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Everything posted by Hickory

  1. There is only one reason for missing meshes: incorrect installation. And your load order needs sorting with BOSS. You have your Bashed Patch before Better Cities plugins.
  2. Go to your (Steam) Oblivion installation folder and copy binkw32.dll, then paste it into your \Windows\System32\ folder.
  3. I agree it's worse than ever at this stage -- can't even stay logged in to the various file sites -- but I'm content(?) to wait it out until an official announcement, especially if that announcement is good news.
  4. Read the news articles. All sites are being switched over to the new server cluster, and there has been down time and disruption.
  5. Well of course it makes a difference! You cannot mix and match different versions and expect them to work without issues. :facepalm: Download BC from the Nexus, and download the patches from the Nexus, too. If you read the description page of BC it states: "Main Files are REQUIRED! That means that you need to download them all! Updates are REQUIRED! That means that you need to download them all!"
  6. You need to run BOSS to sort your load order, and then rebuild your Bashed Patch -- you have a delinquent master.
  7. All of Unique Landscapes are compatible with BC. Some may need patches, but they are freely available. I don't have Oblivion installed currently, but when I did I ran every single UL with BC without issue. That is not your problem. I previously suggested you get rid of QTP and OBGE while troubleshooting. What is the situation there? You only say that you got rid of Streamline -- is it still uninstalled, or have you restored it?
  8. It would be nice if you said how, and if the advice given helped or not.
  9. That's your problem. With only 256MB of VRAM Oblivion is always going to struggle graphically. You definitely need to reduce your graphic settings, and lower the screen resolution, too.
  10. This is a mod installation issue. Exclamation marks for meshes tell you that the expected mesh is missing. That's all there is to it.
  11. 'All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp' is a filter mod, and doesn't show green like pure mergable mods. Activate it before building your patch, and you will get a confirmation from WB about disabling it. Agree to disable it -- it MUST be disabled -- and carry on building the patch. Everything will be taken care of by WB.
  12. The first thing you should do is to get rid of QTP, OBGE and Streamline while troubleshooting. Install weOCPS and Fast Exit. Then rebuild your Bashed Patch, and do not use any of the BP tweaks (while troubleshooting).
  13. Bumping threads will get you nowhere. Do not use Nexus Mod Manager with Oblivion. I can't suggest anything else, because I didn't understand your original post.
  14. You need to learn how to install mods, and do not use NMM with Oblivion.
  15. Nexus Mod Manager is not Oblivion Mod Manager, and is not recommended for Oblivion mods at all -- it doesn't know how to install complex Oblivion mods. Use Oblivion Mod Manager, or better still, Wrye Bash.
  16. Are you using your monitor's native resolution in-game? If not, do so. If that doesn't help, lower the resolution. The fact that VSync is causing this says that your graphics card is struggling to keep up.
  17. If you have a custom race, you need to install the custom race fix, otherwise Velen Dreth will not recognise your race and refuse to speak -- that's what kicks the tutorial quest into action.
  18. A lot of people have had trouble with the latest nVidia drivers. Roll back to an older one. I am currently using 314.22.
  19. This sounds like you uninstalled the plug-ins at some point, and saved the game without them installed, or you have loaded a save from a point prior to installing the plug-ins. This, of course, will re-initialise them afresh, even though you may have completed them with that character.
  20. There was a tendency for new installations of Oblivion to abort because the installer failed to create the necessary files and folders in Documents. Open Windows Explorer at \My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\. There should be and 'oblivion.ini' file and a 'Saves' folder. If they are not there, create the Saves folder manually, then go to your installation folder and copy Oblivion_default.ini. Paste that file into your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ folder and rename it to Oblivion.ini, then restart the game from the OblivionLauncher.exe (important!) to set your hardware in the ini file.
  21. Ok, I am still confused. I assume that English is not your first language, so I will take a guess at what I *think* you are saying: Nexus Mod Manager is a mod installer. The data files needed for the game to work, and for your mod to work, do not go into the Nexus Mod Manager folder. The Nexus Mod Manager folder is for placing completed mods (archives etc.), so that they can be categorised easily and installed easily. The Oblivion Data folder is where all of the files for your mod that you are working on, and those you have installed, go. Place all of your mesh and textures folders into the Oblivion\Data\ folder. This is where the Construction Set will save your mod .esp to.
  22. Then I think I misunderstood your question. Can you clarify exactly what the problem is? You talk about data 'files' and having two? Remember a 'file' is not a 'folder', and a 'folder' is not a 'file'.
  23. The red icon was denoting that something was missing. You solved your issue, yes.
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