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Everything posted by BaldurAnthology

  1. "I understand you may have... objections, but it would be wise for me to address you in such a manner, in case we encounter other Drow." Caladus replied to Nawen. Byron walked over, white as a sheet, holding up one of his many charms. "Mind Flayer. Powerful one too, this charm's chimin like nae taemorrow!" The charm was giving off a persistant warning chime. Byron muttered a quiick word and the charm fell silent. "We'd best be on our guard." Caladus replied, tightening his grip on his staff.
  2. Which is why I suggested killing whistler in the fight. He ain't gonna last too much longer, the fight with the trickster started that timer. We can still in essence have him, but the Angel will take his body after he gets killed. So long as you do not kill Sarah after he dies, I will be happy, and not have her go OP DESTRUCTO on you.
  3. Caladus pressed a small panel, and with a shimmer a small overlook balcony was revealed. He pointed to a cluster of lights and structures. "Judging by your expressions, you never grew up in the underdark before. If you look there, you can see a Drow city. The city of Ched Nassad. I could take you there, if you wish some day. I am well respected for a Male there. As you are female, you are to be granted more respect than I, mistress." At this, he bows deeply, and steps out of the way for Nawen to take a look.
  4. Whistler let all this wash over him. He wasn't as energetic as he used to be, and besides, he'd sensed the ghost leave the farm, and come through the wall, which is the only reason he had stopped in the middle of reaching for his sawed off shotgun. "Why did you break my border? I left it open for you to come and go, but would have repaired it when everyone left. And you didn't scare me. I sensed that you would be there. How I stay alive. Now, if that's ALL the tom foolery, I have to pack my car. I have an idea where the blade is, and I am going to find it! If you are with me, good. I explained who I am to you. I have nothing to hide. I ain't stayin unless you have more questions." At this, Sarah helped him to his feet, and they both went back to the farm, Sarah stopping to once again fix the border, this time reinforcing the Iron so the salt could not get wet inside again.
  5. Eventually, he is 76, he can't hold out forever, you know. Maybe he dies fighting the Angel, and maybe his body gets used by said angel? They cannot manifest in real plane without burning up everything around them.
  6. Maybe once whistler dies, he is old, after all. However, the problem becomes, will s/he be there after finding the blade? Upon finding it? Also, your RP, I say you get the honor! "Sarah chimes in and flirtatiously calls you Angel :)"
  7. Sarah isn't a ghost, that's Brutii's character, Mark i think. Sarah is a Trickster! AND Y NO ONE POSTING! Please give people some time to think, Baldur. In the words of Seymore Skinner, "Yes, mother!" No but seriously, I still forget about the timezone thing. when it's evening here, it could be middle of the night. sorry.
  8. "I know that! But if it was a weapon that could kill anything, whether angel or not, it would be useful. All we need to worry about, is who, other than Myself, had any fencing training. I fenced a little in college. That was before my sister died." Whistler said, staring at July. Sarah walked, hips swaying slightly, over to Madeline, the one in the cardigan. "Hey there, sweetie, what's your name?" She says, running a hand across Madeline's face, and winking.
  9. Byron and Caladus turned to look at it. "Nae, Ah haerd stories, but nae really, why dinnae yeh refresh me memory?" Caladus nods. "They were sworn to wipe something out, weren't they? As long as it wasn't drow, I really didn't care. Oh, and Drow, Nawen, was it? Come here. I wish to show you something."
  10. Whistler looked at Sarah,"Knock it off, will ya?" Sarah pouted and went back to leaning in the corner. "No, I was referring to a blade. There was a sword, supposedly constructed by a cult around the medieval times. It was written that the cult was sworn to wiping out demons and monsters. That being the term for Supernatural stiff back then. Now, This sword was borrowed, according to this old book, by an Arch Angel, to kill one that went rogue. Now this blade was so powerful, apparently because it could absorb power from what it killed to be able to kill more and better. If it killed an arch angel, nothing could stand up to it." He fishes i n the pocket of his coat, and pulls out a very old, leather bound book. "Take a look, but be careful! That things at least a hundred years old. It was the transcription of the old notes of the cult members, and someone who found the texts, but not the blade."
  11. "If that's all!" Caladus called. He was not eager to go back to the underdark either, but had no choice. "Follow us!" At this, Byron and Caladus walked through the door, into the oppressive darkness, and as Byron and Caladus's eyes adjusted to the lack of light, Byron started to notice the 10 year old remains of the Slaving party that had tried to kill him. "This wae!" He says, following the path his memory showed him. "Ah think Ah went this way, and came oot in... this cavern." They arrived in a large, splendid cavern, with natural, glowing crystals, gems sparkling in the wall, and the remains of several necromancers on the floor. Byron suddenly felt nervous. What if that Ullillithid was near by? He wasn't sure about their lifespan. It probably sensed him the moment he got into the underdark. "This was where the fight was, 10 years ago. The necro lair has tae be near here."
  12. "If you want the whole of who I am, here you go. My name is Henry Daily. Mostly go by Whistler cause Henry brings up bad memories. I am 76 years old. I am from Alabama. I had a daughter. She got sick, never got better. My sister was murdered in front of me by Azazel. Yellow eyed demon. Burned her on the ceiling. My wife Hazel died about 10 years back of cancer. I traveled for most my life. First huntin for Azazel, then a weapon which could destroy anything supernatural. Think I know where it is, and it ain't far from here, but I am runnin out of time. I want there to be something to remember me by, instead of just leavin behind a farmhouse to whichever hunter's next on the list." Sarah stepped forward and rubbed at Whistler's shoulder and states. "My name is Sarah, I am 375 years old, which is young for my kind. The tale of my life could take days, so I shall not bother." She winks at July, who just came in the room. "I like the ladies, if you know what I mean, and I will follow Whistler due to the Life Debt I swore to him. He spared me. I shell give him my life til the day he dies, or I do. I have a lot of power, as you are well aware, but need sugar to fuel it." Whistler looks around, tears in his eyes. "That good enough for you?"
  13. Sarah isn't a ghost, that's Brutii's character, Mark i think. Sarah is a Trickster! AND Y NO ONE POSTING!
  14. "If you wish." Whistler entered the shop. Using enough power to get there quickly, and sort of blend in to the background, Sarah caught up, and placed herself in a corner to be near Whistler, in case he needed help. Whistler allowed himself to be brought inside and sat down on an empty chair. "What do you want to know?"
  15. Whistler suddenly felt very awkward and out of place. He removed his hat and wrung it between his fingers. "I, um just wanted to say, sorry about yesterday. And the breakfast is compliments of Sarah. She says she is sorry too. I thin we were all overtired. Now, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing." He turns to leave.
  16. Whistler nods, then realizes what he just heard. " What do you mean you gave them breakfast? Did you try to poison them?" She looked insulted. "No! I never poison food. It's a waste." Whistler gets up. Nevertheless, I am going to check on them. He limps over to the store. and knocks on the door.
  17. Whistler looked up life debts in all the books, and found no trace of any beings, trickster or otherwise, binding itself to someone for saving it. Suspicious, but whatever. He heard a sound, and spun with his sawwed off already in hand. It turned out to be Sarah. "Confound it girl! You startled me!" She smiled. "I left the hunter kids breakfast. They'll come around eventually." Whistler look at her. "I find no record of anything swearing life debts. What are you up to?" Sarah sits down on a chair, brushing her honey colored hair out of her eyes. "Up to? I am repaying the debt I feel personally I owe you. That's all."
  18. Whistler prepared himself for the day, rubbing copious amounts of A535 onto his back. He took some asprin, and put on clean clothes, unlocked his farm and opening the doors wide to get the early morning breeze. He went to the library and started brushing up on his lore.
  19. Whistler ate his food, which was amazing, and found the purple eyed girl in the kitchen. "Good morning, sir!" She smiled at him. It then hit him that she was the trickster. "You're... Sarah, right? The trickster?" She nods. "That's right! Now I am going over to leave breakfast for the others at that store. I will be back soon!" She dumps a whole bag of sugar down her throat to teleport there and back, and with a flick of her wrist, she teleports into Jim's place, sneaks around leaving everyone breakfast, and teleports back. "There! That ought to brighten their morning, hmm?"
  20. Whistler slept until late the next morning. When he woke, he felt in a lot of pain, and incredibly confused as to why there would be a tray of breakfast on his bed, and a beautiful looking lady with purple eyes would be sneaking out of the room.
  21. Whistler walked back to the farm, went inside, and locked the door. He glared at Sarah, who was reclining in an armchair. "I hope you're happy. They won't even talk to me now." He sadly went upstairs to bed.
  22. Whistler hears pink cardigan, and turns around. "I have a Niece, and I had a child at one point. No more. All gone. except for my niece in Utah, I got no one. As for childeren's tantrums, not all children have the power to create and destroy what they want, cardigan! Now, if that is ALL!"
  23. "She is what she is, but a ghost is a ghost, and a person is a person. All can prove themselves. And I am inclined to believe both of you. She probably intend to be peaceful, then you were suspicious and mean. She is an overgrown child. Childern throw tantrums. I remember you lot not being trusting of me. I give you food, hot showers, offer clean clothes, beds, and help kill a Wendigo, and you act like I am some dangerous man. Fine. By all means, leave in the morning, and ignore me. I have a library of texts, and I have ammo and an armory. Now I got a trickster I gotta teach to behave like an adult. Good evening, and good bye." At this he resumes limping back to the farmhouse.
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