood. I was offering the potion to Rhaine. Your injuries have been healed by Xallistine's servants. She seems to have some sort of migraine. Mistress, perhaps you should take this and take the opportunity to lay down? I think I see a few texts in the Drow language on the cult of the dragon on that shelf. Nawen? Would you assist me please?" At this, Caladus hands the Willow Infusion bottle to Rhaine, walks over to a shelf in the, as he thought in his head, extraordinary library, and started to read. Shaori, meanwhile was still looking at the bestiary with Ianthe, and enjoying herself immensely.
"Yes mistress, but that wasn't what I had said, exactly. I didn't say it was hard to fuse them, it just isn't a good idea. because when done improperly, the new fused entity will become incredibly hard to keep under control, as the drow mages would say, loosely translated, 'what can bugger you nine ways to hell' which I think was an apt phrase." Shaori, meanwhile, was enjoying being near the nymph. her hair was really pretty, and she had a smell of grass and the outside that Shaori sorely missed. She took the sharing of the book to get in closer.
Caladus noticed Rhaine and Norgold talking, and walked over. "Here." he says, giving a willow bark infusion. "For the pain. How are you feeling, Norgold? I don't think I heard right, an Angel fused with a Demon? Such things are only spoken of in Drow cities as what NOT to do, they are impossible to control fully." Shaori looked excitedly at the pictures, and said a prayer to remove the winged one's pain.
Gas station
What do you people think of Shaori thus far? Be honest, but Be nice!
Where is everyone? The whole thing has ground to a halt! Perhaps David should have made it clear before I left that we should wait for all to leave. But that is hindsight. We now need to figure out what to do. We need Mythic and Brutii to post. I sent Sarah back to Jim's to check on them.
Caladus walked over to Hazel sitting away from everyone else. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "How are you holding up?" He asked quietly, concern in his eyes. Shaori, meanwhile went over to Ianthe, and glanced at the book. "I- I think it's a b-beastiary, y-you know, with lists of types of beasts? Oh, and I-I'm Shaori Winterwing. Y-you are?"
"Sarah!" Whistler called to the Trickster. "Yes?" She said, right behind him just to be annoying. "GAH! Don't do that!" Whistler exclaims, jumping away. "I need you to go to Jim's place, and see what has happened to Amy and Adam. That's the drunk lady, and the ghost. Then report back." Sarah winks, and disappears. She reappears in Jim's shop. "Hello? Amy? Adam? Where are you? Everyone is waiting two towns over for you guys!"
Shaori looked nervously at the hand for a moment, until Caladus walked over and whispered some comforting and explaining words as to what was needed here. She took the hand, and with a surprisingly strong grip for someone so delicate looking, shook it and said "Shaori Winterwing. A p-pleasure to meet you." Although Nawen had strong, roughened hands, she could feel the softness in them, and it fascinated her.
Shaori noticed that the female drow had been hurt, and muttered a prayer to heal her. "T-there t-that should make y-you feel better." She stammered out nervously, and, blushing at her own boldness, added, "You're pretty, w-what's your name?"
Shaori landed and brought the screaming dwarf inside the.. thing's lair. She uttered a quick prayer to Aerdrie Faenya to try and ease his fear, and laid him down on the first convenient surface. "C- can you d-do anything?" She nervously asked the Ilithid
"A-alright, I'll do it!" Shaori says, and scoops up the dwarf. She jumps into the air, and flys just above everyone to keep the dwarf out of harm's reach. She follows where the rest of them are going.
"I-i can see what I c-can do. I am quite an ac-accomplished healer! I c-can help carry him too!" Shaori exclaims, blushing nervously.
Yes, Mistress Auri! I will obey most Diligently and directly!
Caladus walked over to the Avariel. She was incredibly pretty, with White blonde hair, White silk robes, a white and gold cloak, and soft looking wings. "Fine, thank you. You are?" He sheathes his scimitars. Shaori suddenly felt shy. A handsome drow had just walked over to her, and was talking to her! Most of her wanted to flee from this group, but she forced herself to stay, and stammered "M-my name i-is Shaori. A-and you are?" Caladus bows deeply and gracefully. "Caladus, mistress. A pleasure to meet you." Shaori notices the Mind Flayer, and recoils. "Watch yourselves!"
"Go back to whence thou came, unclean one!" Shaori said coldly to the Tiefling. "Leave, and never inflict thy presence on us again!"
Shaori had been watching this from near the roof of the cavern. Although she was wary of Drow, this one seemed good, and when the Demon lady took the injured dwarf hostage, that was the last straw, She plummeted, then unfurled her wings. Smashing the tiefling in the back of the head with her flail that had a temporary Paralysis effect on Demons or those with Demon blood, grabbed Notgold before he could fall, and swooped ovver, depositing the still unconscious dwarf at Rhaine's feet. She then cast a divine smite spell at the demon lady for good measure. "Are you all alright?" She asked Imperiously, the way she spoke when angry.
Caladus staggered, winded, but not hurt as badly because of the Codpiece he wore. That demon lady was getting on his nerves. He drew his scimitars, and attacked ,slashing and dodging gracefully, as one who was master of most Drow two weapon weapon styles. "DIE YOU HELL *censored*!"