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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. Almost faster than the eye could follow, Caladus spun around, and grabbed the Tiefling's throat, grip strong enough to cut off breathing. "You will regret the very INSTANT you harmed ANY of my friends!" His voice was deathly quiet, his expression terrifying, and his eyes were glowing red. "I will see you DEAD!" He lifted the Tiefling off her feet, hand still around her throat, and looked for a nearby cliff to throw her off of.
  2. Caladus sheathed his scimitars, and helped Nawen with transporting Norgold. "Allow me, Mistress." He said courteously, handing Norgold another bottle of Willow bark infusion. "Drink that, and then let's get you where you can lay down. He put Byron's pack on top of his own, and waited to help Norgold.
  3. "Not interested! Now, if you are not with the slavers, What Are you doing here?" Caladis tightened his grip on his swords.
  4. Perhaps researching a bit more before creation posting would be a better plan? I worked ages on Byron, saddens me to kill him, but you will get a winged elf. So I think that a shy, but scary when angry Avariel is a reasonable trade off? I was thinkin maybe having her as a sort of romantic interest for Caladus. They aren't that far apart, and a hundred years for n elf is like 5 or 10 years I think. So shes like 18, hes like 223 or 28? someone help me on this !
  5. Caladus was relieved that the Protection from evil was holding the demons at bay, but it would not last long. He pointed his scimitar at the walking one, and demanded, "You never really answered the question, just gave a roundabout statement about having fun! Did You Send The Slave Party? Yes or No? I warn you, I have just lost my oldest friend, and am in NO mood for idiocy!" Byron was angry, and hurting, and wanted something to cut to shreds.
  6. Not too far from all of this, Shaori struggled with the bonds that kept her in this cage. She had been trapped for at least a fortnight, and seemed close to finally breaking free. Several hours later, she managed to get one hand free, and removed the gag around her Mouth. She mustered a small amount of energy ,and cast an unlock spell on the door. She was going to get out! She grabbed her gear from a table nearby, and ran off down a nearby corridor.
  7. Caladus let go of Hazel, and went into Byron's bag, muttering a Protection from Evil 10 degree Radius spell, to protect from the demon ladies. He had stashed his scimitars in there, as he found his Scimitars, he spotted another pair. attached was a note. "For Ianthe. I found these while looking for a potion last night. Tell me how you like them. Byron." Clearly meant to give it to her before he died, he passed the dual scimitars to Ianthe. They were beautiful, yet functional. With emeralds in the pommel, a Plus 4 enchantment on each, with Plus 1 Acid damage on the both, judging by the runes among the gold filigree. He drew his own scimitars, reluctantly, and prepared to fight.
  8. As Caladus bowed his head, to remember his lost friend, tears ran freely from his eyes. And then he saw the small note tied to Voltair. He opened it and read in his head the following words. "Dear Caladus, mine olde friend. I leave you with mine last requestes. First, Mine hammer, Voltair now belongs to the Dwarf Norgold. It is a Dwarven Hammer, and must be wielded by a dwarf. Seconde, mine amulets. Distribute them amonge thee party, for they are more help to them nowe. Thirde, mine alchemy equipments and potions are for you, as is mine everlasting bag of gold. Forthe, mine explosives are to be disposed of, and ne'er used again. The next bit was more recent. Ande Finally, give the contents of thee green pouch to Nawen, thee blacke pouch to Rhaine, The white one to Ianthe, and thee purple pouch to Hazel, with mine affections. IT was nice to know you all. Byron Thunderbeard, Son of Korgan Bloodaxe, and Mazzy Fentan." Caladus walked over to Norgold, and passed him Voltair., and gave the purple pouch, to Hazel, the black pouch to Rhaine, the green pouch (containing a ring that increases her running speed, and allows her to turn invisible once per day) to Nawen, and the white one to Ianthe.
  9. Say farewell to Byron. I figured out he was stupidly OP, and decided it was best for him to go out with a, aha bang. Once you find the necromancers, you will find the character I plan to replace him with. Name: Shaori Winterwing Race: Avariel Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Female Age: 200 (approx 18 human years) Class: Mage/Priestess Deity: Aerdrie Faenya Appearance: Shaori is slender, and fine boned, as all Avariel, with snowy white wings, white blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. Clothing: Shaori wears a white and gold silk cloak with white silken robes , with holes in the back for her wings, and a gold symbol of Aerdrie Faenya around her neck. Weapon. She wields an enchanted flail, and a sling. with blessed bullets. Personality. Shaori is usually a rather shy girl, but can be an incredibly frightening figure when angry. She is well accomplished at magic, and able to heal, or destroy as needed. History: Shaori once was a noble in an Avariel city, and frequently flew around the countryside. One day, she spotted a child being dragged off by the Necromancers, and tried to help her. Unfortunately, she was knocked out and captured.
  10. Byron walked back to Caladus. The drow slavers were more important. He Shoved his bag, and hammer Voltair, into Caladus's arms. He pulled off two pouches, and removed his utility belt, placing this on top of the bag. Opening the pouchs, he reveals a firelight charm, and his jar of number 4. "It has been nice tae know yeh. RUN!" He runs alone into the tunnel, in which the 20 slavers were creeping up. Crushing the Firelight gem into the jar of number 4, he closed his eyes, and a massive explosion caused the tunnel with the ambush in it to collapse, burying him and the slavers.
  11. "What? Dammit!" Whistler walked back to his car. "I suggest we wait around here, unless one of you knows their cell numbers?" Whistler glanced at July and Raven pointedly.
  12. Caladus and Byron were more than a little wary, seeing as this.. thing could more than likely mop the floor with them, even with their charms. Byron took a quick look around, and saw two figures duck behind a rock. "Hold up!, Ah thought ah saw somethin! Gimme a moment!" He goes into one of the many pouches, and pulls out two scrolls. He opened one that was the detect life scroll, and whispered the words on it. A magic pulse went out, revealing all withing a 20 yard radius. He detected the two behind the rock, as well as a drow slaver party creeping up. "Ah detect, two people, behind tha' rock." Byron says, pointing. "Also, a drow slaver group is approachin from that tunnel." Byron points down the tunnel. He opens the second scroll, and reads the brief invisibility scroll, figuring it would be wise to go for the smaller group, he headed for the two behind the rock. Sneaking up invisible, he grabbed the two, noticing one was a tiefling. "Gotcha!" he exclaims, his invisibility wearing off, and haulin the two to their feet.
  13. Whistler got out of his car to stretch his legs. "We all here?" He shouted. "Take this time to use the bathroom, or eat, or whatever. After this, we go north."
  14. Whistler drove until he reached Springvale, then pulled over to let the others catch up, get gas, go to the washroom, whatever.
  15. Byron walked to the injured shield dwarf. "Open wide. This potion requires a very specific amount, or it could do more harm than good." He pulls out his small Vigor Volts bottle, which was a tiny bottle glowing white. Caladus starts laughing behind his hand at Ianthe, and tries to pull her away from the Flayer to protect her. "Your innocent fascination is going to get you killed one of these days," he says, still laughing.
  16. "Ah'll bae the one tae decide what Ah do and dinnae do, Ulitharid! Yeh cannae harm me, My amulets will see tae that." Caladus cast silence on his duergar friend, and walked towards the Ulitharid. "Although you are right about a few things, you were wrong about me. I came from the underdark. I left the underdark. Also, your knowledge is useless unless you know the locations of the Necromancers we seek, or of this amulet." He points to the Amulet of the Dragon.
  17. Whistler had heard the joke about compensation, and ignored it. He drove a fast car because he needed to leave quickly at times. He switched on the engine, and the engine started with a roar. "Assuming you lot are ready, LETS GO!" He yelled. He started driving the car down the road, towards Springvale.
  18. Byron pushed himself back up. His psionic amulets protected him from the worst of the things attack, but not all. "Slave? Ah remember yeh, yeh tentacled monstrosity!" He says, angrily. "Yeh wiped oot the necromancers a few rooms back 10 years ago, and then told me tae run, or yeh'd kill me to. I'll nae be pushed around, nae matter who ye are."
  19. "I have my Corvette. Thank you." Whistler says. Sarah batted her eyes. "I can.. keep you company." She offered.
  20. "Ulitharid. Powerful. Dangerous." Caladus said, starting to come round thanks to the blue potion, and his friend shouting.
  21. "Agreed." Whistler said, starting his car. "OOH! I am soo excited!" Sarah chimed in, just to be annoying.
  22. Caladus returned to Drow form. "I scarcely see the problem. He is badly hurt, but not so bad that he couldn't be moved. Otherwise I would have healed him myself. Speaking of which.." Caladus calls on the spirits of nature and the god Rilifane to help him heal the dwarf. An incredibly bright nimbus of magic surrounded him. He layed his hands over the dwarf's heart, and healed the dwarf as well as he could. However, the effort was so much, that the magic faltered, and winked out as he collapsed. Byron rushed forward, checked his friend, and poured the contents of a glowing blue bottle down his throat. He then pulled out a tiny bottle that glowed pure white. "Stand back, this stuff be Vigor Volts. This can heal anythin, but can be a mite... flashy." He poured a drop of potion into Norgold's mouth, and got back quickly, and suddenly grasped his amulet, that was chiming insistently again, noticing the floating Ilithid on approach, he drew his hammer, and prepared to defend himself and the others. With a cry of "VOLTAIR!" He whipped his hammer straight at the Ilithid
  23. Whistler saw David, Raven, Jim and Madeline coming out of the store, and heard Raven ask about where they were going. "There are some old ruins about 4 towns from here. To get there we cut through Springvale, then go..." Whistler thinks for a moment, trying to get his bearings on his GPS. His farm was north of them, the shop was south. He faced East. "We go.. East to Springvale, then head north past Blackwater, it's a small town in the middle of nowhere. From there, we head to the park, and hike through to the old ruins in the back. Now, lotsa people gone there, and know about the ruins. They don't have the knowledge, or the original key to the hidden chambers. I do." He holds up a box, in which sat, heavily cushioned, a large cut gem. "To use this, I gotta put it into a statue's eye, and press or something. It is supposed to trigger the door." He realized Madeline had asked a question. "No, that ain't it."
  24. Caladus chimed in "I have a better Idea." He began the shapeshifting spell of an Avenger Druid to call on his magical forms, shapeshifting into a wyvern. He jumped off the cliff, plunging down wings held tight against his body, and pulled out of the dive to grab Norgold with his clawed feet. He started the flight back up. He loved being a wyvern, it felt so free. After several long minutes, he was finally even with the edge of the cliff and deposited the dwarf with his comrades.
  25. Whistler went to the hidden armory, pulling all the weapons he needed. Sarah made herself useful for once by scarfing down a box of sugar cereal she had stolen from a cupboard at the store, and teleported all bags and weapons into Whistler's corvette. Finally, they were ready, and he closed off the armory, tidied up with Sarah's help, then locked the front door, and guest house before gettin into his Corvette with Sarah. He turned it on, saw the fuel was low, and switched it off, going to the fuel pump in the overhang, he filled his car with the old manual fuel pump, who's resevoires were kept topped up by other hunters, and then put everything away, started his car, and backed off the property. He pulled the red 1966 Corvette to face the right direction in front of Jim's store, then sat there waiting, listening to the news.
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